
PAGE TWO HEB WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBAR 20, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands paid.
staps The Calidonia Jewelry Store Ban is the honor secretary of us. of Demeraris for work, and to know Even eight hou hours, WATCHMAKER AND puzzle to in work. be at the thing to 10.
been the best is reand full recentes en rote the relaterte a Theapes and increase your profits 100 per cento con el seu Notice to the Public Trinidad mittee, the Chairman of the The price for a cotton head ker ſed against the use of the insultAuthority presides chief is now 3s. to each. Thisling terin coolie to East THE HIGHEST COMPACT h(Prom Port of Spain Gazelle)
is too expensive so the servants dians. Por repatriation, after Angostura Bitters Not have all gone in for palm has years service, of passage mo.
The Returned WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. which as a result are now in great ney to be granted; for years, demand of passage money, and for re Let there be truth between years, full passage money to be Soldiers It is stated that under the us two for evermore prohibition laws, the sale of Angostura Bitter is not prohibiDemerara Work of the Discharged ted in the Dry States. But, PRICE QUALITY SERVICE Grenada Soldiers Central of course; as cocktails are 30 longer in the national popular The Demerara CoAuthority. drink, and as the bars have been Gasoline: 011: Repair Parts. Accessories. From the West Indian. closed down, the sale of this Trilonization Scheme Assistance of all Employers nidad product has been some what reduced. Anyway, there Morquito Nuisance.
Earnestly Invoked are large stocks of bitters held WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
What the East Indian Sec In order to remove the mosởui.
in New York however; conseGRAVES JOHNSON tion of the Delegates We are able to publish below. quently, there is no need, for the to nuisance in and about the certain statements in connection present, to ship to that market.
town of St. George a campaign Propose 7th Street Ancon Avenue. Phone Corp. 85.
with our returned soldiers, which of extermination of crabs has been started. In this connection go far to show what is being The Trinidad Port of Spain a circularised to adopt menjar dos few Lord Jellicoe Visit.
big merchants have been done for the men on their return to the colony, by zette of the 16th August is respon des the recognized sible for the following destroy the crabs in their yards charged with the re Lively satisfaction has beeu Mr. Boodhoo, of Demanara, and fill up the holes. With rete of looking after their caused in Trinidad by the anIt certainly rebuts nouncement that Lord Jellicoe showed us a copy of a ram hiet pect to other harbouring plac which is being circulated in Eng. to kill all crabs and stop up their the authorities are taking the perhaps too generally pre will visit the island next Janu.
Land by the East kudian Section holes. It may not be generally vailing idea, that nothing whathat. ary in New Zealand, en of the Delegates of the British ke ever is done for the men by the route from Francisco to Cape Guiana Imperial Colonization eral yards in the town form huge known, but it is a fact that sev.
Government, after the official Town. It will be recalled that Scheme, now in London, viz: Dr. breeding places for erabs. These welcome fon the day of their Lord Jellicoe is son of the late Hawley Wharton (Chairman, make big holes in the ground and landing. We take pleasure in en Captain John Henry Jellicoe, one dorsing the appeal that is once of the most popular CommandObarrio Building.
No. 2, Cilidonia Road Mr. Jos. Luckhoo, Mr. Abdul more being made by the Dis. ers, and for many years a DirecRegaran, and Mr. Hawley indsamouite a large number of Wharton. Jnr. Hon. Secretary these toestemming to resto charged Soldiers Central Autor of the Royal Mail Steam con they fly about an thority to every employer of Packet Company.
LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Aspinall. G, become a real source of bother oner of Dohor to people. For the information pour aid in to colony the WATCH REPAIRING good work of of the delegation of those who are anxious to have re absorbing the returned solThe pamphlet in question, which crab holes in their yards des Rise in Prices was compiled by Messrs. Luck troyed we recommend the use of diers into civil life.
