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to on the ground rather than on pre facts BIG DAY MAN SHARE OF JUSTICE AND DOMINION PLANNED LIBERTY AND FREEDOM Truth Gives Its Views At Standard Oval on Panon Suggestion Put For ama National Indepenward for Confederation dence Day So Says Writer, In the Jamaican as Much British Subject New London, August 21. The West Everybody who is anybody in York World as Englishman India Committee Circular ont Panama is lookiug forward to the to day, publishes the following. Grand sports on Ind pendence writer in the New York World advising Grantham pleaded guilty to Commenting on what is de Day, Nov, 3rd, when the StandAt the Westham Court, Storm Polia. com being drunk, and said Pell hit scribes as audacious proposal and popied will be the scene of the against the West Indian Islands being taken over by London, a him and he struck back.
annexation of the British snuppiest amusements Ratcliffe Cousins had before him Nr. Ratelide Cousins: What West Indies by the Dominion of ed off in Panama. The Commitdock labourer of 29 Maplin Roed, did you do daring the the war? Cannda, which was first rentilateu are arranging a brilliant pre To the Editor of The World: Walter James Grantham, 86, a ted two or three years ago gram of field The Prisoner: Stevedoring.
not because they are jim crowed, and events The segregated or lynched.
who was charged with being Magistrate: from Colon will vie with those in bave read in your columns of Making Truth, of August 8th, wrote: arunk and disorderly and how money whlie others were risking care a ria sono mo e bemoen: food at. It will also be Pic nic Day, all the native of Barbados regarding the over the islands, nothing else Panama for the coveted trophies. the 28th inst, the statement of a Now, if the United States takes doing damage to the amount of and economic union; but anmusic.
84 at No Crown Street, the their lives for the country, would what is property of Thomas Pell, a West Listima posting at the case, the Manexation strikes me as a more ap: gistrate said, the prisoner had propriate word, sering thamles Caton to Panama and it is expect States, special train will run from ish West Indies by the United appened, happening indian picked a quarrel and made other colonies and, predict, will continue to Pell story was that he was a doel labourer and with his com unprovoked attack on the co would come under the control of ed that the pleasure seekers These islands are inhabited by happen in this country. The loured wife, kept a lodging for hered man, who rightly hit him Canada, and cease to have any from the Atlantic city will be black people mostly, and these rough and uncouth disposition These, inhabitants of Ja closer relationship with the over in enorinous crowds.
compatriots. On Saturday after maica were as much Britlsh sub. Mother Country than Alberta or All those who did not comspectors of schools, etc. down to base remarks such as nigger range from B. In of the American white man, bis noon the 9th of August with two jects as he and they were enti. Saskatchewan. In support of over on Labor Day will show u errand boys and messengers. this and coon that, he was standing at his door when Grunsw. During the war the cor of the Canadian Tariff in the members of the Brotherhood will share of justice, liberty and free. dian Negro, and events recently was tied to equal treatment by the this we are told that the adoption on the Glorious Third, and the The laws give, a man a man never work with the West Intham, who was drunk races of the Empire had West Indies would give Grea: also be here in large numbers. dom, Several of our people hala in his friends of having laughed at ing the British forces, and it was in these tropical markets over will be events for the ladies who herbes bine bandssitead physicians with what would happen there.
and accused the complainant and done splendid service in assist. Britain 33 18 per cent preference Te great features the day very good positions, such as would look like a small av in a bucket him. He bit Pell in the chest. a very shabby thing for those foreign countries. and Pell then hit him, and was who had loafted about the docks what this precious preference grounds. There will be the eng cities, etc.
Consider can enter on arriving on the in public hospitais, mayors of pulled into by his. So. now GEO. MUNROE.
in spoon race, and op the one u tehere upon to the protection of the law var passes a free market in her west thread coace, three legged race because some one of industry Many people leave the islands smashed the glass of the front concerned, there could he no dis Indian Colonies, Canada trades and other attractive events for New York, Sept. 11 window of the house, broke black on flower stand inside, and taking a and white races, who were alice of this negual footing. In place the ladies.
system is proposed pressionable years of their school guitar, using it as weapon, be subjects of the King. He sent erect a tariff of well which will An excellent band of music The Teachers at the Mtreet door and sinashed the prisoner to goal for two protect Canadian trade against the movements of the shippant be on the grounds to enliven life, must be educated to do their other glass.
months with hard labour. British; but, own thinking, to question sweepthe tariff will be that feet of per cent will be done to enhance a good of the dancers. Everything Of the Canal Zone Colored ing statements unsupported by higher against foreign countries, and enjoyable time, and the mer Schools evidence, to base on we are cooly asked to accept and their UNITED BROTHERHOOD arrangements as a gift for which is makers of Panama will meet Oy The three months lay off peri, judice. This is essential for the cates of the scheme evidently re the brand day when Panama will god, which the colored teacher of purpose of any people, and as we should be grateful. The adto those of Colou and the lines on as the Nomination of Officers ed them to adhere to the princi gard the Mother Country as an Colombia.
tre celebrate her separacion from the Canal Zone School did not teacher is intensely interested in ples of discretion, prudence and old fool who will swallow any flapJenjoy, is almost ended. Mother the upward march of his ruce, he Members of the United Bro. precaution, while in the execution doodle garnished with fine sound ment that we can participate in that were ripped open when Wil. messenger at 75. 00 per month Let us all show this govern lis busy mending the trousers de clines the offer to become a therhood will please bear in of their daily work, and so ing phrases about the consolida. the festivities of Panama espe mango. mind that nomination and eles doing, keep up the high standard tion of Empire, etc.
tion of officers for the ensuing clusion of bis inasterful address ability and asked the members The Standard Oval is the most of the Brotherhood. At the con cially on this, the greatest day in Aunt is making a new dress trees for a year of twelve months.
