
Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Those departments of labor unani stage is SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE WAN le term You are and ob Oval a a to re mus db of this section.
his race Isthmian Dramatic ComLA BOCA pany Performe:1.
Labor Dry Procession at Boca meeting of the gentlemen members of the Isthmian DraOn Monday Sept. Ist Bica witnes AND the randest rene that it has ever matie Company was held in the Men room of the Cristobal Sil.
liven privilege to behold since its ver Clubhouse on Thursday cognition as the Silver City At 10, 30 evening September 4th at am on Monday the grand procession o clock, for the purpose of re.
Brotherhood of Maintenance forming the defunct association of Way Employees and Railway Shop of name.
Laborers consisting of colored employees present were Messrs.
wetering the town led by the Layburn. L. Jordon.
Silver city band and escorted by mount Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE. Wynter, Facey.
ed Police officers of the Canal Zone. As. the proceeded through the They are as popular with the man who earns Charles and Eustace Wiltshire. 25. 00 per day as The chair was taken by Mr. Leyburn, who was exhibiting their leautiful banners with with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
mously elected President and appropriate and impressive mottos; were manager of the Company.
lustily cheered by residents of the La After the election of the other Bocx Silver City who crowded the bal.
officers, be very ably outlined conies of the most prominent buildings his programme, which we are while many of the folks took pleasure in quite sure, will meet with the joyning the procession. Th This remarkgreatest of success if lined up able procession occupied at once three to by those to the honor of mem.
The march continued bership is conferred from entering at 10. 30 until at 12 o clock.
The the procession was out of town right Ooxoxoso 20 000SXBOXONDO TEOWOOOos SCMOSXODXox To slsssssssc! closbe meeting was brought to a at o clock, Keep your The events of Sept 1st in connection eyes posted on these columns with the United Brotherhood afforded for all the activities of this news much pleasure to the Silver City La Niy What better guarantee could you organized dramatic Company.
Boca not from a menere sease of amuse seat. Admission Adults 25 ets. sc. British Minister No Work for Colon which promises to give the public went and momentary excitement but a Children 10cts.
have that your mission will be very easy of períormance than that allied in war, will also give then its unstinted genuine satisfaction in witnessing such a Policemen support.
our two countries will now remain unit.
noble scene in the truest SRSC of the Gatun journeyed over to Colon (Continued from Page on Sunday Inst, where they received a ed, working on the interests of peace, insevere thrashing at the hands of Victo. and integrity upheld and expanded over terests which are more encobling and (Continued from Page 1)
more fruitful than those of war, La Boca, Paraiso ria of that city, wonder what the face of the latter domains the matter with the Look trundlers; is it September 4th, 1919, as manifest are welcomed, Your Exceļency. whereby he can tell at sight :me BIRTHS.
because V, and Lieutenant White are proof of the lively interest exhibited by and believe in our sympathy and in the whether or not the suitcase a laid up by illnow that they must Your August Sovereign in our welfare sincere and wholehearted reception which articles carryine biondains stolen your widely circulated paper to articles. It is his duty to pro express my appreciation of the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yard give away their games every time, let and prosperity that he should have se. we tender to you.
tect the public, so he calls upon Labor Day Demonstration, and at Paraiso a baby girl on Monday our reporter bear something better next lected for the past a kentleinan as die The usual toasts were then the man to open the suitcase, the noble speech made by Profes.
ist. inst other and babe are time or Operators will take your tinguished, cultured, and as experienced, drunk the proceedings If the suit case is being carried sor Innis at the Standard doing well.
place, as Your Excellency, inasmuch as in brought to a close This func by Sam Swift he is sure to The many friends of Mr Lor other way could Sir Claude Mollet have tion was delayed for some time ject to its being opened by him Credit must be given Scope and been replaced; a minister who, by the after the arrival of the British preferring to stay on a mountain Such a great thinker with such enzo, Rose of Paraiso will be pleaindomitable spirit would, with sed to learn that he has recover. Carew for the excellent hand work exceptional taet displayed during his Envoy on account of the illness peak in Marstand watch tebe an they on of the forty us and Among cop perform the task himselte increase opportunities, be classed being operated on at Ancon Perseverance and Eureka lodges which as well by the affection that he enjoyed those present were members of we all know why. But many with persons like the great Mar Pere for the demonstration on Monday in all our social and political circles, the Cabinet and other high ofti honest men will refuse to open Kelly Miller, Trotter, and other many cus Garvey, Eugene Debs, Hospital Sept. 1st.
cause to be considered as one o: Parama cials their suit cases when called upon great Negro leaders.
