
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Palmer Restaurant SANTA ANA PLAZA as this so far as shop Army and Navy Headquarters the War Hon the The Calidonia Jewelry Store ence duty in the United enjoy grateful.
Notice to the Public he admitted that the climate was Trinidad rather trying after that of Tri nidad. He did naturally find the Metropolis much changed The Military Pri and was struck by the congest soners In Our hotels and transport system, and by the evidences of the reMidst. cent war which still manifest themselves on every side Asked as to the conditions preA DEPUTATION WAITS ON vailing in Trinidad, Mr. Tripp THE ACTING GOVERNOR. said that the colony was now more prosperous than it had TELEGRAM SENT TO ENGLAND The representative of the Cir been at any period in its history.
cular said that he was glad to Yesterday forenoon, a deputa have this contirmation of his own tion comprising His Worship opinion, since he had been taken the Mayor of Port of Spain to task and charged with draw.
Councillor for Messi S Romeo and Jona: that the West Indies, generally than Ryan Solicitors, and Mr. speaking, were Bagot. Insurance agent, re. Hourshing than they were at presenting Dumerara, met his present. Mr. Tripp then said Excellency the Acting Governor that there could be no question Montgomerie Gordon about about it. The present prosperiwith whom was the Hon. Major ty was more widespread than it whey. cpheralstomana ahe on Words, when fortunes were made HL acting At was was in the old days of the sugar Colonel H Way, Commandant in the West Indies and spent in of the Local Forces. In intro London.
ducing the deputation Mr Scott stated that they had come to re now a growing tendency of peo Continuing, he said, There is quest clemency on behalf of the ple to make Trinidad, at any rate, Military prisoners now in our their home, as is shown by the midst They in no way protest. many palatial residences erected ed against the procedure of the in the island in recent years, and trial nor the sentences imposed especially in the neighbourhood They only, considering that this of the Savannah at was the season of Peace, asked some of which would not look Port of Spain, His Excellency that he would be out of place in Park lane. It gracious enough as to cable their must also be remembered, he quarter, it possible, to secure at great fortunes were made in the representations to the proper added, that in the days when least a remission of part of the West Indies the labouring classes sentences.
earned no wages, and, conseHis Excellency informed the quently. money was not circulatdeputation that he had no power ed then as it is to day.
to remit sentences imposed out side the colony, but that he industries of the island, Mr.
Dealing with the agricultural would be pleased to transmit to Tripp said that the prosperity of the Secretary of State any re the local presentation which might sugar industry was made on the subject the doubly assured by the prefer deputation. Eventually His Ex Kingdom, which it would the duty in celicucy at the request of the as from September ist next deputation agreed to send the for which the colonies could not following telegram to the Secre. be too tary of State: Large sums of money were being expended in. Deputation introduced by improvements in cultivation and the Major of Port of Spain and a higher standard both of agristated by him to represent culture and manufacture had public opinion desire me to ub been reached. In this connection mit that it it be possible, with much was hoped for from the out prejudicing military dis proposed Tropical Agricultural pline, the sentences of those sol. College, the establishment of diers of the Trinidad sent here by these OrianaWhich he was glad to notice the West India dia Committee was so route to Jamaica, who have com warmly advocating.
mitted purely military Cocoa, when he left the island.
might, as an act of clemency in was flourishing and this comm.
keeping with peace celebrations dity was fetching 25 per faneva be remitted or reduced. have no as against 12 at Port of Spain knowledge of offences but concur not so very long ago, Cocoa cu.
in thinking clemency desirable tivation was expanding every day if not prejudicial to military dis and the practice of claying in Port of Spain, which had led to abuses, bad now ceased.
Asked why such obsolete Trinidad Growing vised in Trinided, Mr. Tripp, de measure as a fanega still sur Prosperity.
the 110th which itsed has always been the standard of Interview With Mr. Edgar weight handed down from the old days of the Spanish poss Tripp.
sion of the colony, and adapted and understood by the number The following is an interview less small proprietors who placed with Mr. Edgar Tripp by a repre. their produce on the local marsentative of the West India ket.
