
STRETCH YOUR MONEY de Box 74. Pancm RP 30 ne Year Six Months Three Ons We do not undertake to return was PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 1919 Editorialettes. Churcı Notic THE WORKMAN French Colonists: St. Peter hur:h, La Boca.
Holy Communion, 30 a.
The French citizens from Matins and Sermon. 111.
the West Indies are among Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaHoly Biptis in.
WALLOD, at the office Curation. Correspondence on all matters the most enthusitstic men Sunday School, 30. in.
Due and corner of Street, Panama of public interest invited, bers of the Unitel BrotherMen Bible Class, Be sure you are spending your Evensong and sermon.
All copy for publica fon must be hood. They certainly know MULCARE written on one side of paper only, and Money to its best advantage. what union means, and they Rector RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same of have entered the organization 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica with a determination of pur School Entertainment.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
BUY FROM THE pose that is setting the other members a healthy example.
rejected correspondence.
An Entertainment crisisting WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. The speech delivered by Mon of Recitations, Dial gues, songs The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONIUS sieur Tayale at the Standard pte, will be given at vle St.
GRAVES JOHNSON Oval on Labor Day was a Jude Lodge in SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919 sample of excellent French in Wednesday evening the 17th inst. by the entre Now the house which treats its Customwhich the speaker outlined to be School of MH.
his compatriots the benefits Rallen Buchner is inaster.
The Defeat of the Dirty Traitors.
ers Right of organization. We must The Prinrose Car congratulate the French citi will be in attenda alata zens on their entrance into. ppy time is expected. All well From the very first day that the grand mission of Mr.
Gasoline, Oils and Repair Parts the United Brotherhood and wishers and friends of Elucatijn Howard Severs in connection with the organization of are cordially invited to xu and assure them of the sincere co hear, and encourage the little colored labor on the Isthmus became known there arose operation of British citizens folks. Doors open at 30 an army of traitors whose dirty work of attempting the Corner Street Ancon Avenue. in all that concern their fu Admission 23 cents gold at the interception of operations has branded them as the vilest ture progress and interest in door; children 10 cents.
under currents in Central America. Their efforts were PHONE 85, CORPORATION this country planked on he intrigues of treachery, and their entire enSt. Anthony Hall in Calidonia is the popuOVER THE TOP BALL thusiasm was the kind characteristic of the veiled gang BOX 816, ANCON.
lar meeting place for the whose st quality is the hatred of everything that is French members of the Union! The over the top ball will helpful to the Negro.
Panama Star Lodge No. Royal Primrose Lodge and the spirit of gentlem. in. cornes or at the Pacitie Club toIt will, in course of time, become the most loathsome ness that marks the meetings biggest hits of the The night promises to be one of act that could be recorded against any set of men, that No. 10106 There will be a special meeting is a most admirable feature.
there was a decided agitation in opposition to the interests It will not be very long when are trophies worthy Wus.
prizes offered for the best lancers of the silver Employees of the Panama Railroad and the on Tuesday night, the 26th inst, There will be a special suin. every French citizen from the puted for Panama Canal. This fact of general oppposition by the All Officers and members are moned meeting of the Royal West Indies as wel as those arny of traitors was never a secret to Mr. Severs or any asked to be contine time as there Primrose Lodge No. 10105, from Europe will be within Chemical Hall will give will be electiou of officers; and 0:0, on Tuesday evening, 16th the folds of the grand organi of the members of the United Brotherhood. They step Silver Cup with padded feet, but their voices were painfully shrill; Tuesday night, the 19th, there inst. for the transaction of busi zation, Mr. Tayale is a live they camouflaged like the deuce, but the lines on their will be in viattendance All are present mana berbe dine titled to be to take them to the goal of Propriptors of the will de a rally. band of music ness of the most vital interest. wire among them and intends We are pleased to note that the cheeks showed them up; they buck danced in style, but cordially invited.
