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PRICE CTS. CY, COMMISSARY SILVER MEN PROTEST Manager Held Responsible By CANAL ZONE MEMBERS OF EMPLOYEE BROTHERHOOD Lord Rothmere Suggests Sale Men of the Pencil of West Indian Islands night to consider that by among abe made to supplies this beat The e reading colleges will Held at District Court on Contemplates EstablishCharges of Felony. ing Co operative Stores.
Insult and Indifference Said to On Monday last in the district. co the member the hoolden erant But Omits Jamaica, Barbados court. gold the United Brotherhood Be the Cause.
employee of the udit depart frore than the securing of fair ment of the Panama Canal, was wages and gold working condiand Trininad This is ev! denced by the No small stit was occasioned dered by apologising, and that help before Judge Hanan on a writtions, of Habeas Corpus to enquire fact that some of the thinkers of at Pedro Miguel and Red Tank would recall his apology and take acte Permissaries yesterday Friday action, saying at the same time of 10, 000 which was fixed in the Hall in Colon, last Saturang dian community on the Isthmus felt somewhat restinto the reasonableness of a bond the Atlantic end met in the Ne. During the early part of the week the West Ingro when both colored and white You are fired, on ways patrons found it impossible to get their daily purchases at these The manager further stated previous means of combating the high ive from the same cause a second time owing to the that he wanted to hear no argu It appears that! Schultz has been cost of living and, of becurity following cable despatch which appeared in the local Panama Railroad stores.
ment. Hunt thereupon asked for taking money from several pelthe best possible service for furnish the information that some unenviable certiticate discharg. ma with the promise of purcbas labor union, we intend to forin Reports reaching this office service slip, and was given the ple in the Canal Zone and Panatheir dollars. Besides being a dally newspapers. few weeks ago Hunt, a colored ed for insubordination. ing Liberty Bonds at a cheap a consumers haniomanWe have attack on Bonar Law created a great sensation, now London, Sept. 15. Lord Rothmere, whose recent clerk (storeman) had his desk discovered taken away ndime, and many table by the Grievance Committee transactions taseem to have got are determined that their num. Indies Islands, but not Jamaica, Barbados nor Trinithe manager The case was again taken up rate and also borrowing money disco an exorbitant interest. These grown rich at our expense. We suggests that the Bermudas, Bahamas or other West by Tuted in its place.
change made Hunt work un fused to give them a hearing Schultz in bad. His wife left the quer shall not increase. The Idad, might be sold to the United States in order to This when the manager (shucks. repleasant and inconvenient as Yesterday the men in a most Isthmus about four werksu. Ruins we may achieve through reduce the war debt.
there was no place to put away spectful manner called on the and it was rumored that Schultz being Organized as papers such as transfer records manager for his last word in the himself was getting away on the shall not be lost through being He said that Great Britain might also offer to and other important documents, case, when they were treated to liness and alarm among those who wage earners on the silver roll cede British Guiana and British Honduras.
The quiet. caused uneas.
On the 18th inst. Hunt com to prevent them from entering had given and loaned money to stores. As consumers we munt must establish co operative plained to the manager and re the Cou missary ceived a rather unfavorable and not strike, and it was a most uned a warrant for his arrest on exploitation We are to esca; is the sure way to help them saved, instead of lying useless The men did Schultz, and one of them obtaininsulting reply. Exact woris fortunate help themselves. Their stores in a Bank, or sent to foreign circumstance that charge of embezzlement. Imme.
censored. The matter was taken From The save for them their pennies when countries, will be again put into Federal Red Em up by the Grievance Committee Tank and Lodge No.
2512 with the manager of the chete di Buffer the lack of rumored that he has funds be Mrs Annie Riley Hale: He (the clothing. Their combined Papaina, and within a few years have built for them great foreign markets will be supplied Commissary who retracted his hele mismanagement of the food bus amount of eighteen or twenty all the cumulative exploitation wholesales did a trade in 1915 of nuts and bananas; andjthe local undignified remarks.
iness at the Pedro Miguel Com thousand dollars.
of. expensive middlemen (shop more than two hundred million With quite a peculiar revulsion missary. The clerks at both Judge Hanan in commenting keepers. Now the surprising dollars.
