
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 PAGE SEVEN. The Open Forum :et male care vos proponible for opinion expresand in this columnas. SQUARE DEAL IS WHAT YOU GET, WHEN YOU BUY FINE TIME CIGARETTES as good as the best and COST considerably LESS vessels.
provid en the 150. Gold to give ty in making his returns Attention! Interest. personate Negroes voice while their own the same brother, but also those ime important duties COSSOS Foe lost 490 Warships.
NEARLY 200 WERE BOATS the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents ACCORDING TO BERLIN PAPER.
Germany lost 490 war craft during the war, a cording to an article in the Vossische Zeitung oº Profiteering! Would ples set forth by his Creator, the worlad Berlin, quoted in an official rewould be Broport received at Washington.
Ye Now? thren, count it all joy wheu you fall into Nearly 200 of the vessels were divers temptations; keowing this, that boats, 82 of these craft being the trying of your faith worketh patience sunk in the North Sea or Atlanwhose pillars are charity, merey and justic and 72 off the coast of FlanSir: Here is a matter that tice, the foundation of which is in the ders. Other naval loses were should afford food for reflexion breast of every one. Should assailants battleship, battle cruiser. and give someone a good oppor over attempt your bonour, interest, or armoured cruisers, modern lunit, of doing a real service to happiness, remember; also at the same and 10 older he or towns folk of Panamasmaller visers.
time, you have the counsel and support gun boats, river gunboats, 49 natives as well as aliens. of your brethren, whose combining vir destroyers, 20 large and 41 small 1st. It is a well known fact that Justice. Fortitude and Merey, will leap tues of Faith, hope, and charity, with They are anyone residing on this side of from their scabbards in defence of your torpedo boats, 28 mine sweepers, auxiliary cruisers and 199 the Zone boundary, apart from the trawlers and other auxiliary emplovees, is denied the right to him the truth; if be be calumniated, via to just rights. If a man be deceived, tell narchuse anything, whatsoever diente his cause, for, although in some The number of men of the from 11 naval forces killed according to the Panama Canal and Paman instances, he may have erred, still recolCommissaries, should never the newspaper was 29, 685.
except in case me special enact destroy humanity in you.
for Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at When we take a survey of nature, we MY BOY ment, whereas residents on Zone, both civil and military, are view man. It might have pleased the He is only little feller.
to be seen in fair numbers wend the Great Creator of heaven and earth to There a lot that he doesn know.
ing their way to the market bave made man independent of all other But his laugh it is sweet and meller.
places of Panama to do their beings; but, as dependence is one of the And his soul is as white as snow.
marketing daily, although ample strongest bonds of society, mankind were There isn so much in his noddle, provision is made for them by the made dependent on each other for proAnd instinct is all that he got.
Supply Department.
tection and active life, the noblest part He is beginnin to toddle of the work of God.
PER PACKAGE And olimb up the old what not.
2nd. The consequent increase He is jnst beginning to wonder, in consumption that is bourne on But, man has recognised not, the What this world is, and why.
the not over abundant supply of promptitude and orders of his Superior; He is just beginning to ponder, He is just beginnin to try.
food necessities available to the be strayed from punctuality and correctTo solve this here thing called exisbona fide inhabitants of this city bear in the recording of proceedings: leurs besoins quotidien has judgment in discriminating between what done nothing better than to give in proper and what is improper; regulariWhite Criminals Im To measure the journey ahead.
And wonder how he ll make the distance.
another the upward moty in Integrity in ac.
That all of his forebears have tread.
tion of the already unbearable counting and fidelity in the discharging high cost of living for us, whose of his duties, hence came the band writ You talk of the joy and the ages, In connection with the recent The greatest in all of life pages, The happiness that is supreme purses are so slender compared ing on the wall, also the great confliet of with those of the white popula. the world war; man sinned against his WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
race riots at Chicago, The pleasure that seems like a tion of our neighbor, the Canal neighbour, and lost that genuine oil of the following startling revela. It comes when his soft little paddle dream Zone, and is therefore, a condi Brothorly Love, Friendship and Peace.
