p. 8


Tuli the ball At A The Red Ace s: instead and open Elcock caught put on well played 12 THE RED GLOVE to the game than you ce it to say convay our Stare Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacifie Steam Navigation Co.
chauffeur to the while con to us, which bus All PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1919.
OSS0SS0S0. 000. 00 0 0 Open Forum United Brotherhood DemonPACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL stration in Colon. Continued from page 5)
Last Sunday, rain put an end to all PANAMA COLON Silver Employee of the Panama the cames that were scheduled for the Canal, wonld like to point out (Con inned fron Page 1)
At Bishop Hollow Britanies TO NIGHT and Red Tank had only bowled one ball, continued evil permitted by the the Washington Hotel. Despite Wage Board: that is to say should the thronmemiss and folwhen Red Tank objected to Brittanies on the hourly lowers the behaviour was all that Silver Einployee on MARIE WALCAMP, IN playing them with a second hand ball, basis complete his hours, goes could be desired, and comment instead of a new one, and that game TO NIGHT went no farther, in spite of the Umpires hote, he happens to be called to that effe tovali bo hear from out again to work. say from officials and of cers of the Canal uued could p, to 12 he is then en. Zone Police Force. Upon turn the rain came and put an end to it.
titled to time and a half for ing to the Si Standard Oval, the Standard Yorkshire game was also stopped by the rain every extra bour, which should was indo Slating think, dancing a fine game be hours: Standard won the toss and elected to FIRST AND SECOND EPISODES he gets only of cricket was p! on tha bat. Teacher Thomas and Elcock hours. hours taken away from whole a most en le day was ing the inning the hours extra time, and been spent by every of the when the score was at and Victor The Continuation of the hours already different locals of the Atlantic end.
Our sincere than worked then, we are told that er John took his place be assisted Teach Sunday 3rd and 4th Episodes the 10 hours constitutes our re cessful carrying out the initial 10 Carrying the score to 20 when he was Tuesday 5th and 6th I, gular days work; think of it; if Parade must given. Julien caught for a followthe hard worked man has to lose filled Vaeaney, but he returned Thursday 7th and 8th so one hoor extra time, where as zes who worked Bardone to Barrow, which was taken that everyting rent off Saturday 9th aud 10th the Gold Garves the joined Teach and the two Employee as your boss, without a hitch. Our organizar of the seeted well set at the wickets who sits around chewing, smok Bro, Stoute, Bro Morales Me COXOOXO0:30 00:00:00 ing chatting, or reading his srs. Headley and Carter artists, when in eame down, and put an eod papers, his overtime starts right Scout Master Gilkes and Boys, to after his right hours though he all the conductors who handled At Intbmisn art the All Jamaica Er celsior kame was stopped when Jamaion learns so much more per hour the situation with good common Notice.
Notice to Members of 2514 Panama Police had wickets for 18 runs.
sense to the officials of the On Wednesday the 10th inst The so called his helper, think namanian Government Sentenced of general meeting. Come Police and early it: we as Silver Employees the Canal Zone and get your constitutions.
call the attention of all coloured its able administrator in the La Born, Balbon. Canal Tone AL per The West Indian woman who this meeting our organizer Bro ator in the per hunters to be on the alert, and son of Capt Galloway. The mot September 4, 1919 lost 20 about weeks Carter will be in place and For Arrest of Legation not to miss his target when he tous were so numerous ad. Sr. The Red Star C, of La Boca ago in the Herrera Store make all transfers of the seve Chauffeur is to shoot: for we are all fitted for the wille bats with the Grenada CO near the market, is requested to occasion paring to shoot together and we would be a hard task to mention ral ladies who are to be transfer of the La Boen oval, Sunday, SeptemAll in at that store and receive red to Local 2514, On Monday last, before the are going to do it through the any special Twith Came to start at 12. 30 pm. aine which was found underPolice Council of Discipline. Po WE be sure there was not one that did not ecual one, suftice it This match is expected to be of real neath the counter a few days Fraternally yours, lice No. 93, José, Julian, was boys don Liss. Keep it up.
has never after.
interest in the Red Star charged with a breach of diploour position, in plain Thank you Mr Editor, last but one match au ce being organis words. Sept. 1919 is gone, bat matic courtesy to Hon. Perey JOS. SKEETE HERRERA it will linger in the minds of the ed, and don foret, the Grenada с Bennet, MG. His Britannic Near the Public Market, Secretary Majesty Minister to Panama am Sir in good faith com in unity of Colon and Cristois tenninated and that spirit of old SILVER EMPLOYER. bal as a Red Letter Day of dwelletbiberein, and is determined The complaint was the result of Labor on the Isthmus of Panama to put to silence the boast of the Red an arrest executed by police No.
