
Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes make West terested to Committee with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE a NEED. The Returned plant through prc for making They few samand cont des craction with They sible.
stretch riantly were and for 700 the nations of THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 PAGE SEVEN Interes ing News from The carrying capacity of one of borious manner of its operation oct. 60 OSK SSCHOOLS SISONS DOO steam consumptives.
British West Indies sent duty is 50 tons of water, per trip. trip takes 21 hours. steamer in a hurry, and desiring 350 tons of water would, there.
Continued frow page fore be held up 194 hours. Of course the difficulty is tremenmental Committe, was at the dously accentuated when therelis time sitting at the Colonial Office arush. Not in frequenly four and AND to consider the position of ship, five ships are here together, all ping in the West Indies, and desiring water and under imme.
the Chairman trusted that as the diate sailing orders. The Ida outcome of its deliberation some and Lady Hay were wise old solution World Le found whereby) boats. Whenever any such situaa satisfactory mail service mas tion arose they usually took ill.
further remarks he said that putation of the port.
be provided in the course of What did they care about the reJust as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE. the Royal Mail Company cannot fairly be expected to continue to Our House of Assembly is a a heavy annual loss in most comfortable, polttical instiThey are as popular with the man who earns 23. 00 per day as ryingion, and you may be in weak; in logic, weaker. As to ex the Indian tution. In wit the members are il service to know that we have citement this is conspicuous on laid before the Departamental a statement giving course we refer not to the stormy few days in a decade. Of the actual figures of the revenue days of yore, when members and receipts and the annual lusswers for the lost :0 years, and out of alert and business like. Except were mostly live wires, keen, those. y ars, only two or three for a very few of the present per showet a profit sonel, wno are gradually becom example for ing affected by constant associn. OXO SO SEXSSKS SEK55380SSSSS 3918333DSXSXS Another fine Dominica is the way in which tion with mediocrity, the press representatives would often go local industry is beine neushed to sleep Whicho che publiek Ramble, dated August 23, as fol would an ex ahead in we cellent thing for read in a recent number of the would thus be WANTED Trinidad Guardian, that aces necessity of weared the painful lows:pr. Yesterday morning at about flavouring. nothing when o clock, the neighbourhood of To purchase at once 300 WATCH Soldiers.
essential oils, bay rum and other therefore, a little noise above the Golden Grove was startled to second hand Folding Chairs, products which can be extracted ordinary is kept and yawns there. hear that the dead body of Thom in good condition; similar to from locally grown fruits, spices, by averted, it is pleasant to tell as Spence was found in a drink those used in Theatres and (By WYNTER. herbs, etc. already in operation the cause.
ing tank in a state of decomposi.
Lodge Halls.
Always have in Handa Com.
in that prosperous little colony, It is no secret that our West (e Will not conion.
plete line at Reliable Low Prices dian soldiers fought on the Eurois being enlarged so as to better From what can be gathered, sider quotations on lots less In the recent shoot for the Spence left his temporary home than ten.
pean battlefields, in German East deal with the increasing demand emand Lord Basil Blackwood Officers Africa, and in Palestine.
WATCHES and JEWELRY for those essences: were credited by Generals Haig Apply to labor: Cup, Lieut. Simons. An at Golden Grove on Sunday night the labor ples of the products for of the the purpose of seeking work and Allenby with atories have lately been received Barbados Volunteers was winner in lower Westmoreland. On Mon JAMES VANTERPOOL, Give us a call Before Co. ng Else bravely candy cová tla, having fought at the oftice of our contemporary with a score of 75 out of a possi: day morning a cap of his was in Dominica we have just ble 95. Capt. Hancock, who Gatun Locks, Gatun, wherer Watches Siste dobiecan Tims faced the hell Your WATCH Repairad by US found in his sister house; but also heroic stoicism. They did nothing a good field as in Grenada, but shot but not as a competitor, aga no seu spasioing a he ane the dead WILKINSON Remember We Make Wed persileido of them as citizens of the this.
unusual, as all they did certainly enterprize is wanted to gregated a score of 87. At the 25 On tank develop our products of the same kind. Take bay leaves for ins yards range he obtained a pos body was seen floating on the back in a corner with hands ding Rings and Other bereitosh Empire. They have gain.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER ed something they have won ex: tance. The trees grow luxuopwards. After a closer Jewelry to Order perience at the dreadful cost of iden over the Island, examination, the body was iden the lives of their comrades, they There is no market for it in New At Tuesday meeting of the tified to be that of the First Class Workmanship York now, yet it does not strike House of Assembly a bill was Spence. The body was quickly Plans and Specifications Free have cemented their blood with that anyone here that a big trade passed, granting permission to taken out and found to be in a might develop in Bay oil and Plantations Ltd. to erect a jetty far state of decomposition.
