p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919, immense The MARIE WALCAMPS Wife He Bought The Red Glove procession to and ade THE RED GLOVE Tuns on ation of time a and all Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacifie Steam Navigation Co.
The negro do ampi like himbentheir presidente Brother panelor de ness.
05 ORGANIZATION United Brotherhood PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL IS FAILURE. Cotinued from page 1)
Surrey Defeats Vincentians PANAMA COLON if not Built on Christian discuss and transact business of Last Sunday, before an vital impor ince and our meet SATURDAY, AUGUST 30.
Er wd, Surrey defeated Vincentians in a ings are a narked exan ple of Mensational game of Cricket at Bishop unity and Hogress in the way Hollow. Winning the tow, Surrey de (BY BROWN, the memb is have turned out to cided to hat, and were all dissed for Since the termination of the looked after the newly elected have their business and welfare the meagre secre of 40 runs first IN OF THOUSAND world war, there exists a great President MRC Austin who pair of batsmen for Surrey were Moore and Tudor, and these two men SURPRISES stir among the negroes of the has been unimously placed present age, in forming an or in the Presideitial took the score to 26 before either of ganization which predicts the the Lodge to sw y the gavel of capacity of them was dismissed; but after Moore was 16 future betterment of the Negro Justice and equi y in the prorun out, it was only SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st, TUESDAY, JSEPfrom the wicket, Brown and Samuels race. It seems as if the day is gress of his ra and fellowTEMBER 2nd, AND THURSDAY 4th now dawning when the negroes Negro Countrymon being well nigh unplayable. Brown capof the civilized world are realiz the occasion with praise.
rising to tured wickets for 11 runs and Samuels 11th and 12th Episodes for 14. After the usual recess VicenThe Continuation of ing the importance of joining We have made over 50 memthemselves together in one big tisns went to the bat and could only put together 31 runs Not one man among SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st 13th and 14th.
Association with the name of Ubers this week whi BM. Our us about 90 or! 12 d; well them reached double figures, the bowling Our done Red Tank! Bitbit will TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd 15th and 16th of Surrey been so much sting.
predecessors had longed to a nego union of this kind but after our Olympic pression on see the 10 of slacker do or say mund Holder captured wickets for 11 THURSDAY 4th 17th and 18th For Surrey, Moore and never saw it. Fellow negroes it Labour Day Septem The Tudor made 14 each, and were the only is true that we are organizing, slacker that will not stand 300360 oosoo but how? How long will it last! think is not physically dead double figure scores of the match. What Is our Union genuine, one built but beats one is that the ground was dry on the principles built but mentally Look out Liber.
of the wicket semed perfect, and yet the genuine, ty ty Lodge No. 2512 may been batsmen failed to score. At one stage Roderick Murray Notice.
Lodge Notice. christian brotherly love with Jesus Christ as dies at Bocas.
with but we are sure to beat many on the Grear that Red Letter day, so fellow of the game, it really seemed as if Surrey Leader and Organizer? If not, Countrymen let make history was in for another defeat, but the good We regret to record the sad bowling of Edmund averted it, Guiding Star No. 2322 of the Ancient orxanization is a failure if not for our race, it it has not been news of the death of Mr. RoderThe West Indian woman who built Christian Love. We have started lets get started from 1st Britannics Defeats La Boca ick Murray at Bocas, which lost 20 about weeks Order of Druids, weich formerly work had the exa the example of organization Sptember rain or shine, and took on the 20th inst, after a short ago in the Herrera Store ed at Druid Grove 20th Street Central, in the past, both Christian aid in ough all the changing san Britannica journeyed over to La Boca illness. Mr. Murray was a very near the market, is requested to bus removed to the Oddfellows Hall Social failed, simply because of and defeated the home team inst Sunday prominent figure in Wesley call in at that store and receive 21st Street Central Love was sot the foundati will be leading on.
the United Brotherhout Meeting nights Love in a well contisted game. Batting first Mission work at Bocas, He wis saine which was found under Second Mondap and Jourth Saturday Evening after evening larse Britannics made a score of 94 runs. Local Preacher, Superinten neath the counter a few days Then after this big demonstrameetings are being held hun tion we shall all only know tile in each month.
Goring wade 38, Croney 14 and dant of the Sunday School, and after dreds of members are being en traitors of our Race, shall But 16. La Boca replied with a score Treasurer of both Church and HERRERA EIMA RAUNDERS, rolled, noble addresses given, know that the only impediment of 77, Eastmond 11: Sealy 12 and Sunday School, which vositions all join heartily in a laugh, of our cause is our own racs.
Near the Public Market.
