
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919 IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT Monster Demonstrations by United Brotherhood Surpass Any Ever Witnessed Here Before bro GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE ORDERLY BEHAVIOUR OF HUGE BODY MARKED FEATURE Carefully Tested ellter Shur Properly Fitted help us The Scadron Optical Co.
brave PANAMA CITY 23 Central Avenue NEW YORK COLON 44 Front Street les and impressed upon PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats SPECIALTY LADIES SKIRTS COATS Heimthe of a and a 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central. United States Pharmacy with of Try a Bottie To day of the Wonderful Fleshhealing, Penetrating FOUR FOLD LINIMENT Guarantecd to Cure Rheumatism, Sore Throat and Chest, Lameback, Lumbago, Grippe, Headache, Toothache, etc.
Equally as Good for Animals who gave their lives for demoFello laborers, We dog the cracy bestir theinselves at the Panam Canal, we reinstated the nonstrous deception and glaring Belgien in Belgium: we estabFiolation of the principles of lished publics in Europe; and right.
we res nd Jerusalein to the this morning with bare heads in bars ornare roll up on the As we passed the cemetery waters Jews. Und we shall make the this Red Sea which reverence of our departed thers who gave their lives for the and the Negro race shall march sides so that the silver employee construction of the canal and died withous receiving their fall on ward and upward for ver, or reward beheld their spirits irits by God we shill know why.
beckoning us onward. Brothers Organiser Carter next called in chains, we were happy at home on Mc. Consta itino Motero rep in native lands when the Isth resentative for i Spanish ele.
mian Canal Commission confront ment of the Brotherhood who ia ed with the gigantic task of dig. flow of langage ealogisel the ging the Panama Canal cried out inembers of the organization for Come over to Macedonia and the successful net pulled off, and ex the Span We accepted the invitation and ish speaking elainant to buite came to dwell in the land of with the West Indians and other the free and the home of the fellow workers for denne But we soon discover ing the desired enl non ed that the gold roll meant free living wage. Therwis dom and silver roll meant bond vociterously cheered Jarms age. However, for fifteen years address, we have been toiling on through Next followed Mr. Arthur La deepening gloom with the storm is Tyale who was called un bursting on our faces, and now speak on behalf of the Fiene when we had hoped for the ap pearance of the silver lining from nembers of the Brotherhoo behind the dark cloud on this brother followed along the ourselves on the brink of th same line of the preceding op yawning abyss of racial exter. French mmbers th: desirab. nation ly of standing to thar with their Brothers in chains, we were workers in th. Brotherho blown to atoms in Culebra cut, Monsieur Tyale was als gently smashed to a pulp in the Gatun applauded at the conclusion of Locks, and victimized by the his speech.
many prevalent diseases of the Organiser Curter then asked Isthmus, but the Liberty Bell did to be heard for a few minutes not ring for us. In the recent during which he thanked the world war when citizens of the members of the Brotherhood United States skulked to the for the orderly manner South or Central America in which the procession was con: in order to avoid she draft, and ducted, and which he said had gold employees fit for the tren que ches refrained from greatly disappointed in any who their vacations in the Penited anticipated trouble.
States for fear of German Sub pressed upon members to finish marine etc, but stood at home, and quiet way they had begun it, the sun orderly clamored for and received high and strongly urged each and wages, the silver employees every one to be prom:t on the volunteered and went to Europe job the next morning as there was to dethrone autocracy and up a rumour that there was going lift the standard of democracy. to be a strike immediately after But alas! when we ask for a the demonstration. Continuing taste of that democracy in the he stated that all such rumours form of the liberty of a living were unfounded as the Brothercitizens. What gratitude to a from the headquarters of the De wage we are told we are not hood could only act on orders people who helped to defend and troit Michigan organization Не save a country they say they again congratulated the members love, a country which lavished and said that while passing thromoney on thein in so great a ugh the Balboa, Ancon districts crisis and then borrowed from of the Canal Zone the procession them at interest!
was gently applauded by the AuBrothers, is there any liberty thonities and that he Carter was in an increase of four or five congratulated by Capt. Phillips, cents an hour when the cost of of the Ancon Police Force for the living bas risen more than 100 orderly and impressive manner per cent. Money alone can pur of the demonstration. He stated chase our liberty. Money means that special mention wis made of more Negro enterprises, and the Atlantic Pacitic Lodge No.
