
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 BROKEN MEN ARE CLEVERLY MENDED BY ARMY DOCTORS IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT The Weather Disturbance and its Results in Jamaica Missing Faces Built up Again from Small bits Remaining In one Case Work was Started when only Single Eye Showed where the face was GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE Carefully Tested ellte Shur Properly Fitted none should The Scadron Optical Co.
NEW YORK PANAMA CITY 23 Central Avenue COLON 44 Front Street PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 530, us, and it seuta lover hurricane teeth, Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE stage late New York despatch dated July 30th, which appeared in a recent issue of the Jamaica Gleaner, is responsible for the follow ing Mim Eve Hammond of the American forehead. We made him a nere to fit hira Red Crose, who returned yesterday from Prom the place where his nose had joined Europe after bearly five years service to his forehead there bung a little whiep with the allied farmies, and who wears of skin. This was pulled down, stretched decorations of the British and Prench every day, and kept dry and bealthy by Governments, told of the wonderful re en antiseptic powder. Pinally it grew to sults achieved in reconstructive surgery the correct length for a nose. Then we by the surgeons of the American and opened his wrist and grafted a piece of allied armies. Miss Hammond, whose bone to the place wbere hie home is in San Francisco, was attached have been, binding arm and face together to the staff of the American Red Crome until the operation was completed. Then Heptal in Neuilly, France, we adjusted the skin, filled out with It is surprising how many things healthy fiesh, and there was a new nore!
can be done to man by shell and Easy to give Man new Face.
leave him still living, Miss Hammond said, And the things that can be done man whose face had been hanging to make it worth while for him to go down from below his eyes, Miss Hamon living are even more surprising: they mond says, was a simple case. His face were surprising to us to whom they was sewn back in place.
were an ewry day matter, and to the met him on the street in Paris.
uninitiated they were revelation she says, just two days before sailed. Dental surgery is one profession that and his face looked just as usual, except has gone ahead from the impetus of the for a slight scar which ran along under war in leaps and bounds. The marvels his eyes and across his nose.
In time it that the doctors of dentistry performed will almost disappear. man who had wore not entirely unknown before the been the victim of a freak shell which had war, but they were in the theorical ripped out every one of this leaving There was no chance to put him otherwise unharmed, was supplied these theories into practice, except in with new gums and a complete set of upwidely isolated cases. The war proved per and lower false teeth. have even that those theories were sound and prac seen a man with his brain buiging ticable; it afforded them a means of down over his eve from a jagged cut development. There is nothing impossi in his skull. The brain has been careble in dental surgery now.
fully pressed back in place, the head fitted with plate.
This operaton have seen men come into that leaves the patient perfectly normal so hospital of ours with bloody blurs where are far as his mental condition is concerned, their faces had been. Fed through tubes He is unable to and kept alive, have seen their re in the hot sun, as strong heat affects him, about much maining bits of skin stretched over the and he cannot drink because it irritates raw places, which filled with new Mesh the brain, under careful treatment, and finally they have gone out into the world with new Sometimes, Miss Hammond said, a patient would be brought into the hos There was one man remember, Dital with his leg emashed to pieces. In who came in to us with his entire face every effort was made to save the injured stead of making a hurried amputation, Kone nothing left but one eye, fed him through a tube built halimb. It was put into a frame, and in a metal jaw fitted with teeth, and made short time the smashed bones would take him look like a human being sain, position, knit, and begin to grow tonostrils. We found him a false nose gradually work their way out of the leg except that he had no nose only two gether, while the splintered bits would with a pair of through the desh spectacles attaehed hiding the scarred flesh around his missing eye, Miss Hammond wears three decoraand making him look so much like other tions. One is the star of Mons, the gift men that one would not havo glanced of the English Government in recogniat him a second time to note bis defortion of her splendid work among the mity British wounded; another the Medaille Another man came to us with the Epidemio, presented to her by the greater part of his face intact, but with French Government for her efficient care no nose. It had been shot off completely, of its wounded, and the other is the leaving his flesh fat from chin to Croix de Guerre, with a palin.
Morning onts, Frock Coats and Dress Coats SPECIALTY LADIES SKIRTS COATS metal is, however, go 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
lesin day.
