p. 8


Important Happen Success Lodge No. 2522 ings by the Canada, initial Dablic Come on The Red Ace THE RED GLOVE was SO in his opening re.
spoke e skipper of a insist that of the negro, over vers Ancon given.
actly His in was 34 opening In port sense of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
his but out for 19.
upon its bounty better and Cricket.
050 500 PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Gatur, Yorkshire Trounces Vincentians.
PANAMA COLON September 1st, Labor Dze the (Continued from page 1) members of the various dges The Vincentisps went down to formalities ushered TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPT. 13th.
in at the at Gatun, viz: Perseverance No.
defeat before Yorkshire on Sunday close of the Rineral business of 2501. Success No. 2502. and Eulast, at the Isthmian Park, in the preTo night, Saturday the 18th ultimo, after cleaning reka No. 2510; wence of a fair gathering of Cricket Fons up of the Paraiso District, as a Affiliated with the of Vincentians on the toss and decided to 9th and 10th Episodes of result of which 124 candidages and and LO of bat on a wicket that was rather sof: were obligated, and our memberbad their owing to the rains of the previous day.
ship raised to the mark of 100 per stration in the city of King and Sarjeant opened the attack for cent.
The behevior of the Yorkshire while Pierre and Griffith debrothers In view of excellent in fact that our the.
the fended for the Vincentian. The second parade that the general public wa first general meeting for SepWAS asHall of the game was a lovely on drive tember fell on the day of the detonished; we thank our brothers and continuing with two Episodes by Pierre which yielded two runs. but monstration (Labor Day) of the very much, which we cannot ex in the very same over he was cleanEach Show Night.
combined Locals of the Brothers press. We are donig our bit, on bowled by Sargeant Pierre was folhood, this meeting was scheduled this end boys, now is the time to lowed by Lemmon an ex soldier, who, Sunday 11th and 12th Episodes inake for the 8th instant, instead.
along with Griffith kept the field very our organization 10) per Two Episodes Each Show The evening turned out to be raging, when the calm and the cent strong. The storin is now busy, and the spectators well amused by Tuesday 13th and 14th the many short runs they made. Grifvery wet. but in spite of the in. sunshine returns what will the fith proved himself the star bat of the clement weather there was a Night the Coming Week.
Thursday 15th and 16h great attendance of the members consequences be? Let us be team, playing a fine free innings and deunited supued the 35 runs be made, which was Toox OOOSSS0SSXXoos The President, Bro Wright, SO 30 3:30 30. 00 called the meeting to order at to man, which he must turn into Time is the raw material giver not only top sere for his side, but was the only double figure score on his side. 30 and in Vincentians were all eventually out for marks, in glowing terms money, how you handle this now terms material shows what the finished 56 runs; king, the Some of these intter may have of the demonstration of Sept. 1st, product will be brothers let us of Yorkshire, REASONS WHY. Negro soul that causes them to proved to be forsake their own and strain arrived su recently on the Isth which sets an to be the bowler of his side, as an historic mark he secured wickets for 16 runs after every effort to save it?
we Continued frow page make ourselves the pro insis mus that they are totally unac new and eventful era in pro more efficient by performing with 12. have a painphlet here quainted St.
bowling through the entire innings Luke gressive movement. After the usual recess Yorkshire opened actions that would cause the before ine from which shall Church; for this reason some and highly commended the mem. Ved Ed Work yourselves for your omne bers on the decorum displayed jobs, profit by your past unismake a few quotations: their innings with Thos Williams and Cannibals to cry shame.
elementary facts Braithwaite while, the attack was en Now you see clearly, that they St. Luke Church, throughout go trusted to Brown and James. In the are more urgently needed to Canal Zone. white) This letter Episcopal Church are maintained in the heart of the United job of work the best you ein.
first over bowled by Brown, the Vin. Preach the Gospel and work is being written to acquaint. very Sunday morning, as we nerves of slackers, the pleasant strength and support of any Or.
Services of the American nuine and cordial feelings effect takes, locate the errors of others and shun their pitfalls, do every centinn crack bowler Williams was among their own race than you in the work of St. Lukes every Brothers we all know the dropped by Pierre in the slipe, and very, among us.
