
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from motive of trade British West Indies SQUARE DEAL IS WHAT YOU GET, WHEN YOU BUY FINE TIME CIGARETTES vice, and of the preit is 150.
Gold ataic Good į Picture Open Letter to the cause Scranton Photo Studio quoted will not be from We hail any sooo Soos Grenada evidence of progressiveness on the part of the mercantile om WOULD ABOLISH THE tunity and we wish well to the HONOURABLE enterprise of the firms seeking to erect these jetties, The Wsst Indian writes we feel justified in saying that the Continued frow page West Indies stand to get better Tobago service from its public menila was 5315, and a grant of 10, 635 means could be adopted to abolish Os 8d. was allowed by the Govthe Honourable from the ernment in aid of them.
The Betsey hope or Louis Or names of our Legislators. Il a swamps to which for years has man is honourable be need not be Barbados been attributed the spread of told so on every occasion we are fever in that part of the Wind called upon to address him, and Ward district is to be reclaimed if he is not honourable we should (From the Standard. the Government and the ownnot be called upon to say so at all.
ers bearing and qual portion of The trouble is that the Hon. Mr.
the cost. The Windward district So and so is is striven after as a The Problem of the Re will, after this is completed.
means of social distinction rather turned Soldier.
again become the health resort than as a badge of political serof Tobago we hazard our feeling The principal desire among in this matter that, we if were to Dr. F Lassalle who has been abolish the returned Barbados soldiers this The Hon ble from the names of our forming part of the Re lately with as visited the Sandy in mes of our legislators giment is to emigrate to Canada ing them reclaimed We hope ada Point swamps with a view of hav. They are little Grenada not two of as good as the best and the This question sent number will, as now, move heaven and earth to retain their has been occupying the attention soon to have Tobingo bearing the and COST considerably LESS of the returned Soldiers Com old time reputation of being Our seats for life, by the doing of which they stand in the light of olared that the Cecently de Garden of Eden and the health mittee, which had and resort of the West Indian Is.
the progress of the Colony!
Mr. Councillor or Councilman American Governments are not lands.
So and so or Representative Soprepared to admit anyone in search of work since they have Our game Seekers are busy Insist on your Dealer Selling them to you at and So, we are sure, will not tickle the vanity of so many as their own returned soldiers to bak Di Pons which are now provide with employment It in season. The flesh of these lit The Honourable does. We say that tle birds is at this time of the has therefore been stated again that on the very day is Honourable is struck off fron simposs ble to assist then in year simply toothsome and make the names of legislators in Gre.
those directions. The Barbados a great change in the daily menu rada, and in other West Indian Government have however been It is almost criminal. the freight Islands the right link in the approached hed by an Agent here for permission te recruit men to rates of the Company PER PACKAGE chain which impedes our progress will be broken. The work in Cuba, a proposition from Port of Spain to Scarboro.
whole thing isindeed a bogus which is regarded as a good one. Before the war bags of four But before granting the re. cost 20 from Port of Spain to Octobx03:55xexosx 01 CONOC The West Indian regards it as a quired permission, the Govern. Scarboro, to day the same numment made enquiries of the ber o To bags cost 40 plus 60c.
thing of dust, and with regard to for British Consul in Cuva as to the war rates, 260. It is the nour Anthony de Freitas ise its abolition pronounces Dust to Dust, and Ashes Ashes.
onditions in which the men poor consumer who feels thispected to arrive in the Colon would work. The consul in re pressure.
early in September ply said he had written the Cuban Government. He has The Rev. Agostini has Solemn Requiem Mass for therefore asked the Barbados Point district, St. Patrick It Dead Soldiers was sung at the been appointed to the Sandx the repose of the souls of our increases one interest in (Continued from page 6)
Governient to await his letter before taking any action.
is a long time since this parish Church of the Inmaculate ConIt is out of reason to imagine that Sir has not had a resident curate. ception on Wednesday moruing.
We extend to the Rev gentleman PHOTOGRAPHY Claude would have done this without He must have conferred with Work at Needham Point, and family a right hearty welMr. Ponton, Vice Consul at Bocas, become to Tobago Demerara Reports from the centre of CALL IN AT THE fore taking such a step. Mr. Murray operations at Needham Point On Wednesday (30th) a boat met men, Jamaicans, who represented was a commodity, not as strikers. There tell of a genuine and sterling er fram Pixy Quith the entiterroriste Suicide of Schoolwas a private meeting. Mr. Norman the part British man Bay five pre ent but the Consul asked not to be Union Oil Company, Ltd, to ex purpose of purchasing provi master, respect to his researks at plore fully the oil area of Barba sions, etc. After securing a good that meeting. Mr. Murray therefore dos. Work is progressing buwitw. supply, of corn, plantains and 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 and the arrival of attings to faci coals, they started on their re.
