
THE WORKMAN, 6SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1919 PAGE TIVE Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE individually around bilin while glory in us.
Colon Labor Day XOOSOBX00 soos REASON WHY Mottos.
We Should Get Rid of White Preachers The following Mottos of the Colon nunstration were held yer from our last issue for lack (By EDUARDO MORALES. of space Negro Fellowmen and women We are on our way, nothing can AND am asking you to consider the daunt u following facts seriously, and to you don consider poverty a bless.
act upon them immediately. Being, join the Brotherhood fore be inisunderstood, want All we demand is justice.
you to clearly understand that Be one bundred not one hundred ones.
there is a great difference beWe are the lever of the world.
tween an individual complexion You can be happy only by making and his or her actions. As have. vs the PP. afore stated, am not against a There nothing menial that needs to min or a woman oman because of his be done.
or her color, for am quite aware Poverty is not a blessing Get in line boys. Conditions are of the fact that there are good and going from bad to worse, abey with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
bd in every race; but, am sternWo want more pay, the dollar is sick.
ly against the actions and teachOb for God sake, kive us square ings of any individual be he white deal. Don work us 12 hours a day or black that tends to retard the Conso idated for a worthy cause.
We want three quare meals a day.
progress of my race and to lower the progress of my race and to Waiters, Teamsters, Watchmen. 100 ower the standard of var racial our bany hours a day.
Jowe boys, join in making our bones when we must do all in our power somfortable Me Commissary hours are too long to protect our rarial rights; to when stock taking comes around Oxossos sos030660X60 400800X060 cossexosso know right from wrong, and to Yellow Employees, help us to help cry out aloud against wrong ouxelves and yourselves whenever it presents itself to us, Good pay encourages hopesty Poor be it even against us pay produce thieves When will democracy hit the Canal RED TANK when the last shot caught him in the p. Brothers don forget the big Thus you see, ain against, and Join us if you want the square Zoney heart killing him instantly time which is in store for you. every well thinking Negro should meals a day We broke the record couling the The children of the Wesleyan Sin His body was taken to the Hospital Our Disthet Gardeners Messrs be against white preachers for uhou Cirical lackers BEWARE cruiser day School are practicing hard for the it on the 17 train which reached this town Bruce Lawrence must be congra the following undeniable facts, We ob Vacation when we are lide You who are on the former let us be children day witvice which will take when a further investigation was made tulated for the beautiful wreath sent by White The silver clerk in chicient wit his much as quind of us we should be place on Sunday 21st st. sharp of the occurrence One Percival Sterling them, as a token of respect to the de from being interested in our ra united and for all bite preachers are far is much all are cordially invited to this service who ace unpanied Jordan, on the alert ceased Darnley Jordon who was laid to cial progress, be it socially, tinan Join the Brotherhood and get your Buty worker aman. give him ev ualla collection will be taken on behalf or or the hunting of Mangoes is said tº resto rating to correspond with your it on Wednesday evening 10th inst. cially or educationally rights.
the Sunday school work, duties tell the boy Lee he must shoot Gordon Welll we cannot complain for the Though the servants of the we do our bit: Mr. Wave Board with realice towards none.
fui pay for equal services For what on toon gher; but rainy season this year, but the occu Negroes, they try to impress on please de Yours PARAISO with the placing of Le into the hands pants of house five and fity seven sure the mind of the Negrves that Are you interested Oro pay Sad The organized worker is no slave to of the Police Officer at this district we ly have a hard time getting in and out they (the preachers) are shperior better working conditions the whims of the master.
trust to get the full details of the mat of their quarters when the rain stops to them.
la organization there is strength: join Nos for promise, not for pell but for Billiards Contest at Paraiso ur. Jordon who was known to be one can the do something to the They try to impress on the richi itsell.
the Brotherhood.
unskilled workman who does of the most polite young boys Clubhouse.
Our laundresses krep you clean. Give The popular Bachelors biliy road which these mind of the Negroes that the this vicinity will noć bely missed by have to climb day and night.
skilled work then there wuare meals a day, Beble knowledge is sufficient for Mt, Joseph versus Mr. Daniel his parents, but by all who remember Last but Oh for a suuar meal. Hy later for Must our children grow up a menace not least, in our reporte, we them, their children go to to the community both of Paraiso. Mr Joseph will be hon him during hiss work of employment As would like to remind the public that Colleges and Universities, to ima square moral oh Capital, where are thy buwanus when we get more money we buy more dicapped by 100 in 500 points Rame messenger for the well known Doctor there will be the regular monthly dance, prove their mentul faculties farlies American The game is expected to be interesting. Urweiller who is now on a long vacation on Saturday night 20th inst, at the They teach our people that He lives long that lives well.
we want money to spend nas to hoard. Boesters wanted game started at in the States. Jordan body was brought Clubhouse, also on good news in our they must It did not take an earthquake to start Joseph hees nerve.
we stand sirm.
in poverty.