Well done Brothers. Here to 93 in which he charged, that on Sept 4th 1919 Sept. 1920.
The Red Star desires to halthe first of the present month Balboa Jonge (through this medium) any club, Cyril Weir, a Jamaican, and Box 421 and especially o an eleven from the da to the British Legation Dear Sir: conducting Hon. Perey maira to be played on their oval Permit me space in your Joint Protective Board to (The Jamaica C. at any time that Bennett to the Legation was widely read paper for she follow Meet Sunday, is convenient to them.
the of All arrangements are being made to hour which was above the city On behalf of the officers and handle the erowd which is expected to regulation. During the afternoon members of Atlantic Pacific There will be an all day of the same day, Weir was walk Lodge No. 2505 of session ot the Jo nt Pr trctive wend its way to the La Boca grounds on the 7th inst. This is most delightful FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE polico93 4in company with Nos. thanks to the public in general hood on Sunday 7th inst. tothrough the streets and RS. beg to return Board of the United Brotherspot to enjoy a game of cricket; with its grand stand commanding view of 162, 210, 185, 196 and 10 ar for the town and full view of the entrance SALVADOR rested him. He was taken before gera tilatioappreciation and con, morrow) at the Druids Hall to the Capai and ne far as to Tobowa Judge Punce, who inflicted a fine oret udati for min connecting with 20th Street, Central Avenue, with the numerous shipe paeeing in and will leave Cristobal at a. m, and Balboa at noon, Tnesday of 20. 00. At the investigation, haviour, on Labor day. Such Panama, commencing at 10. out the cooling and refreshing ON 9th September 1919 tor Puntarenas, Corínto. Amapala it was contended on appreciation is indeed gratifying o clock in the morning. Three breeze, the close proximity of the Minis La Union, La Libertad, Acajutia San José de Guatemala Police 93, that the British as a body of workers, for delegates from each lodge will has just been remodeled and and Champerico ter not having presented his cre it gives us greater impetus to be present at this meeting catering to one taste to a biceity.
dentials to the President of the push forward. It would be rea cricket fans are cordially invited to see Republic, and the police depart sonable to say that the laurels and those coming from along this greie. Come one, come all and root ment not having received any in Wor KASSALA for your club and let won by this Lodge No. 2505, was the line and Colon will arrive let the old time spirit formation, tbat the provision in accredited to the decision of the in Panama on the train reachof cricketdom reign supreme robable line of the Red Star C:will sail on SUNDAY, 20th SEPTEMBER 1919, for which accredited Ministers is entire democratic body of said ing this city at a.
to Local Cook, Holder; Nedrick; HAVRE AND LONDON (Cargo only)
the Republic, cannot be detained Moore; Greenidge; Bub; HUMPHREY nor arrested; or their private Ellis; Ronch, Kelly; Waley, servants, or any of their family President. Weight in Gold Welsh; Clunes ORIANA did not apply in this case, but the Respectfully.
will leave CRISTOBAL on Saturday 6th September Council of Discipline did not sur tain the contention, as the interLETTERS TO THE EDITOR My dear Sir, you have some pills ELLIS 1919 for NEW PORT NEWS AND LIVERPOOL salu Dear Sir, Please allow me space here by the name of DeWitt, dem pretation of the Codo Was that a diplomatic representative The Empire Star Lodge of the of out a very tall man as he came up to dem weight in The newly re organised Greenda VICTORIA whether he presented his cre the United Brotherhood thin the doors of the City Pharmacy dentials or no, after bis arrival in is in readiness to cross bate with the Red will leave Cristobal on Wednesday, 10th September 1919 for the ve just called to let you know meet on Thursday Sept. 4th for Star C on Sunday Stpt. 7th at 1230 the country was entitled to the the tranet niin the transaction of business, the wonders De Witt pills have NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL The following will represent Growndone for me and to thank you.
privileges mentioned After considering the evidence, There will be Initiation and an da C, at its maiden trip on the La the Couneil decided that Police handle Members are asked to be frou St. Kitts, where he was born amount Inquiry soon disclosed this person of other business to to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who haile Boca Oval. CAUCA Geo Lates, Capt, John, Ro 93 was culpable of the discourtesy wiil leave Cristobal at a. and Balboa at noon charged against him, and.
