
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, 6ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 13, 1919 Open Letter to the Government of Jamaica United States Pharmacy other viction that bour we fered IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT fatre should masti first end sion. stigms dation is the served.
The Scadron Optical Co.
Since increased tand West Indian Islands and Imperial Preference.
SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR West India Committee in West Indies, then, to admit her THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY England Deals with the nanufactured goods into their West Indian Laborers at Bccas del Toro narket at a lower rate than the eed successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years.
Proposal in its Circular manufactured gonds of her com.
IT LA POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, effect Appeals for British Protection.
and a prompt relief for TALK OF ANNEXATION rade between them will increase Billiousness, Sour Stomach. Dizziness, Bad Breath, coth in value and volume, and as Constipation Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, From a late copy of the Central American Express of Proposal will Promote new and profitable channels will It increases, on established lines, Indigestion Sk Headache. Malaria, Sallow Complexion Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama, we cull the following pen up to their mutual advanSimmons Liver Regulator is a regulator that extends Prosperity of Islands Petition forwarded to the Jamaica Legislative Council by tage. Under the old conditions its purifying and exhilarating influence to every part Only by Their Own their interdependence was res.
West Indian laborers at that place. of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the Effort tricted, as neither gave any enmental facuities, sweetens the breath, restores vigor, couragement to the Bocas del Toro, from the time the Company could have Jate issue of the Jamaica tablished in April last, products Under the new conditions, as es Republic of Panama, the bananas where the train gangs could activity, and cheerful spirits.
Gleaner to hand states that the of the West Indies have a great July 20th, 1919. get them, which in short meant Vo (The Powder form can be sent by mail West India Committee Circular Frurt, No Time. This they learned To the Honourable Piembers of the them on when they were 25 miles from home.
of the 24th July, publishes the new opening in front Legislative Council of Jamaica SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY following: favourable terms; but if there They sected to WALK BACK HOME United States Pharmacy is no reciprocity the tendency Gentlemen If West Indians study Impe will be in Britain and did so The United Fruit Company to buy where ral Preference as it was adopted there is. For with the 149 Central Ave. Panama. Opposite El Sol Silk Store.
We, the undersigned loyal subjects of simply thought these men impudent, not in Great Britain last April, they of Imperial Preference competiinitiation LOPEZ, Proprietor.
His Britanie Majesty, Sons of Jamaica wronged, and started in to punish them and your brethren, find with regret that before and will do it again unless by and that all. They have done it will perceive that their own is. tion will not be eliminated it lands produce all the natural and will merely take a fresh form as we are compelled through circumstances befo the manufactured products whieh the foreigner recedes and the 19. appeal to you with the conviction that some means they are taught that in of we will enlist your sympathies in a matbenefit. This may be acridan the JAMAICA NIGGER must ntal, children of the hon se come into or it may be generous ter that affects you as well us ourselves be paid for and not bought.
cogni their own. The Empire is so As a This appeal takes the form of an tion that the color which sut vast in extent and so diversified class Jamaicans are the most most by ENERGETIC PROTEST to the deci ridiculed in these republice. Our apenjoy the blessings of a that the opportunities for push of the Honourable Body which you peal is that you prove this for yourself to the recent devel. If you could but blacken your skin and represent in respect to sounder policy For Preference opments of so called strike which oc put on working clothes and come here is not ace has come temperial and enterprise are in proportion come to stay. It fuide as it has been under laissez faire at British Ports, so it will curred in these parts, and in which we you would speedily realize the truth of is not an emergency measure, be under Imperial preference, We do have been flagrantly denied of our rights this assertion.
which may be abandoned with a products will ensure the greatest do not exaggerate when we say that you woull curse the GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE change through misrepresentation of Government; nor is it demand, and command the highHis Excellency the Governor has re day that you were born in Jamaica.
a concession to the Overseas Do est price minions for the they aid est to their prices according neived a report that is not in substance Negro Mayors bero call us Chombor rendered in the war. Ita foun quality and suitability. To se correct, nad to say the truth we do not an epithet that carries such cure these, science, organization solid think just or impartial as you will gather that if you should call a Panamanian or one of Britain and well directed individual and from the facts which we will now pre him more than if you should call him a Costarican negro a Chombo would hurt own interests. Before the war collective effort will be required.
sent for your consideration, Carefully she was a creditor nation, with all If, for instance, the West Indies We are well Properly the exchanges in her favour, and are to recover their old pre eniaware that you have given the matter German. Well, these laborers who walked in the face of their ad Sheltet Shur due consideration from the evidences back home were in her fiscal policy Tested amore an Fitted finances and for nence in Sugar, the placed before you, but we can claim versity celebrating the Allied victory an English lag with justice that we have been condemn. One man was waving eign trade. Peace finds her Latest Machinery And Up toThe son of a German, who is Fruit InDate Mathods debtor ed unbeard.
lex with some of the in her favour, and of production must be employed; From the publications of the Jamaica spector. had this taken away from him with at least one heavily against if the West Indies are to hold Gleaner under several dates we gather by a Panamanian policeman who defiled is not a profit their own with South Africa and ber. Therefore it liat the government of Jamnica has de the Flag but Gentlemen, yon have de heard able investment for cided that there is no need for further Vier Consuls on the Committee of Innothing of this officially from the for ber surplus other competitors in the fruit capital that concerns her so much trade packing, the most enlightinvestigation, a decision arrived at on vestigation.