DOMESTIC TROUBLE SAID quoted, this will likewise shield Ms Notman in a certaio mspect litate those efforts bear evidence sunken rock known as voyage. On reaching a Bottle TO BE RESPONSIBLE.
of the sincerity of the Company. Rom heavy winds struck the And you are sure to be interested in having being accused of contradicting him Mr. Duncan L, Jordan, beadsell when he signed the statement handboat and she was upset causing master of the Lodedale School your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor ed to His Excellency the Governor of No Restrictions Made. the sheath by drowning of one of East Bank, Demerara, left his Jamaica but at at the same time it strengthe men by the name of Lesson home on Monday night, 28th McKENZIE theon our cause for appeal. It will go Jack.
Joliday and did not return. Ou to prove to you that we took all proIt is understood that a recent (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO morning the council of officials it was agreed 80s in good fath.
opened without the head teacher There are men still without indictmente not to place restrictions of any St. Lucia putting in an appearance, niting in the jails of Costa Rica sort in the way of men seeking assistant teachers and children Printing, Developing and Enlarging gret to state that many are duld on to emigrate for the betterment of becam alarmed is the time prothe evidences of West Indians in the.
their conditions. This is a wise Lieut. Plissonneau Reand there pay decision in view of the difficulties no appear: ance of Mr. Jordi. Tey started SPECIAL FEATURE turns Home, the United Fruit Company. The Mayor of Bocas del Toro could give being a really experienced in en out to search for him and the come information on this that would gration to the United States search revealed ben Band. shed a ray of truth he is still here al Canada Lieut. Robert Plissonneau, o clock, the dead body is now with us, and great he teacher Hosting in the suice though in another position The then Chief of Police in Bacis del is the gratitude of his mother of Pan. Brothers, near to the Emigration to Trinidad.
Toro, who without being asked, we heard and other members of his kuker. It was taken out of Unitei Brotherhood Directory family. He arrived in Castries luces, when a piece of cord Avits (the volunteered to send suttent police to break the strike, is to day in emir well and it wa very body of labourers is being looking recruited here for work on one and happy to be home again the utter bore marks as it it had 12. 11 La Bocs, Career, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wil would inforın you that they so feared the found tid around one arm, wbile Panas Star Ludge No. 2141, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, United Fruit but we can produce of the or two plantations at Trinidad among his friends after the been similarly tid, sometiturs or Goo. Hewin, Bortet iry Treasurer under who liams, Secretary Treasurer An arrangement between the re stress of the war during which other. p mortenu examination result of the atrocities which they say, cruiting officer and a local pho de did his duty to the country of was afterwards periormed by Isis of Paname Lodge No. 2151, tographer was responsible for his birth and that of his adoption Dr. de Frutas, M, OL tbe Pansene ehitys Woodrufr, Presulent; Wright President; Fields, Secretary: ment, and hid from duty. How does that Vietory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. they expected to be mobbed at any mothe presence of a large crowd of We also though far removed, district. No marks of violence, Secretary Treasurer President.
tally with the INVESTIGATION REthem on High Street for hours tender, our congratulations to other than those described, or Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
during yesterday and to Lieut. Plissonneau for being the areas, were found, and the PORT.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Photographs were taken early spared to be gathered back to body. was buried it is stated Secretary Trenæster. Spence, Presatiunt; Jones, Cox, President, Callender, Secretary given you here sufficient reason to reconWe believe Gentlemen, that we have yesterday and the men discharge his own from the Battlefields of that deceased who wes for some Treasurer.
este un chien cetused to leave for Europe where he did his vvit. Home in charge of the Brickdan Poroya, President; Small, Secre. Dav. Pesident. a. Killing. There may be some engerations we Perseverane Lotige No. 2501, Gatun.
sider this matter, and that you will find their homes till late in the even. Ed. Workman)
Roman Catholic School, GeorgeChagres Lodge No. 2511, Gambon that in body we claims and some tary. up to dat town, committed suicide, as a re.
beck, Secretary Treasurer.
Mr. Desmond Fisher, sult of domestic troubles.
believing that the must admit, but that should be the Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
means was something to do with recrvit. Headaiaster of St. Mary Col Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank. There is no need to point out the undercondemning so many sufferers.
