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JAMAICANS WARNED ABOUT GOING TO CUBA POLICEMEN CORRESPONDENT SENDS BRITISH MINISTER PRE NO WORK FOR COLON UNITED BROTHERHOOD SENTS CREDENTIALS LETTER TO GLEANER DEMONSTRATION AT COLON Says Immigrants Should Avoid Concise Report by Colon Travelling With Trunks Correspondent To President Porras of Shall Succeed in keeping Republic of Panama. Out Police Courts.
for ito work other the who Their were also also Were a. As weigh clal men before Rad Siinp place when Acosta a On Thursday morning last, at The order and decoram which 10. 30 a. under a police mount characterized the Demonstra ed escort and accompanied by lions of the United Brotherhood Mr. Evanor Hazera, Under Secre on Labour Day may be taken as The following letter which appeared in a recent tary of Foreign Affairs of this in index of what our behaviour lowihg detailed account of the Labor Day DemonOur Colon Correspondent has contributed the folissue of the Jamaica Gleaner should be read, Republic, and the Military At shall be at home, in the marked and inwardly digested, not only by Jamaicans tache of the British Legation, saries, the Post Office, and other stration in the Windy City. This Report was late for Jion. Percy Bennett Bri public places, in the future. We our extra edition.
but by all West Indians on the isthmus :tish Minister to to Panama, arrived succeeded in spending a day Having come across many Jailhandle as people in the baggage purpose of presenting his creden to be made from amonis, que broke forth in all its splendour, marched from the Slifer Park at at the Presidential Palace for the without allowing a single arrest Blest with sunshine that soul and well wisher Mr. Leon Gilkes, inspiring day September 1st, the procession some 5, 000 strong maican immigrants to the United room at Santiago are on the tials to Dr.
Belisario Porras, Pre ranks. We can do it again, 10 and from the early hour of 30 950 a to the strains of Over States via Havana who are alert to cheat, On entraining sident of this Republic.
stranded owing to reasons which at Santiago last week, was re. nothing succeeds like success. will mention, will you kindly quested to pay 75 cents for The British Minister was dress. To this end we have solemnly. the members of the different There. Then came the Clerks Allen Star No. 2500 with favour me with the privilege my trunk weighing about 60 lbs. Sed in Windsor uniform and pre: promised to give the Police Dept. locals of our little city. could be Local, through one of your columns of I protested and interviewed the sented quite a uniqe and imposing no to do. We realize that seen wending their way to the its beautiful tanner, which has bringing to the notice of Superintendent who o investigated personality. He won the admira it is not an easy taske; but in pro Slifer Park which was designated to be seen to be appreciated. The intending immigrants (especialiy matter and instruoted locals also carried banners those in ordinary circumstances) to refuse paying as pas metion of the Crowd by his very portion as we Render unto Cae. by our able Organizer and his would be hard to dupli striking appearance. detuch sar the things that are Caesar worthy staff as the starting point demonstration cate.
mottoes a few facts which are necessary were allowed 75 lbs Several ment of the police was drawn up and Do as we would be done of this gigantic to have in order that no un cases have occurred where these as a Guard of Honor, and the by shall we succeed in keeping By a the park was a lively, very unique and stirring pleasant inconveniences may be unnecessary amounts have been National Band under the direc out of the Police Courts. but orderly scene, the diferent appeals for better conditions. experienced here.
extracted from Jamaicans partition of Professor Galimany, playWe all know that when we call crowded by members and on, cals No. 1507 and 2508 were banners of the locals, being financially and economically. Lo Jamaicans to the United States cularly. On the saine train with led the Panama and Rritish Nar at the Post Ofice for mail, we do lookers, all praising the work of well represented, with fine ban.
was a Jamaican who said tional Anthems respectively not get our letters quicker by art arrive bere without having their hans be paid 00 for a trunk papers tixed thus entailing for less than a In thanking President Porras pushing forward those who art displayed by Messrs. Headley ners and mottoes Special 100 lbs. Suit for the reception accorded him ing tion should however be made of themselves much difficulty, ex.
stand of time spent waiting before us, and that the and Carter.