Skipper Merritt 31 not out. The game he held for many years with Secretary clapping, saying, hear hear is was well contested and at one time it satisfaction to all and credit to that all, not really realizing what seemed to be any body game; Britan himself consecientious work.
you are doing. Your heart still Ancon Lodge No. 2516 mies want to exercise more care in their er in the Church it will inded be black with envy, hatred and malice toward Our regular meeting took playing, as their fans are getting des hard to fill his place.
pondent over them. Last Sunday the Mr. Murray was a tailor by your brother We complain that we are hated August 1919 at San Miguel Lodge nigbt 22nd third wicket fell when the score board trade and pursued his calling at and disliked, by the white people Hul The meeting was called registered 74 and yet the entire team Bocas. Just recently he became but we are the cause of same worder at p. and after the could only put up 93. Surely some Agent for the Workman News.
thing is wronk The same thing hap paper which was making rapid. but employs himself pened the previous Sunday with them, progress at Bocas.
carrying wicked tales from his clared the house open for busiHe leaves a sister in Panama negro brother to the white man dates ready to take their obligaand caused them to lose their match First there were 25 candiagainst Jamaica city Mrs. Saunders by name who FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE and then glories in his downfall.
is requested to call at the resiPacific All Jamaica Defeats The obligation ceremony It we expect to achieve our aim was perform by President ELLERDALE dence, of Mr. August Farrier Atlantic All Jamaica.
these wicked practices must be Brother Collins of the Sreet, House 38, upstairs.
abandoned. Jamaicans must no Collins Local and Vice President will leave Cristobal, at end of August for Victor The Jamaica from the Atlantic end journeyed over to Panams last SunHAVRE AND LONDON more say they have no use for Brother Nathaniel of the Ancon day and met defeat at the hands of the Resolution of Condolence.
Barbadians, and Barbadians the Local. After this the minutes of Jamaicans, etc. We boys from the Pacific end. Batting JAMAICA all of last first the Pacific boys made 119. Drys Whereas it has pleased Alnegro race and inust bear each provedmenting ware read, av of will leave CRISTOBAL at a. and BALBOA at Noon others burdens, stand by each were contirmed. There dalo 10, Reid 15, Morrison 34, Barnet mighty God in His All Seeing were also CO: other die for our brother, be ready the Grand President and SeoMONDAY, 1st SEPTEMBER 1919 for con munications from 19 not out and Cain 10. The Atlantic Wisdom to remove from our to help a brother or sister in dis retary Treasurer.
boys when they time came to knock midst Bro. Arnold Green, and Buenaventura and Tumaco tress. No more must the negro Whereas by the death of the Brother Collins has given this could only put up 67, out of which Mr MANAVI Extra was the only man with a double said Brother, this Lodge loser man marry a white woman, nor Local a very instructive address, will leave Cristobal, a. and Balboa, noon, Tuesday 2nd the negro woman be seen living he also imparted to us the parade figure score. is the third time one of its most devoted members September, 1919, for Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia. keep how bave met, and the and two teams Pacific boys who suffered defeat twice at Whereas we are consoled by Manta and Guayaquil to your race, link together, pull mottoes so as to not provoke to gether, do not stand still and the authorities Other business the hands of the Atlantic has at last the fact that He doeth all things SALVADOR see a white man wrong your of vita! importance was ditcussed deleated them, and beg to state that wisely and brotber.
will leave Cristobal at a. m, and Balboa at noon, Tnesday Therefore be it resolved, That rever Again ean an All Jamaican beim and settled. At this stage the from the Atlantio end George the Lodge No. 9th September 1919 tor Puntarenas, Corínto. Amapala If there is true brotherly love meeting was brought to a close They the 1901. in regular La Union, La Libertad, Acajutia San José de Guatemala existing in the hearts of the Ne at 11 o clock.
many Park is too good for them assembled stand adjourn: and Champerico gro race, those in authority would GEORGE WALKER, muffer deleat they are giving warned with bowed heads for a period ver defraud the funds of an ornever aner dere KASSALA Journal Agent ganimation and cause its downfall.
at once to the teams in the Gitens of three minutes; that a ing a to will sail on SUNDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 1919, for competiti a to steer clear of that cup, this resolution be Conscience would tell him that he as they have already made arrangementa lhe bereaved relatives in St HAVRE AND LONDON (Cargo only)
is harming his brother. If these Isthmus of Panama Mr. Puller to have their names Vincent; that a copy be forward, principles of Christian Love are inscribed as the winners of this seasoned to the Odd Fellows Journal ORIANA Lodge No. 2151 not practised for the upkeep of There will will be a meeting In an interview with Mr. Cain the Skip and each of the daily loeals for will leave CRISTOBAL on Satursday 6th September the organization and future bet.
per, he declared that he feels equal to publication; that a copy be incor 1919 for NEW PORT NEWS AND LIVERPOOL terment of of the Negro race, then of the above mentioned Logo the task of successfully coping will aporated in our minutes, and finalour delivery from bondage is not at St. Anthony Hall Calidonia team of All Barbados, and hopes to ly that the Dispensation be VICTORIA safe, we will be overthrown ou on Supt. 8th 1919. All members dering such a match off within the next draped in mourning for a period willen ve Cristobal on Wednesday, 10th September 1919 for our journey in the sea of despair. are requested to attend.
few weeks. Pravo! Cain, one never of 30 days from date.
