
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1919 PAGE THREE Mottos of the Brotherhood Locals Displayed in the Procession on Labor Day in Panama LA MASCOTA THE HOME OF The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes High and Low Cut all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet the Pocket of All MULLER Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CRICKET GOODS Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, Granu Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves Bats Batting Gloves 99 140. Unity is power and strength 141. Oh you slacker Local 2505 142. What would our Union be if every member was just like me 143. Better late than never 144. Perseverance gains the need 145. Forward is our watchword 146. If a baby does not cry the mother does not give it milk 147. For a good cause work with a beart and will 148. What is worth doing is worth doing well 149. Unity is strength 150. Are you a member, if not, why not 151. If God be for us we can be against us 152, Strive to enter the straight gate Local 2506 153. Unity is strength 154. Chauffeurs, unite for equity aod right 155. Give us a square deal and square meals 56. Equal wage for equal work pere formed 157. Pull together for one cause 158, Justice and truth Local 2509 159. Three square meals is our air 160. Watch us grow 161. What have we got for our service. 2, 500 PAID FOR SIX just one meal per day 162. The only one that thought of us FLASKS OF WHISKEY was the UB 163. Is he coming again. Quien sabe NATIVES OF NORTHERN RUSSIA 104. Positively we will be there at the WOULD GIVE ANYTHING FOR next convention LIQUOR 165. Slackers be aware 167. Will they continue to push us out LONDON, England, Aug. 21 168. Didn we fight also Three silver fox skins. for which 160. Who dug the canal 2, 500 has been refused in Lon 170. Your conscience is your own don, were obtained in Arcban: 171. Cao we use it, carpenter sav gel for Isix bottles of whisky by a British Officer who has just re 172. The bope of reward sweatens labor turned from northern Russia.
173. Labor vs capital Another officer traded a case Local 2511 of champagne for a dismond 174. One for all and all for one necklace, said to be worth shousands of dollars. Returning sol. 175. Three square meals per day diers say any possession a native 170. Are you underpaid get organized bad may be obtained with intoxi. 177. United we stand divided we fall cants.
178. Organize for better pay and work The hunter who parted with ing conditions his fox skins had little pleasure 179. Wateb us grow out of the whisky, however. He was found in a serious condition 180. We are all members of the AR.
and required hospital treatment to savo bis life.
181. Pall in line with us and make us 100 182. Remember we are united for one great cause Lessons Given Loorl 2513 183. We want a square deal on the Clarinet, the leading 184. Adjust the wage scale to meet the Band Instrument. Band or high cost of living Orchestra furnished for all 185. Give us each day our daily bread, kinds of engagements.
three meals per day 186. Unity is strength, in God we trust NEILSON 187. We are young watch us grow Clarinetist Republican Band 188. We helped to build the big ditch, Aneon Phone 1053 Negro Labor 61 St. West, House 27. Panama 189. God the United Brotherhool, of Unitas Fratrum 190. The unity of the brethren Dr. CONNEIL Local 2514 SURGEON DENTIST 191. Lest we forget 192. She does the washing Can be found at 175 193. He does the cooking 194. Who pays the rent Central Avenue 195. Last but not least Opposite Station 190. All good things cometh to hina that wait 197. Banish adversity, cling to prosperity WILKINSON The following mottos CONTRACTOR BUILDER are informed were censored by the Panama Canal Authorities and therefore were not displayed First Class Workmanship in the Procession:Plans and Specifications Free 17. Beware of race Traitors 25. Let all be Negroes now 15th Street West House 90 01. We want more Negro Enterprises Box 411, Panama, 64. The Wage Board gives par cent, 05. We want an hour day 100. We are getting tired of the hot air stuff NEED BRITAIN THANKS LEADWATCH ERS AND MEN HE The follewing resolution was moved in We Always have in Hand a Com the House of Commons by the Primo Minister. That the thanke of this plete lide at Reliable Low Prices Hous: be necorded to the gallant troops from the Dominions overseas from India Give us a call Before Go. ng Else titude with which they responded to the the where. You are sure to be on Time call for Justice and Freedom and for If Your WATCH was Repairad by US noble part they played in conjunction with their comrades of the British Isles Remember We Make Wed in securing the triumph of right over wrong.
ding Rings and Other Field Marsbal Haig, and Admiral Jewelry to Order Beatty will be made Earls, and will each now receive 100, 000. Field Marshal French and Admiral Jellicoe will get FULLER is the MAN You Want to See mers will get money grante, making a 150, 000 each. Other commanding offi.
122 CENTRAL AVENUE total of 600, 000. Mr. Lloyd George Corner 22nd Street, Panama, has declined to accept any honour or roPhone 930 ward.
with you On account of the length of the report of Labor Day demonstrations by the meatbers of the Brotherhood in Panaina and Colon which appeared in our Extra last Wednesday it was not possi.
ble at that time to give any space to the long list of inottos which were displayed in the procession by the various locals, We have therefore decided to publish them in this issue of the Workman for the benefit of the pubiic to see that an idea of the principles for whieh the United Brotherhood the Negroes stands and the aims of the members as teey have been unanimously decided upon may become known to all concerned.
Below is a list of the mottos carried in the procession with those that were censored appended: Local 2149.
