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THE CLAIMS OF THE BLACK RACE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS BY UNITED BROTHERHOOD SILVER EMPLOYEES DOLLARS GIVEN SECOND CHANCE he of Brievat at we aure less if fl und stated to present, anxious to hear what poor Usual collected checks Somesex, inst.
Creed crowds as at present under the that he is an unbending discipli No silver fool is 20 foolish as to same line, with the result that narian as we an excuse is as follows: you THE NEGRO POLICEMAN WELCOMED PARDONED When he came to Fight British Minister Exhibits for Great Britain.
Magnanimous Spirit.
Locals Are Busy Getting Down London. Mr. Archer First Chance Given to Those Who After an exchange of diplomatic presiding last night at an amal despatches, Police 93, Jose Ju.
to Business.
Draw Hundreds gamation dinner of the Ar. lian, who in our last issue was rerican Progress Union and the ported entenced for 30 days Society of Peoples of African a breach of diplomatis courtesy To him that hath shall be handed them checks, yet it is in Organizer Brother Nicholas Car. Origin, remarked that Africans to Hon. Perey Bennett, PANAMA ter was also in atteneance 13 new wanted to know what place Al. His Britannic Majesty Minis given; but from him that leth possible for that collector to remembers were obligated. Reports rica wes going to get amongst ter, is now at liberty through the not shall be taken even that which call the features of every passen Spanish Local given by the These words of the ger from whom he collected a the Netto was kind intervention of the Minister, lowly Nazarene were fulfilled to ticket. Much of our troubles nations.
Carter that the Grand President welcomed when he came to fight who sent a memorial to the secs the letter this week when gold with the collector is due meubles has sent On Sunday tus greetings wishing all for Great Britain, and yet for retatry of Foreign Affairs of this that employees were given the element of. count. per la commissary portance and ma tallerede ima estimation of our held a vital importance were discussed, Peace Celebrations and apparent sidering the nature of the purchase shoes Cristobal to mass meeting at the St. An. and settled. Brother Carter also, ly he was not wanted in the coon ance of which he had complained and we would be done by thony Hall for the purpose of cave a very instructive address: try in time of Peace. The Voxru was fully met by the decision of reduced prices. Such a proce. We intend to render to Caesar oprolling new member os er he he has imparted to us the im has a right to live in a place the Council of Discipline, Julian deen thoughpurjust wanlodechreve the things that are his, and there British 11 repugnant given his libertyodmrein. ponsible for it did uot attempt to to reach to a height of seven feet those res. fore will not expect the collector heavy showers of rain did not portance of the Brotherhood and where the out and a regular attendance was must make it our sacred duty in stood the disadvantages uwie, prevent the people from turning what it stands for and that we When people in England Here in this set whave one of belittle the intelligence of silver to get our tickets and checks.
the voice supporting the true and just which the black race existed in the highest virtues com as to an employees by certin e huidistrexo We who push the trucks on the of justice Our brother cuses for preventing us from docks, and coal the boats, can V. Morales was there will his vote of thanks was given hiun vinced that a full realization know how to forgive, and full advantage of a cheap easily imagine how the colo ebdquence, and assisted by for this a hole instruction. Other would come hom to them or is most admirable with exceton sale Giving first chance to those lector two other Panamanian brothers, hugiocoiu was put to the house what was due the African national dignity When the who draw hundreds places havings ac lectus ache after he explained clearly, the reasons and settled. At this stage the tion.
Fishman decides W forgive, he an economic barrier in our way, greater number of which were never demands a man existent for joining the Brother meeting was called to order and a man must dis able, the unjust ones try to justi: times a passenger argues that mean himself by going on unjustifplaced above his head.
hood, regardless of declared closed until the 26th color, Pacific Theatre wees and cringe. This conces, whu received ven that they are his check alone cannot produce his fy themselves by informing those the collector reaching up for or natiorality After several addresses, Bro.
sion will bring about respect and Morales suggested that it was Never, since good feeling in the minds of the given last chance because the the fact is that almost all the proper that the election of the Colored Eiectrical Workers a picture play house, has the Panamanians for Mr. Bennet. al gold and silver vatrons cannot be bui he feThis may seem true, Oticers be made, for ordering to Hold Meeting along the CHARTER of the first SpanTo night isb Local established in the will swallow such stuff. We need the collector has to reach up for demand justice manageinent of Messrs. Narciso whenever the occasion demands not waste time to show how ut hundreds of checks.
public of Panama.