Committee Circular on July 10th And now about oil, said our re. nidad, Mas Federare ricor di Teja Prerentative. The local bout, a cordial wel Tripp reply, has come from his many friends on never been so pronounced. Land his arrival in London for: a short in the neighbourhood of ascer visit his first since 1898.
From rom tained anticlines is fetching from 1894 until last year, when he re five to ten times more than it did resigned Mr. besides bea few years years ago and it is note ing actively engaged in the busi worthy that all the great oil innow of the Agricultural Society of Trinidad by geologists or by Trinidad and Tobago, a position agents a fact which speaks for which he accepted originally at itself. The asphalt industry, the invitation of Sir Napier wh which was handicapped by the Broome, the Governor It war, is now showing signs of remay be added that Mr. Tripp has vival, which means an increased been the Commercial Agent of revenue for the colony.
the Government of Canada since 1893 that he is Hon. Secretary of Crisis of Labor in Venethe Associated Chamber of Com merce of the British West Indies zuela of President and that as Consul for EL UNIVERSAL of Caracas as statwhich Sir Edward Dawson is The Port of Spain Gazetle quotes an, he was recently elected iug that there also exists in Veof the Consular Body of nezuela a crisis of labour as in Trinidad. But he will not per Europe. The Health Office says: haps be best known to the major. There are no labourers! There ity readers of this publication is a great scarcity of as Hon. Correspondent to The work of the West India Committee, a posi Health Suffers Department of tion which he has filled most labour cannot be reduced. A conscientiously as his entertain. man canno be got even to stop ing letters in the Circular have a leak in a roof or to do any kind shown, for the last twenty years of work efficaciously. The estate or more.
owners have had to augment the In an interview with a repre daily wages so as to be able to sentative of the Gircular, gather their crops.
shortly after his arrival, Mr.
Tripp expressed his pleasure at The same paper states that being home once more; though the number of automobiles regis tered in the Colony up to the 2nd Jamaica of August ulto. was 1074, but that the number was rapidly marching on Occurrences at It is gratifying to learn that Sav la mar.
unprecedentedly large tracts of upland or hillside rice has been ADJOINING AL PLACE pianted in the Savana Grande Tho United Fruit Company Redistrict, and that this year the sume Coast wise Trade With crop of American rice.
This Centre.
article is locally known, in spite of the the present unfavourable weather, should be a record one, HEAVY RAINS FALL.
as this section of the island is concerned. In the 70 and Town will soon be Provided 80 and even in the early 90 of the last century Merikin rice with Moving Picture Theatre was quite a staple, but contrary for An uement.
to the yearly recurring advice of Mr. Henry Warner Sav la mar, Hug. 20. Aftor a den of Savana Grande, the Gov lapse of about 15 months the ernment gave no encouragement United Fruit resumed their SPECIAL SERVICE and the industry simply frizzled coastwise trade with Savla mar out, by the arrival here of Hon duras with a mix cargon With the Pro DAY AND NIGHT aktion making Monday night. The buoy were it an offence u sell mokes to lighted and the vessel cine into juveniles the shopkeepers are port, discharged her cargo and getting cautious and exercising took in a lot of pimento and Gin.
very great discretion in their ger and sailed again for Mondealings with the little ones. Sev. tego Bay.
eral boys who were in the habit Lust night the Anglican of purchasing cigarettes for old Church in this town held its ar.
er ones have been refused. The nual Missionary meeting. The news has been spreading with attendance was very good in lightning rapid t; and the little spite of the heavy rain which fell nos themselves are getting some in the afternoon.
what scared.
Early this morning there was Obarrio Building. No. 2, Cilidonia Road a small fire at the well known district of Dunbar River when Demerara a baker shop was burnt down, LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Heavy rains have been falling here for the past few days.