GRAVES JOHNSON tion that requires immediate at In conclusion Brethren, it is to remind tions were disclosed, and appear.
Seeks this time. worn face and a tention you that humility, love, and benovolence ed in the Chicayo Freeman. That is new and untried, murmurs: Of course the fact that the are refulgent rays that emanate from the Our Business John Shillady. Secretary Daddy.
of the National Association for For happiness; that is my choice.
Zoneites having become buyers pure and undefiled religion of the blessed here of the commodities that Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace, and We sell Gasoline, Oils, Repair parts and the Advancement of Colored Peo. He doesn know much, but he learnconstitute the necessaries of life which should even characterize the memAccessories.
ple, to day issued a statement ing: He knows not the right from the to the extent of creating a hand. bers of all Unions; it is not only to reand obedience charging that crimes charged to wrong icip for the poor folks of this mind you of the respect and Our Policy Negroes were frequently com But his wee little brain is a yearning.
leaving you have a right to expect from your mitted hy white men who had To grasp the portent of life song.
source of supply of the blacked their faces. wish could keep him a baby, The policy of the house is to treat its alone, does not justify the world. May peace and charity link us which you owe to them and to the kind This atom of humanity.
us tocustomers right. recent case, said Mr. He doesn mean much to you, maybe suggestion that they should be our Rether, in pleasing Union, for blest is Shillady statement. is that of But he world and heaven to me.
required to keep away from our Our Aim Luther Wilson, a white man of. Exchange)
markets, because after all it is the man whase softening heart, feels ail Lacoochee, Florida, charged with really up to Panama to increase another pain; to whom the supplicating To please all and displease rone.
attempted criminal assault upon PLANT TO MANUFACTits output of such commodities Eye is never turned in vain.
a white relative by marriage so as to meet the expanded de Thanking you for space granted Our Hope while she was on her way to URE BAMBOO PAPER mand for them, caused by the Yours in the bond of Union for 100 school That our friends will remember that we are Wilson who had blackticipation on the purchasing side LOBBAN ened his face, was recognized Says the London Times: ever eager to see and to serve them.
by these people, but, may ask, nized by what about the forcing op of the girl. He escaped after having Plans for the erection of a plant of 2151 been arrested, and shot Deputy in Trinidad for the manufacture prices by the local dealers. who are taking advantage of the sit The Tagged Jitneys.
Sherid Wilcox of Sorrent. Of bamboo paper pulp have been DROP IN AND SAY HELLOJ!
uation for their benefit only, to a This is only one of the num completed. The machinery, has pitch that only those with lat Corner Street Ancon Avenue.
ber of such cases reported to the been ordered from the United Ancon Aug. 25 1919 National Association for the ad. States of America. The shortage purses can obtain what they need Sir: Please give me space in your and leave so many of us in the vancement of Colored People.
PHONE 85 has caused a Scottish unen viable position of the fox valued Journal for the following: publishing house, in order to and the grapes?
make sure of its futnre The attention of the West Indian Notice It is obvious that there exists Colony in Panama and La Boca is called turn its attention to Tplies, a condition against which we to the matter herein embodied, with the of land with bamboos, in addition should be accorded protection in suggestion that immediate and concerted the same spirit, if not manner, action be taken.
The undersigned begs to state to securing a concession to that those who sit in the High There are certain jitneys plying the that he is not in the employ of cut bamboos on Crown Lands in any Government Corporation or the island. In due course paper Places in the United States and streets of Panama and La Boca, bearing Europe are so earnestly striving the sign Cia Servicio Publico. few increases one interest in Company other than that of the pulp will be manufactured from to secure for their peoples just of these jitneye, however, are tagged United Fruit Company for whom the bamboo.
he is contracting and employing now.
with an additional card board placard, which reads as follow PHOTOGRAPHY men for work on their farms JOTTING Yours very truly. Silver Employees between La Boen Bocas del Toro. All the men so He. Now Darling. what shall we drink engaged by him are sent to Bo she wall that all depends. Champagne or Lemonade?
and Celidonia, cas direct and no other place.
