
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1919 PAGE THREE Experiences in the Great War. Death LA MASCOTA Death of South Africa Premier.
THE HOME OF The REGAL and and BOSTONIAN Shoes hills and High and Low Cut in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet the Pocket of All MULLER Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA Folks at Port Antonio Lis italion was sent into the front line ten to Graphi Story renches of Dumbell Hill, where they annoyed and were annoyed by the Turks Related by Reverend Tw: attempts by the Expeditionary Lt. Cousins Force to capture Gaan from the Turks failed; and the third under General Allen EX MEMBER OF by succeeded. The Turks then began to retreat on Jerusalem, offering bold reris tance as they were forced back. Burying Port Antonio, August Quite an in the dead and picking up the wounded, teresting addre on his experiences in the formed part of the work of the war was given last Wednesday night in men of the WIR, during this the Wesleyan Church by the Reverend treat. After travelling for days over the Lieutenant Cousins of the WIR plains of Judra, the Christmas lor 1917 was spent at Ramley: miles em Owing to the unfavourable weather south of Jaffa that prevailed, the attendance was un After spending some time suully ra, but those present were on the plains of Shera in Palestine. pre justly treated with the fine discourse paring to take part in the operations in delivered. The chair was occupied by the Jordan Valley, the star for Jerusalem kur kissock Graham, Was made in August 3rd 1918. In the Pastor of the church several encounters with the enemy during The speaker divided his address into these operations, theseen of the Ist and his ex 5th battalion gave a good account of periner from bis embarkation at King themselves, and made the Turk te het ston with the fourth Jamaica War Con fore them at the point of the bayonet in tinent to the signing of the armistice several engagements. These men actually im November last.
passed through literal curtains of fire from the Turkish barrage, but suffered After a pleasant voyage acrose to few casualties The speaker bad the Eigpyt they were wnt to Mex, the regi chance of attending at the first burial of mental base, about 16 miles from Alex nan in these operations, who.
andris. Four months after ariving in who was one Corporal Me Donald, formfrom the fifth to the first battalion, first to be killed in these operations be the speaker) was tranferred Exypt rred orly of the Police Force in Jamaica, the which hers Weele Indian Inlands. From which was made up of men mainly from the Weat FALL OF JERUSALEM Mex, they were sent to Romany on the After the fall of Jerusalem, the enemy desert abeu 00 miles from the Suez Caneh re it was that the Turke was being followed up when one day. made a bol stand against the British in joyful noise was heard in the camp and the August of 1916, when they were at Jerusalem. This was on the occasion driven from the Bues Canal From when the news was Nasled koross that Romany they were marched right across Germany bad signed the armistice. Then they knew that the end had come.
THE SINAI PENINSULA The singing of a hymn intervened and The whole tract of this country is all the speaker proceeded on the second part desert and while there life was almost of his address which was devoted entirely unbearable. Heat ranging from 110 to to a description of the towns in Palestine, 115 degrees, and storms accompanied by well known in the New Testament scriphot winds, and scarcity of water, made bures, which he visited, such places as it rather uncomfortable, but after a jew Bethany, Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethmonths, life on the desert came to them said, the Sea of Galilee, Jericho and the quite natural Garden of Gethsemane are all known to After spending two years on the de him, and a detailed account of the historeal sert policing the only ind important cal situs be visited while at these places, railroad track there, and guarding Stores such as the Church of Nativity, the pool and munition depots, they were removed Siloam the Upper Chamber, and the to Bela, and thence towards Grote Holy Sepulchre Wut of inch interest to Here the his hearers a city of the Philistines, chnee came for the first time of doing the end this address shearly vole their bit as fighting men The first to of thanks wil tendered to the lecturer go into action was the machine gun see by the charm and the singing of the tion of the battalion, and inter the whole National luthenterminated the meeting in 1915 JUST RECEIVED British General, was when a Boer comA large and Fresh Shipment of CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE Royal Infant Preservative AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store ia Panama City and the most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue. 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
year of full membership CRICKET GOODS Do you know that we keep the most complete Assortment of Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee every Article we sell.
General Louis Botha Had Attack of Influenzaend came Suddenly.