GAMBOA sons, a title he well indeed well writed to do so by the proper authori Born to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bailey Dr. Edwards Returns.
Mr. Inniss speech has made ties. Such men generally argue Born to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Williams a bouncing baby boy on Aug 23rd ulto. For both reasons, as well as for our that the policeman ought to look such an impression on the popuon Tuesday Sept. 2nd a baby girl moth mother and babe are doing well, while national convenience, and to proper er and child are doing well, Evan is wearing a smile which can be exercise of our internativa relations Dr. II. Clarence Etips and at them and know that they are lation, that in my humble opie honest.
with the great nation which you come Edwards arrived at Colon on Sunda They forget that a nion, he is deserving of no less seen while on his new job at the muni here represent, you may rest assured list, and will immediately contene Crook judging from his ap title than the GREAT WEST Among those who arrivod on the last cipal Dept, at this town.
of our cordial welcome, and you will practice amongst his former clits and being as honest as pearance; may impress us as INDIAN ORATOR of the Isthboat from St. Lucia is Mr. And on of Panama.
Abraham ceive from the governmen father of Mrs De Santys and Mrs. With Interesting Game of Dominoes havo the honor to presite and from the meet at his consultation rooma. Di over which now patrons whom he will be pleased Lincoln, while an honest man wish orator Innis will live and Billiards took place.
Panamanian people whom represent, Edwards looks the picture of may be the exact counterpart of long enough to see the fruits of Satanlay night last, the spacious all the co operation which you may rehealth, and with his charming on the egregious Jesse James. his heartfelt desires achieved Every one was shocked at the death in Clubhout this district was packed to quire in order to assist in tightening wife will stile down to give the besl do as we would be done hy, and Whose burning soul for the calls of We again solemnly promise to ob Great Leader Poor but brave Ancon Hospital of Fred White he served its utmost capacity with: lovers of the the bonds of our friendship and in pro satisfaction that the latest inedical infor a long time as guard at the Cambor old games dominoes and billiards. moting our trade and commercial rela provements in the United States have work to do.
sive the Police Department no Stockade and had made many friends at Iron tions with your industrious and rich assured. Dr. Edwards le these shores In the chempion dominoes In this sad unhappy age this end.
ukes defeated the Black Star Line in country, Bespeaks the word of truth to WILLIAM STOUTE, in Febuary of the present year, for the His poor exploited race, an up bill game; the Black Star liners Cristobal, Little Louise Walker is confined to the had Thanking you in advance. We have just concluded a great and purpose of special studies. He attended all confidence they could defeat the Ancon Hospital. We wish her a speedy Iron Dukes but unfortunately they had disastrous war, in which Great Britain all the lectures during the term, and has ALEXANDER to go back to the Windy City as losers: saw herself threatened with ruin and dis. returned fully equipped to alleviate the refreshments were served after the game olution, and Panama although weak and sufferings of the diseases common to British Consulate Notices and the Black Star Liners went way tate to throw in her lot with your great was small. during its ravages, did not hesi women. We extend an hearty welcome Universal Negro Improveto the popular Atlantic medico.
GATUN with a very sad heart af er journeying country in the firm conviction that The British Consulate would be ment Association over from the windy city, to return wa fighting for feedom and indepenglad of any information regarding William Goring, a native of Members of the ADVERTISE IN dence of small states, and that as in Sir. Permit me space in your Marched to the our well known Doctor II. Myke em would Len the championo come far bildirds, other critical periods in her history, The Workman is said to have worked for the valuable paper former Depot men my race greet.
