
PACF SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 HONOURED FOR WAR SERVICE United States Pharmacy SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY Used suecapefully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years.
IT 13 POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, and a prompt relief for Billiousness, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Constipation, Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, Indigestion. Sick Headache, Malaria, Sallow Complexion Simmons Liver Regulator is a regulator that extends Its purifying and exhilarating influence to every part of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the mental faculties, sweetens the breath, restores vigor activity, and cheerful spirits. The Powder form can be sent by mail)
SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY United States Pharmacy 149 Central Ave. Panama Opposite El Sol Silk Store. LOPEZ, Proprietor.
day is already meistant, yet the act, third by Lyt and ger) Mr.
IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT Purchase Subma Starlights of the rine for Museum. Isthmus.
An exchange says. John Bull, Isthmian Dramatic Association Mr. Horatio Bottomley blood Re organized.
and thunder paper. has purchased the German super subma.
Lovers of any art never fail to rine Deutchland for the pur. appreciate it anywhere and everypose of forming a permanent sub where, and the absence of Isthmarine museum, the proceeds mian Dramatics has been very from which are to go in aid of significant in so much that the some British Naval;fund. This was recent foreign Dramatic Co, Germany mighty submarine. which came here, intensified the the only vessel which successful feeling, yet modified the yearn ly ran the British blockade, the of one and all gun of the enemy submarine The Isthmian. Dramatic A880feet which put the wind up in ciation which created so mol America and also puts out the sens tion in its primary puble lights of New York harbour. How exhibitions Out on the Street has the mighty fallen! and others, is again making itsella the heart of every West Indian a very prominent figure in The Primrose Choral Union.
well looked for when they will stage the sensational 2nd scene of bacho led license The Saered Concert given by the The lady of indisputable and Primrose Choral Union on Sunday after talented Prima Donna of the as noon last 14th inst. did not prove a financial success was antied the sociation, Miss Lillian Taitt, account of the other various attractions actor (and Stage Manaon that day. Leyburn, supIn spite of the sparseness of the oned features. Also the Playlet ported by other skilled and seasgathering, the choir dil all that was expected of them. It was a pity, as the ABOUT by Chairman Dr. Thompson rightly the renown Mr Cyril Moran.
remarked, that the house was not Cristobal Silver Club House on This play will be held at the crowded listen to the classi that were rendered special mention the 16th October next, and from must be made of the masterly rendering will have to be booked for in adpresent indications, reservations of the Oratoria. Gloria in the full choir All the parts were done to perfection, as also the Solos renThe President and Stage dered by Mrs Irons, Mrs Lebert and Manager, Mr. Leyburn, Miss Marks; but Mt. Daniel brought through whose veins pulsate the down the house with his fine rendering of ACTOR BORN NOT of The Golden Pathway.
in man of the sea. Antawny The Chaise surpassing the standard and supa save a short but pithy speech: u also Me part which this Association enjoy.
Irving of the Ancon Lodge ed before being defunct, and the No. 2516. Both spoke in glowing terms wires, which mean MOTIVE members are real live of the way in which the pieces were in POWER the men that have the terpreted by the Choir The chairman go in them and whom you cannot also gave a glowing e speech, and expressed woman the desire of listening to them at an keep from going early date. Miss Clementina ArmatradMuch interest is being show in ing the organist accompanied on the or the new scale on which this As.
gan in a masterly manner sociation is to be run and its su cess and permanence are assured The officers of the Choir are Messrs Stewart, Choir master; Gray assis the recreation for which At last, will our people have they tant Organist; Miss Armatrading or have yearned. At last will West fanist; and Mr. Rallen Buchner, Indians realize the Secretary.
equality of their fellowmen to any other, when the above plays will be Isthmian League of British tion receive the undivided supstaged, THEN, will this AssociaWest Indies port of its compatriots? Honorary om action MAN TOWN. led pieces GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE sance.
by the Carefully Tested Shelltet Shur Properly Fitted ADE. Secy. ot officers and The Scadron Optical Co.
NEW YORK Stationed at Chanak Darda Further List of those Con pelles, son of Joshua de Cordova Esq.
nected with Jamaica Belgian Croix de Guerre.
who got Medals and 21. Pte Allan Dudley Barrow, Decorations 142 Field Ambulance, Corps of the France FROM COUNTRIES (M. son of the late Barrow Interesting Compilation by Italian General Service Medal.
Mr. Jacob Andrade of 22. Pte. Charles Thomas (No.
