
PACE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Trinidad Palmer Restaurant SANTA ANA PLAZA 1age of rice in restri the greatest d! cuityise ced in suppl. in nimum quantity e fort (Fron Port of Spain Gazette tive populati chino tirely upon rie or are being mal the colonies and in try ko abstain from vest that if not cu should make a pu to abtin prin Pible from eating Th: Governor Appeal to By inmad, the People. CITT, Aeting Cnia retary Failure of Indian Rice Crop.
Army and Navy Headquarters owing king, but also as inbers This Under the The Calidonia Jewelry Store classes little people, war th Notice to the Public with Jamaica Banana Price is Soaring Scarcity of Beef Here Scarcity of Central American Fruit gives hope that it will continue Memorial to be sent to Secretary of State Asking IN FOREIGN MARKETS Removal of Cattle Embargo Necessity of Advertising in England: a Maximum Price of GOVERNMENT ACTION 26 Dozen Importation of Colombian Ani HIGHER CHARGES MADE mals Would Greatly Relieve the Situation (From Gleaner 30th Aug. The Gleaner learns on excellent It was stated. in yesterday Ruthority that a move is on foot issue of the Gleaner that the price to send a memorial to the Secre. of Jalnaica bananas was keeping tary of State for the Colonies op well in the United States as with regard to the beef situation there has been a scarcity of fruit in Jamaica from Central American sources, As newspaper readers are due chiefly to a recent blow at ware, whilst the Food Controller Costa Rica has tixed the retail price at It can also be stated that the which beef is to be sold, he has price in England is keeping up abstained from fixing the whole. well, as an advertisement pubsale price, and the penkeepers lished in a recent issue of the can sell their cattle at any price. London Dailg Mail shows.
cor. dition of things has forc tho heading Jamaicaed many butchers to go out of Bananas, the business and the result is that very beef can be had han owing to Nhe excessive prices being asked in some places for these days, Jamaica bananas, we consider it Time and again, requests have necessary to advertise the fact been made to the Government to that 276 a dozen should be the waive the embargo, and thus al. maximum price to the consumer, Jow Colombian cattle to enter and we ask the cooperation of Kingston where they could be the fruit trader and the pur.
slaughtered and the people thus chaser in this respect.
be assisted in getting cheap food. See that your bananas are The Government. however, ripe. The cheapest and most nu.
take up the position that the in tritious fruit.
troduction of Colombian cattle here, would be a serious menace ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
to the cattle industry of the is 31 32 Bow St. land inasın uch as disease might London.
be introduced. On the other Bananas the all food fruit.
hand, the Kingston General Coin.
It will be seen from the above missioners have agreed to that one banana in England fetchErect Special Pens es 2d, and the notice issued by and to keep the animals after to indicate that some sellers have Messrs. Elders Fyffe seems they are landed here in strict been charging much more.
quarantine until time to be slaughtered. This proposal has also fallen on deaf ear The latest letter to the Govern: Bigger Pay is Dement on the subject was a communication from the Colombian manded.
Consul in in this island He pointed out how the cattle from the Postmistresses of the Island Republic could be brought here Who are Dissatisfied with and what advantage it would be in the way of providing cheap Their Present Salarles food for the people. His effort has also proved unavailing.
It is now clear that hope of anything be The Gleaner hos good reason to ing done to improve the cattle lelieve that the Postmistresses situation, and there is good rea of the Island live again made son for stating that a memorial representations to the Govern.
will be sent to the Secretary of ment for an increase of pay; and State for the Colonies, in which a from what can be ascertained com request will be made to Lord their cases will be considered by Milnerto intervene in the the committee appointed to conmatter.
sider the status of Public Officers.
United Fruit Com As we mentioned a few days ago, several of the Postmispany Plans. tresses and telegraph clerks are absolutely dissatisfied with the conditions under which they For Improving Health of and many of them have arLabourers Employed on ranged to leave the island for the United States. They would have Farms in Parts of the gone already but they cannot Island.
obtain passage to New York; and it is felt that in the interest of the Postal service of the Island be HELP HOOKWORM FIGHT. everything should be done to retain the services of the ladies To Plant Provision Fields And elle ittee Slaughter Cattle for Benefit the question of increased of Employees.
emolument to Public Officers has got through the Major propor We understand that the United tion of its work, and is expect Fruit Company have decided to ed that within the next two or carry out further improvements three weeks they will send in on theirwarious farms in Jamaica their report to His Excellency for the benefit of their labourers.
cers, the Acting Governor.
modation, the Company estab: Stamp out the Hookworm lished dispensaries in order that prompt medical asDisease.
sistance might always be avait which has been found to be ramable for their employees and now with better cottages and proper pant throughout the country.
it is learnt that they are going to plant a lot of ground provision on sanitary arrangements it only reeach farm which will be sold to quires good food in order to bring the labourers resident on the ers and, as mentioned above, arabout a healthier type of labourfarms at cost priee, and cattle in order that beef be sold to them for the labourers employed.
will also be slaughtered by thene rangements have been made to provide food as cheap as possible at 6d. per pound These improvements are being on the farms it is also proposed For the East Indians employed carried out with a view of getting to rear goats for sale to them at strong, healthy labourers men who will be able to work better cost price.
in the fields and give far better results than can be made wickly ADVERTISE IN and ill fed labourers.