With eggs, of spirit Pruner called to Hunt Commissaries in question were on the bond fixed said he would thing etc. from the costating that he felt he had blun quite willing to work, but. not stand for any unreasonable universally admitted exploita. Savings on their daily pur tion of consumers is that they chases in their co operative stores ren have passed through the ele.
bonde required by ming wap before should case up When our child him must stand on its own botUNITED BROTHERHOOD tom. and as the amout stated in inportant are not only the most to build their own halls for Con need to worry about trades and but the most numer Elbraries, their own schools. This halls of the Co operators Traingress and Propaganda, their own higher education for them.
the affidavit was only 287 here ous, body in the economic field one solidarity and strength to ing School with its erudite mis.
duced it to 500 It happens again and again gives in Colored Electrical Workers capitalistic state that ters fro the best Ancon Lodge No. 2516.
The District Attorney had of Excelsior Lodge, labor organised as producers They use their collective saving be other informations filed forwari gain in its conflict with capital, for the best and noblest interests to receive them ous other amonnts claimed to it loses in great part through yours? If you form a Co operative purpose in view of making each Shopkeepers, single or in coma Officers and Members of the you use panies, run business with the On Saturday night, September have been embezzled; and when being unorganized as consumers: Store with your brothers, your dollar invested, wring as much Ancon Lodge 2516, you are here Judge Hanan got through fixing by noticed to attend a regular 13th, an important meeting of the bail in each case the total aggre. textile strikers won where or adulterate. For with the Co who purchase their goods. The example. the Lawrence meeting of the abovementioned above lodge was held in the West gated 4, 500.
a 10 to 15 shop will have no need to cheat profits as poss: ble out of those.
Lodge at San Miguel Lodge Hall, Indiau Red Cross hall Guachaper cent raise in wages, on the 26th inst. There will The was called to upon the price of cotton goods operators, those who buy and running of co operative stores matters sell of one body, by inembers of Brotherhood discussed, also all those who have Brother President, Barnabas this it is plain that labor not yet taken their obligations, in the call of officers, next read. Competition unionis protects only the dollar selves?
hard in asmuch as the thousands please remember to come and ing of minutes of ont ueetthe working man earns. To pro When you pool your purchas of dollars which now go into be on time so that you may have ing which was conformed in the Competitors for the Octagon tect the dollar he spenis, he must ing power in large numbers you their coffers as profits will instead the rights and privileges of the usual way. Various cum unica.
Lodgy Meeting begins at 7:30 tions was read and disposed mina pewa mahapers are hereby for botopere comes to a consumers can also save in buying. That and their way ou moeten with hostead of. minded that last day co. pockets them o clock It is a satisfaction for me to note turning in same (Tuesday, Sep. When applied to silver employcollective capital you will eventu Because of this, we must expect WILLIAM IRVING, the welcome, the fraternal greet sem ber 30th) is drawing near fees this means that when the great warehouses. Then you will on this proposition by those who ally control wholesale with to hear unfavorable comment upsplendid support of the Sect Treasurer. Electrical Workers and members the twenty five doliar gold cash lot cent and cents an hour your own goods that your own grow rich, at our cost, or by their those intending to run for Wage Board doles out an increase run your own factories and make are getting rich, or desire to of thi. Excelsior Lodge. It will prizus should get busy and not the price of almost every article stores sell. With the earnings omissaries. The obstacles which be also gratifying to learn that wait for the last day to tura in is increased perhaps by cents Unique Lodge No. 2514.