Effects of Herricane Which that the danger was passed.
Passed the Island BeEvery one was glad to hear the good news.
tween Saturday and From Harker Hall Sunday Harker Hall, August 11. On DAMAGE NOT HEAVY Saturday there were stormy winds ompanie! by rain, but no da. age was die to cultiva Heavy Downpour of Rain, tion.
High Winds, Thunder Squalls at Flowship and Lightning Port Antonio Aug. 11 sevy Reported ere squall lasting for utes was experianced at Flowship on Saturday at 45 pin Port Antonio, Aug. 10. At a Many Banana Trees have been moment yesterday afternoon blown down. The news of hur.
when much concern was being ricane disturbances in the vieinshown in regard to the warning ity of Jamaien caused min of the approach of a hurricane, xiety among the planters of that and anxi ty and restlessness district.
were provoked by the threaten and kloomy outlook of Banana Trees Blown Cown weather and choppy seas, a sul den violent breeze sprung up a number of bananas were knockWe understand that qui swept over the town at about ed down on Saturday evening Din, travelling in a north westerly direction. All at once and aguin yesterday by the it seemed as if a hurricane was heavy gusts of wind whit blew the island as a result of the again upon us, and it shudder of fear throughout many an passing xious ainds. strong down between thirty and fifty thousIt is roughly estimated that pour of rain, however, seemed to have saved the situation a bit down by the breeze in Portland, and stems of bananas were blown for the intensity of the wind was St. Mary, St. Thomas and the seon broken and in a few mo merts it became calm once more other northside parishes, The rain kept on intermittently At Golden Grove and during the night it poured in torrents Golden Grove, August 11. So far as is knwn, no darage There has been co damage here.
to houses was caused, except Banana trees have fallen by for the removal of few bits of hundreds since Saturlar. The shingles from the roof of houses states of Golden Grove and here and there, but it is believed Wheelertield lost 1500 on Satur wa that the frail banana has again suffered to some extent, though At Port Antonio not in very alarming proportions.
The several estates of the Unit Port Antonio, Aug. 11 Weaed Fruit Company were busy to ther conditions here are still unday estimating and reporting on settled, and heavy blowing aetheir losses.
companied by violent showers of rain are of frequent occurence Thunder Storm and Light since last Saturday. There is no known damage to report except ning.
for the destruction of a smail Port Moran, Saturday. Pre.
number of fruit trees.
mendous thunder storins and From Port Maria lightning prevailed bere yesterday morning fer several hours, Port Maria, Aug 11. Great also rain nearly all day. The at surprise and alarm were experimosphere which was extremely enced here on Saturday evening dense and hot was relieved, the last by the bigh winds blowing.
pight was much cooler. To day clouds gathering, and rain falling is again very hot. The signs of the fore runners of our August the weather are not at all en hurricanes The town folks did couraging their usual battening down to their windows etc. The wharf High Winds at Guy Hill owners and custoins hauled up Guy Hill, August 10. Yes their boats to places of safety.
terday, about 30 in. excite and all precautions were taken.
ment ran high here when a tele. The sea began to be boisterous Bram was received at the post a id whalers were dragging their office that a storm was expected, anchors. Sloops in harbour that weather Sav warning will be were put to sale anchorage by sent on Sunday morning between Captains to meet the occasion. and in the morning, and that Luckily the blowing wil not last clerks must be at hand to receive longer than 15 sky same. suddenly became damage was done to houses here, minutes and no black with clouds. and as far as have heard there winds blowing east north east have heard the properties, rain accompanied with very high has been no injury to any person.
Pell and at times the winds seemseem Frontier, ed to whirl round. This lasted Hill, and Llan for a about half an hour, and then hity, Brimmer Wentworth rumney, suffered in the th up, then started again with losses of bananas, coconuts, ete.
greater puffs for a few minutes, Very many of the small men then ceased. This state of wea have suffered likewise, in prother went on till sometime in the night. This morning broke the weather was norinal. Before cloudy, but by 11 clock all was toleg raphing the wind had calm and clear, and at the time sprung up again and blew very of writing (2. 30 it was hard, but no damages to proper.
bright sunshine. To day tele ties have been reported; The gram at the post office showed weather is still unsettled.