16029) of Mount Merrick, GinThe Old Capital ger Ridge, St. Catherine, 3rd Battn Was attached Mr. Jacob Andrade, Clerk of to the 9th Battery of the Regi the St. Catherine Parochial ment, Italian Expeditionary Board, has supplied the Gleaner Force. Baw service at Cambrai with the following further list of in 1918.
Jamaicans, or gentlemen con Red Cross Nurses.
nected with this island, who have received decorations for partici 28. Miss Winnifred Foster, pation in the late war, served years at Beaufort War Military Cross Hospital, Bristol, England, and for about six months at the Capt. Acting Lieut.
Colonel Royal Free Hospital, Gray Inn Howard Napier Walker, AF Road, London Daughter of Military Division. eld. Ernest Foster Esq. of Richest son of Walker Esq. of mond, St. Mary.
Hopewell, Walkers wood, St. Ann. 24. Miss Evelyn Davis, served Died since. from wounds re in the Navy, Daughter of ceived in David Davis.
Major Claud Peet, 25. Miss Elma McDermot, Lancashire Fusiliers, son of joined a lU. Unit and proPeet Esq. Principal Government ceeded to France. At present Technical School, Kingston with the Army of occupation on Capt. George Sergeant Cox, the Rhine. Daughter of the late 2nd Battn. WIR (Took part Frank McDermot.
in the final operations in Pales 26. Miss Sinclair tine. Military Division) Captain Claud Lester Roper.
27. Lieut. Colonel MacDistingulshed Service Order.
pherson; the Gordon Highland5. Major Llewellyn Thomas, ers; attached to the Royal Or.
2nd Battn, took part in dinance Corps. He has been the final operations in Palestine. given extra Regimental promo Silver War Badge for services tion for his services in connec.
rendered in Ms. Military tion tion with wireless telegraphy. Forces since 4th August 1914 Son of Ronald Macpherson Kranted by the Army Council Esq. Kingston with approval of His Majesty the 28. Capt. Acting Lieut. CoKing lonel) Howard Napier Walker Major William Edward Mosse awarded PosDrummond, Commanding late thumously. Jamaica Militia Artillery. Major Civil Division. Drummond has been also award ed the Long Service Medal 29. Mrs. Dorothy Margurite (1906) and the Coronation Elizabeth Trefusis, wife of Hon.
Medal and Volunteer Decoration Robert Trefusis. Private Secre.
tary to the ex Governor of Jamaica for work in connection Meritorious Service Medal.
with war charities and recruit. Sergt. Davis, 2nd Battning in Jamaica.
BW. IR Civil Division. Military Medal 30. Capt. Robert Benjamin Corporal Archer of St. Mary Sullivan. 38th Canadian Regi.
7th, Batin.
ment. Pte, Daniel Smith, of St. 31. Robert William Bryant Thomas ye East, 7th Battn. Esq. Mayor of Kingston, IR for general war work.
10. Pte. Arthur DePasg, Co, 32. AlfredErnest Ffrench Esq.
4th, Battn.
Chairman of the Parochial 11. Pte. Williams of St, Mars, Board of Portland. For services Co. 4th Battn. BW. in connection with the Red Cross and with recruiting in JaMentioned In Despatches.
12. Lieut. Colonel Mac 33. Sidney Cameron McCutchin pherson, Military Divi Esq. for services in consion) twice.
nection with recruiting in Jamai13. Surgeon Captain Adding ca.
ton George Curphey (M. 2nd 34. Horace Victor Myers Esq.
Battn. Son of the late for services to contingents Curphey of Kingston. from the Bahama Islands.
14. Capt. Frederick Keith 35. Mrs. Josephine Westmor.
Isaacs, 4th Battn. Son land. For services in connection 01 Frederick Isaacs Esq. of with Red Cross work and reMandeville cruiting in Jamaica.
15. Lieut. Howard P, Pearce 36. Edward Jocelyn Wortley (M. East Lancashire Regiment Esq. Director of Agriculture at Saw service in Mesopotamu la.
16. Sergt. Davis (M. nection with food supplies in Bermuda. For services in con. 2nd Batth. that colony. Eldest son of Rev.
17. Sergt. Arthur Nelson, Canon of Wortley 4th Battn, for gallant drew.
St. Ar services on the field of France Major R. Kerr referred to in on 18th April 1918.
our second list was awarded the 18. LIC. L Silvera 2nd Military Cross for devotion to Battn 19. Gupner G Clarke (B. for conspicuous bravery in the duty and the Bar to the Cross Eng. Canadian Field Artillery. field of battle in the engage Croix De Guerre With Palm when the English Army was be.
ments of 11th to 14th, 1918, Leaf (France. Leslie de Cordova (M. in some very valuable reconnoiter.
