
PAGE SEVEN Churches to Sesk Race Interesting News from Riot Remedy British West Indies THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1919 Sesse:se:se:se:ssssssssss MONSTER DEMONSTRATION SQUARE DEAL 19045oxsaSXSSXOS IS WHAT YOU GET, WHEN YOU BUY route FINE TIME CIGARETTES as good as the best and COST considerably LESS Line are at pr Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at 15c. Gold Good Picture Scranton Choto Studio to carry out this Conference of Thirty De Continued frow page (Continued from Page 6)
nominations Called, Bis and Path and the work itself we setual satisfaction, while everything hɔp Thirkieid Announces ly to te begun this wek Thereste passed without ripple of un other Crown Lands in Portland, in care pleasantness. Dense crowds SEES MENACE TO PEACE nectin with which roads are required fringed the streets along the e of the procession, and the and hope to get these started at an balconies of the houses swayel early date also Lack of Movement for Moral with the mass of humanity that have, etc. gathered to witness the greatest Betterment of Negro is Sg. HW PARK event that was ever pulled off in Ble: for Outbreak Director Public Works, Colon.
Director Public Works Office Beautiful Banners wera workers and clergymen of 7th. August, 1919. more denominations will hold Displayed confence in September for action on by the various locals which seemthe mil problem raised by the race Work for Returned Soldiers ed to rival one another in their riots, irding to announcement here efforts to excel. The greatest Cely the Rev. Wilbur Thir It is very satisfactory that the piece of workmanship with the Hirild Methodist Episcopal Pishop of Government has announced the They are brush was executed by Mr.
The place of holding the starting of public work in various Headley which was the pict are fere will be announced later.
parts vi the island. 40, 000 has of a ship and which suggested Bile Thirkield has been at work been sanctioned for expenditure the first vessel of the Black Star for many years among the negroes of in direction This work several bands of music inter the South and calls attention to migra on that has taken place northward ought to a spersed the procession, and the The di test of a repetition of outbreaks considerable number of the re lodges acted in strict accord with who are turned soldiers. morate in Philadelphia, Pittsburg, sent unemployed, and, although pre the directions of the organizer New buth and Chiengo, he said, than in it may not provide suitable opwho saw that everything was Aew Orleans, Memphis or or Birmingham portunities for all classes and done decently and in order.
lle laid the riots in Chicago to the lack of a movement for moral betterinent of ed, it will certainly, if things are types of the men men still unemploy.
All the Locais Assembled the negro and to race prejudice accentu od te word, giv among which were noticed the give ated by crowded housing conditions managed, Work to many of following the men which forced negroes and whites to live dealt with the class of public In former articles we The Perseverance Lodge, Pro in the same sections of the city.
works which should be underPER PACKAGE gressive Lodge, Lily of the The negro has come to a spirit of taken, and we need not to day Isthmus Lodge, Eureka Lodge, self conciousness and a courageous self repe repeat what we then said. Even The Howard Severs Lodge and reliance which has not always been however, if the plans adopted are Sissos the remnant of the Colon Federal manifest, the Bishop said. He is a not just what we would think the Labor Union.
force to be reckoned within our econo very wisest, we should all unite The procession passed along mic and civil life.
to make the best of the situation ALLMAN Front Street on to the Canal WILL STAND AND FIGHT for the present. It is better to Zone and turned back by way of have something to do than noth. LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Colon Beach and taking in the Whether it is a new spirit born of the ing.
principal strepte until they reachwar or not, the negro does not run, Between 10th and 11th Sts.
ed the Union Hall but stands and fights it out when at Colon, increases one interest in tacked. find the strong leaders of the Plans Under way for Re Bottle Alley BULLY BEEF AND CIGARTace counsel not force, except in selle opening of Constant ETTS defence, but a spirit of conciliation and PHOTOGRAPHY gradual enforcement of their rights as Spring Hotel MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER workers and citizens.