Private The Catholie News says: The WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. hoo and giving an citizens can also help in this pathistorical, commercial and phy. phosphor paste and ripe bananas.
riotic duty by advice and assis rise in prices is notonly abnormal, it is alarming; and what is more Cance to any discharged soldiers distressing is the fact that this Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
sical description of make sungestions for the import mild form of dysentery has who are looking for whom they happen to kn ation of Free Labour from India. broken out in St. George It condition is not contined to the CAMPBELL It advocates wages, per day of has attacked several persons.
if they have no employment to imported article but also to ar product. Why this JEWELLER.
including time spent the cause of the disease bus not offer, they may know of some tick travelling to and from been traced but we are sure that elsewhere to which they may di latter should be so, is a Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
ing place, at following our supply of water has some rect the men they know, and many minds. Several reasons Men skilled, 72c; unskilled, to do with it. Of late the which they may assist them to have been adduced to account for!
60c. Women skilled, 60c; un water has of obtain. Every little helps seems to explalu however, reThe the apparent anomaly, but none. it satisfactorily skilled, 48c. Boys 14 to 16 years and it is not that tilthy record of the work of the Author Steen old 48c, per day, girls 14 to 16 substances has found its way ity last year is to be found in The appalling fact, ADVERTISE years old. 36, per day. Immi into the supply streams. This grants to receive free quarters Council Paper No. 41 of 1919 and maius; and every morning the reminds us that the question of previously, in three of 1919 unwelcome information is ceived of a further increase. The which, together, give a IN THE WORKMAN.
free medical attendance. pure drinking water is one of the Einployer to make provision items of first importance in our cord of the scheme and what has rates of exchange on New York for the supply at reasonable scheme of public works.
very bigh and threaten to Exclusive of men wl. o return rise agricultural implemente ed on Friday last, 938 soldiers ditions that tax any capacity Children under years old to be The majority of the seamen came back to the colony this year but the poor are by far the great supplied with rith free milk rations sent home from England on the the great majority of whom were er sufferers. How they continue during the time pants remain Santille were Jamaicans. It demoblized between the middle to maintain life in this state of in the service of a registered em seems that they gave trouble on of June and the early part of things is truly marvellous. The Government will certainly have ployer. Pregnant and nursing their way out, and the Captain ast month, ameliorate the women to receive for of the ship refused to Of these a large number have to do something to otherwise it wil it will soon So as to facilitate the people of Chorrillo (and six months. Chi free rations under 14 further than Barbados where re absorbed themselves into become intolerable, We are aware the surrounding districts, the are unalter years are not to be employed. It they were landed. We read that civil life without appealing to that certain teings are much Authority. Up to last week, the able and must nust be their ESPERANZA LAUNDRY men of Indian nationality, should many. then went on the however, 382 men have applied head, but there are others that that they were robbed to the Authority, exclusive can and should be controlled by settlements; and in the large hos. and they behaved badly, but at has opened a Branch office at No. 64, 23 West the Government; and we are sure of applications for land settle can there should be separate no time was their ments. Of these, the Author that on recognizing the need, Street, Chorrillo (formerly office of Navarro Wards for the treatment of East alarm. Cambrian conity found and Arosemena. shaits diuus. The holding of Pan veyed the men to Jamaica. This 112. One hundred y ment for they will neglect nothing to supand four ply it.
as a first resource before is all the basis for the wild ruother men, it can fairly be as.
Laundry received up to Thursday coing to law, to be arranged. The mour of riots in Barba los with sumed, have found employment important holidays of East In terrible casualtas!
as the result of the Authority Tobago Can be had on Saturday. Holley. Dewale and Des.
lians to be recognized such as efforts, as they were jara, for Hindoos; and Ead September is the month of deso Couch with avenues of Ced in went by means of letters, and Office open every day from 30 a. to p.