1911, over 75 years ago. For quite Labistide, main, Julien, On one of our Mottoes were, numbee of years he took up residen Thomas, Rylvester, Jeffry, SUNDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 1919, for sentenced to thirty days impris God, the United Brotherheod, Pia Rondand now lives on the Care donia Nellington, Mc Donald, Graham, Tumaco Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guyaquil.
the of L, and the Unitas Hosten Extra Fratrum.
Our grateful informant further gave SYLVESTER Lodge Notice.
It is a fact that God is with the out that for many years up to the time of from Secretary. For Further Particulars Guiding Star No. 2322 of the Ancient United Brotherhood. The Lord of sundry ailments and severe pains Outer Order of Druids, weich formerly work Hosts is with us, the God of his body. The terride pa insi nin teme Apply to the Office of the Companies at urinary organs, at times unbearable.
is our refuge.
Lecture Night at ed at Druid Grove 20th Street Central, Lets keep it up, lets stick to thick, but due to the magie cure of this Sediments urine over an inch CRISTOBAL has removed to the Oddfellows Hall gether, lets keep together, lets medicine, he was completely rid of bike Court Paradise 21st Street Central Meeting nights give the world and lie the Negro troubles.
to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps Second Mondap and Fourth Saturday canuot be United.
We now stand under the UNI did, but neglect to seize the golden As was announced in last in each month.
TAS FRATRUM opportunity to be cured.
Saturday issue, the special PANAMA EIMA SAUNDERS, Yours for a pull together boys dangerous Those who doubt the It is true to day as ever, Delay is meeting of Court Paradise held Secretary never let us weaken, keep strong wonderful curing power of this retnedy on that date for instruction into will pay the dreadful cost.
the of the ancient Secretary order of Foresters: quite a sold, in two sizes at all class Drug number of members availed themselves the opportunity of Panama, De Witt a Co. Ltd. London on each listening to the drst four lecSept. 4rd, 1919.
tures as handed down by our ancient brothers Dear Sir: Will you be so kind THE CITY PHARMACY, according to Biblical facts as recorded in the to allow me space in your valu 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama Scriptures. BRANDON BANK)
able paper to inform the negro Agents for Republic of Panama The lecture master was non population in the Canal Zone and and Canal Zone.
the cities of Panams and Colon otber than our founder and ad risor Bro. Cotenia how some of our negro brothers regard the race.
There is a fellow negro by the world and trying to bring our The lecturer in a very forceful (FOUNDED 1868)
PANAMA COLON name of Mr. Dyer, who hails mind so that we can be better race in a oneness of thought and and calm manner tried to instill from Jamaica. He was working in :o the hearts of his hearers the organized, we can clearly see at the Ancon Restaurant as a natin and customs of Our large Resources and well known our an waiter at the rate of 27. 60 that we have yet bard time to fight the masses of our race cient brothers, and as the order per month and conservative Management afford unis intended given up to be downward taken a job as from the bonds of real slavery, reach and the upward lift of all questioned security for every dollar er at the Century Club for 25 trusting these few remarks in races, wbich are the brotherU. per month. By acceptConto your wide spread paper among hood of man, it was necessary deposited with this bank.
ing same job at the century the race may cause Mr. Dyer that every forester should try Club, he has put a man who to see that he has a mind beneath to live up to their teaching; and a waiter and also a woman, who the dogs and dumb animals.
as Gideon of ancient days be a Brothers and sisters take this employment deliverer of our race satisfying was a maid, out of The ourselves that it is by the sword man was making 25 into your consideration for the race, please stu per month, and the woman 15 Mr.
study Dyer General Banking Business Transacted of the Lord and ourselves.
al month and Mr. Dyer has tak move thoroughly and judge for yourselves what a kind of a man ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON en the responsibility of two per BRANDON sons work for only 25 dollars, is he and where he should take President.
Vice President.
thus causing a brother and sister his place in the world so far as ADVERTISE of our race to be out employ our race is concerned, ment.
With thanks, IN THE WORKMAN Now that we as negroes are Sir am your truly, IT PAYS looking for a better stand in this TRUE NEGRO.
10 on time was Jacob in De Witt Pills are some soll imitations which you are cautioned to refuse.
bottle and Gity Pharmacy on each direction sheet PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY usages and and bas Sus wait


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