p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919, United Brotherhood British Consulate Notica.
To night, Saturday 28 The Mystery Ship THE RED ACE All the Choral the practice it was able to achie Special pretty ceived, aster 2nd XI.
granting down Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
to 1000 the CRICKET PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL (Continued from page 1)
Surrey makes Yorkshire throw in the Sponge.
PANAMA COLON fied that a special meeting of the The British Consulate of Colon The Surrey Yorkshire game which was Lodge will be called at 30 would be glad of information reexpected to be the best of all the games on Thursday, Oct, 2nd, for the garding one George Forbes, that were scheduled for last Sunday, TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th.
purpose of electing Oficers for a native of Turks Island, who proved exceedingly dissappointing to the the ensuing term, 1919 to 1920. came to the Isthmus in 1998, The ground was in none too good Every member is respectfully a condition owing the heavy rains that requested to attend and be in Paraiso Choral Union time had fallen during the preceding days GRANT The Sacred concert staged by therefore it was not surprising to mort of the fans when Yorkshire sent Surrey Journal Agent. Sunday evening. September 14th, the Paraiso Choral Union Inst into bat after winning the tose 18 EPISODES same it proved a fatal mistake, and the Featuring BEN Wilson and Neva Gerber Empire Star Lodge No. 2513 at the Paraiso was a brilliant success.
Never in its result was that Yorkshire was beaten to its knees and only save from a knockout Ist and 2nd Episodes.
The Empire Star Lodge wet on history bas little Paradise wit by throwing the sponge in. Maroue Wednesday, the 17th inst, whin nessed a concert ike it, and it will Alleyne proved hime If the batting hero twenty candidates were obliged surely linger long in the of all those who were ory mof the match by making 20 in good SUNDAY style. It might be remarked that at the Nominations for the ensuing vileged to listen to the classy Two Episodes Each Show.
opening of the game Holder was not 3rd and 4th Episodes of term were gone through. Elee pieces tion of Officers will be on Oct ho monthly from England, sent diThese pieces ion.
were received present, and when it was learnt that he THE MYSTERY SHIP Night the Coming Week. The would not be there until p. the members were highly backers of Yorkshire hoped that Surrey pleased to have with us the Pre rect to the choir and by hard might all be out before be turned up estisosad OXOOXOS SOXSCXD sesident at the meeting, amous Der as news from the Atlantic end is the success which was accorded About 130 he was seen coming to the News always refreshing and inspiring, ng it last Sunday evening.
ground, and received quite an ovation from the Wǝlls (Capt. McGregor, the Surrey backers from then until should rest from the terrible We hope to have him with us mention must be made of the COMMENDABLE RACE Wre soon all the time.
he went to the bat. Although he only punches of the Tivoli boys. AllM Julien, Gravey, Mairs Misses Shand and Yard, who were mnade runs and then returned one to roads will lead to the Isthmian Thompson, Bridgeman, This Lodge is in receipt of a anchored in their rendition of the ENTERPRISE.
the bowler, which was thankfully re Park on Sunday 21st inst. where Fuentes, Chandler, James, second letter from rec from the Toledo duet Say a Kind a Kind Word as also was yet his popularity was not one and when the Tivoli will o. Patrick, Carrington and THE EVELYN HORTON MANU. Central Labor Union, we mean to of Todd the Barber who whit lessened as during his stay at the cross bats with the Jamaica Brrtholomew, extra.
FACTURING CO, help those who are down and out there with the tenor.
wickets he showed that he was God pleasant time is an Messrs.
that members Boyce, Greaves and St. Louis, Mo.
All Surrey was ticipated and there is no reason of the United the wood on the Shand, Chairman Musical Direc of the art of defense.
Isthmus a ver need help.
torent Manager respeetively, The general monthly meeting eventually out for 86 runs, and it was to doubt that a big crowd will be thought by the majority present that there to see the Tivoli boys in Panama district to. enterpristinare solo rodearomen who the October 2nd (Thursday) all mem pulling of such a successful conMADAM EVELYN HORTON As the Our next meeting will be on must be given much credit for Yorkshire would soen wipe that off.
action Schoolroomvoted herself with success to us! they had not counted on Rawle Followiug is the line up of the Meeting begins at pm, men study of producing high class toiletbers are asked to bear this in cert.
Holder, and he simply mowed them Tivoli: bers are asked to be out.
preparatipns suitable to the people mind.
of her own race.