FULLER is the MAN You Want to See lions of whe other races of the naat war, all this they are justly and un bayaruin, the last of which is aback of their warehouse in Bay The police from Miles Town 15th Street West House 90 122 CENTRAL AVENUE equivocally entitled to enjoy the Corner 22nd Street, Panama, fruits of victory and that is, a heing imported in fairly laige Street. The jetty is not to ex. station were early on the scene.
ceed fet in length, and the quantities. Box 411, Panama, Some of his friends declare that Phone 939 peaceful and useful life amongst Government will undertake the the deceased was acting strangethe earth In the last Oficial Gazelte there necessary precautions to see that ly for some time, past. It might appear no less than seven notices it in no way interfers with Har. be that his relations did not noAll the peoples for which they bave fought have a right to give of application for the sale of bour traffic tice this as he only came up from them the merited consideration Crown Lands the different lower Westmoreland a few days they deserve, irrespective of class parishes of the island. The ag Resolutions were passed at ago. or color, or nationality. Panaina gregate acreage applied for is Tuesday meeting of the House was an ally, the ex soldiers are increases one interest in about fos acres, and the appli making provisions for the money not Panamanians, but they left cants are all people of the peas necessary to meet the increases this country to fight for the ant class to the salaries of the Police and Weight in Gold PHOTOGRAPHY world freedom, and in the makFire Brigade Forces and Elemen ing of the history to be written, We would strongly advise cur tary Teachers.
relative to the dreadful cataclysm My dear Sir, you have some pills country friends, albeit the war here by the name of De Witt, dem Panama must be given credit is over, to plant as much of On Wednesday afternoon, a worth dem weight in goldl shouted CALL IN AT THE for this incontrovertible facts ground provisions as they can. young Chinese seaman named out a very tall man as he came up to Empire is at present Food is not getting cheaper Pin Lee attempted to commit sui. the doors of the City harmacy in an unsettled condition, as the either in England, New York, or cide at the office Messrs. Gardi ve just called to let you know result of the evil Canada. We have just seen an ner Austin Co. by cutting his done for me and to thank you.
the wonders De Witt pills have which have followed the war.
consequences of here Panama citizens and the gov.
Inquiry soon disclosed this person by Parima this week in throat with a razor. He was ar rested and taken to the Central 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails which rice figures at 139 cents Station from whence he was sent from St. Kitts, where he was born ernment, can assist in removing the unsettled conditions and unper lb; charges extra.
to the General Hospital for treat 1841, over 18 years ago. For quite a by residence inent. The wound is not consid. numbee of years he took speeding up some of the up And you are sure to be interested in having national improvements in Panama and now lives on the Caliwhich ered serious.
Barbados donte Road.
your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor will give work to a large number Our grateful informant further gave of the unemployed soldiers.
The corner Stone of the Bank out that for many years up to the MCKENZIE It would be a sad disgrace to From the Herald) Hall Mission Church will be laid time of his cure, he suffered from this country, if all the considerasundry ailments and severe pains over (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
tion it can show to our returned The coal situation has been re. on Tuesday next, 19th inst, at his body. The terrifie pains in the by Mrs Brien. The Church urinary organs, at times unbearable.
soldiers is, that after their Bieved. The colliers Negros and which will be attached to the Ca. Sediments in urine over an inch money have been exhausted, to Lake Chaland arrived during Printing, Developing and Enlarging arrest them for vagrancy and the week from Norfolk with 3, 800 thedra. is being erected by local thick, but due to the magic cure of this troubles.
put them on the roads to work.
and the Craythorn is expected and will provide seating accomotons and 4, 000 tons respectively, subscriptions, at a cost of 6, 000 medicine, he was completely rid of his Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps SPECIAL FEATURE We are not making an unreasonable demand, it is within the making an aggregate 2011, 800 has been purchased; however, to apportan ng lo be eu recize pounds of justice as we It is true to day as ever, Delay is bute revenue largely to the tons. It is hoped that dealers in admit of enlargement, if neces.
keep and maintenance of the sary, when material is less costly dangerous Those who doubt the this mineral will do everything than at present. collection will wonderful curing power of this remedy possible to ke pa fair supply al be made at the Service on will pay the dreadful cost.
country needs. Panamanians who are employers of labour, United Brotherhood Directory ways on hand. The growing in: bel alt of the Building Fund, De Wops care sold for the late forme and other business mer, whose portance of the colony as a port which, at present, stands at 2, which you are cautioned to refuse.
reaped from the ener of call demands this.
