
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1919 STRETCH YOUR MONEY in you one solid thu in George Henlin Letter of CongraTHE WORKMAN and Others.
tulation (By Eduardo Morales)
It would be a grievous Published on Saturdas by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office e entrala tion. Correspondenor on all matters omission to leave out of the Negro fellowmin. It is with nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de Be sure you are spending your roll of active spirits in the the greatest pride Tongratulale All copy for publication must be United Brotherhood on the you for the gentle naaly minner PO Box 74. Panama which you conducted your written on one side of paper only, and Money to its best advantage. Isthmus the name of selves during and after the pr.
RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of George Henlin General Secre cession: You have honorably One Year 82. 40 cy the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months tary of the System Division ceived and vietoriously defeated 30 tion but as a mark of good faith.
BUY FROM THE and Secretary of the Panama the hope of the simple minded we do not undertake to return Three One rejected correspondence.
Canal Lodge, No. 2149. Mr. ones who were eagerly hoping you would start WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. Henlin is, to a great extent, would tend to lower the standard sounething that The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS responsible for the great of our racial integrity. Through GRAVES JOHNSON movement, and much credit your excellent endust, you have SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919 should be given him for the proven you superiority over the the house which treats its Custominitial efforts that made the so called super lur races. As Now Born Negroes only eight montis Mobilization of Colored Talent and effort formation of the Union in Pa old, you have proven to the er.
er Right nama a possibility. copy of tire world that are capable the Constitution of the United of governing ya yourselves, and that p from the depths of inhuman, ungodly and meanBrotherhood fell into the you are determined to hold your spirited oppression colored intelligence on the Isthmus has Gasoline, Oils and Repair Parts hands of a white man who had own in a most quiet and sober manner until you shall have struggled to the surface and has now begun to breathe the no use for it and so let it slip reached the goal of our success, pure atmosphere of independent thought and action. The over to the Negro boys over and in the cities of Panama, nauseating remembrance of an interpretation of West In Corner Street Ancon Avenue. at the Balboa car repair shop Colon and the Canal Zone, you dian ability which categorized everybody in the same class who saw at a glance the use have proven your gentleminly and treated refinement and culture with the most revoltquarters through your excele PHONE 85, CORPORATION fulness of it. Ai on they lent conduct.
ing indignities has given birth to the attitude of self asserformed a social and unong BOX 816, ANCON.
Never in the history of the tion which has generalized itself among the more respectits officers Henlin was whole world has any race made able class of West Indians, and which formed so striking a chosen as the secretary. He such a successful hit in so section of the Labor Parades in Panama and Colon last at once opened correspond short a time. Yes, you have de Monday.
Editorialettes. will improve the tendencies of ence with Mr George Seale, ceived your enemies in a most mysterious way. Just think of it, Those Negroes who have not joined the Union must those who now believe that Grand Secretary Treasurer of over 14, 000 Negroes caine to have felt like a Dutchman in China and the oppositionists less nine inonths Excellent!
they are the gods of the the as must have felt like a bad nickel when they were forced to to the possibility of opening the one in One way acting monthly a universe.
view the monster crowds in brilliant procession expressive The behaviour whieb markup lodges on the Isthmus, and polling together as never before Mr. Seale turned the matter with the sole purpose of estab of a success which their dirty efforts proved too futile to ed the Labor demonstrations over to Mr. Allan Barker, manding racial respect and provlishing our racial integrity, deprevent. Their hostile propaganda proved to be the ful last Monday in Panama, the Who are you?
minations of evil minds. They lied like blazes against the Canal Zone and Colon was Fawning physcophants Grand President of the Bro ing to our enemies tha wa are colored employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama orderly, respectable and dig. have begun to invade the therhood for his consideration worthy of equal rights and nusu Railroad. They had haunting nightmares which they told nified. The ugly rumors about realms of the Brotherhood The matter was then taken by have it. Think of 14, 000 Negroes forming with a fit of hiccoughs and spasms. They sowed the seeds intended riots and strikes now that they see it has suc up with The American Fed leadership of Negroes in the ciof treachery and ruin which did not germinate. must have come from the vil ceeded, although it is known eration of Labor for discussion ties of Panamá and Colón where est and The vile domination which expresses itself in forms of enemies of the United Bro all but favorable towards the count of the various crafts on rum shop is to be seen most unprincipled that their past attitude was of jurisdictional rights, on ac at each corner of the streets a open, hyphenated invectives and shrivelled pay checks, the ad therhood, and their disap organization of colored labor. the Canal Zone, and it having druckenness has been reported; not even one case of ded evidences of oppressive depreciation and the sacrifice pointment must have been Having lost in their schemes been found that these rights not even of liberty upon the altar of racial persecution, the outrage galling when they beheld the of opposition they have rivalle were assured the United Bro. even one arrest. Is it not wonderful? Think in of it with racial pride. Now it seriously, unscrupulous quibbling by those who regard their color as concourse of people whom their hue and are now squizz the application of Mr. Henlin that we have made our liest step: of nation of respectably born men who have decided that the sent and vilify. West Indians ing that they are in deep sym here two organizers in the ing high our head with racial road of self deterinination holu.