The pres Church, Ancon. In addition to as a Sunday School So again advise you to let the Congregation, the letter isent rector, Rev. Carson be wilderment of the spectators ganization is in its unity and har pay for and the indelible record imprintblunder, for after that Williams did just them go; let theme sou forever being sent to a large number of gives his services to the church at oth the sandale ore time. mony; every Organization is ex: as be pleased with the bowling, showing more.
absolutely What is it so sweet in the people.
provided by the Government.
a decided preference for Brown de. The members were privileged to therefore it may become a great liveries.
individual score Except for the trifling contribu listen to an instructive lecture on and powerful factor in the Uotetion made by goud cricket, marred only by of twenty five dollars a the Old and New Negro. The munity, but only through harmo that chance he gave at the month for light, organist and former was likened to our humble opinion the innnings that (all dividualism, who who in poor in ny and Unity, without these it the whites) pays nothing for its sup conception of Unity, sees it in the highest may easily collapse.
stood out above all the others, above Yours fraternally proverbial Bundle Williams 34, and Griffiths 30 was the one played by Edgehill although he Mr. Carson is Hospital Chap of sticks that may not be broken CLEMENTE GEORGE, TO only made 26. From the jump be for which he receives a together, but taken apart are Journal Agent showed a mastery over the bowling not small Government salary. prob broken with much ease: or, like displayed by any of the other bats for. the day. Among his strokes was a sufficient for living expenses. He ance or difkculty in the splitting Interesting News Items beautiful six bit far out of the ground a West Indian congregstion in is also rector of St. Paul Church, of its elements.
of Brown trundling. Two other men The latter is a combination, the visit Barbados early nex: vear on a team of Trinidad Cricketers will Parama.
played well for Yorkshire, King, who St. Paul Church con con chemical reaction of which gives two weeks cricketing tour of the latter made 18 and Perryman, who brought FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE tributes the remainder of his rise to an entirely new and in place All Yorkshire made livelihood It is unfair to the separable body the new Negro Commenting on the bore new 113 thus winning the match by 57 West Indian congregation for St. Not man wooing death (indivi item the Barbados Herald says: runs For Vincentians the only man Luke Church to be to be drawing dualis in) but man living his life This is delightful news and needs who did anything with the ball was (Unity) whose marching order but the completing sido to a triangle Pierre whose medium pace bowling con KASSALA As a race that is striving for a is Round about face forward by the extension of the invitation to British Guiana, thereby indirectly retinually put the men in difficulties, place under the sun, we cannot Conquer!
Viving the intercolonial cricket tour sited his analysis would have been will sail on SUNDAY, 20th SEPTEMBER 1919, for to away our hard Stre earned dimes. Le had got that support from his field General order of business fol nainents of glorious memory HAVRE AND LONDON (Cargo only)
lowed. Many important matters Joh. Weir the champion cycle rider that he should, and if he knew how So again advise and honest were transacted and seven candi of Jamaica and the West Indies is now to fix his field for his bowling At any rate ly encourage you to put your dates obligated.
riding in good style in Boston USA would advise him to continue to prac.
money to better use. Open good The Victory Lodge takes this having won schools for the furtherance of ait mil against crack tice, to study his field, and continue to cultivate that off break of his, and preS. VICTORIA your children educational abili opportunity to express its sin. wheel men of that country.
dict that he will force bimself up among e your money in in establish cere appreciation and thanks to sh the ladies of Paraiso, for the pehus successfully passed his Examination Chsrles Hamlet Jackson of Kingston the front rank of bowlers, will leave Cristobal on Wednesday, 10th September 1919 for business places.
inshares in the West Indian manner, in rounding up the indif as Veterinary Surgers at Ontano, Ca.
Buy as cular display by their winning Games for To morrow NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL Trading Co. and the Black Star Co. Spend your inoney ferent bada and wait and see.
The Government intends to connect Surrey vs Yorkshire at in buying good Negro literature Members of this Local will bear all the docks in Kingston with the RailJamaica vs. at Isthmian Park. though don know of any bid in mind that the next general way.
Beside the two gimes that is to be CAUCA And last, but not least, meeting is the third Monday played in connection with the Gittens buy the Workman and the Des pt 15th. Bring your working Com there will also be a firstclass game wiil leave Cristobal at a. and Balboa at noon patch every week to know what card along played on Standard Oval between the your race is doing for you. The Scouts are on the Pob Ng WM. LAWRENCE Standard and the Progressive Negro with a drop of red blood SUNDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 1919, for CC. The Progressive is one of the in his viens dare be a slacker in Tailor and Outfitter strongest clubs in Colon, and has not Graves of Our Dead.
Tumaco Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guyaquil.
this new age the era of Ethiopia.
only a run good bats in its make up, The West Indian Contingent GRANT, Dealer in School Books, chief of whom is Cain; but it has also Committee have forwarded to Journal Agent one of the best bowlers in Colon, Brigadier of and Stationary.