350. great effort is being made nama Canal Lodge No. 21. 9, Grove; West Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, diet materiall. ndians, can asby the Cathedral Council to clear bottle and City Pharmacy on each direction Aroused by public criticism to the cost of the Church in employing a by Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; fair THE CITY PHARMACY, an appreciation of the parlous months; but a shorter period will 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
Geu. Herlin, Secretary Treasurer.
ratio of these men with their liams, Secretary Treasurer, Panamanian labourers There are condition of the Colony water Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. no serious Agents for Republic of Panama Punama City, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretary these two classes of labour, and differences between supply system for shipping, the see its completion.
Government has acted. com In connection with this cereand Canal Zone. Shields Secretary Treasurer. President.
as present, there is evidence of a tittee was appointed to make a commendations towards improv. mony circulars have been issued Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. better understanding the situation a partion by the Dean to all the Clergy, The authorities of the Canal Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, Secretary Zone have and are doing their larly sensible and practicabl. and Choirs of the Cathedral and Secretary Treasurer.
scheme has been evolved or at St. Cyprian will robe in the Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
duty as they are putting the releast recommended in a report. Empire Club Pavilion and form a Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa. turned men back to work as fast Forsyth, President; Small, Secre Dunn, President; Killing as it is possible for them to do, This the House has accepted. The procession to the site of the tary Treasurer.
and scheme involves an expenditure building a few minutes before beck, Secretary Treasurer.
Success bodge No. 2502, Gatun.
served gratitude, unstiatingly.
of 25, 000. The Treasury is, how. o clock. strong representation Rayside, President; Bracey, SecreLiberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank. The United Fruit Company at ever, somewhat bare and it is of Clergy and Laity is expected tary Treasurer. Austin, President; Bannister, Bocas del Toro has offered work suggested that the money be to be present.
Secretary Treasurer.
raised under the Public Works Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PanaEYES EXAMINED to the returned ex soldiers. From Loan Act. 1914. However, the Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire.
information, it is GLASSES PRESCRIBED ma City. Coll ns, Presldent; Jamaica money be raised, it must be raispe, it is guardaSaunders, Secretary Treasurer.
teed by reliable person Wm, Stoute, President; Headley, der the new Ma iager, Mr. Blairi by reliable persons, that uned. There is nothing speculative Perfect fair and near vision in Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama Secretary Treasurer.
one pair of glasses.
conditions have about penditure in the nature of some Dead Body Found if you do not need glasses we Day, Secretary. Treasurer.
Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama siderably.
advise our ex frivolous take hold Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, soldiers and wholly unentertainable experiment. It is a sound in in Drinking Tank. will tell you so frankly. Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan. Secretary Treasurer.
present opportunities before their money bave been exhausted We offer best. Optical Service. ama City. Humphrey, President; vestment, and further an indirect Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Cºlon. and evil days fall upon them.
attraction in other Manley, Secretary Treasurer, Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
Friends Declare Spence Office. 182 Bolivar Street, Conditions will in prove, then Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paeama The disadvantages of the pre Acted Strangely.
Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama, Ál. they will be able to find nem COLON City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Secre conditions of prosperity which fields of labour or embrace the sent system was instanced by Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
CIN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE the Junior member for the City tary Treasurer. recent issue of the Jamai(Mr. Austin) who in Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Color, will have come to the West Indies Colon Advance (New Lodge) Golon after the period of British re conspeaking at last Tuesday meet a Gleaner to hni publishes Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. Scott, President; G, Caterson, Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer, struction Ang pointed out the slow and la a report from the cistrict of Good Picture Scranton Photo Studio resty We. contri the upDrug Stores. Some sell Imitations wealth is gies of of the De Witt a Co. Ltd. London on each and a Panama Optical Co.
latest this Wee improved con to of ways.


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