United States Pharmacy Try a Bottle To day of the Wonderful Fleshhealing, Penetrating FOUR FOLD LINIMENT Guarantecd to Cure Rheumatism, Sore Throat and Chest, Lameback, Lumbago, Grippe, Headache, Toothache, etc.
Equally as Good for Animals We have marvelous letters from men and women all over the country testifying to the cures made by using FOUR FOLD LINIMENT. Buy a bottle to day. 30c, 20c; and 20. Better than doctors or anything you can use.
Panama, P: LOPEZ, Proprietor.
The have Central Drug Store shower of lain FOUNDED IN 1881 held Weight in Gold THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANMA CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
Just in Stock a large Assortment of Brook Powdered Barley SMALL AND LARGE TINS BROOK GROAT Specially recommended for children and persons Convalessing. Grnd Sacred Concert. District Grand Lodge Session.
Under the Auspices of the Pa.
raiso Choral Union will be given on September 14th 1919 3. 30 o. of In the Paraiso Club House a fine selection of Duets, Solos, Colon, of Pa. Anthems, Dialogues, Recitations, The Ninth Annual Session of will be rendered. hearty wel. the District Grand Lodge of come is extended to all. Come and Panama, No. 40. Grand United a pleasant evening Order of Oddfellows working under the jurisdiction of the SubDaddy to young son. You are the Committee of Management dullest boy ve ever known, you can (America) will meet on the first get any thing into your brain, Sonny replies. Well Dad, it aint so Monday of September at the easy for me to get any thing into my Three Sisters Lodge Hall, No.
head, as it is for you You haven 50 Street, Colon for the purone hair on your head, you know. pose of holding the Annual meet infhe members and Delegates from the City of Panama will leave on the first train for Colon, in order that we may commence My dear Sir, you nave some pills precisely at 10 a.
here by the name of De Witt, dem worth dem weight in gold! shouted At o clock the members out a very tall man as he came up to of Three Sisters and Tropical the doors of the City Fharmacy. Gem Lodges including the female ve just called to let you know branch of the Order Viz. the the wonders De Witt pills have Household of Ruth, will join in a to thank you. procession with the District Inquiry soon disclosed this person Grand and Delegates to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails headed by a and o from St. Kitts, where he was born National Baptist Church, situatmusic to the 1841, over 18 years ago. For quite ed in seventh Street between numbee of years he took up the dent. and Streets where the Rev.
lives on Calidonis Road. Hobson Pastor of the Our grateful informant further gave Church will preach the Annual out that for many years up to the Sermon.
time of his cure, he suffered from sundry ailments and severe pains over We shall then proceed to the his body. The terrific pains in the Lodge Hall. get refreshed and urinary organs, at times unbearable. proceed to business.
Sediments in urine over an inch thick, but due to the magic cure of this Chairman of committee on ar time is anticipated. The he was completely rid of his rangements and his associates troubles.
Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps are very busy in making the did, but neglect to seize the golden necessary preparations for the opportunity to be cured.
comfort of all concerned.
It is true to day as ever, Delay is the wonderful curing power of this remeds British Consulate Notices will pay DeWitt Pills are sold, In two sizes at all first class Drug Stores. Some sell Imitations The British Consulate would be DeWitt a Co. Ltd. London on each glad of any information regardbottle and Gity Pharmacy on each direction sheet.
ing William Goring, a native of THE CITY PHARMACY, Brrbados, who came here in 1907, 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama. Panama Railroad Company, and is said to have worked for the Agents for Republic of Panama was last heard of in 1913, when and Canal Zone. his address was: Ancon Officers MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 OpposIte La Merced Church Panama.
Palmer Restaurant SANTA ANA PLAZA JUST OPENED The Chemical Hall (ADJOINING AL PLACE) good.
med 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
BROWNE McALMON, Prop Army and Navy Headquarters large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS which you are cautioned to refuse.
Prescriptions carefully compounded BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Druggit Phone 939 SPECIAL SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT


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