Negro enterprises mean Negro 2505 for the uniformity of dress recognition With this mass of worn by the members creation togetber why can we This Lodge won laurels in this have our own stores, banks, respect and it must be stated newspapers! Our brothers in right here that this was greatly the United States operate four due to the efforts of big Brother hundred newspapers. seventy Manley, Secretary Treasurer of three banks and numerous this lodge.
stores. Why can we?
At the conclusion of Organizer The fight is on We have Curter speech, cheers were sounded forth the trumpet that called for the Organisers and shall never call retreat. In this the Brotherhood after which the fight we have friends and ene National Anthems of the Allied mies. Among our active ene Nations were played and the mies are found those who reebr samne orderly manner it began.
monster crowd dispersed in the sored these posters: Beware of race traitors.
Negro enterprises. Let us all The Demonstration in be Negroes now, those who deprived us of the use of the club Colon houses as meeting places, and were just as successful as those the Race Traitors.
held in Pananalteinpres. is that Our passive enemies are the ons by all who saw white parsons. The former di froun the angels who came to Colon was fivoured with a visit sciples of Christ gave their lives for the Lambs of the Master. announce the com. ng of the John Huss melted like wax ia tive thousand members of the Negroes into their own. Over the fire: St. John bobbed up and United Brotherhood met at Slidown like a a dough nut ia boiling oil, and St. Peter was inverted. including men from Frijoles. The Monte Lirio, Gatun, and like a comma on a cross. These scene mades white preachers go in and out among the gold employees, they akage creak in its effort to exdine with them; but they are it, and spectators stood silent on the suderings of the gazing with straining eyes and lambs of their beloved Christ: gaping mouths atthe acnieve.
Brothers let us avoid such reli ments of the colored race as gion as we would a plague.
they blazed with prophetic propromise before the face of those Among our friends we find whose efforts to keep the Negro that God who, just as be smote down bave failed ingloriously.
Balaam with blindness for attempting to curse his children, Organizer Stoute Worked dow smites with serious illness Hard, tbat gold employee who left the Canal Zone to curse the silver to bring the day celebration to employee before a labor conven a successful issue, and when the tion; we find the United Brother prodesslon Started from the hood who is ever beckoning as park on its scheduled route all onward; we find the Workman. eyes were turned on the popu.
Manager, editor and legal adviser lar leader who headed the. who has boosted us and who to march. fine band of music my mind did much to keep the enlivened the parade and made streets clear of those who would everybody step in time.
make trouble and spoil our de Colon Police Formed an monstration, and last, but not least, we find that broad minded Escort and true Negro, Señor Flowers and added grandeur of the of the Chorrillo Drug Store, who event. Governor Rubén Arcia has always done much to swell and other high officials viewed our roll and helped us with val. the long procession with evident uable advice. Brothers let us stand by those who stand by us. Continued on page 7)
For once. Reprinted by Special request from Extra Wed. Sept. The achievement of the United of Zone policemen took the Brotherhood of Maintenance of lead which was surrendered by Way Employees and Shop Labor the officers and men of the Na ers was translated from Paper tioral Police Force.
talk into ocular impression on march the paradetinuing its Labor Day when almost inter Boca and thence through Balboa passed into La ninable processions filed through to the Administration Building the streets of Panama, Colon and Standing on the eights and look the Canal Zone in demonstration ing down on the demonstration of the strength and progress of passing below many high ofti movement that struck the Isth cials saw with receptive impresinus since the beginning of the sion the grand procession comyear, and summoned the regis prised as it was of over eight trants of the lengthy Silver roll to thousand men which in reality did the call of Unit. and organised not constitute the full roll of or labor. From Panama to Colon all ganized employees on the Pacitie side. Several of the men of each Locals Established lodge were at work and many Throughout the Isthmus others could not find it convenient to be in the parade at the bad been making preparations hour appointed.
during the past month for the rand demonstration scheduled Several Outstanding by organizers Carter (Pacitie)
Features and Stoute (Atlantic) for a combined celebration of Labor marked the display of mottoes Day in the City of Panama; and which expressed the principles their plans in this connection of the local unions of the Bro would have materialized had not therhood affiliated with the some dark winged vulture fan American Federation of Labor.
ned a veto over their heads with The most striking of these were the attempt to intercept the ara diminutive telegraph system e attem rargements Brotherhood a painted railroad with a The changes in the scheduled de train in operation, carried by the monstration ave the Pacitic and Electrical Workers and the rail.