What would be your feel now as increased production, ened methods of cultivation, and the strength in the report given by vestigation PANAMA CITY Messrs Ponton, McAdam Norman Enings under the circumstances? Would NEW YORK COLON which is absolutely essential to a generous and judicious use of her if she is to pay her debts. advertisement will have to receive xlishmen the two fermer Vice Convuls you as Jamaicans resent this? Do you 23 Central Avenue 44 Front Street und representatives of the British Goy consider it natural that these men going production is due, practical consideration. And only possib e through the exploi the latter a minister of the to their camps that night would recount so it will be with other West what had happened to them and do you tation of the food the vast resources of Indian products; they must all Gospel, attested by representatives of the Empire in food and raw ma of thein attain a high standardo of the Costa Rica Government and the think it strange that these men were found in groups discussing the occurence Imperial Preference is no quality, and reach the United Fruit Company. If you would on longer a debatable question in market favour us by going over this report, you on the evening when the United Fruit ndition.
in good con The England, but a matter of life and tariff benefit they enjoy must be You Co representatives were thinking of PHILIPS the it is death if she is to survive as a reinforced by State directed and mention has been made of the obvious bananas and we of the insule?
this time what reason would there great Power. If there bad been aided efficiency. In short, Impecause of the strike. Not ODP word no war the issue was bound to purial Preference will prom te has been said of the reason why such be for a non employee of the Company arise through the phenomenal the prosperity of the West Inabnormal condit, ons existed. No com to incite a strike. Our sympathies run growth of the United States and dies only by ceaseless effort on Guarantees Satisfaction in the ment has been made on the demands of as they naturally should. To make manager who Germany. That is why, one af their part. Their reward will be the en who went on strike and it is matters worse, we had a cutting and manipulation of unfortunately for us and as the Co ter the other, the Dominions, in in proportion. In the first place patent fact that to give Justice to any VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE anticipation of the day, and per they will recover their wealth party of two making claims that the inhas learned to its regret was nearly illiterate. It is known fact that his will haps in the hope of hastening it, and importance; in the justice of a claim must be proven before was subservient to that of the chief ac gave the Motherland a substan they will find their future amply second, a claim can be denied.
countant, the husband of a German, and Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats tial and honourably secure in the Although we have been suffering in that his own wife a confirmed NIGGER Preference in their markets.
British Empire justices in these parts for a long period, HATER. He was unapronchable SPECIALTY this is the first time that Jamaicans in a when he learned that the men were going It was a free gift on their part, nexation to the United States LADIES SKIRTS COATS body have appealed to the government on strike, without investigating he took justified on sentimental and on was always an offence to the for protection and as Sir Claude Mallet bis stand and maintained it as be proved practical grounds by the Im West Indian spirit; it is now furemarked in his letter to Mr. Mc Adam, subsequently. He remarked to several perial services of the British tile as well as offensive. If these 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Navy. The West Indies partici incomparable islands in the days it must be for some reason why his of persons that not even if Jesus Christ in this only in of their poverty and neglect reto him would be listen to any promovement fice should be flooded with claims and a 18th Street, Central.
Box 968, Ancon, case which needed careful investigation positions about the raising of salaries is directly through the Canadian mained truer to England than Agreement. It is their wheel to be false when she takes she was to hersell, they are not Lood Taking into consideration that this the men did not go back to work.
duty, as well as their interest, likely to be strike occurred when sentiment was runcome them to Wo interpreted this, and logically, to them to her heart, and incident rewarded ning bigh, and patriotism in mean. DO WHAT SAY OR GO TO JUST OPENED the Dominions and Rhodesia by ly no her markets again. They connection with the result of THE DEVIL we made up our minds a again be urged War, there should be no surprise (if we that we would do peither. The Com in kind. Only in this way can the arms of a foreign Power, are to be admitted as human pany realizing that we meant to get that we resented being treated as both justice, applied their own tacties. They they contribute to the perma their value under modern condi nence of the Imperial Prefortions of warfare being as great ing short of slaves immediately after we have done this very often and succeeded.
as it was in their palmy days.
enco. She admits their pro122 Central Ave. Panama had the pleasure or satisfaction, if you forcible ejectment from the living quarducts into ber markets at a lower The kind of place they fill in the care of seeing that we had not fought in ters, although we all were paying rent (near late Continental Bank)
than the products of Empire depends upon themselyes vain for Liberty.
