
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1919 PAGE THREE. The Open Forum. LA MASCOTA questions in The REGAL and BOSTONIAN? Shoes 10 High and Low Cut in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet to grow? find Isunching of power to thwart us. MULLER naddle large amounts with any satisia le body who have 37 CENTRAL AVENUE STAR LINE. Not when JUST RECEIVED down.
peace, that they must flee before the ranks of the indus for support of the Universal Negro Infant Preservative of spirit which Central Drug Store organized as CRICKET GOODS that has been given from the beginning by a well thinking member Watch those Fellows. can assure the public that the members are on the qui vive us to be warned before harm is to be well armed.
Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas As among the officers the question of the the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Race is dying out fast and business prob lems are taking the place, am asking pro few important behalt of the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
THE HOME OF Race. What is personal co operative business has to do with any race question?
What higher sims can the Negro achieve THE ENEMIES OF THE tic about our pathway. We are than the Black Star Line?
RACE Io calling for the 10 Slackers there not other men who are in remaining on the Canal Zone to business already, why not these men cast fall our ranks, us swe our in their lot with them and give the Dear Sir. Mili you kindly place the banners loud and strong. till we Race question a free franchise, instead of following in the columns of your next is reach the goal and then our chilcovering it with Co operative business?
issue; for which will thank you greatly dren will be better girls and Or why not run Benevolent Society and News are reaching us from time to time boys. Come boys get line up, let the race Call continue to that the wmies of our race seem dis the brotherhood have enough that whenever a sum of money is collectposed to impede the plans towards the buttons to spare also a subject a ed all sorts of propaganda is used to get of the black star line; and that that will interest you. Come it out of the way; why wait for 25, 000, they will be sreking every means in their share in the struggles for Dethe Pocket of All dollars when other businewtos ham.
The only way they mocracy, do not leave a stone un.
with less than 200 dolle Warted CAD succeed, is to to get us divided; but turned; for conscience sake get alas they cannot any longer.
18 and are miles together and be organized.
away to day business? my themes that cannot handle small They have played there old trick of Thanking you in advance for mounta cannot breaking up too often, and we have re courtesy and space.
solved, that we must not be gambled out Yours a true Negro, tion.
Remember the nian with the one talent, am hoping that while this anymore. We are becoming a league of WILLIAMS.
Negroes which one can dismay, and we Sole Agent is waiting for 25, 000, that the members want to say to the world as follows.
Local No. 2151 contributed their small amounts ye not that Marcus Garvey, and are having it amanda and the others stand isolated in their it laid in usury in Banks Dr. Milliard Scores will call back for the same and purchase struggles for the creation of the BLACK PANAMA sbare in the Black Star Line. which at this age Amy Ashwood will be for their national benefits, we men of the dark race are worked to the another century will find them waiting highest pitch; will they any longer deviColon for that amount, a great millionaire once ate from the path that leads to freedom; aid that one dollar in circulation is beteven though it is fraught with dangers, Sept. 14th 1919.
ler than many millions tied up in a bank.
snares, and pitfalls. Our race to day, is Sir: In The Negro World of Aug.
especially, were it but for shame, when Help to make our Ships front by the bebut one seething mass with jaws set, ex 30th, the people of Panama were we recollet the sacred name we bear as ginning of November, don mind those pressing the grim determination, that we favoured with a Message from one christians, especially to the christian na who are looking for a fame fortune and must overcome all odds and not to be Miss Amy Ashwood, sometime resident tions of the world the blessings of power in Colon. We are bound for Africa ground No one one can and will keep of the Isthmus, and as many doubtless large and Fresh Shipment of the land of our Fathers, un down, and all those who are pitched remember of British West Indian Red In my opinion the (Third) sound prin.
Thanking you Mr. Editor, against us in our indomitable efforts to Cross Dance fame.
CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE eiple is this common actions means com.
redeem ourselves will soon realize, that am, Appealing to the Negroes of the Istbmon objects; and the only objects for the position they is hold untenable; and mus for which we can UNITE together are obB. SERJEANT.
jects connected with the common good e the marks of the Improvement Association, and the Black Royal Member of the Race.
of ourselves 400, 000, 000 Negroes of the world, who Star Line, this Fearless Secretary today, are all overwhelmed with that and example of the new Negro Woman AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
My we Colon September 3rd 1919.
manifest in fullness hood, writes in this strain: want to should avoid needless and entangling en. Dear Mr. Editor: wa every beat of the heart. Our race to day assure you people of Panama that today Bagements. Let render ourselves capPermit me space in your next has been worked up to the highest ten you are having a able of performing our duties towards issue to say a few words to the Musision; we can no more remain divided never had before adership that you trust men like Drs.
our obligations. Correct our motives by cians of the city of Colon, especially to amongst ourselves. All Negroes are now Desure and Milliard will some day be the standard of truth, and then we will those who work on the Boca Grande prepared to get together, regardless of inspired to again do something real to FOUNDED IN 1881 be proud to render an inheritance in the Districts at nights, playing for Cabarets whatever their so called native land may help the poor. strukgling race, instead of The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One. ands of our future generations in time and Saloons. Fellow Musicians, it is be. All now speak in a simil. rrrain, trying to do us up.
to come.