70. Will democracy ever reneb the Trade Unions are the bulwarks of Isthmus democracies 71. Wow. Prices soaring wages high Rejoice st every effort the working 72. Just one Big Family me takes to organise Local 2503 Organize and stand together 73 Labor Union are the bulwarks of Capital is the fruit of labor democracy Be abetu in the strife 74. Do your work your best daily and The result is something to be proud of be kind Our Union is of the people 75. To be united is to be Writing will not accomplish it 76. We are sticking together Il for the Labor Uniou 77. What think you of us 10. Thank God we be a systers of 78. nity the grand old thing Libor 79. Private ownership organise for 11 Let the Nations hear United De profit, government for service tand from the laboring, voice 80 Organisation the one right way Do you know that we keep the 12. Speak of a Union as the Union 81. Know thy work and do it most complete Assortment of 12. Be a hero in the sirio 82. Who is my neighbour? All the 14. Les coneentrate our efforts to or children of men ganize all the forees 89. To educate our little ones 15. Toilers, organise, let us earry on the 84. Unity is strength We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee good work 83. We can deliver the goods every Article we sell.
16. The trade Unions are exactly what 86. Others try to succeed. Organisation the wage workers are 87. Act well thy part for in it all the. Here are some of our Stock Local 2151 honor lies 19. We will succeed or die in a brave 88. Poverty and desense are twin sisattempt tern, they can be cured 19. We admit your bands are tieds some 89. Unity, we all mankind do Armly day the word will break bind, on earth below one future know Cricket Bales and Score Books.
20. Stiek together and watch the result 90. Do your work your best daily and be kind 21. Ntbut we sve united lot stick 91. There are two kinds of charity 22. Equal pay for equal work is bonesty Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you remedial and proventitivo 23. We fought while others Bed, let.
82. Yours for better conditionscome and look over our Sporting Department bave suchen breud ganisations 24. This is the victory that overcomoth THE MADURO COMPANY 93. Pull together 26. Dieunity will ruin our cause 06. One for all ad all for one 21 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 24 27. The F. of has a big beart and. We cand united, mis undivided some brain 28. hands to our Brethren in Colom Local 2564 Open all Day Saturday, until 30 29. 11. Ya do our Negro press, Sup 90. Every call we are ready partit 97. Treat us right unele, our bearts 30. The right of workers to join trades Land to bargain collectively 08. am proud am not a blacier SOSIOS through their chosen representatives 20. The whole is greater than its part is by reocgnized and wired 100. live slacker is more dead than a What kind of a Union would my dead unionist nion be if every member was just 101. The earth is the Lord let us be like the all on 32. And what could this Union ever do 112. All men are created equal 38. If our 12, 000 members were slackere 103. Romeater that we helped to win 104. stitch in time waves nine 84. Quit ye like men, Be strong 35. The rule of three it puzzles me but 103. Labor that found wanting for wares set me mad 36. United effort never fails 104. Democracy is freedom, let have it 37. Regard from the Colon Locals 107. We have dropped our anchor and COMPETITION want to stay 38. We are pledged to act as one man; when the time is ride 105. One for all and all for one of 50 (Pesos) Cash Prizes 30 Conquer we must, our cause is just 109. This is a nail to hang our hat on 40. Do not continue begging, what 110. For the cause that needs resistance the use 211. Boost the Boaster 41. We fought for Democracy, Let 212. Watch us grow limit 113. Uni ed we stand divided we fall 30, taste it 12. Never say fail Keep pushing 114. Be not afraid, we shall not harm 43, Less fretting and more thinking, thes unity the WORKMAN PRINTERY is 115. Happiness should be the enjoyment Organise of all 44. Fellow workers, Organise or Perish 116. Time is what is needed 43. The Mills of God grind slowly 46. The day of Labor is here 117. The age of individualism is over GET BUSY COMPETITORS 47. We are taking time to start right 118. Feed Me am in poed 48. There must be battle before victory 120. The engine cronot move without 110. Live and let lite Collect your Wrappers and be sure they are 49. Organisation makes the way clear properly addressed and forwarded to and plain steam, so the worker cannot move without food 50. All blended together in a common 121. All we mk is a living wage THE WORKMAN PRINTERY cause 51. Unity, this is our wage board 172. We are crying with united voice CENTRAL AVENUE STREET No. 123. Labor contributed to share to 52. You failed, try again destroy autorady Box 74, Panama, 53. We hope one day to master mit 124. The laborar is worthy of his bira cumstances 54: What a gathering of the Ransomed 125. Labct is toe fundamental basis of 55. Justice and equality the Brother 126. The cost of living is high, help, belp democracy hood of Man 56 Times have changed 197. There is a brotherly feeling awaiting 57. No loaf at all is better than half, it 128. All we want is a square deal that hall means a cowardly surron 129. Birds of a feather flock together der of Principle 130. We have supplied men, money and No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
labor 58. Labor the beginning and end of all things 181. We work the longest hours 59. To day is a Red Letter day 132. Rain or shine we are on the job GOOD DRESSMAKING 60. Labor triumphant, Hats off to the 133. We are the first men on the job INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP of 134. Your baggage is always to your 62. All for one and one for all destination DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY.
63. Be prepared to sacrifice for Labor 135. We work twelve hours night and 66. Increased appropriation for every. 136. We protest fròm hand car day thing, but Negro labor 67. A O the big Mrs. ANN THOMAS, Local 2512 68. Equal before the German guns, DRESSMAKER Wby not on the Pay Roll 137. Better wages and square deal 60. Your beroes got square meale, 138. Full value for our labor Proprietress.
why not a 180. 90 per cent organised ATTENTION. Competitors for the like you whit? wees Octagon (Soap) Wrappers Are hereby reminded that the time(Tuesday September 1919) for turning in Wrappers to we drawing near.


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