When Yorkshire had made 47 These preparations were plachd on Waterproof runs for the Charter to be Unveiled loss of wickets, King, the market 10 years ago, and by seientific improvements the wonderful the skipper was bowled, but he believed that the wicket keeper had Rain Coats. All the members of the InvinciHortona Tollet Preparations ble Lodge No. 2519, had interfered che with the wickets, and said so.
with the wich The um have been produced The Hortona Toilet PreparaE. are regnested to be pire who was on could not see it, as Give me your order for your tions which have stood the test of at their Lodge present he said the bowler bad crossed him room, Blake Hall, San WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, Miguel not after delivering the ball. but on appeal10 years at using by colored people in later than p. on Sunday RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for ing to the other umpire he was given introduced in the Republic of Panate afternoon to witness the unveil Gentlemen, Ladies and Chilout as bowled, and left wicket. The stand to day without equal for growling of the of their charter, and the in dren.
last man came to the wickets, received beactifying the. oradica of for radial bien shes, and improving ensuing term. The double cere: SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM a ball, made one run, and then was the called in by King, and so brought the the skin generally These put up in mouy. will be performed by the match to an abrupt end. Rumour says THE BIGGEST VALUE ON FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Carter that the game was stopped to save the simple but secure containhrsto apoia organizer Mr. Nicholas highorst in packing and be sold at the conclusion of which, reTHAT LINE money that had ben betted out on at tho lowest possible prices. freshments will be served. Yorkshire. What a pity this gambling The best recommendation we can will be imposed on each member KASSALA small tax of 25 cents us SANGUINETTI BROWN, spirit an not be stopped!
in the Panching and high satisfactory to defray the expenses of the recorner 3rd November and 19th offer for these preparation FURNITURE DEALER will sail on SUNDAY, 21st SEPTEMBER 1919, for La toza hips Pedro Miguel ands who have used them for 10 years results obtained by the many thous. Crespectfully asked and the brethren are come Streets, Guachapali.
The boys from Pedro Miguel HAVRE AND LONDON (Cargo only)
Give them a trial and prove across with their dimes not Ancon Box 836, journeyed over to La Boca last Sunday for yourself, what we now claim fo to show Boca a thing or two on ater than o clock this after.
game, but what a dissappointment MANAVI The articles are: MORRIS Happy Man.
awaited them. S; Merritt the Skipper of La Boca had Mr. Miguel Hive, of the Real said Friday Har ton a Hair Grower, Harton will leave Crisrobal, a m, will leave Balboa noon Journal Agent. Come Estate firm of Navarro Arose.
over and Beauty Cream watch THURSDAY, 25th SEPTEMBER; 1919, for Special Hair Grower, Har mena, was the happiest man me put it over on those boys Sunday tona Vanishing Crean.
Tumaco Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guyaquil.
you know was once their leader and around town on Wednesday Jast Temple Grower, Hartona Local 2505 know all their methods of attack, am Brown Skin Powder (3 when he was encircled by the going to fustrate their Members of Local No. 2503 arms of his mother, who arrived every move and shades)
he did it, batting first he put up a total SALVADOR Totter Cure, Hartona Face are reminded that their quarter from Grenada, Bleach of 99 runs, Inniss Merritt, Seale and ly dues fall due in October, also will leave Cristobal, a m; will leave Balbea, Noon Wamer doing best for their side. Pedro Prossing Oil, Hartona Hair the election of officers. The first Remover.
Miguel went to the bat and could only SUNDAY, 5th OCTOBER, 1919, for Shampoo, Hartona Doo meeting will take place on Pei Concert of Saturday 13th dorant.
together 47 runs for all Goddard, day, the 17th October. All mem.
Suecessful put Innise, bers are expected to be present Thomas and Seale proving too good for good Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La LiSold at the Eldorado Store, at this meeting, them. All Panama received a shock bertad, Aea jutla, San Jose de Guatemala, and grand display Contest Conanama when the news was spread abroad on Bolivar Street, Colon, cert was staged by three Bros.
ben Champerico that La Boca had defentBetween 7th and 8th Streets.
of the The ed Pedro Miguel Fans who knew the Agents Wanted, Write at once to French Colonlsts Meeting contestants were Professor A: playing abilities of the two teams could CHILE Madam DeWEEVER, 17th inst be seen in little knots at all the street Bor Dandor France, and corners, in the Parks, and elsewhere dis will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon o DeWEEVER.
gua. Long before the companies cussing the news Pedro Miguel had Box 753, Cristobal, meet. arrived the hall (St.