MANUEL ESPINOSA the other and we all realize that we are ſtie Miss Amy Asliwood certainly has an The (Fifth) principle is this, that we are getting xrent African stock, though we may odd way of expressing herself, or she is Central Avenue, 33 Afro Amoricons or Afro West Indies iznorany of continue to acknowledge equal rights of together to withstand the test of their the simple laws sof Opposite La Mercedes Church gramatical Panama.
men regardless of creed, class, or na: do that there is no exact quota of time hard task masters. You know well as and the inconsistancies and incongruities constructions. She plays the dual role tionality, and if we are to obtain success and money handed over to us as yet that once kept us away from one an of praising and cursing DeSuze and in life, we must make perseverance our and we US other, are fast dying out myself in the same breath But bosom friend, experience our wise coun and we are at the mercy of those who As true Negroes we must pull together whence came this strange application of sellor, caution our elder brother, and employ us, if we are organised we would and whether we are at present distribut the Prophet of old? Me thinks it is hope our guardian GENIUS. have be informed as to time and amount to ed in Jamaica, Barbados, St Lucia, the hand of Esau but the voice of now given you brothers five policies and start work and get our hard earned Martinique, Grenado, Trinidad, or the Jacob.
Do you know that we keep the their principles. Let me give you a sixth nights work. Under those circumstanUnited States or in our Home land, Be that as it may, permit me please and seventh, and then am done.
ces this is a timely warning, jnst few Africa; we remain NEGROES for the to make request of Miss Ashwood or most complete Assortment of My (Sixtb) principle is this, that in days ago, a certain musician who was y country on the face of God earth anybody for that matter. to tell the my opinion policy and its principles is offered a very low Cricket Implements on the Isthmus, for play that ever produced Negroes is Africa.
subject to all the limitations that have certain Cabaret, as he was not organised people through your columns, when and The White man land is tight we where was allied with any man or body cannot freely movo about without rub of men to do the race up as she so We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee E. should always less, who is to be blamed but ourselves, ped; therefore the policy of the another of his profession was called from Panama and is now doing the job for bing and jostling, we must emerge Worthless generalities every Article we sell.
be inspired by LOVE and true desires so willer the land of our fathers where we will won serve the purpose Miss Fearless as to give it scope, founded not upon hood and let them handle the situation, therefore let us step over to the Brotherbrenthe God fresh air. The enemies som serve enemies Secretary, let the people have a bill of. Here are some of our Stock visionary ideas, but upon the long expeof our face are planning that our efforts particulare.
rience of many generations within the will you come Brother musicians?
to float the BLACK STAR LINE you that we the Negroes of shores Gran Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves of this happy but young Republic be miscarried should be View the Paname will appreciate any attempt on and in freedom we lay the firmest founlaunching of the of the BLACK STAR LINE MUSICIAN your part to expose the dishonest men dations for the development of indiviof of your race, must nevertheless avail Bats Batting Gloves all yoke they have placed on us; so they myself of the opportunity to remind you dual characters of our future welfare.
and the best provisions for the happiness Colon that in their on your part that no liberal supply of Cricket Bales and Score Books, My (Seventh principle is that we Dear Sir: Please permit me through attempt to frustrate our aims, they will paint, and a prodigal use of pomade and. a stregnthen our efforts more and more in the columns of your widely read journal the beaten out of their intentions.
the irons, plus the artistic touch of a the tics of friendship keeping the end of to enter a protest against those men of We have a few sympathizers amongst skilled painter, will ever protect the Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you living in view of the perfect knowledge our race, whose greatest delight is to go the Whites who would be interested in glass house in which you have lived on come and look over our Sporting Department of ourselves. Our motto is. around the town on holidays, mounted our welfare, but unfortunately thier the Isthmus. It may be better not to More Genius darts, flutters, and tires: on stilts, with a discordant drunken set number is very small. as they have a very ugly THE MADURO COMPANY of hoodlums (called a band) behind him.
of what use would it be to try and way of rebounding sometimes.
Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space These are not the days for such tom 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 And now Mr. Editor let me give you cripple those of us who are the promogranted foulery, and the new negro does not in ters seeking redemption for the race; thanks for your kind indulgence in allowI remain, etc. tend to let these things go on unnoticed.
and even if they should try to imprison ing me space in your paper, It was rather painful on Labor Day STEVENS.
and kill those whose qualifications have after our Demonstration, to behold two Yours Open all Day Saturday, until 30 of No. 2151.
of these negroes on stilts touring the given them the position to lend, they Ito Mc MILLIARD.
streets of Colon, along with a throng of will rise amongst us men more spirited carry on the good cause the cause that Colon September 4th, 1919, noisy drum beaters. There is absolutely Dear Mr. Editor. Please publish the Do sense on this will redeem the 400, 000, 000 Negro in stilt dancing, and it Dear Sir. beg to thank you for must be stopped at once. Would it not following, as it may be interesting to habitants of the earth space in your widely read Journal for the be far better for these men to go and en Half of the world cannot be slaves Coloured population on the Isthmus: The undersigoed has recently been in following publication:whilst the other half is free, joy a sea bath or a game of Cricket on And in view of the above cause that possession of a letter from the HonourFrom November 24th, 1918 an organi holidays rather than to bring such needs assistance have this day bought able Me. Marcus Garvey, notifying me zation started here under the auspices of disgrace on the negro by dancing on five shares of the stock of the BLACK of his intenfion to visit Panama in the STAR LINE for which have remitted very near future to meet the people themCompetitors for the the Universal Negro Improvement Asso sticks? Trusting that a word to the ciation and African Communities League wise will be sufficient, by Money Order No 373183 25. 00 S. selves, and he has requested me to nowhich costs 25c. S. to make you a Yours, Cy.
tify the people of his intention to be member for life, and 35c. paid up memBelieve me. Yours truly, with them in the near future.
SILVER ROLL bership otherwise you were entitled to GEO. DU SAUZAY. am respectfully yours, 75 dollars funeral benefit from the mother ADVERTISE GRANNUM.
Organization which is founded in New COMPETITION UNITY IS STRENGTH York. The Local Founders were Messrs.
IN THE WORKMAN Seymour, Dr. Radway, POLICIES AND ITS PRINHarris, Serjeant, Brooks, IT PAYS Ancon Z: CIPLES.
of 50 (Pesos) Cash Prizes Lovell. P. Willis and others. At Sept. 1919 an election in December 1918 Officers Box No, 978 were elected to serve for a period of six Dr. CONNELL Panama, Republic of Panama, Gentlemen and Brothers of Are hereby reminded that the timeSeptember 6th, 1919.
monthe. During that time there were SURGEON DENTIST the of some misunderstardings which caused a Dear Sir. Please allow me spree in limit (Tuesday September 30, the undersigned have taken separation of the members. Finding that the pleasure of publishing my your valuable columns to exprow these things were not working orderly apart, Can be found at 175 opinion the above mentioned brief remarks.
we decided according to orders received Central Avenue organization. We as negro peoGentlemen and brothers of the from head office, to amalgamate, nomithe WORKMAN PRINTERY is ple, it has now come about the E. greetings:nate and elect officers; the time was fixed Opposite Station time when we need no procras wish to call your attention to the drawing near.
and the election came off. From that time tination; think from our pr grand success which we are now achievto this not a mark has been made yet to cession on Labor Day it has ing. First) will tell you what think GET BUSY COMPETITORS wards this great movement by the new Lessons Given reached the minds and consider to be the right Principles of our Policy: officers in charge; they boast that they atsdn of all our negro friends and The first thing is to foster the strength of Collect your Wrappers and be sure they are are the men with the brains and because on the Clarinet, the leading bruchers that uuity is strength; our realm by just legislation and econoof this they cannot conduct a respectable Band Instrument. Band or and that unity is all we want to my, thereby producing two of the great properly addressed and forwarded to meeting. There is always an insular pre Orchestra furnished for all accomplish our haven of free elements of national power namely, judice.
dom. Let the public see that we Wealth, which is a physical element, and THE WORKMAN PRINTERY At a disgraceful meeting held on Tues kinds of engagements.
mean business and our motto is UNION and contentment, which are day night the 2nd. inst. at the Rev.
for better treatment, and that moral elements.
CENTRAL AVENUE STREET No. Hobgon Church of this city, it was worse NEILSON Our antagonist will see and dem The (Second) principle of our policy than the German and the Allies, because Clarinetist Republican Band it possible to relinquish the pre is this; that its aim ought to be to preP. Box 74, Panama, the Co operated body wanted to do every Ancon Phone 1053 judical blast that are so pragma. serve to the nations of the world and thing in camera, but from a watch word 17 St. West, House 37, Panama oals to rate described into easily a vers.
Assuring Youre, They as a signal indicating the the overthrow of our pa oppose us but we know But perseverance wears and wios.
throw stones as.
ATTENTION. a Octagon (Soap) Wrappers 1919) for turning in Wrappers to


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