Chemical the movements had kicks in them.
success which is quite in sight. Hall, Messrs. Brown McAllThe integrity of the accredited representative of the no waking. If they are not convinced now, it is a terribly man, have joined the band of gratuitous prize givers by siganlyng United Brotherhood was challenged by members of other hard job to tell when they will be. If they don keep still The Fiscal Roport: their intention to donate a handlabor organizations here who thought that they could at this, we are in grave doubt as to when they ever will offset the activities of the gertleman by foul means, stop gabbing. if they are not satisfied with their defeat, ed to all local politicians of cricket season 1:20. President Porras has prov making the most is in the sorne silver cut the ba sman when fair ones had failed. Cables flashed rapidly from they are the limit.
the school of sceptics that his the Isthmus to the States asking for the recall of Mr. The Government of the Panama Canal and the authori policy of a foreign tiscal agent Severs without success, and then it was decided that his ties of the Zone ought News itens.
see by this, that the Silver em for this country is a greater honesty might be attacked with good results. The cam ployees are gentlemen with respectable training, refined idea than could be seen by paign started and white men got busy among the negroes culture, and first class breeding. In proof of all this, we inexperienced minds. The na West Indies wout dry, from both The Island of St. Thomas Danish warning. them against the new comer who had no agree with Prof. Stoute admonition that our people showtional oredit of the country July last.
greater interest in them than to get their hard earned their checks at all times on the train; and we go farther: has been restorel, and the bal Prohibition has also been promoney and beat it.
we say, line up, when told to do so; we say get a move on ance of 365, 900. 27 at the claimed in Porto Rico, on the inh The confidence of the colored workers in the organiwhen so ordered. we say, show your commissary book end of the fiscal year is some to offer the in via zation was too great to be touched by the mean propa when asked to do so; but we say, nix on it when told to thing to open the eyes of towing pararaph taken in the si.
ganda of those who did not really have anything against play the fool; we say fiddle sticks when ordered to every tax payer and contribuThomas Mail Notes him, but who hated the Negrues so much that they did cheese it. we say take it warm when solicited for tor to the national revenue. uso for drinking in our contes Florilla, the great hair. not wish to see anything done for them by which their bribery, and to the antipodes. when courted for news. The country is noir on the ben seized, the Governor getting economic condition might be improved. This was too Our people are warned against resisting constituted road to brighter prospects boules dollar boulos. La seuns that hold of no less than glaring to escape detection so that the plots against Mr. authority; they are admonished to respect the law; they and no one will doubt the. was not made according for: Severs were recognized as schemes against the voluminous are taught not to speak disrespectfully of governments; ability of the President to mula.
silver roll whose services have always been known to be they are made to understand that insolence and outlawry captain and steer the ship of indispensable. The people had more faith in Mr. Severs are neither virtuous nor sensible; they have learnt that it state to a safe harbor. The tried to do: we are interested than they had in Mr. Any body else with the same color, is wrong to loaf on the job; they have seen the honor reduction of the police force, to learn what they will do and what he said in connection with the organization of in giving a square deal if they are to expect the same; and the retrenchment of a waste next. They are already in the colored labor went farther than the incessant noise of his they will soon experience the satisfaction of keeping the ful system in several depart. game and it is not likely that antagonists who could not even succeed in gaining a mo jails empty, as far as Unionists are concerned. ments, the careful watebing they will give up very easily.
ment attention.
The unanimous agreement among the members of receipts in revenues, ex Next move!
When the attempt to stampede the silver men failed, the United Brotherhood is Deceive the Traitors. and the travagance in expenditur the next move of the traitors was to buy out Mr. Severs firm determination of every man and woman is to let the and numerous other farLa Boca Women: and send him back home. But Mr. Severs being a gen authorities see that the propaganda started against the sighted measures introdiced tleman, and a clean one at that, sent them and thir Union by the gentry with the soiled hands has been, by the President through Si, Ser! The ladies of La money to the hottest corner in Hades where they still are and is a greater menace to the peace of the country than the National Assembly have Boca did their share on Libor sweaving like cocoa in a hot house. If they had succeeded anything the members of the United Brotherhood could given Panama a new birth, Day when they retreshed the in bribing him the fate of sixteen thousand laboring men say or do a prosperous lease of life. We men and women in thpreession as the slaves of a vile economy would have been sealed No doubt, the enemies of the Brotherhood had de can now hope to see grand on its passage through to streets for another generation. But having failed again they scended into the deepest depths when they gave out the improvements in the matter of the Silver City. They furnisha its. disquieting rumors that there was to be a strike on Labor of roads and city connections ed water and aerated drinks :o But fearing that the Unionists would have out herod Day. They dethroned Beelzebub and supplanted him The idle lands will soon be the thirsty travellers in their deed Herod, the masked faces wended their way to the when they reported that there had been preparations for a made to work and flourishing nonstration, and showed the mountain tops and told the Olympian gods that the riot among the Silver employees. They crushed honor, villages rise up on all sides. right spirit of co operation among silver employees had met in solemn conclave and had to atoms by their base activity; they turned the Isthmus With men like the President them. They worked like trojar planned a strike against the Government on September 1st into a hell when they created the gang of subtle frauds holding the reins of govern and did not wrow weary ia wellLabor Day. It was regarded as a night mare (it was which now makes the economic temperature so unpleasant; ment Panama is sure to take doen The members of the Broreally a night booze) and little or no attention was paid to and we are patiently waiting to see what their next move her place among the countries therhood beg to express their apit. All of this was done at a time when several Gold em ment will be.