been defeated by La Boca, by defeating Sunday, 5th October, 1919, for ing at the St. Anthony Hail, Car was veocked tobit est. Anthony)
entirety Pedro Miguel LA has dragged het Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pocasmayo, Salaverry, lidonia on Wednesday night, antar, better known as the down from her lofty position, as leader 17th inst. when Monsieur in the Gittens Competition to second Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, place, or in fact, she will be second with lé, Chairman, opened the meetChañaral, Coquimbo, and Valparaiso Cotcom Fauce.
goods direct iug at s with a large num. Nearly all Surrey leading, as as Pedro Miguel har especially when the Po. Vincentians now to play and Surrey has We the members of the Pacifie Union ber of members and visitors pre cored for the plays wepBand of Panama City, offer our ser sent. For Further Particulars yera danced by Minnie was stag Pickwick and G. buth of whom we vice to the public in general. Es Immediately after the opening ed (or the girl known as Minnie mny safely predict will be defeated by pecially the Lodges of the BM.
Apply to the Office of the Companies at for entertainments such as of the meeting Organizer Car shimme femi) that play alone was her.
Concerts eta We appreciate this op: ter was introduced by the Pres. worth a dollar to see. Professor CRISTOBAL portunity to be of service to you and ident, and an address was deliv. Munroe Company had hope you will let us know whenever ered in English and interpreted the among or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, programa Progressive of Colon Defeats Standard of Panama use our charges will be based on a were enrolled and forty we seen a better Buck dancer on no there do anything that can be done by by the president.
Many members Prof. Pablo. Never before have PANAMA of rate This mateb was played on the StanPlease take advantage of our offer obligated, part of the world.
dard Oval last Sunday, and did not atpresident next introduced were showered on the stage in tract much of a crowd till late in the afternoon, owing to the more important of the French Societé Frater. with as many encores as the Surrey Yorkshire match a cup match nité. who gave delivered an able hall had mouths.
which was being played only a conple address on the labor movement. Every body went away content ains away. Standard won the tots He was lounch enthusiasm. served, and felt like spending applauded and after the cake and cream were and sent progressive in and the result was they knocked up 105 runs. Cain, Clarke, and Colthirst doing best for es warmest tempero meeting or pany Professor.
Colon making 27, 27, and 21 respectively At the close of the When you have a concert to Stan lard on going to the bat could only (BRANDON BANK)
ganizer Carter urged upon the stage, and you do not know how make 89. Jöbin 25, members of the French colony to get this Star Performing Com14, and Julien 14. The fielding of in Panama the necessity of get. pany, ask Jos. Skeete, Balboa Standard was exceedingly poor, ting a charter to administer their Box, No. 663.
ton did well with the leather bowling own business.
in something of his old tims form, the (FOUNDED 1868)
Brother Tayalé recommended PANAMA COLON umpiring was rotten, and not at all con that prompt action be taken and Dedication Service at Salducive to the right spirit of the game.
that the lodge be called Lodge Our large Resources and well known vation Army Foch. which was unanimously Games for To mmorrow conservative Management afford unwhich adopted. The election, were carried out in perfect satis School books for FREE USE in Pickwick, vs Surrey at Standard Ova!
questioned security for every dollar faction to all present, was as fol. the Salvation Army School, GuaSurrey line up as follows lows:E. Holder Capt. Holder, Harddeposited with this bank.
chapali, having arrived, teacher President, Eugene Rimize.
ing, Pitterson. Tudor, Alleyne, Yearwood invites the genVice Pres, Montebliard. de Sousa, de Sousa, Moore, eral public to a Dedication SerBeckles, Brown.
Past President, L. Tayalé. to morrow, Sunday 21st, Secr Treas. Edgard Percel. commencing at p. precisely, Journal Agent, Bend. This being the rst service of General Banking Business Transacted Chaplain, Blaise.
this nature, there will be several TIVOLI PARADING Oonductor. Beneface Petit. speakers, and it is also anticipatAfter months rest, the boys ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANCON Warden, Emanuel ed that a large gathering will be BRANDON of the Big House who comInner Sentinnel, George in attendance prise the Tivoli met the President Vice President.
Outer. Dilian Tailors on the Standard After the election each officer his best to promote the interests Oval on Monday last and inflicted gave a short address in which of the lodge were prolered The a terrible lacing on them. It is appreciation of the house was Marseillese was sung as the elos.
about time that the Tailors acknowledged, and pledges to doing item at 11 pm Sunday evening Pro Boca bas rforming Special Offer.
Tayo. Star the a Buck Dance. by KING, Secretary.
PANAMA BANKING COMPANY John 25. Thomas 14. Agard, BurSECURITY vice

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