General Cary Barnard, Phillips the great left hander, late Wanderers fame, and who has repreBase Commandant at Taranto, a. For Further Particularscontribution of 50 towards the Liberty Lodge No.:2512 No. 11 Street, Panama seuted Colon quite a few times. All.
who witness this game tomorrow will be improvement of the local cemen.
Red Tank chains from Central Ave.
upwards of 300 Apply to the Office of the Companies at sure of having a first class trent.
men of the British West Indies Address: CRISTOBAL Regiment are buried. At the in. special meeting was held on On next Sunday all roads leading to stance of Lieut Colonel Wood Tvesday night, Sept. 9th. in the 89x 805, Ancon Z, Chorrillo Cricket Geound w! ll be open Hill, D, flowers and shrubs school room at Red Tank for the ed for the lovers of clean sport to wit or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, ness the Central Division Painters cross have been planted in the cemete purpose of transacting certain ry, and a supply of water is now important business. At 730 Weight in Gold bats with the boys from the Mechanical PANAMA Division. It is quite a while since these to be provided, says the West the meeting was called to Indian Committee Circular of order and after the usual open two Clubs were trying to get together July 24th.
ling our My dear Sir, you have some pills. Brother Aus.
but it appears as if the Central boys had Ringgressive deliver address very short but here by the name of De Witt, dem laid their tools since they defeated in the Standard They ve all round some very important imparting out a very tall man as he came up to the doors of the City Fharmacy.
ed themselves back into perfect gord for or constant observance. ve just called to let you know The the regular basiness for the wonders De Witt nits have shape and will be set next Sunday de livering the goods Following is the which the meeting was called done for me and to thank you.
eleven that represents the Central Diviwas discussed and settled. The Inquiry soon diselosed this person sion.
meeting came to a close at 10. 30 to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails Prescod, Capt. Murrell from St. Kitts, where he was born 1841, over 78 years ago. For quite a Merrell, Rowland, Holder, A, JOS. BARKER (BRANDON BANK)
numbee of years he took up residence Clement, Seales, A, Liscombe, Journal Agent: in Panama and now Ilves on the catiWhite, Macaskie, Lynch, Gra SECURITY donia Road.
ham, Extras Kirton, and Husband ERVICE Our grateful informant further gave Unique Lodge No. 2514 out that for many years up to the Panama, Republic of Panama (POUNDED 1868)
COLON time of his cure, he suffered from PANAMA September 9, 1919.
sundry ailments and severe pains over To the Editor of Workman On September 1st the United his body. The terrific pains in the Sir: Our large Resources and well known Brotherhood made a delightful Sediments in urine over an inch urinary organs, at times unbearable Permit me space to publish the followconservative Management afford undemonstration in the cities of Pa thick, but due to the magic cure of this ing: nama, Balboa and La Boca. Spec. medicine, he was completely rid of his What came you out for to see, a reed tators watched the troubles.
procession questioned security for every dollar shaken by the wind? No. a thousand with straining eyes, it Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps No. Tan bere to read in your next deposited with this bank.
as if the end was an impasibi ald, but neglect to seize the golden week edition about the wind from the Ball of the 2nd eleven Britannica It is true to day as ever, Delay is Lodge so dignified the la the la dangerous. Those who doubt the smashing into smithereens, the whole dies who took part in the demon wonderful hearing anwer of this remedy Eleven of the 1st Eleven Britannies for stration headed the procession will pay the dreadful cost.
less than the amomnt which spells the with the banner, and principle De Wer scare sold two sizes at all first General Banking Business Transacted wond UNION. Unity is combination officers leading. The women were which you are cautioned to refuse.
class Drug Stores. Some sell and the 2nd Eleven combination just as game as the men, and De Witt a Co. Ltd. London W, on each Sunday this 14th day of September will ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON they lept on the march fresh bottle and City Pharmacy on each directiah RO down in the annals of Cricketdom as President.
Vice President.
and jolly all the time.
the day when and displaces 1st in HisTHE CITY PHARMACY, torios Britannica. We will teach them Yours fraternally, 139 Cen. Avenue, Pana na.
that their vacation will be one long day JAMES HAYNES, Agents for Republic of Panama to be remembered from the time the Journal Agent.
and Canal Zone.
Umpires says PLAY BALL. ty. Use Lines ones tary in which down PANAMA BANKING COMPANY See name on sheet


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