of Central America as the preciation of this philantropic ast ployees visited the hang outs and resting places of the Silver mer and incited, excited and invited them to strike. men and women of various nationalities. There are Panze gressive and the most indus race who have got the vision of The Silver employees (for the information of all) are most stable, the most pro on the part of the women of their These treacherous agitators of blank complexion told manians, British, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian trial nation their right duty justice and liberty. They were the niggers that it was good time to hit when the citizens among them. When the propagandists perform there with the goods and they big strike was on in the States, and that they could get all their dirty work they ought to think twice of the serious Noxt Move: taught the rest of the isthmus that they wanted; when at the same time they had no complications they are trying to introduce between so The haters of the United what real cooperation means.
tified the whole cut fit that the dock men and coal many governments and the United States. The mombers Brotherhood have been check Well Done. La Boca! That the workers were prepared to wait out, and that it was an of the United Brotherhood are citizens of the nations men mated in their vile attempts to way to do it. You have gained easy thing to get them. They failed again. The colored tioned, and they all know what they are about. If the undermine the good intentions laurels by this act.
laborers did not strike; the work went on and the ships enemy attacks Panamanian it must be understood that and misrepresent the doings have seen from this what you and we were unloaded. Hurrah!
nearly sixteen thousand men of different nationalities are of the members of the organi are capable of doing, it put to Labor Day came and it was considered a good game to ready to defend and protect his cause. The same is true zation. They have, so far, the test. We will remember tell the Sons of Order that the niggers had planned a if a West Indian or a Spaniard or a Dutchman is troubled. done their worse, and have this kindness which stands riot, and that they were bent on smiting Amelek, both The members of the United Brotherhood are friends got nothing for their pains out in such striking contrast male and female. We do not know whether the childish of the government of the Panama Canal and the Republic They reported the meanest against the venomous darts of agitation took root or not, but we know that no riot was of Panama. We want it clearly known that our platforms things against the unionists, some of your men who hid be.
planned, no strike had been contemplatəd, no disorder are clean, and that our most sacred secrets can stand the but they were proved to be neath the houses and crouched to occurred, no arrests were made and the people had a gala the light of public investigation. We are a labor body, not graduated liars with honors get a view of the procession, not day, admired both by Uncle Sam, Cousin Panama, and a Kuklux Klan; we believe in co operation with, not de They won for themselves the daring to show their faces, for tout le monde.
ceiving the Government; we find virtue in truth, not unenviable name of traitors, shame, and perhaps, fear. Guilty The enemies and evil wishers of the United Brother treachery; we fight with the pen, not pistols and poinards; and those of color are now consciences make ug run like a hood, and haters of the Negro element in Panama were we step like men in the open, not pussy foot in the dark; like men without a country, deer, and pant like a bart even thus defeated. They received a blow that was as fierce as we are energizing for general benefit, not individual We don want them and it is before our ugly deeds come to an upper cut, they were knocked out and down in the first aggrandisement, and we say, hats off. to everything not within the range of possi light. If some of your men be round, they were greedy and came back for more and they that is equitable and just. If our enemies can accuse us bility that they are wanted traitors, you have redeemed La got it; they refused to be counted out, and they were sent to of any wrong, let them go to it, but if they don come by anybody else. We are dis Boca by your signal act of charity oblivion with the punch which creates a sleep that knows clean they will hear from us.
gusted at what they have and sympathy.


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