Mr. Todd will back to Gatun where he parents stood new report. Don think our reporter forIt will take one to stop us They teach Negroes not to stitch in time saves nine, Join the Noah food could never reach the referee the game.
the burying of him and through bing get you Mr. returner.
accumulate monies on earth the Brotherbood to day.
Commissary prices. The many friends of Mr. Lornar Juvenile Samaritan, he had one of Next Concert where moth doth corrupt, but Money is not the root of all The lack of woney in the rooi of a Help the laundry girls moged an in Rose of this town will be pleased to the largest attended funerals ever seen they keep a bank account.
learn that he has recovered from his re in Gatus. Darnley is gone but not for They collect money from How does the school teacher live dur cent illnees after having undergone aggotten he was laid to rest with those The Sacred Concert by the Negroes to build churches, and Diracy, where a thouy in the three months le of period. auration at Aucon Hospital.
who will never be any more on this ourth, Primrose Choir, at the St. Antho when they are completed they An application of Demoeray Our initial movement.
The way friends of the deceased needed While wo live, let us live.
join in en olence with his father and ny hall tomorrow afternoon, pro are turned over to the ConferWe intend to give the Police Dept. 20 mises to be a most delightful and ence; a handful of GATUN of white men. Tho laborer is worthy of his hire.
mother in their sad bereavement.
work to do.
pleasant evening for all those They go a little further than that; At the Commissary and the Pest Under this standard thou shalt conThe Pink Tia of the Latica Auxiliary who attend. The choir has heen if you build your own church and Once we shall be orderly No quer rushing Watch us grow Death of Darn y Jordon of the M SL, will trained to the minute and its name it after their denuminatiou Our Father (Y) who art up there, yiro The Brotherhood. a supping stone Tuesday Evening Sept. oh, Peterna take place tonight at the Like Hall. rendition of the anthems, solos, they claiın the right to own it us this day. uare deal for the yewer ones, Forth last month th se yo ng ladies c, is expected to excel all pre. even without your consent as the hours of 3, 30 and pm this town along with reveral assistants have been vious efforts. Don forget the was the case with Seventh Day Our Union shall noter le weakeord. In all seriousness Battle for our right. Fear no toe. Morda lasting than bras, enduring which could be heard from a far distance rationis nor what is anticipated to be a was thrown into mize of werpine putting for kreat effort making prepar time, o clock sharp. Adventists in Cristobal and the Well to advance, but never lo Mt. Hope Church.
Monte Lirio and Frijoles. Organized when the mother of Darphy Jordon revery enjoyable time tonight Grand Rally. They entreat and en con rage seperoni ceived the sad news that her only on We remain silent and diw of our girls and women to go into stara Believe that you have and you have it was shot to death by a white boy named Grand Rally will be given by Rum shops, Red light districts Pictures of the Demonstration which th Household of Ruth No. 961. und Bachelor rooms with toFor the cause that does not lack as Poverty is the mother of all the vices: Hartley Lee. It appeal from the ci Poer in the midst of great wealth. gathered that a mamber of boys took place on the Atle end, are now OO. on Saturday night bacco tins and envelopes begFor the wrongs that fneed resistance. Thus you lubor dout not for yourselves, went into a triat was a certain part on site and can be hade me Sowl Sept 20th at the Star of the Isth sing money instead of trying a This is our only salvation. We must We hope for better things of the town Mingive hineiing when the color siveretary the Coloured inus Lodge Room 21 Street Cen prevent and suppress it. And be 100 per cent strong.
Strength withous judgment falls by its boy Lee had with him a 22 shot giin.
Clele; priores 50 ets S, Cy. al Avenue. All are cordially worse than all, they entreat and Many man financial goose has own weight After the hurt was over they appested invited.
been cooked in a jackpot: not so Conditious demand that you organize returning to this who live the with the Brotherhood encourage our decent girls and Tomorow Sunday the Bernards white ny comment le rol Lle! No. 15 wll delicate the Unele, have worked twelve hours women to participate BIRTH.
ligious. Wiggle. Waggle. SnakeJoured how it time but deli and am hungry hown good time is did not ministri Teternal brothers the by boy Weight pounds. Mother and men and conjunction with Barn to Mr. and Mrs. Duhaney a le. Dance Picnic in Give us a chance to live. Twelve hours a day is too manyWhy wil e mente ant babe doing well.
not eight by using the name of the The place to begin living right is cloak, instead of teachwhere we are living to ing them morality SOOS ODOS.