WATCH REPAIRING The Demerara. Doctor ciated by all.
These rains are highly appre.
Savana la Mar will soon have WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
a moving picture palace. the An interesting situation says moving spirit in the matter is Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. the Demerara Daily Argosy has Mr. Norton. The most arisen out of combination of the desirable spot in the town for O, CAMPBELL doctors of Georgetown as re. the purpose has already been gards the demand of increased secured, and operations will soon WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. fees from friendly Societies. It be commenced in the way of Phone 1053 Cars Stop at the Door.
is understood that a letter has clearing up and beautifying the heen addresaed to Dr.
has ground, etc.
ED Rowland intimating that as he has refused to join the combine Loan Sanctioned.
all the other private medical practition ers in the city, they will refuse TO START PUBLIC WORKS.
to attend any of his patients in consultation with him, and that they will also refuse to attend his TO AID LR. MEN!
patients in the eveift of his illness Through the courtesy of the Acting So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and or absence from the colony Colonial Secretary we are able to print the surrounding districts, the the following communication ESPERANZA LAUNDRY The Acting Governor of the speaks for itself. The loter is addressed to the Colonial Secretary, Colony has recently been passing Sir. With reference to the informa: has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West surprise visits to some of the primary schools in Georgetown. Excellency the Acting Governor, to the to me to day verbally by Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro The exact purpose is not known, effect that the secretary of State had and Arosemena but it is thought that His Excel, now sanctioned the expenditure of 40, lency desires to satisfy himself 000 from Loan on ertain work tu lo Laundry received up to Thursday as to the sanitary condition of undertaken after the return of men of the schools and their surround the British West Indies Rugiment from Can be had on Saturday. ings the Front. have the honour to inform you that in anticipation of this sanction Office open every day from 30 a. to p. have already issued instructions for the following works to be proceeded with: SUNDAYS UNTIL NOON The Workman Parish of St. Mary, Road or Work; 10 Belfield Road, Nature of Work, APPLY! FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES FOR Deviate at Hardy and Wildman Hills.
OR CALL UP PHONE 781 Clarendon, Summerfield to Thompo son Town Road, Complete. Westmoreland, Seaford Town to Chesterfield Road, Complete and bridge Great River Bridge. Portland, Port Antonio, Foreshore Road. St. Ann, 42 Moneague Goshen and Hopewell Roads, Widen and Im6 St. James, Potosi Road, Deviate and improve between Flamstead and Newman Hall.
St. Elizabeth, Malvern Road, Deviations. Manchester, Moravia Road, Capltal, Surplus, and JUndivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 ontinue construction With regard to the above list Nos. and have alRESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
ready been begun, while Nos. to 6, it is expected will be begun next week.
Nos. and cannot be begun until be anno work to be done has been pegged out, Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama e cone nas arrangements for this in progress. The other works apprved of to be Depository of the Panama Canal done from this Los were as follows: St Andrew; Rockspring Swamp, 7, Mahogany Vale Road, drain and all THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION complete to Mahogany Vale.
St. Thomas: Port Morant to IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF foot of Quaw Hill, deviate at Mt. PleasThe National City Bank of New York ant.
Trelawny: Jackson town to Rock. improve and widen.
AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUHanover, G. Riley Junction to TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES Creen Island Road Widen Bobstone corper.
St. Catherine, Spanish Town Water OFFERS EXCĖPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES Works, Improvements.
Arrangements will be made to have INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 14, PER CENT PER ANNUM them started in the near future.
In addition to the 40, 000 allotted for MORRICE, ROBERTSON, the works ns med a sum of 10, 000 was allowed for the opening up of Grown Sub Manager Acting Manager. Lands. From this sum it is proposed to continue the road between Port Antonio Continued on page which offences tion cipline an fended it it on the Rubber Stamps INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York prove.
Tripp in o!
then the The a great deal as


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