The mottoes also came in for Local No. 2515 and the Colon the Banners of Howard Severs pense and weeks of delay. Those cases which can be taken in Mr. Bennete filled compartment are the best to whose papers are Your Excellency The King. my for a letter depends upon the their share of admiration, as they Adyance No, 2517, these Banners departure have but little trouble be in possession of.
augustsovereign, being desires of rate of delivery by the postal were read by the spectators were not only very appropriate and are able to get away in or The train leaving Santiago 12. a days. It is regrettable to see arrives at Havana. a. to take in the welfare and prosperite push those before us!
sense these people who from want of am generally at tbe station to the Republic of Panama, has appointed ly because some mean fellow will and too much congratulation gantly desigued and painted by the Mr.
being in the know fall victims to all erbien y services and there is a me to be bis Envoy Extraordinary and sandwich bimself in any space, ale to be given to those respon Headleyn to whortis tremore Ferry. sharpers of idle people who are rather fair take sible for their congratulations.
at the end of the line. If charge exhorbitant fees in ar on the alert to capture the un pulie in succession to Sir Claude MalAfter the members had all came one for thotels and guiding fortunate strangerar dhe e there they cred ele me disa cape. Brotherhood keeps bija promine banners the strains ofte mbers in to old Cristobale back tos. Colar every member of the United fallen bebind their respective from Slifer Park, up Front Street The route of the march was them around.
jeopardy. has been transferred in umitur eu he would be announced arrival of train arriwas at I glaring instance is with the am in office but anyone coming whose leffer of recall now have the by, he will always get at the fron Frijoles, Monte Lirio, Gatun crossing Ilth Street into Bolivar city to the Republic of Uruguay and case of one of our returned sol in then would like to avail honor to hand Your Excellenev.
end of the line whether at the and other sections. To lend color Building to play the National stopping before the Government diers who arrived here last week selves of can awrit y services and declared to me that in order me at Hotel El Post Ofice or the Commissary to the affair a la pecoenting to Your Fxcellency the and not force others to crowd pat patched to tun on the was dis Anthem, down to Christ Church, to get away in two weeks dhe Pi (2 blocks cruin Railway) at better accrediting me in this high capa, ind push because they fear he brain, eaua Gatparadehe as mame round the Beach, circling New to udu Om block will advise you and civ. would take the opportunity of way switch it. Again we say around the Gold Quarters there folks River Market, returning. to the lent individuals 35. 00 to identify offer every possible assistance, saying that esteem it very great Police no to the lim; 6, 00 to have his papers Before embarking from Jamaica, privilege to have been selected as British to do.
filled and a further 00 as fees Repose entend to travel to the Diplomatie Representative of this Be they embarked for Colon arriving 14th Street.
a total of 46, 00. This is ridieu States secure your American med that shall be most Zealous Sometimes a man proper on the a:m. train.
Wending The to the Slifer Park, they lous, and unfortunately it hap papers and passports.
in maintaining the cordial relations be place in the line may be the for their way to Procession consumed pens in other cases.
Great Britain and Panama.
pens in all was about hours and 15 minutes and At tieth; but his friend who may be joined their brothers, Cases have come to my notice Thanking you Mr. Editor parade of the Locals of where individuals after getting am, etc. 1D CRQ always rely upon receiving every into the fifth place, chuckling which is affiliated with nalities. On of the 13. of all creeds, colors, and natiotheir papers completed find them Assistance and co operation from Your over his good luck. while his passing through Watch the Canal Zone much comment the selves short of their passage GEORGE STEPHENS, Excellency in the Exercise of my diplo friend feels that he is the peer e A, of L) on the Isthmus of heard, and the American matic functions.
money with the result that they Havana, of the Good Samaritan, No. Panama. Mr. Heron, one of must await money from some certainly has the right to yield eld leading photographers of Colon populace seemed to be quite Cuba.
sonree or get stranded it being August 9th, 1919 been evacie sady planeed to entrust to me No. 40, but he should take No 40 of the gathering, and their Ban ment Among some of the Promidimicult to obtain work here it but be rendered of perforthe spanish language cannot be as am recently or Guy mance in view of the fact that the peo place. When No. allows No. 40 pers, after which, headed by the pont Americans who were seen Hill St. Mary, Jamaica. My ples of Great Britain and Panama be place of No. whom he forces Morales, and the ist Colon vision, who seemed. Suite aneni to stitch, he No. takes the Inter. Colonial Band under the looking on was Superintendent able directorship of Bro. Eduardo Fields of the Building Di.
travelling with trunks or largekeeper, Havana Central Railway so recently united as allies in the to take seventh place, and so on Immigrants should avoid position here is Assistant Book been great cause of maintaining the righte do cases they cannot conveniently GEO. STEPHENS. and liberties of mankind. The trium down to the end of the line. The Troop of Baden Powell Boy terested spectator at the gate of (Continued on pa je 8)
phant issue of this great enuse must tend loyal members of the Brother Scouts under our general friend to increase the mutual confidence and hood will not crowd and push in even though near.