Pinel and Mariano Arosemena, The results of the election was Suturday, September 13th energetic Proprietors. These was with the policeman, as we Our sympathy from the first terly puerile and ridiculous such Although a tritle, yet we will The regular meeting of the two enterprising young Panaina was Colored Electrical Workers of nians, prior to taking over the Pa that in such very delicate di and coal the boats. The is it not true that while perfec are impressed with the the belief in the future, reach up for our Silver employees load, upload, checks and hand them over, for Luis Batista, President.
Zone members. Vicenti Bonifatti. Vice President of the Excelsior Lodge, vices in the moving picture busi plomatic relationship an ordinary greater part of the microscopic tion is no trifle, yet trities lead Gregorio Cerczo, Past President. Wees. Li. will be held at the ness, but by their pluck and a policemeng would meat have per pages with et return to the cente o perfection again, we say, Constantino Montero, Sec Treas. West Indian Rai Cross hall, steady application of their renera raised at the investigation was has cheap shoes for sale, and Give the police no work to informed. point fers of Do would be done by Guachapali Cesar Conte, Conductor.
the raised. Natalio Ruiz, Chaplain.
All inembers around Panama the Pacific to a standard second, new to thousands of residents on we are not allowed to purchase do.
and aliong luhe Eines are re to no picture play house in Pan bighly pleased at the attitude of mammoth Salary has had the the collector de mands hele we the Isthmus. We are, however, any until the until the fellow we our checks and Nicolas Perez, Journal Agent.
quested to attend, as matters of ama, so far as screening the Antigua Galves, Warden.
Mr. Bennett great importance pertaining to most modern and up to date fea to purchase four pairs for again pay our fares, we will, if and serials are concerned.
himself. In Roman Doboulay, Inner Sentinel, to the good and welfare of every all the s and we have the money, pay, or else fact, Nicudemos Gonzales, Outer Sen brother will be discussed. Mem And it is indeed pleasing to see Chorrillo Baptist Sunday employees on Monday and Tues trying to prove that the collector were purchased by the gold get out of the train. Instead of bers who are in possession of how the public especially the Forms issued to thein on the 1st West School Anniversary Indians patronize the Paday. Our dollar is worth as sa The next matter considered by inst, from the Secretary Office cjfie Theatre. Apart from the thus get arrested cents as the dollar of the for disorderly conduct. When the floor was the name of the are asked to fill them out, and Lodge. Several swell and prac turn same in on the above men has found out that the entire rou tember 14th and 15th, the Chor: been given the last chance. Shall him for them, we should blame stive pictures, the public On. employee. Although both the the collector forgets, to give us tical titles were suggested, but tioned right.
tine of the theatre has been great rillo Baptist Sunday School will we continue to submit tamely to no that bright one of LA AURORA DEL ISTMO (THE RISING ly improved and the behaviour is hold its fifth anniversary. The such rank discrimination against mande but ourselves if he dethat we again pay our LIGHT OF THE ISTHMUS. Isthmus of Panama Lodge boer superior es what it used to Rex, Wits of Gatun wil preach our aolak. This speaks well for Messrs. 11 am Thirteen thousand fares. Swearing that we have No. 2151.
silver employees emphatlcally paid will not help us, for we are rieta, was accepted with cheers by the majority understand, have other plans will consist of songs by the school saya No.
We shall use every not greater swearers than Peter.