Had been Equally great Boer And was Formidable Adversary during Boer War. Direct West India Cable des.
patch dated Pretoria, August 28. states that general Loais Botha, Premier aud Minister of Agriculture of the Union of South Africa. died suddenly this morning, following an attack of influenza General Botha was Premier of South Afriea at the time of the outbreak of war, and rendered conspicuous service to the EmGerman pire by putting down the proBoer irreconcilables and keeping South Africa loyal.
Under General Botha direction, the South African Army fought the German forces in South West Africa, and achieved com plete victory over them 1915 General Botha, a resolute and successful British Lessons Given equally great when a mander fighting against the British in the South African on the Clarinet, the leading Joubert as Commander in chief War. He succeeded General Band Instrument. Band or of the Boer Army, which he led Orchestra furnished for all it the battle of Colenso in De.
kinds of engagements. cember, 1899, one of the heaviest engagements of the whole war. NEILSON The British found him a formi Clarinetist Republican Band lable adversary Ancon Phone 1053 General Botha was born at 17 St. West, House 37, Panama Greytown, Natal, fifty six years ago WILKINSON Mt. Carmel Lodge No. 37 of of CONTRACTOR BUILDER The members of the Mt. Carmel First Class Workmanship Lodge No. 37 0 of of Plans and Specifications Free wave had a full of very hard Xverience with the No, District of that Inder During that time, the members 15th Street West House 90 tuck together and the full Box 411, Panama, sept up and on Friday evening the 29th August 1919 the Lodge was re organized by Bro. PW. Harvey, GC issisted by Bro. Murray, RW. of the No. District. Many visitor rom sister Lodges under the jurisdctlon of said district were present both from Parama and Colen.
The following members were duly in.
stalled as officers of the ensuing term.
Brus. A Vernon, CJ. Lind We Always have in Hand a Com say. C; Clarke, S; Garplete line at Reliable Low Prices cia, Edgar, Trea; T. Dowsery, Pretate; Foster, Con: Solomon, Colixte, Gare rick, Inst, Master, Staple.
Give us a call Before Go. ng Else C; Sisters Henriquez D: where. You are sure to be on Time Flowers, of Ersk! n, D, if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US Lewis, Fin; Kellman, Sterling. Redwood, Remember We Make Wed. Garrick, of Pass.
ding Rings and Other After the installation the Jewelry to Order gave a very inspiring address which was belpful not only to the members of the house, but to all Samaritaps that were FULLER is the MAN You Want to See présent.
Bros. Lindsay and Stephens followed 122 CENTRAL AVENUE in similar strain After which all me Corner 22nd Street, Panama, paired to banquet hall, and did justice Phone 939 tu the good things provided. Several speeebes were then given by visiting brothers congratulating the members for Bocas News the unity shown during the year, also wishing the newly installed officers Successful term Chop Suey Shop De uke proceeding to a close, The singing of the Doxology brought nounced Somewhere in France.
On Friday night? the Chinese Chop Suey Shop in front of (BY PRIVATE CRISTOPHER BYRNE Broadway Theatre received a Somewhere in France, ah, yes, death blow, when its customers old pal, denourced the house for supply. Somewhere ll ne er forget: ing a substitute. Customers reTne place where you were called fused upon to pay; the dishes of Chop To die a soldier death.
Bat neither Buey were examined by a You did not shrink from the com beet nor pork was mand, proven in the substance Custom You bravely fought and fell, ers declared the meat to be cat martyr for the allied cause The cause you loved so well.
or dog flesh according to appearance.
Domestic cats have Somewhere in France they liad been rather scarce bere of late.
you down.
Serenely to your rest; Ch, Godl it fairly drives me mad CHARITY HOSPITAL.
My pal, my very best.
Cut down in youth, the prime of life, By the ignoble HynIt was intimated in this paper swear to God you ll be avenged Before the day is done!
a short time ago that steps have Sleep on, sleep on my comrade trco been taken by some prominent Perpetual be the light persons to secure from the Na That shines upon your noble soul tional Government a grant for the Now in its Maker sight.
Charity Hospital of this town.
Your manly heart forever stilled, we have been informed officially Upon the battlefield, that in addition to the Bs. 200. 00 was not a slacker no, thank God!