This brings us to the not as some claim in advance, but de BROWNE McSALMON, Prop foreign lands. it is up to the and their own exertions.
cause of the strike ducted from the payrolle. There are not During the period of War, we worked suficient houses here outside of the Comfor the same ante war salaries while the pany property to accomodate the four British government are paid toployo. Mandator and the crime is buried, in the world was getting from two thousand odd Negro employees we large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS of the United Fruit Co. one is Coola spite of the fset that two representatives to the hundred per cent more. In the thinks highly of our families as doen PATENT MEDICINES Rica, Mr. McAdam and the other in of the s Government investigan meantime, we were paying for the post the white mat, and we have the right to Bocas del Toro, Mr. Poaton. We believe ted.
of living the same War prices every defend tbern. watural law therefore TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS that Mr. Ponton gets about 50 pounds Will the Honourable Gentlemen be one else did and the profits going to save us the right to shelter them the per year from the British Government satisfied with that report now.
our employers We were toe patriotic to best way we could.
but that would not make him as rich Panamanian gentleman had a Ja hamper our cause by it difficult the Village Preacher However ar built ranches in the woods.
our maiean labourer on his farm who was for our Government by asking for rewillage Prescriptione carefully compounded disponses bis his spiritual The manager of the Co. admitpatriation in the case that we had struck advices and comforts for much larger Costa Ricans in Papam territory.
ad taken off by policemen and delivered to BROWNE DAVIDSON and the United Fruit should have denied ted in his letter to Sir Clande Mallet sum. Mr. Notman in name and nehis mid the Costa Ricans then remarked our demands. All this was in that HE GAVE THE COSTA RICAN Druggist Druggit ture) permit the irevalence we are that it was the man chance to run addition to our voluntary contributions AUTHORITIES INSTRUCTIONS TO Phono 939 deeply macerned, is paid employee away if he would as they could not Why, not to also of the Co. This man to all shoot him for doing so in Panan terin men and money the latter under the BURN THE SHACKS.
osta Rican territory surely, but most straightened circumstances to assist proteot Gosta Rican took our use to beant.
appearaneed to The man was taken to Costa tory, He mid once must get from under a Rica and there was a great deal said, our country. Yes.
to revenge the labourer who he had Ti cannot stand and see these houses any but the investigators never mentioned Jamaica was very proud of these same ejected and who refused to work unless mong who although far away remembered he knew BEFOREHAND how much he longer. few days after it was to anything about this.
moured that his pase for the Railroad drived to meet conflicting statements They always conto feed their all to Jamaica, that in would be paid. Our demands were not would be taken up and his name streek from doubtful witnesses.
making ber as British Colony unjust; we asked what would amount to from He per she would be considered as doing her 25 per cent, increase, and if we are paid sonally admitted that he was going to The position of laborers on the Unifull share but how soon is this forgotten! 100 per cent more then we were, it is No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park) find out if it was true. He called for his ted Fruit Company farms are changed Note how the Hon. Tomlinson of St. still robbery, Elissheth had the temerity to state in Were we burnt out of home by the pay me he was not nocustomed to do and today and there could be no more conthe Gleaner of June 14th that when Costa Ricans, yes. Were our crops was surprised to find that he was still dusive proof that we are just in our the GOOD DRESSMAKING at the big end of the hon, and then the demands than to compare the past with thousadative Council voted one provisions destroyed? Yes. Were we pounds for the protection of berded to jail and our families left des die was cast.
the present. To day the management Jamaicans abroad it was nothing short titute and without protection? Yes.
INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP Most important however is the com organizes holidays for the labourers; but Did the officers of law steal our goods, plete silence over the murder of two of we cannot feel compensated for the inof We who have fought on the battle poultry, moneys, and destroy our DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY.
our countrymen in Costa Rica. Neither justice done us by having picnics.
fields of Europe would wish him no harm clothes? Yes, they did. Have we therethe nor Panama recognised the You see we are still being treated as il.
than to be alone in No Man Land for fore a right to claim? Yes emphatically Tinoco Gov. of Costa Rica, and it sn Amliterate children and nothing more.
erican or a Panamanian were shot under Reports were so strong and the contwo seconds so that he at he would be taught so; and did we? Yes also; but we were Mrs. ANN THOMAS, not believed. No one has been rethe meaning of the same circumstances there would have plaints to Sir Claude Mallet, British But to continue, the labourers on the dressed and the Jamaica government has bee nsome enquiries made. Yet, two men Minister at Paasma, were convincing to DRESSMAKER the extent that the acting Consul, Mr.
one of Jamaica, and the other of St. Kitts pick up trains without any notice were taken the words of five men against told che morning that they would not be four thousand.
Proprietress. Buitish Subjects have been murdered by Murray, was sent to Bocas del Toro paid as customary for the time they put in It may be of some interest to you to so callek Costa Rican official and the from Colon to see what could be done.
other by the United Fruit Company from boarding the train to go to work, but learn that both Vice Consuls of the (Continued on paje. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT The talk of an came to now of the World beingo. Ant The Chemical Hall. rata making it prencher TE to meet our THE WOMAN EXCHANGE EXCHANGE quota in crisis.
So Unity


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