Description of a Soidier Rai:LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY way Journey in Italy.
dreds of thousands of negro soldiers at negotiations are at present pro Latest English and American Fashions. In view of the experience of hut. The Gleaner understands that CALL IN AT THE the front the returning black soldiers ceeding in England for the pur By MONTIETH have shown a spirit of self retrant that chase of Constant Spring Hotel, Also Cleaning Pressing This is not an empty story, Not a bit for fame or glory mut have disappointed the expired and to re open it for the accomEy someone who, too ambitious.
expertations of many people North modation or guests. It is learned Makes en trulh appear tietitious, South, and which ought to disarini thut a wind ate has been formed Your Patronage Solicited What here narrate is true, tile criticisin object and am Prices Moderate 68 Central Avenue. Phone 1050 Sights presented to my View When Taranto days were ended. There is a strong group always to be onest those interested in the ven.
And our way to Harve we wende, rekoned with which plays upon the fear ture is a gentleman well known And you are sure to be interested in having Now before the train had started.
and prejudice of the more norant and in the islandConstant Spring Everyone was gay, lighthearted: ailliberal white people with a view to a hotel is owned by Sir Owen MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY. your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor Each possessed the soldier pets.
sterer spirit of repression that will in lips and it has been closed since Bully. beef and Cigaretts; evitally result in clashings of the races the war. With the cessation of hostilities and McKENZIE and serious outbreaks.
and the resumption of So, with glud anticipation Glided we from out the station regular steamship communicaLATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO On the first day, all went merry.
SEES MENACE TO PEACE tion between England, New York The Excelsior But we left good luck at Bari, For at Foggi, troubles waited. The organization of the modern ku and Klux Klan openly advertised is menace duminica, it is felt that in And in truth it must be stated, the tourist trade will Furniture Store Developing and Enlarging was taken by surprise: to the peace and cconomic prosperity of once more be developed.
There saw before my eyes the South If persisted in it will only It is learnt that the capital of What ne er had seen before.
force a continuation of the exodus of the the syndicate will be in the vie. SPECIAL FEATURE Women, boys and girls valore All kinds of FURNITURE, All with exgs and wine plus water Negrues, depleting the fields and shops nity of 30, 000. If the deal is (Curious mixture) which they bart of the south and adding to the already carried through the hotel will be TOOLS and other ARTICLES, For the soldier dearest pets, difficult race conditions in northern cities, thoroughly overhauled and it is bought, sold, and exchanged at Bully beef and Cigaretts.
hoped to svake Constant Spring moderate prices.
The Bishop also named as contribu the centre of attraction once more Great eggs, small eggs, raw ergs, tary causes to the Chicago riots the during the winter months of the United Brotherhood Directory boiled eggs.
work of Bolshevik agitators who have The most reasonable place New eggs. old eggs. good eggs, year.
tried to undermine the influence of the in town.
spoilt erks.
Eggs you sentence to the dickens, church. He said the Chicago churches Panama Star Lodge No. 2141, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, Eggs containing bits of chickens, plainly neglected their duty in not giving Jippi Jappa Hats Be alive to your luterests, Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wil Eggs in baskets, hats and capsa consideration to to the Negro question when and deal with the man who Geo. Henlin, Secretary Treasurer.
Eggs in dirty people laps, liams. Secretary Treasurer.
the extent of the migration there became Eggs in things dear not mention un caso anne protects you.
The West India Committee Cir Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Wines! well tis not my intention apparent. In the last two or three years Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. To discuss a gift divine, the Negro population has jumped to 150, cular of July 24th says: Mr. SANGUINETTI BROWN, Panama City, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretary Turning water into wine!
000. The freedom of Northern air for the Cyril Henriques, who organis. Corner 3rd November and 19th Shields Secretary Treasurer. President.
Negroes undoubtedly had an effect on ed the jippi jappa hat industry Streets, Guachapali. Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon Now, we had this presentation the newcomers, and, in some cases, was of Jamaica, which now gives em Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Made to us at every station, Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, Secretary. This demand for things to smoke; ployment to several thousands of Ancon Box 836.
mistaken for license, the Bishop said.
And we took it as a joke, Secretary Treasurer.
But the joke became too nasty Bishop Thirkield said his own experience people in the island, has opened Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
When the train arrived at Asti.
in the South had been that there were Victoria Street. C. These Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing. From the lanes, from every by way.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa.
For from every street and highway; many heroic Negro church leaders and hats, which are virtually identi tary Tressurer.
workers, and with encouragement their cal with Panamas, are made beck, Secretary Treasurer.