An inch you would not yield.
Farewell, farewell, my dear old at Voicipality heronthly by the Muernment has agreed to give a This parting regret, Though on the battlefield of fate monthly grant of Bs. 600. 00 to this You died a glorious death.
Institution, and the government The bugles call, the ycannons roa, further to cover the aragrees hasten to advance Perhaps my fate will be like yours rearage of three months by pay. grave somewhere in France.
Jing the sum of Bs. 18. 000. 00. Bxchange)
NEED WATCH. Here are some of our StockGran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves WATCHS Eand JEWELRY Bats Batting Gloves Cricket Bales and Score Books.
99 Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you come and look over our Sporting Department THE MADURO COMPANY 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 30 Billion in War Plutocracy Commandments.
Cost But By CHARLES LINCOLN PHIFER) Will Get Back Big Part.
Thou shalt have no other boss but me Thou shall not organize party or NET EXPENSE 18, 000, 000, 00, AF wion, or any other organisation for the TER LOANS TO ALLIES AND purpose of helping thyself; thou shalt INVESTMENTS not agitate or dream of better conditions. for I, thy boss, will give thee what is coming to thee, and will aot have any Washington, The gross cost interference. See?
to the United States of the world r up to June 20, 1919, was 30, of thy boss, for will tip: und blooklist Thou shalt not speak lisrespectfully 177, 000, 000, but this total pro per cent, when loans to the Allies Remember every day ordain, to about bally will be cut by at least 40 all who do so.
aggregating 9, 102, 009, 000 and and dig up as command thee; for will amounts invested for ships, rail show thee where to spend thy money roads and farm loan bond and for and whou; and thou shalt not talk back, the war Finance Corporation are thou, nor thy wife, nor thy son, nor thy ceturned.
daughter, nor anyone else who ought to It is estimated the return from know his place.
shine will be more than a billion, Honor thy Bou, and light for him and that from the other invest whenever shall give thee the word; for ments mentioned it will be about whoever opposes my will is barbarie and two billion, leaving a net cost to ought to be killed the American people of about The shall not think. 18. 000. 000, 000 The estimate of 30, 177, 000, 000 Thou shalt Ret read, except when is made by Secretary of the ball tell there.
Treasury Glass in submitting to Thou shalt not complain.
the Congressional Appropria tions Committee the preliminary agitators sy; only swallow every dose Thou shalt not listen to what labor statements of the Treasury on the condition of the Nation fin that my press shall dish up for thee.
aners. He confirmed the earlier Thou shalt not covet my income, nor my sts tement that ti ere will be no good time, my mansion, my automobile, further popular louns, and indi my case, nor anything that have, for chated he is not in favour of imme the dest not deserve things like these.
diate and radical reduction of tax rate schedules.
Mr. Glass arrived at his estimate by subtracting the average The Excelsior peace time expenses for the same length of time, at the rate of 1, Furniture Store 000, 000, 000, annually, from the total expenditures 32, 427, 000, 000 during war.
Taxes and other reyenues than All kinds of FURNITURE, borrrowed money took care of TOOLS and other ARTICLES 9, 884, 000, 000 or about 29 per bought, sol and exchanged at cent of the war cost. The re moderate prices.
mainder came from Liberty bond and Victory note issues and sav.
The most reasonable place ings stamps.
in town. Exchange Open all Day Saturday, until 30 ATTENTION. Competitors for the Octagon (Soap) Wrappers ped by a doctor.
the COMPETITION of 50 (Pesos) Cash Prizes Are hereby reminded that the timelimit (Tuesday September 30, 1919) for turning in Wrappers to the WORKMAN PRINTERY is drawing near.
GET BUSY COMPETITORS Collect your Wrappers and be sure they are properly addressed and forwarded to THE WORKMAN PRINTERY CENTRAL AVENUE STREET No. P. Box 74, Panama, contributed National GovDr. CONNELL Be aliye to your luterests, and deal with the man who SURGEON DENTIST protects you. SANGUINETTI BROWN, Can be found at 175 Corner 3rd November and 19th Central Avenue Streets, Guachapali.
Opposite Station Ancon Box 836.


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