time has come when all these wrongs must end. have taught these malicious pathy with the movement persons of Mr. Severs and Mr. pride, never to look back, but It is perhaps thought, in some circles where bombast libelists what real good be. Bosh! This sort of sharp an. Allen, who commenced opera ever looking forward, marching is virtuous that West Indians should have no kick at the haviour; means. Our respect gled turn doesn appeal to us, tions in the month of April and of Poljopia in the face of her onward holding stand existing conditions under which they are forced to live in for law is far different from especially at this time. If they this year.
Quooles, thus enabling or this country, and that they received no more favorable that brand of the Solid could have kept us down they The organization bas taken stretch forth her hand with treatment in their island homes than they are getting here. South that ignores sheriff would have done so; they tried hold of the entire colored ele mght until our mother country But it is fact that West Indians coming in contact with and governors and substitu. and failed, and now another ment on the Isthmus and (Africa) be restored to American conditions in places of American influence or tes fire and rope for the judi game is on. However, it takes lodges have been formed in saint Ouverture ot the Isthines must congratulate Touoccupation are always puzzled at the tremendous differ, cial bench West Indians are two sides to playa game and we every town in the Canal Zone. Me Carter) and the Antonio erce in racial relations between white citizens of the United poor sticks at incendiarism are watahful that they don Out of this rapid development Macco (Mr. Stoute) of the AtStates and their colored brethren, a difference which places and poorer still in starting put anything over on us. We of the Union has grown the lantic end for the capable man.
the relations existing between the races in British colonial riots. What we will really start, shall keep our eyes open. We loyal governing body known ner in which they handled the possPoSe in the Caribbees Out or range of all compari if we get a chance, is a re don believe man because as the System Division, the entirolulate the Negro son with the former.
formation of refinement that he runs up to us with a smile officers of which are as follows: presse the Work mut The hands of our people are clasped in a bond of unNICHOLAS CARTER, General for the unseltish manner in which dying fidelity to one another. The skilled and unskilled in ars has lost its sting in the face of the mighty movement they supported the cause; and in labor, the professionals and laymen, the strong and the which has come to pass.
WILLIAM STOUTE First Vice hope that every Negro weak, the men and the women are resolved by solemn it a special duty to support them It is, and will continue to be, our aim to see that our pledge and irrevocable oath to resist all wrongs and wicked own people manifest a true respect for the white man who NATHANIEL COLLINS Second until they become second to none.
Vice Chaiman congratulate you for the man efforts to suppress the rights and lawful claims of a free knows how to respect himself and us. We will demand the ner in which you have crippled SPENCE, Third Vice Chair the Pernicious Church and independent people. We will have no more of the wild same respect and esteem that others are seeking from us.
are Picnic misrepresentations that have been depicting us in verbal Our men and women are taught to perform genuine serscheine, thus teaching theRelig.
burlesque and unprincipled prevarications. In the West In vice to their employers. No sensiple man or woman will GEORGE HE VLIN, Secretary ious Picnlc King and his col.
Treasurer dies we ate fresh meat and fish (not frozen carcasses) we soldier on the job and depend upon the union to sustain leagues a lesson from the New WOODRUFFE, Trustee, Negroes book my dressed well (not only in palm beach. and we lived in such an unworthy position, neither will such a thought en TAVERNIER, Trustee.
congratulations especially to houses with private accomodations (not in barracks with ter into the minds of the members of the the sports of Panamá and NEVERSON Trustee.