Crowds eaine fourth to try and got activities can be extended to the North from the torquilla paha, or CarSuccess Lodge No. 2502, Gatun. E, Bully beef, or Cigarette.
Rayside, President; Bracey, Secre Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank The calling of the conference was re. Judovica jamaicensis.
tary Treasurer. A, Parchment, President; Ban Out they came in teas and dozens, commended by the After War Committe nister, Secretary Treasurer.
Aunts and uncles nieces, cousins, of the Federal Council of Churches.
Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PadsSons and daughters with their mothers ma City. Collins. Presldent; Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire. Fathers, widows, sweethearts, wives, Jane and Susan, with their brothers Saunders, Secretary Treasurer. Wm, Stoute, President; Headley, Out they came like bees in hives Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Papama Secretary Treasurer.
All demanding, begging buying tive Power Stealing, bribing, spoonin iying EYES EXAMINED Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama. Shouting til their brows grow wet, Day, Secretary Treasurer.
GLASSES PRESCRIBED Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, Johony! Jobony! Cigarette. While the greater part of Europe in talking, if not fighting and rioting about Perfect fair and near vision in ama City. Humphrey, President; Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan. Secretary Treasurer.
Women! well you should have seen them!
it, the French people are getting down Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon.
one pair of glasses.
Some with little clothes to screen to real work, says the New York Sun. If you do not need glasses wa Manley, Secretary Treasurer. Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
The nation is already showing a wonderEvergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paeama Some so nice, you try to win them, will tell you so frankly.
of recuperation, despite the City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Secre Some with smiles like Eve or Venus, Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf. Some with devils laughing in them, late International News Ser. fact that its wounds were deeper and We offer best Optical Service. Millet, Secretary Treasurer.
tary Treasurer.
Some we wished had never seen us, vice cable dated July states that more extensive than those of any counProgressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon, Some that any man could bride, the proposal made in the French try, save only Belgium and Serbia.
Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon Scott, President; G, Patterson, Others that won deseribe Office. 182 Bolivar Street, Chamber of Deputies to impose Is is reported, for instance, that durSwarmed around with one intentions Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
Secretary Treasurer.
COLON the death penalty upon food and in the past six months France has laid What they wanted need mention?
Well, twas but the soldiers pets, clothing profiteers may be ap. 564 miles of double truck railroads and (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE)
Bully. Beef and Cigarettes!
proved the report of a a com 657 miles of single track lines; She has mission that has been investi also cleared and reopened to navigation Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. Dr. JOHNSON WANTED Now ll say no more about it.
But if you re inclined to doubt it tigating the situation in Great 198 miles out of the very important 645 SURGEON DENTIST Take a trip abroad some day, Britain, The most drastic con miles of canals that had been closed by Stop at Asti on your way, troll is forecast by the news the Interior transportation in To purchase at once 300 Dress yourself up as a soldier, paper in their comment upon France depends upon the canals to a dePhone 1003 Address second hand Folding Chairs, You will find that as a stranger And before you re one day olde in prices.
gree which it is hard for us to realize. ticised, under the circumstances, but Ancon, 852 in good condition; similar to Your poor life is much in dange.
George Barnes, famous Beyond this about 7, 000 miles of high none the less futile and very dangerous those used in Theatres and If you ve not the soldiers pets, labour leader. in a way have been restored to good condi to its own future. France, of course, is Bully beef and Cigaretts!
speech at. Cardiff, Wales, de tion, out of the 24. 000 destroyed or dam not without her labour trouble, too, but Lodge Halls. Will not conclared that the Cabinet will make aged. And good condition means they appear trifling in contrast to those known its decision regarding something in France, nearly all other nations, even England, FITZ BOWEN sider quotations on lots less ADVERTISE IN profiteering within the next few Elsewhere in Hurope we hear of the Just as she has to often done in the THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Apply to days. Mr. Barnes is minister disinclination of labour to return to vork: past, France is pointing the way to a The Workman without portfolio in the Lloyd a dull, apathetic state of mind. Not safe and wholesone future. The first 28 November Street, San Miguel JAMES VANTERPOOL, George Government.
see prising and not to be too pretty withing to do is to go to work House 20 Gatun Looks, Gatun IT PAYS Course Printing, Panama Optical Co.
French RecuperaBritish Board may set Death Penalty for Profiteering.
them fal power of the war.


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