20. Capt Tem, Lieut, Coloneling heavily pushed back by the Germans. He volunteered to do recognition of distinguished ing work right before the front work done in connection with lines of the Germans under con.
the French forces in Salonica. tinuous fire. His father very Placed in Command of the 9th kindly furnished me with the Battn. East Lancashire Regt. above. PANAMA CITY 23 Central Avenue COLON 44 Front Street we 1912. PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE work maica Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats SPECIALTY LADIES SKIRTS COATS 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
JUST OPENED The Chemical Hall 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
BROWNE McSALMON, Prop large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS The Isthmian League of Brit Gorgona Lodge Initiates ish West Indians is making ar Candidates rangements for another excursion to Panama Vieja on Thanks.
giving day, November 27th. It The Gorgona Star Lodge No will be remembered that a year conducted a special ago the league for the first time meeting on Saturday night attempted the venture, and so Sept. 14, for the purpose of inisatisfied friends, that there has been an more stars were added to their ardent desire on the part of the long train, the ceremony which public for another such outing was very impressive was conduc Tickets will be on sale in a couted by Sir Thomas (Comple of days. Procure yours in mander)
assisted by Our Worthy time and avoid disappointment Sir Anderson, Legate, at Many persons are ignorant of the conclusion of same the East this old and interesting scene of ern Star degree was conferrei destruction by the pirale Morgan on Sir Thompson, two hundred and forty eight There were several Sirs and years ago. This will be a chance Ladies from the various Stac for any the ignorant ones to Lodges who assisted with the behold the spot.
work above mentioned.
This excursion will enable vou The business being completed to get away from the noise and the Sirs and Ladies repaired bustle of the city for a day of the Banquet hall to do justice to quiet retreat and recreation the good things provided.
among the ruins and along the Upon entering the Banquet beautiful beach of o:d Panama Hall Sisi Tahan Bachee that tid explained. to the soul good. Therefore have your also prepare addition to the Banquet he had self prepared and carry the ex also prepared a spread in comcursion date on your subsconci mem moration of his forty second ous mind. November 27th.
anniversary, and requested that all remained to partake of bame, no star is allowed to enter the Torrid Zone, we entered the West Indian Tailors OrFrigid Zone and to say we had a ganizing.
good time is putting it mildy.
They were several ad resses made by the members present All West Indian Tailors in the applause.
which were received with great City of Panama are cordially in Sir Archibald was called on to vited to attend a special meeting address Sir Thompson on the of The Journeymen Tailors Un occasion and did so wita eloion of Panama, on Tuesday, quence.
Sept 23rd inst. p. at the Sir Thompson responded, and West Indian Red Cross Hall, 21st one would be lead to believe that Street, Guachapali.
another Marcus Garvey was It is imperative that every among us.
West Indian Tailor attend this Sir Toppin was next called and meeting in order to avail himself in his usual way delivered a very of an extraordinary proposition interesting address. Next in line of vita! importance to every Tai was Sir Thomas. known as lor who would like to better his the Sky Pilot) and in his regular condition preaching for delivered an adthe grandest movement dress that will go down in the ever projected on the Isthmus annals of the Gorgona Star Ledof Panama, for the welfare of ger. At this juncture the meet.
our people. Don fail to come ing came to a close at 15 a.
and lay your claiun to Your Share Dr. JOHNSON Remember p. sharp; not later. For who knows that this SURGEON DENTIST hour may. mean the turning point in your life, leading straight Phone 1003 Address to fortune. word to the wise is sufficien. Ancon, 852 As na Prescriptions carefully compounded BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Druggi Phone 939 THE WOMAN EXCHANGE No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
LODGE NOTICES EDUCATIONAL The Officers and Members of Mr. Wynter, will hold an The New Code School kept by the Royal King Edward Lodge examination of the work of its No. 12 are re pupils on Thursdry, the 25th inst minded of their general meeting One of the Canal Zone princion Tuesday ay September 23, at 30 pal teachers will be the examip. Matlers of great importance ner. Mr. Francis, who now will be discussed, and all are re conducts his school in the same quested to be on time.
The Officers and Members of ed with Mr. Wyater for examichurch schoolroom, will be unitthe Gorgona Star Lodge No. 3, nation. are requested to be on Parents are asked to send out time as matters of great import. the children regularly.
ance will be discussed at their general meeting on Thursday WYNTER.
September 26, at 30 ADVERTISE IN FITZ BOWEN The Workman THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR 28 November Street, San Miguel IT PAYS House 20.
This is of future profits.


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