Important To Con No Crowding at the respected over entire com dois the Police will look after all Long Chain of Brit Isthmian League o manner owuntries to con switchers.
tributors. Calidonia Station Ligue to march side by side in the pathe liberty and enlightened progress. At the Commissary we are ish Free Gardeners Indians The management of this West Iudians are requested President Porras replied as seinetimes called upon to show journal again beg to call the not to crowd in front of the Califollows: the our checks, or to otherwise donia Police Station during The grand Rally arranged for idenattention of persons sending arrest of any person. It is well Your Exonlleney, realise, even as ourselves. Such On Saturday night. August 30th, the the 13th inst. by the ladies of the Rose of Panama Lodge No. 102, of the League is expected to be a suofor publications to the fact bestaatly excitement and such august anotercien, die simplest and land, there the presenti oled mode. com are of this city, held a special moeting in counts for anything. lively known a crowd for purpose of protecting preparation dure by the Commissary on CB crowding may be that same will not be pub ssembling for an unlawful pur Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Bary privileges. Sam Swift which four cabdidates received the mystime is surely anticipated. He interpreted of all. of Your miga Relished unless all such commu pose. The police undoubtedly Plenipotentiary to my country, has los mismary book. The Commissary tained the Journeyman Degree. The tions are expected to take part. ister may swipe somebody Com teries Order, also two brethren at presentatives of other organizanications be signed by persons has the right to clear any assemuss valuable and special significance oficials may not knoComabout it, meeting was presided over by Bro. John and certain gentlemen will speak known to the management. bling of a large number of per: Panama, in reality, weigho bat little in but pursuing their practice Richards, Worthy Master, who con on the allied. it is flags Such signatures not necessarily sons in front of the jail.
ducted the seremonies. Having called sented. The purpose for which Abe for publication, but as a guar Pedestrians have the right to smallest and weaknese con deleted persons to prove their identin due Republica, to on the this is got up a laudit is quite otherwise Sam Swift is caught, and the Antee of good faith on side walk, but right of law or reason is content. with Great Britain, who does not consi: book returned to the owner who neenda was the conferring of the Tourable one, every momeines de unde ed for them to remain at the door der it beneath her dignity to deal with will then see why he was called neyman degree on Bros. Williame, League male and female of the jail while there have been Panama on lines of equality, by score his check. Of course Sam Swift ing was the initiation of the four candi. cure the success it deserves. And upon three weeks ago to show and Atkins, both of Gatun. Follow take an active part so as to se Ancon Lodge 2516 a few outrages it is a decided dittng thereto a diplomatie representa is diametrically opposed to show dates who were welcomed into the Order. so it is hoped that on the 13th To the members of the Ancon fact that so some of the unpleasant Live tive. Great Britain, the most mighty ing his check tɔ anybody, and so Lodge 2516. There will be a reness would have been avoided if of the world Powers who, thanks to the will all of Sam Swift type. We from other sister Lodgee.
There were many visiting brothen every one will be there and there with a will.
gular meeting of ths above men simple minded people of would courage, steadfastness, wisdom and in. Will show our checks because we of The meeting was highly appreciated and Wanted.
members are requested to be out Very satisfactory arrangementspions vast and a rich as those honest because we may be well tendanee, and after getting through with Hall on the 8th Sept. 1919. All precints of the police department. well pride herself with possessing domi pect the officials to think us by all present as showed by the large at As there will be matters of vital have been made to arold the past under the sway of Spain, on which the Kenneth Gascoine Clarke dressed.
the ceremonies, the brethen repaired to importance to be discussed.
unpleasantness and if our people cun never set, when similar wisdom the banquetting hall in the hours of a returned West Indian SolWILLIAM IRVING will be advised there will be less policeman has no means the morning, to do justice to all the dier, is osked to call at the Sect. Treasurer. Cause of complaint Continued on page Cotinued on page 6)
good things plucked from their garden. British Consulate office in tweeu of the was tity sur is of the to be repre: of ol erican should this city.


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