Justice and not might shall rule.
SOSIOS NSC 90 SCXOOX LA BOCA Should the church be conWe wish our increases direty and structed with Negroes money automatically from the Bureau of The Late Litomiry Aracation will and maintained by Negroes We like competent Supervisors.
render a special per on Thursday only, yet the Negro Preachers do Half rate werk end transportation evening, September 18 This will take not receive equal opportunity From the form of a variety concert. with with the white preachers. In Eight hour day and adequate compon. citat ons, soks, and duets, ck, Vocal You can turn out many cases he is Is not permitted and instrumental to use the pulpit.
Abolition of camps in favor of bache The principal subject for the evening There are certain churches more work in a lor quarters will be an address on Shakespeare Be ter school facilities for our chil. Masterpiece by Mr Reynolds of never the chance to stand in La Book school who will give a critigiven time or the the pulpit and presch to the conoh Democraey, Democracy, why hast cal and explanation description of the gregation that is 99 Negro, thou forsaken usy same in less time 10. Negro The silver employee is the gascline greatest play (generally acknowledged) of preachers have that runs the Panama Canal the great post with. never been allowed, and never Dease to be a Slacker. Get rid of the The deservedly popular Silver City. will be allowed to preach to a yellow streak.
Band we will be in attendance to en white congregation or in a white The Earth one Democracy Every la dance the pleasure of the evening. ELECTRIC MOTORS church; then, why should we borer a citizen.
large number of friends from Panama allow white preachers to preach The worries of the of are is expected to be present, and others are in a coloured congregations or in enough to send a man West. motor on each a church bought with negroes cordially invited.
We give you labor; give us a jnstrech ward.
Missionary Meeting Reward sweetens labor.
a 11.
By the sweat of our faces we intend The annual Missionary meetings of toe support white preachers, when Meat to eat bread.
La Boca Wesleyan Church will takt place group we can get eminent culoured We sweat for you; give us broad. on Sunday and Monday next 14th and preachers to do the work?
chines means Why Labor conquers everything.
15th. The Sunday services will be condo coloured preachers continue Fortitude and progress.
ducted by Mr. Goodall, the British vice to pay white preachers more Workersfare Creators of wealth Consul of Colon. At three o cloek there and give them better facilities than We are trying to get nothing that be will be a childrens service at which the coloured since power need our longs to anyone else.
children will be taking part, and on preachers?
Of course we are discontented.
Why have them around you at Monday evening at 30 a special service Contentment spells stagnation and re will be held at which addresses will be not be consumed all; why not let them go and trogression.
preach to their own! They are given on Missionary Work.
All self respecting men unite. Why needed in a place where are you alone?
The Anniversary of the Life Problem thousands of men, women and Prices are far in advance of wages. Club of La Boer will take place at the ed. Controlied by the pressure of a finger, no skilled children of their race gather to Don stifle your conscience.
Club house on the 21st. The ladies of participate in the burning of Join the Brotherhood; there is a good the above named club are making much attendants ar necessary for the care and operation.
human beings alive. They are ur time coming efforts in order to make this anniversary Might is not Right, but Right is the usual success.
gendly needed where a pregnant might.
woman abdomen is being out Who dug the big ditch. Phone 602 The Silver City Band is booked for Phone 150 head open and the infant We ask no more than you claim, a Red Tank with the object of entertaining cruslied with the heel of men square deal.
while thousands rejoice over the there, at a grand ball to be given toWe want the Golden Rule, not the night in the new Clubhouse. The scen. Let them go; let them go Gold Rule to preach the Gospel of CivilizaB. has received a pair of new cymbals SANTA ANA PLAZA We will win though no man loses.
BOLIVAR STREET tion to those who will take a We cannot live by bread alone, we which adds very much to their rich Panama.
Colon, corpse from a coffin, desect the are meat eaters too.
music; they are also expecting more pieces head, and play foot ball with it; God will do his part, we must do ours of instruments by mail ere long.
Continued on Paye 8)
retres hy dence in the Re world by women of the under Lord as DO IT ELECTRICALLY ion for overtime GE dren.
the os sexosse Sisso 8 Motor Driven machine or of mamun Why should coloured people Chopper power sconomy, money: except as need badly Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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