It is further proposed that the The Workman medical department of the Comny will co operate with the Gov.
Hent in the effort to IT PAYS with there is very, IMPERATIVE THAT RICE CON.
SUMPTION BE REDUCED Message to he The very important question Working Classes of the necessity for the communi tv to presently abstain as far as 1 from eating rice, ing From the Trinidad Workt the fa lure of the Indian rice ingmen Association crup, is raised in the appended SPECIAL SERVICE gran from the Secretary of Fellow Workinen. It is our Sate to His Excelleney the Act duty to call your attention cerGernor and which is tain calunnies which thaten DAY AND NIGHT lished for general informats, and we do so knwing full There can be nod o denying the fact well that not only as law ab ding that the clony will be faced with subjets of His Most Gracious very krave food problem, Majesty the the event of any material short highly intelligent of age in its rice supply It must the community, you will not fail be remembered that rice is not to grasp the situation, and so only the staple food of the poorer avoid the pitfall that is being laid casses in the community, but for our unwary footsteps.
also contributes largely to the have reached a period in vur his daily sustenance of other tory when we feel that we ought who will equally share the e incon to have a voice in the managepienence and and disabilities attachment of our own affairs. Most ing to its restricted use. It ther of our.
brethren in the other Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road fore is incumbent on on the govern Vest Indian Islında making ment while Warning the people representation to the throne ca to co operate in reducing the rice rice the subject. These representaLET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR consumption to be to another serious issue; that is ground that we are a lawab equally alive tions are being made on the likely to result from the publica idustrious, and cultur no WATCH REPAIRING tion of such warning. We refer capable of.
to the undeniable fact that the ova e of wisely selecting our WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, ovo se presentatives and of cas opportunity will be readily seized tering into political tur by unscrupulous traders, if left the better develop nent of our to themselv ives.
Wedding and Engagement Rirgs a Specialty.
to maalge in a Island homes, and its people Rystem of protiteering as far as along the lines of the big test the future sale of rice and other standard of morality, ani civili O, CAMPBELL articles is is concerned. The late Zation. All of these islands are has demonstrated beyond a proving their chims by the or WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
doubt that it is quite an easy derly, and constitutional manner Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door. matter to smother com conscience in which they handle any vexed when it stands in the way of its question, either of politics, of re possessor achieving a fortune. ligion, of class, or of rac KnowRice as everybody knows, is the lng full well that any resort to food of the people, and it goes disorder or violence would only without saying, the people must prove then to be incapable, and be fed. It is the plain duty of unfit to manage the affairs of the government to help the peo state.
ple in the serious crisis We would not so insult our whicb they are faced, by grap countrymen, and fellow workers pling the situation at once as to class them as Hooligans. It So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo and and preventing as far as possible, uld not be true of our history the surrounding districts, the profiteering in in any shape or form in the past nor is it true of us at and seeing to it that a just and the present time. We have al ESPERANZA LAUNDRY equitable barter be maintained ways left Hooliganism to uncivibetween buyer and seller accord lized countries. We will leave it has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West ing to the accepted iaw of supply their still. We do not require and demand. The official com any League of Nations to restrain Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro and Arosemena. mnunication referred to, reads as us from slaying each other. But follows:every country under the Sin Government House, they are to be found lawlss, and Laundry received up to Thursday 7th Anxurt 1919 violent characters who on boliThe subjoined copy of a telegram day occastons are likely to have Can be had on Saturday. received by the Acting Governor from their heads tilled with more the Secretary of Stau for the Colonies or than brains. Fellow Workis published for general information Office open every day from 7:30 a. to p. In view of the conditions shown in the main, it is our duty not only o telegram. His Excellency appeals to issociate dissociate ourselves from lawSUNDAYS UNTIL NOON the community to co operate in the en, lessness, but to counsel, guide, and if APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITH PRICES rice in the colony er brethren from disgrace, Hooli.
OR CALL UP PHONE 781 6th August, 1919. gans they may be. but member Owing to the failure of Indian rice they are our Hooligans. It is our crop, there is at present acute short duty to save them from them selves.
We cannot close our eyes to the fact that they are unworthy men among us here, as well as elsewhere, who would gladly brand the whole community with the Indecorum of few drunken brawlers, and 90 hamper our legitimate claim for a better Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York form of government now most seriously call upon every working man and work ing woman in the colony to de.
feat this object of the enemies of progress, by conducting our festivities on the approaching RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
holiday and indeed at all other times as becomes a civilized, and cultured people, wortby to tako our stand in the foremost Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama ranks of the British Empire Signed) DAVID HEADLI, Depository of the Panama Canal President JAMES BRATHWAITE, SecretaryTHE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF During last year, the sugar estates purchased 266, 144 tons of canes from 20, 402 farmers, who included 121, 680 East Indians.
AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUThe amount paid for the canes TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES was 812 247 On 31st Decəmber, 1918, there OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES were 8109 East Indian children on the registers of the various INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM Government and Assisted Schools in the colony. There were sevenE. MORRICE, ROBERTSON, ty one Canadian Mission schools with an average number on roll Sub Manager Acting Manager. of 10, 994 children. The daily average attendance of these schools Continued on Paye 7)
in work, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION understand stand that the select appointed to deal with inte NO Capſtal, Surplus, andJundivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
aries and hospitals The National City Bank of New York go and more

    EnglandSpainViolenceWorking Class

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