six new members were added to their wrappers tot tinis ofdice. Al in the Commissary, and at the from your factories you will pur one must encounter in achieving On Monday night the 10th inst. order to the regular ready the firn of 3e Chong Com. Chinaman by cents, which berds of cattle. coffee and tea demja million times; but we shall chase wheat lands, coal mines, any good will be magnified by pany has turned in checks to places us a regular meeting of the above Several other matters were this office covering the amount than the one we occupied before plantations ofruit groves and be mentioned Lodge was called to finally discussed and settled to be awarded and three prix we received the pittance. To tarms. The workers in Europe. eus dear to their tales of im.
paredeti nep. st St: Anthony after which the meeting came to must be delivered by October loftset this disadvantage wehmuse sand in Holland, four million in stewed to death crossing the pending disaster as was Columbus when told that he would be Hall, with Brother Geo. Toppin a close at 10. 30 m, get Lusy competitors and have our own stores and thus be England, thirteen million in Rus. Equator: and, like the great dis(president) in the chair. COCKING turn in yours wrappers. Tas able to purchase from Every member of the body Journal Ageut, conditions governing the com. The following article taken from sia, etc. have done this. So will coverer of the New World, our seemed to have been present at ad August number of The Mes. you when you wake up to your motto shall be, On and On.
Ancon, Lee Chong Company. ou pape sengeo. a inagazine published power as consumers.
this meeting, judging from the STOUTE crowded ball. The first item on three (3) of this issue of the in the United States, shows that How much rebate has your the agenda was the roll call of Victory Lodge No. 2509 WORKMAN.
we are not singular in advocating grocer given you each year for WARNING officers, after which the minutes co operative stores.
your business in the past? Not of the last meeting were read and contirmed in the usual way the above named Locul for the As there have been numerous Personal The second general meeting of one perny. When you form a Why Every Negro Should Co operative Society, You decide complaints of exploitation of Various communications were Mr. E, C, King, clerk in the handled and disposed of in an current mouth, was convened on be a Co Operator what shall be done with the West Indians in the courts of Panama and Colon by shysters Sonambitecesan delegated at the tendance though good was not pay au revoir to the Isthmus, but life every week. By purchasing neighbour, each with a vote, put Indians are hereby warned not to amicable manner, and reports of the 15th, 17:30 Don The at Ancon gold commissarimbergstolou buy the neces saries of buy each day. You and your and professional crooks, all West meeting before were put in which as large as might be este items his home, St. Lucia, 1, on them from af Co operative Store that money to use for the commoeagage the services of these para not. for were all received.
Many important There were about 60 new mem were transacted, six candidates a sixty days leave of absence. the difference from the actual good, or you vote to pay it to sites, but rather to seek reliable cost belongs to you and will be yourselves iu dividends. information from representative bers obligated. The Chaplain obligated and many members returned to you later ia dividends When you spend 50. 00 at a position to read the closing prayer and the were right early with their quar The regular meeting of the or social benefiss. Business peo Chinaican store, no less than to act in matters of litigation beadvise our people it boys. Be in advance and keep on will take place tonight. Sa, why let them grow rich at your profit. When we establish co rest it would be better to use the the ball roliing JAMES HAYNES, turday, September 20th, at 7:30, cost? One fourth of the popula operative stores this 15. 00 will services of a respectable and Journal Agent.
The Presidens gave healthy ad. the. of own monitions to the members and nia road. This is for the enroll. They create capital out of their pocket because we buy from the services of the numerous tinthe meeting was adjourned.
ment of members and general own purchases at their own ourselves. This movement terillos who seek to make West The Unique meets every 2nd All members of the Victory business in connection with the stores why don you? merits the approbation of the Indians pay their living expenses.
4th Wednesday of each month Lodge No. 2599 are hereby noti. Local. Members are requested The workers in Europe bave Panamanian Govern nent, for we at 30 Continued on Page 8) to turn out in full force.
come to know that Co operation are good spenders, and each 15. THE WEST INDIAN COMMITTEE.
Bote vina in portance to be order met au peting on a calhost by Octagon (Soap) Wrappers se bo or whose should there where there are stovek bereherhorn and the Roll 1st.
business will be low be in to duly lu


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