Piliar, Sad Lohar, and Mo tiny in connection with Mectric have not returned. Of the There is no doubt that the staSUNDAYS UNTIL NOON Mao Lighting for the town of St.
worrum, for Mabomedans, Mw: George At the end of that e re tus of our Constabulary is rising maining 166, many have since as instead of a sub Inspector in iger to be registered and Di month, a contract will be entered found employment on their own charge we have an Inspector in APPLY FOR LAUNDRY FORMS WITHĮPRICES force permitted according to reaccount. Nearly into with the source of the sucthousand the person of Inspector Carr, to ognized Indian custom OR CALL UP PHONE 781 letters have been written in this whom we extend a hearty welSast Indians to be granted equal cessful tender. We do need the ights in the Civil and other ser electric touch in Grenada to put period on behalf of the applicome to his new Station ice and Legislation to be enactus in the swim of the bustling cants. The Authority has, in the age.
Not only do we need lightsame period, spent 733 16 on Our weather condition is good, ing, but electric power to aid clothes for men to take up work many industries. Labour saving and for invalids, and 609. 71 on although the heat experienced is on somewhat unbearable at times.
devices are needed in many tools for men to go back to thelr Rain has been falling at intervals trades. Ten men bave been This has given our corn crop a quarters. aven animal saving devices, given temporary allowances, and fine push on and the cobs are nine have been the neighboring islands of their ripening satisfactorily.
The rivival of Cricket in Great their own request; The health of this Ward is at being taught Britain bas had the effect stimuHead Office, National City Bank Building, New York lating interest in the game in trades or occupations. Nineteen present good. With first class Sanitary will certain West Islands, and we hope to catch the spirit hre.
sistance in kind, and the men at Let us ever remember that by. the Colonial Hospital bave been Capltal, Surplus, and Jundivider Profits 518r 9, 00 1, 000. 00 Cy.
healthy We welcome the advent of our quired with comforts as re.
Eighty cards for famous Ebo yams and also the degrow strong. Physical exercises are good for body as well as mind have been licious avocado paar.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy. and, moreover, in ganes, like These are issued whenever Cricket, there are the moral reasonably applied for. without The milk question is getting exercises to be considered. After an instant delay. One hun. more serious; the vendors having Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama all, life is a game, in which a dred and seventy railway passes given notice that from and after greedy and a bad winner is not have search of, or to take up ply milk to their customers as issued to men travel the 15th instant they will not sup.
Depository of the Panama Canal as noble as a contented and a ing in cheerful loser. In the Gospel employment No railway pass they are not in a pecuniary posiaccording to Josh Billings we is ever refused a man who states tion to comply with the orders of read: The glory consists not in that he fis usi using it to look for the Sanitary Department, e. to THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION winning, but in playing poor IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF work, and there is no evidence build stables and to have them hand well that he is untruthful. They are concreted. This is a to date over 120 applicants for the consumers, especially the The National City Bank of New York dealt with babies. What is the intention of Dominica AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUthe Authority, of this matter we would like to TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES which Henry Warner is know? Something must be done In the last financial Report of men are and done without delay.
the Directors of the Royal Muil summoned for meeting OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES Steam Packet Co. Submitted at these men live in the coun Supt. Sergt. Major Ponchet ar.
their annual meeting held on try, a railway order is given rived by the last Belize for bhe INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 34. PER CENT PER ANNUM July last, the Chairman made to for off return reference to the West India purpose. Another Courmittee of ed soldiers. He has paid out not MORRICE, Mail service in a vein which the Authority meets every less than 000. It is hoped the ROBERTSON, leads to the hope that the old week and deals with the applica recipients will make good use of Sub Manager Acting Manager.
Service is likely to be resumed tions for employment: tools, their money as it was earned at at a no distant date. Dapartclothes, et cetera. Over this Com great risk of their lives.
Continued on Paye)
and given be Jarge Indian drunk that a INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION birth, at eight men are West Indian given other as be so.
games and pand sport do we mediThese are are being e committee of Mr.


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