Panama Railroad Company, and ployed at the Dispensary at this town, IT PAYS was last heard of in 1918, when ings: Monday morning Sept. ist known as came in for a thrashing from Mr. Jones owing to the proverbial bravery and stubborness of her valiant sons, his address was: Ancon am calling your attention to Labor Day will long be remembered by employed at the Filtration plant, which the big mass meeting of the ab.
the residents of this district, and the will remain for many months in his ove organization which will be W. From the mind. Jones having scored his six hunHeld at the Negro Hall No. 204, early dawn of the morning thousands dred points left the Dor a four hundred Colon, St. 12 and 13, on Suncould be seen wending their way towards and sixty six; keep a good heart Doc. the 7th inst, at p.
the road which lead to the Colored Club old boy, the Filtration plant Champion This house. Precisely at 30 a. the three will come agaio.
meeting will be of Lodges Perseverance No. 2501 met great importance on the Black 2501. Success Star Line, and our movement.
No. 2502, and Eureka, 2510, assembled Death of David Powell Please bring your friends and headed by a band of mus music under On Wednesday last Sept. 3rd children along We want the the direction of Brother Morales. David Powell of whitehorne, from Colon marched to the depot where Westmoreland Jamaica WI You can turn out children to come and hear for they awaited the 8, 40 train. Several died at the Santo Tomas Hospital themselves how you can buy your hundred men and women along with the aft more work in a shares for yourself and children, Branch of members from Monte Lirio was an employee of said instituthe after a short illness. Deceased don be led astray. If you have and Frijoles joined Gatun large crowd tion having worked up to 30 given time or the any love for your wife and child.
on the arrival of the train, which helped m, Sept. 2nd taking ill at his Seymour, the to make those receiving their Praternal horne Calidonia about 30 pm.
same in less time local organizer, will tell you all about it.
Brothers on the Atlantic end jump for he was rushed to the Hospital at joy and gladness. When the crowded 10 and died. Remember all members and. a. friends are requested to be there and friends were met by Organizer death his co workers agreed that the windy city, the Men den Wednesday. Shortly after his also am asking the members of the United Brotherhood of mine Stoute, who accompanied them to they subscribe voluntarily and. Slifer Park under a brilliant mareh going give him a good funeral. ob don forget this meeting, a meet.
ap Seventh Street, then down Bolivar motor on each ing of great importance to one and all.
ending their route of march at tal was asked to do the collecting var Campbell Steward of the Hospi must be given Sister 44, 05 Gold Cy. was col Motor Driven machine or a This meeting is called through direct letter received from Rebecca Campbell, who joined. re way or march this vid indy certainly lected; the Doctors and nurses headquarters by Seymour.
Meat group of maLocal Organizer of the Univerdeserves much credit as she outelassed cou teseyttributed Superintendent of chines means sal Negro Improvement Associa1 of the young ladies of the Auxil. Major Bocock; tion African League, Colon, on lary at this town. The members of Per and Miss Kurathi chief Nurse September 2nd, 1919.
severance Eureka Lodge merabers begs a few of the employees were per a power economy, Thanking you for the space to tender their congratulations to Pre mitted to attend the funeral at since power need beg to remain youre for the cause, sident Cox and Neverson, for the p.
interest taken on Sunday evening last The following shows how the when these gentlemen held a meeting amount collected bave been exJ. SEYMOUR, not be consumed Colon.
calling the attention of these two Lodges pended:to the train Service and the large gather Funerai expenses except as need 23. 15 ing to look after on Monday morning Relatives of deceased 10. 90 ed.
Coloured Hunters AttenWest Indian Red Cross. 00 Controlled by the pressure of a finger, no skilled tion.
St. Bernards Lodge No. 15 O, Asilo de Bolivar 00 will be dedicating the Colored attendants ar necessary for the care and operation.
Club Hall, at this town on Sund iy 14th Total 44. 05 Gatun, inst. All visiting Brothers are cordially CAMPBELL August 26, 1919.
invited dedication will commence at p. in Phone 602 Phone 150 Sir. Please allow me space in Free Literature your valuable columns to publish The Ladies Auxillary is sparing no the following: time in making preparation for the First class literature on liberal We Silver Employees are preSANTA ANA PLAZA Grand Pink Tes which will take place religion and other subjects given BOLIVAR STREET paring to shoot all the Wild Boars at the New Lodge Hall on Saturday free of charge to any one sending Panama.
we can see in the forest after the 30th of September, 1919. As a night 13th inst. don forget; the little postage stamps to Box 92 1, Anenes come early and gel a comfortable. con, Continued on Paye beaten.
neand ren and come.
with. at 30 train bers and ELECTRIC MOTORS Street, the Park.
Credit Si veral of Chopper Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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