Atlantic terainals seperate de road employees. monstrations which, after, all. when the procession returned to proved to have been a better de the Exposition grounds several cision on acconnt of the thou. addresses were delivered by sands of men who took part in members of the Brotherhood. 01 the celebrations. In that way in ganizer Carter started off dependent which he outlined the achiev.
short but impressive speech in Demonstrations in Pana ments of the Union up to the ma and Colon present time, Professor Inniss the La Boca colored school alwere carried through, making so spoke, as well as an address last Monday RED LETTER was delivered in Spanish by DAY in the history of the West Panamanian and one by a French Indian life in Central America subject in the language of his never before, the country.
colored constituents of the Isth.
mian population succeeded in fo The Address of the Day cussing their intelligence, determination, and business tact on that of Mr, Innis a part of which follows: a single cause in a way that Brothers, Fellow Laborers brought satisfaction to them.
selves and won the admiration of ing as He that enme out of Edom You stand before me this morn all conscientious spectators who with dyed garments froin Bzrah, experienced the privilege travelling in the greatness of the demonstrations in nessing To day is strength the two largest cities of the Re your united public of Panama Labor Day, but Labor a The routes of procession fol. a broader, deeper ineaning than Silver employees can lowed pre arranged plans and participate. Let us render thanks everything being ready the Parades Commenced ler. Barker and Sam Gompers, to Howard Severs, Nicholas Carter at 9:30 a.
and William Stoute; and let us when the banners of the various congratulate ourselves for mak locals and mottos of the mildesting this demonstration possible.
nature were displayed with im Brothers, Labor Day is the pressive signiticance all along grandest day of all days. When throughout the por mecessithe God from His exalted position From an hour side cleft the thick darkness with his walks and balconies of the houses calm though authoritative comthat lined the streets of Panama mand Let there be light he and Colon were thickly crowded placed a premium upon labor with anxious spectators all wait when he rested the seventh day ing to see this great advertise. He established Labor Day.
ment of the silver employees of the Panama Canal and Panama of imagination back to the creaLet us be borne by the vehicle Railroad tion; let as stand up and view the General interest with a slight Garden of Eden the house of the admixture of curiosity pulled protoplast Adam; let us make his nearly every non union man and acquaintance and observe his woman from the projected diver. Oostume, then watch that garden sions of the day to observe the expand east and west, north and doings of the United Brother south until we behold the wonhood, derfully developed world of toThe Celebration in Panama day and see those fig leaf aprons superseded by the beautiful apwas indescribably grand. Men parel of the twentieth century from Gamboa, Empire, the Cule. and we must involuntarily ex.
bras, Paraiso, Red Tank, La Boca, claim: Labor omnia vincit. LA and Panama making up the pro bor conquers everything.
But to day when all nature Promptly at the appointed hour seems happy, when the sun the members of the various lo shines brightly, the birds sing cals took their proper places in their sweetest songs; the flowers the parade with their respective open their petals to welcome the banners which were all master warm sunlight and gold employpieces of art.
procession started from and riding around in 1400 and ees are feasting, merry making the Exposition Grounds, and 2000 Buicks, Overlands and Chepassed through Calidonia Road and over the bridge into Central anderpaid and underfed laborers pad vrolets, over thirteen thousand Avenue, and then into Street find it necessary on to Chorrillo limit. Along to march whole route in Panama Inspector through the streets of the gloriGeneral Lamb and other officials ous little Republic of Panama. in automobile, and a guard of as a demonstration against the whose foundation is democracy Mounted Police Headed wrongs and injustices heaped up.
the Procession on us by the boasted sons of berty and democracy.
from the starting point until it The bones of the founders of reached the Canal Zone frontier this Republic cry out and the at Chorillo when a mounted escort spirits of our departed brothers We have marvelous letters from men and womon all over the country testifying to the cures made by using FOUR FOLD LINIMENT. Buy a bottle to day. 30c, 20c; and 20. Better than doctors or anything you can use.
bor Day with SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY United States Pharmacy CENTRAL AVENUE.
Panama, P: LOPEZ, Proprietor.
Just in Stock a large Assortment of Brook Powdered Barley SMALL AND LARGE TINS BROOK GROAT Specially recommended for children and persons Convalessing.
in MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama.
JUST OPENED cession.
The Chemical Hall 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
BROWNE McSALMON, Prop The large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS Prescriptions carefully compounded BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Drugglt Phono 939

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