Coloa and along the lines range closets. who know the obligations of the Brotherhood and who have fulfilled their promIn the days gone by, the more intelligent classes of our are prepared to live up to them in their entirety. and a pat on the shoulder ise to the letter, and who are people were silent under the weight of unjust and iniqui The mobilization of nearly all of the silver employees and announces his interest. determined, that it he if he or any tious treatment, not because they did not know what they on the Isthmus and the racial concentration which has in colored folks. Give that to other of bis type should attempt deserved; but because they knew how to labor and to overtaken a rising people are not the result of an aceident. the breeze! Get ready your for 200 Whits Picnic scheme, it shall be Oaly. hope toe wait. They saw that their employers did not really The natural tendency of oppressed people to throw off reply for we are going to ask, Religious Picnic King has realizknow them, and that they were estimated at a low valua the yoke of servility is responsible for the great and Who are you?
ód that he is defeated forever tion in which they did not receive better handling since united effort which has marked the sharp turn in the course and ever with the sword (self they were not accustomed to eat meat, wear good cloth of events among the colored people on the Isthmus. The Jamaicans in Cuba. determination) of the New Negro.
ing, or live in respectable houses in the West Indies ac relation of the races has changed and conditions which exSacred Concert cording to the black hearted conclusions of brainless, soul isted in the past will never again be tolerated. We know correspondent from Sacred concert will be given less and worthless autocrats who know as much about these the people of the other race, if they don know us. We Bannes, Oriente, Cuba, writes at St. Anthony Hall Calidonia, islands (geographically or otherwise) as a walrus knows have seen that they will always take advantage of colored as follows, giving an account do Sunday afternoon Sept. 14th about the Chagres.
people as long as they are allowed so to da We know that of how the Jamaicans spent 1919, All lovers of good in asic will Professor Inniss struck a high note last Monday, when some of them will change their tongues a thousand times Emancipation Døy at that do well to be there precisely as place:they will not be disapp vinted in in his Labor Day oration at the Standard Oval in Panama, when they are made to realize that we have caught on to hearing Sankay hym hymns or School gala day was arranged by songs, but will have the pleasure he affirmed the real position of the colored working forces their game. We have experienced that they find peculiar in the words we have sounded a trumpet that shall never pleasure in stigmatizing us as inefficient and indolent, and a committee and everything of listening to so ne ne of the most call retreat. The talent of the Negroes in Panama has we know that they lie when they say so.
was carried out successfully up to date anthems, Oratorios been mobilized, and the whole of the Isthmus shall know When colored labor, eolored talent and colored coin et match played between the hard to make the hit of the scaThe chief feature was a crick solos etc. Toe choir is in very that we are no longer prepared to surrender our rights to remained uncemented we could say nothing and do noth Preston Who journeyed sorchere will be an addition to the is the ungo aspirations of those who have learnt and are, ing, with success. We were weak, disunited and disorgan over to Banes and the Union have started, and are determined to carry on successfully, a colored labor is organized, colored a talent mobilized and play, the latter team won the Beslufre to come and hearintsem in turn, teaching their children to hate the Negro. We ized; but tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur and to day After an interesting choir by fresh voices lately are rived from the Isle of Springs fight sanctioned by heaven and which is as sacred as the colored coin summarized for the advancement of the race, game by three runs.
world wide crusade against the fiendish schemes of the the preservation of our integrity and the progress of our Admission only 25 Cy.
German nation and their co partners in iniquity. sacred rights and interests.
Hundreds of Britishers were All Brotherhood men wearing The demonstrations last Monday must have told the assembled on the ground and their buttons will be admited for The conditions we face here are ludicrous in the light floated the Union Jack with 15 cents. Doors open at 30 ignominious hot heads who oppose us that they are a col of advanced civilization and we find it different to under, enthusiasm. joyful day end flock. Concert starts at p.
lection of fools exhibiting a feeling which neither rage nor stand how persons who lay claim to intellectual and social ed at about 30 sharp.
rancor can execute. They may hate us, but they will have culture could cause themselves, by their conduct towards Wedding Bells.
to respect us; they may get mad at what we are doing, other people, to be advertised as being irrational, illogical The Workman quiet Wedding took place on they have itabused without Saturday last; the contracting may enthuse them, but they will have to cool down and sentment in the past; we have suffered as much of it we FOR parties being Miss Ines Rigby and Mr. Edmund Galbraith of in the of say, it is enough.
a happy time.
Chairman will make Chairman man extend yubmit to the inevitable. The gods have come down to us cauld, and now the time has come when we are forced to Rubber Stamps Kingston uple de pe piata tra


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