On Monday night of this week, under way for further improve and addresses by representatives mic fetters that bind us, and to right and a wrong way to seek lawful means to burst the econo Remembering that there is a Brother Batista immediately took charge of his duties as pre. a regular meeting of the above ments.
sident by obligating tilteen new order at 20 at St. An thrilling serial the Red Ace preach at night.
mentioned lodge was called to During the present week the tor Rev. Loneridge will throw off the yoke of economic after one right, and that there. It the Law is a judge who administers jus.
candidates we thony Hall with Brother wood has been shown at the Pacific On Monday when the public courts have power to make the tice on the Canal Zone, Every subject was discussed ruffe (Pres. in the chair. There and drawn dense crowds. This meeting will be held, the schol: with the dollar of others, re slow course, in securing justice, wilt place our dollar on par always pursue the right, though with remarkable harmony, and broth will render con er during and after the meeting member present at this meet and every show night the coming songs, recitations and dialogues: Course isbulbe be taken thereto. instead of taking a short cute Every member of.
showed signs of deep satisfaction in the judging from the fullnese week. The daring feats piedra come me, tome se nanatici partig bood is hereby called upon to lay conviction that we should render to the On Saturday night, Sept.
20th, atehehouses the fourt on the thrills Valeamiehere this setuche gourmetends along all and bring by a nickle to assist in the fight unto Caesar the things that are roll call of one with to.
there will be another vereeties: officers, after which the minutes stunts on the screen.
agenda. if From now on, we begevery West of the last meeting were read Courts have the authority to ef. sar renders unto us the things Indian Brother who has any fect it. Caesar shall render un that are ours. As members of CARD OF THANKS Spanish co worker, to start dig and confirmed in the usual way.
to us the things that are ours.
were Isthmian League of the United Brotherhood we again Various comin unications were in bringing him to us that night handled and disposed of in an ging him up, untill he succeeds Indians Mrs. Claude Vincent begs to sar do the right, we will endea While preparing to make Cae pledge to do as we would be done am quite sure that if any slack amicable manner; and reports of thank the various lodges, orgavor to render unto Caesar the STOUTE, ers go to St. Anthony Hall look committees, delegated at the Cristobal C, ing for laughs or criticisms, our previous meeting, were On Monday the 15th inst, there nizations. friends and the public things that are his. On the speeches will change their minds which when handled, had desired combine more time maken district in oneration for their tokeos of railroad trains, we will no longer Committae of managem ntPa syinpathy her recent bereavewhen the effects.
nama district of the League, ment.
called upon to do so by the colIMPORTANT TO CONjust cause.
It will be gratifying to learn held at the residence of Mr.
lector. He has no other means TRIBUTORS at there were 14 new comers Walters. Members are asked CONSTANTINO MONTERO, at this meeting, and who were to be out, and on time. The busiSpecial Meeting of knowing whether or not we Sec Treasurer. in due course put through the ness to be discussed are import have paid our fares. Of course, The management of this regular order of initiation.
Sam Smart who tries to get a ant ones. Meeting begins at The parting benediction was sharp. specially summoned Meeting free ride will always object to journal again beg to call the Ancon Lodge 29. then pronounced, and the meetof the Panama District of the showing his check. The collec attention of persons sending To night is rally night. Wil Order of Druids Friendly Socie tor task will be less unpleasant communications to this office ing came to a close at 11. 000 you be there? You should en ty, will be held on Sunday Sept. when, each of us places his for publication, to the fact very important meeting was GEO. ROTHERY.
deavour to be there. Lively time! 14th at the Druids Hall, 20th check where it can be easily seen that same will not be pubLeld uu Monday night September Journal Agent lively time! Come one come all Street. Central. It is requested We must not expect the collector 8th at San Miguel Hall. The Help in a good cause. Your finan. that all Delegates be present at to know us all, simply because lished unless all such commumeeting was called to order at Victory Lodge No. 2509 cial support will greatly assist 30 as there will be mat he has handed us checks on more nications be signed by persons 15. After the usual opening our the League to achieve its purpose. ters of paramount importance to than one occasion. He hauds known to the management.
President Brother Nelson de dealt with checks to hundreds of persons, Such signatures not necessarily clared the house open for busiThe charter of this Local was THOMAS HEADLY, and While it is an easy matter for publication, but as a guarness. There was a full turn out closed, aad the day of applied the Championship of Panams and the West Indies comes off to night at the District Corresponding Secre for all of the many passengers antee of good faith of members. The representative (Continued on page 8)
to recognize the collector who chance to s per tinel is a thief and many attractive gold to.
that he Johnson Smith fistio contest for Santa Ana Atholic Olab.


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