The use and poliey of this term silHe. Depends. Depends on what. ver Employees has CALL IN AT THE bas about resobed the (Signed) F. COMBS. She Depends on who pays you or I!
setne of tolerance on the Zone, where it PEACE OF MIND. is intolerated only on account of NOORtrollable circumstances, but any attempt United Brotherhood Directory omuro to introduce the use and policy of the Dear Sir: Kindly permit me space in term beyond the precincts of the Zone, 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 the columns of your paper to elucidate should be considered detrimental to our industrial and social equilibrium, and conthe above.
Panama Star Lodge No. 2141, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, Referring to the words as noted in the sequently must meet with drastie opposiAnd you are sure to be interested in having Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; WilGeo. Henlin, Secretary Treasurer.
Workman of August 16th inst. Whention at the hands of the Colored Colony liams. Secretary Treasurer.
your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor city there is no peace of mind there can be no resident in Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, This line jitneys must be boycotted, Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso.
Panama City, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, SecretaryC. MCKENZIE from the lips of America great Demo until such poliey is changed. Medo Shield Seeretary Treasurer.
while, the Company should be advised President.
crat, President Wilson. LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
The question arises, what is Pence? Ito adopt the policy followed by the Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, Secretaryand the answer is the integrity of Truth. Panama Electrie Company, who exhibits fair ount of indi crimination in its Secretary Treasurer.
Peace is that united concentration of Printing, Developing and thoughts amalgamated with faith, hope public service, and which for the past Enlarging Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun. Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa.
and charity that is displayed in friend six years has proved quite satisfatary to the community.
ship, love and truth.
tary Treasurer.
Any Company, Corporation, Firm or SPECIAL FEATURE beck, Secretary Treasurer.
When pense of faith responds to wis Enterprise who evinces any such disoriSuecese Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
dom, and strength yields to hope, then mination in their poliey should be Rayside, President; Bracey, SecreLiberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank.
comes the beauty of your thoughts, handed the same deal. Nothing but tary Treasurer. Parchment, President; Bancharity In your ith, there comes the genuine will be accepted by us as Vietor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Pananister, Secretary Treasurer.
friend, and in your hope, there is love; negroes here today, and counterfeit or WANTED Dr. JOHNSON na City. Collins, Presldent; Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire, and the whole put together charity cher en mouflage, whenever detected, shall be Saunders, Secretary Treasurer.
Wm, Stoute, President; Headley; ishes the living principles which, are the tagged, consigned to the Black List, SURGEON DENTIST uprightness of Truth, Integrity. and disposed of in a manner most To purchase at once 300 Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama Secretary Treasurer.
When the integrity of peace is main radieal.
second hand Folding Chairs, Phone 1003 Address Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama tained, and the prineiples of goot (s: d)
Yours Truly in good condition; similar to Day, Secretary Treasurer. Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, is extended to your brethren or bromers, WEST INDIAN. those used in Theatres and Ancon, 852 Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
that man or brother can safely say, (Continued on Puge ama City. Humphrey, President; Lodge Halls. Will not conHoward Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon.
have done my duty to man and to Manley, Secretary Treasurer. Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
Creator, the Universe Artificer; in consider quotations on lots less Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paesma junetion with the Great Emmanuel FITZ BOWEN City. Headley, President.
Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf.
he said My peace bring, may remoden The Workman than ten.
Apply to Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Secregive, and my peace leave with you.
FOR JAMES VANTERPOOL, 28 November Street, San Miguel Scott, President; G, Patterson, THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
tary Treasurer.
If man would allow his reasoning Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon.
thought (mind) to concentrate upon his Colon Advance (New Lodge) Color House 20.
pledges, his obligations and the print Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
of paper Good Picture at Scranton Photo Studio amount to my when Rubber Stamps Gatun Locks, Gatun

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