Hence organization is a failure, it SHIELDS, knows what he can do unlos he tries.
NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL not built on Live. History reveals Secretary Personal a world full of trouble but never ACAJUTLA has the world been so troubled, Birth.
Open Forum Late arrivals on the Isthmus will leave Cristobal at a. and Balboa at noon, Friday so tormented as it is to day Social and political, Duits wearing a brond smile on his 29th September, 1919 for GUAYAQUIL, direct.
are Mr. and Mrs. Robinson from Mr. Holler, catechist of Continued from paae St. Paul Mission, chorrilio, is Ecuador who are on their way to nations and peoples. For Further Particularsitself seems to be at the turning face. having received in his and purch sed a block and built a build Jamaica their native land, ing for balf a million dollars and paid Apply to the Office of the Companies at point of their existence. One for it a little more than two years and His Reverence to little tos he meets CRISTOBAL as if everything is going to pieces family, a baby girl, on WednesMother and same unity of men purchased a Widows on Calidonis bridge. Good morning a One can almost feel the ruinbling day the 27th inst.
dows little girlie! and how or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, and Orphan Farm for one hundred thou which one of the Twins are you, th.
of a world wide revolution. One baby are doing well in Ancon sand dollars paid for it in about 30, PANAMA.
Hospital Little To. Answers very, gravely need not be a prophet to predict months, and give employment to more am the one walking out. plesno Mínis the approach of a universal revolution in human society. The Death.
of less two hundred persons of our race cause of the evil that threatens there.
LA humanity is the disappearance of William Cumberbatch, a mom Another instance know of in the the spirit of christianity and true of the Loyal Sojourner Lidge State of Arkansas where twenty men upbrotherly love in governments ents No. 27, o. died ited and purchased a tract of land in the and in peoples: All the evil lies yesterday at p. at the surburbs of a city and paid for it in here, here is suggested the only will take place on Sunday 31st about five years and ten years afterwards possible sold trat same tract of land for one end dod peoples hoyees ees and non. at p. m, at the Druid Hall hundred thousand dollars.
For employees, must retura to Central Avenue.
to also know of an (BRANDON BANK)
christian principles and practice Members of the sister Lodges city where about twenty men unjted and christianity and charity. Every and kind red societies are repurchased a lot paid for it and several one can see that the great war was spectfully asked to attend at the years after rold the same lot for five thousand dollars; my fellowmen these are chastisement on God for hour fixed.
getting humanity facts and not dreams. We can do wonHave Russell PANAMA (POUNDED 1808)
COLON chastised become bettet, no in.
P, Secretary, ders it we UNITE, now let u adopt as In the world is our word N T Well what lew Our large Resources and well known worst than it was before the war. women. Cling to your race and of you who have not cast in Greed, folly, pride and frivolity no other.
lot in the conservative Management afford uncharacterize all social causes.
This is your opportunity; thank come along they will accept you before they shut their doors then it will be too The rich are especially bloated God some Samuels are raised up questioned security for every dollar with revolting arrogance and to protect the rights of the new late and woe will be unto you.
pride of life and power looking groes and frankly demonstrate Thanking you Mr. Editor for am deposited with this bank.
down upon the negro as dog and that the negroes are human be always for UNITY.
monkey from a stand of great ings after all, God children, and J, FLOWERS, superiority. But strange to think demand the same treatment.
An ex Panama Canal Employee that the white man though hat In order to reach the goal ing the race yet loves the women whither we are bound, we must Lodge Notice.
General Banking Business Transacted even the last class and condes: exercise fine genuine brotherly cends to go into their slums and love one towards the other which Court Paradise No. will meet ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON huts and live with them there, but must be on Saturday 30th inst, for instructions the only cemented the negro man must be lynched if foundation of our organization All members in good standing are President.
Vice President.
seen walking or talking socially for then and only then we will be earnestly requested to attend Meeting with a white woman.
able to establish freedom, liberty nights Tuesday and Third Saturdays The only remedy for such a and true democracy for the neG. ALFRED ROUGET, diabolical practice is true love gro race in this world of woe.
Theretary among the negroes both men and August 26th 1919.
This is on our well.
the that the wickets on be Isth and copy of forwarded with are you and PANAMA BANKING COMPANY mn instance in Panama SECURITY a divine the deed.
general the your lot

    DemocracyWorld War

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