Bayside, President; Bracey, Boereing them. Others congregated lege, who is going on a well earnThe Governor of British Guiana chiry Treasurer who tried to obtain a photo in ed holiday in the Mother Conn. Austin, President; Bannister, current running through the whole cause Secretary Treasurer.
Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, Panaof our misrepresentation, the United the hope of being registered try, will sail next week by the has issued a proclamation probib ruit Company money is too apparent wanted among those accepted. The num Direct Line Savan; comment. iting the exportation from that me. City. Collins, Presldent; Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire to be ignored. We do not mean to insinu: ber enrolled is about 60. ing the above the Voice says. colony of banknotes of all denom. Saunders. Secretary Treasurer.
Wm, Stoute, President; Headleyi ate that we have been deliberately sold Mr. Fisher work at St. Mary nations except with the GovernAurora Lodge No. 2504, Papema Secretary Treasurer.
College for the last four years orais permission and except to the Panama City. Buckley, President; by representatives of His Britanie MajesWe extend a hearty welcome to has been of the most successful value of 100 taken, by any per: Day, Secretary Treasurer.
Lt. Col. Jenkins, Cold future. He has brought up the son leaving the colony for his Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama. ty, but we do insist that their loyalty to Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, England is not magnanimous stream Guards and Nigeria Regl. School to a high degree of efti personal use.
Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pao Secretary Treasurer.
han poor West Indian Negro la ment, West African Frontier ciency and has set it on a footing ama City. Humphrey, President; Howard Severs Lodge No. 2815, Colon. much, however so far as their duties are bourer, perhaps it is Manley, Secretary Treasurer.
too Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
children, arrived on the 25th ulti secondary educational establishEvergreen Lodge No. 2506, Paeams concerned we are mo by the Sargasso from ment elsewhere in the West In we are not begging that since City. Headley, President; England. Lt Col. Jenkins is the dies.
Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf. We have a right to demand. There is no we Miller, secretary Treasurer.
Nelson, President;. Wm. Irving, Socre room to go into personalities as we are too newly appointed Colonial Secre His keen interest in the boys, tary Treasurer.
much ocneered to have a status estabtary in succession to Hon. Etheir studies, their sports, their Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon, lished from now henceforth for mistreatFell, general behaviour is generally Scott, President; G, Caterson, Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon ed soas of Jamaica. We think so much Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
of those we have left at home that we recognized and he leaves on the would Mr. William Michael Herbert College the stamp of his honest, lot pot burden them with the expense Greaves, of St. John College, is outspoken, courageous personal. EYES EXAMINED Dr. JOHNSON paying for this investigation as we are willing to do it ourselves. Although among the wranglers in the Camity; WANTED bridge Mathematical Tripos. Mr.
GLASSES PRESCRIBED All those who have at heart the away from home you are well aware that SURGEON DENTIST Greaves who also won the Tyson interest of St. Mary College Perfect fair and near vision in a source of revenue our part cannot be Medal for Astronomy, is the son wish most sincerely that Mr.
ignored in Jamaica. Our earnings one pair of glasses.
still of Dr. Eustace Greaves, and re Fisher may come back to St. Lu Phone 1003 To purchase at once 300 go there to pay our taxes and other lige Address ceived his early education at the cia, though what we have to of. If you do not need glasses we second hand Folding Chairs, bilities and Jamaica feels the tide Lodge School.
fer him is far from adequate to will tell you so frankly.
Ancon, 852 in good condition; similar to perity when we flourish abroad. That bis value as a teacher and a lead We offer best Optical Service.
those used in Theatres and you will admit. We appeal and we hope cousideration is due us we are sure We note in the Official Gaer of our coming generations.
Lodge Halls. Will not con not in vain to be given the opportunity of zette. tire text of two short bills to authorize Plantations Limited Francis, of Vieuxfort, have been Mr. de Min vielle and Dr. Office. 182 Bolivar Street, FITZ BOWEN sider quotations on lots less saying This is what our country has COLON than done for us, though far away we are not and Mr. Jason Jones to erect appointed Justices of the Peace.
THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Apply to forgotten.
jetties running into the sea. No 28 November Street, San Miguel JAMES VANTERPOOL, We are, Honoured Sirs, doubt these bills will be passed Your most obedient servants and confirmed as they are proOur new Chief Justice. His Ho Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge.
House 20.
school and the We gressed of or the policemen.
ing; turned of take in the enough to asking them Panamá Optical Co.


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