But the sacrifice will not be her calendar of holidays.
Kate out of an old one given her productive of the maximum good takes place on first returm meeting in Detober. Only Bro. Carter was warmly ap. for their cooperation.
by Mrs, Munnibags.
The except the teacher lives and members in financial standing plauiled.
The Secretary then gave the accessible pleasure ground in der around the corner is half works in an atmosphere of free.
The next speaker was Bro. closing address, immediately af.
soling Mary shoes.
need attend this meeting.
Panama. Don forget it.
dom and self respect, and is buildings are being and civic life for which he is supclose with the 5n Henlin, who after cor Patiling ter which the Benediction was NICHOLAS CARTER economic the members for the a va: ce they pronounced by Bro. Rowland and General Chairman.
The Jewish New Year.
out. Everything is had made in getting their own the function came to a close at dono boys and girls na Pohorough organimation and milia Charter, proceeded to instruct 45 chance to learn how to control tion with the labor movement, then along the lives of the moral Invincible Lodge Unveils and social obligations of the BroC. MORRIS, hal The services for the Jewish the values of life. School officials teachers of the are moving Charter. therhood, and the imperative Journal Agent. New Year Roshashona were and parents are doin need of intelligent representation held in the Lodge Rooms above What about the teacher their bit. forward towards that high mone the Store of Duque Co. in this What about the colored teachers He has just drawn his belt a on the Canal Zone?
Before a large gathering of the sponsibilities as members of the He impressed on them their re Important to Brotherhood ittle tighter before loc city on Thursday morning and little members of the above named to Brotherhood and emphasized the looking up In Washington, the orwere admirably Rabbi Lienezer assisted by other volume in which he is vainly try: Es secure substantial increases pages of some ganized cal, the charter of the Invincible necessity of discretion in all un by the ruling members of the Shoeller was done by Mr, out becoming an inmate of the for all teachers, and more than Arrangements are being made Israelites. The sounding of the ing to find out how be Lodge No. 2518, and and dertakings. was unveiled on Sunday United Brotherhood of Mainte dhe treme 100 increase The President then introd need nance of in the minimum afternoon last. The function began promptly at 50 when Bro. Collins Victot Collins Railwauway Employees and Ades, remarkably well too. The asylum at Corozal, pay the three salary of grade teachers, in addi.
Shop Laborers e insum congregation tools mall enjoyed with the nurse needed pair of months he owes, give his tion shoes.
to such administrative rethe Secretary Bro. Dottin called Lodge, No. 2503. This talented tute a series of lectures by special benevolence; among those pre purchase a new dress for each orms as reduction in size and with real the meeting to order and with a orator few well chosen words introduc spell boundly had the audienceally appointed men, for the pur sent were Messrs. Cantor, Le ot his four daughters, square his ment in the methods of rating number of classes, and improvewhen he expounded Dose of ed the Master of Ceremonies to them how the should induct in the constitution and Rules of levy, Osorio, Gruber. Uizrachi be has credited to make himself teachers. In Memphis, action by instructing the members vitt, Delvalli, Dabah, Simon, bill with the tailor for the suit Bro. Nicholas Carter.
then selves as members of the the Brotherhood.
the Central Trades Assembly sethem proceeded to unveil the against the nursing of imaginary help to the Union, and every mein Lewis, Pindar, Kamischer Tor every Sunday, and avoid si vins that had long been promised the Our indefatigable organizer Brotherhood. He advised them This plan will prove of great Ades. Kanischer. Cherques, presentable, eat a square meal cured payment of back salary Charter and install them officers shing them to continue the gom these lectures with much enthu Army and Navy Corps.
by admon ber ought to look forward to and several of the faith from the the andertaker or the policeman teachers, ceremony in a work had WILLIAM STOUTE.
most solemn and impressive started bis pay in November.
siasin and anticipation.
manner, and carefully exhorted The next speaker was Bró.
Canal Zone Teachers, But why is it that the teacher CARTER, each officer in the way he should Rowland of Local No. 2149. Lu Chronometer at Fuller all silver employees? Well, he is the most poverty stricken of Crganivger General porform his duties. The follow. Bogde ban Cew short words this gentleman Wynter III.
Chairman en Our readers will be undoubted is paid 70 per month for each Corbin, President couraged the members in their ly interested to know that there of the nine months during which The many friends of B, Vice President onward march. Bro. Nelson of Lodge No. 2151 be a new Chronometer in the show he works and which is equiva Wynter have learnt with regret FordPast Ancon Lodge, No; 2516 followed window at Fuller Jewelry Store, lent to to 52. 50 per calendar his illness in Santo Tomas Hose ttin Secretary Treasurer cessors, and gave some helpful in the same strain as his prede.
for the use of the publlc in gener month. The teacher, unlike pital. Morris, Journal This Agent al instrument has been others, who draw 52. 50 per Mr. Wynter is quite an active Brgan, Conductor, nas repair meeting of the Isoh: most carefully tired by the man month. is expected to be wali character in matters of West In: advice along the lines of unity mas of Panama Lodge was con ufacturers. and as most of the dressed. clerk may take his dian interest, and we hope that Marshall, Warden, perseverance, and co operation. vened at St Anthony Hall on clocks at this part of the city are collar off while working. Not he will soon recover from his Alleyne, Ioner Sentinel Barnett, Outer Sentinel, At the close of this address, this meeting numerons inatteis not keeping Saccurate time it hus so with the tuacher. He must sickness.
bis on. instated, heroicorwe then ad dates into the mysteries of the dispensed with in due course, make home that the chi su bili u bilan After the officers were duls ceremony of initiating candi of importance were handled and a very long felt want We hope that the public win clean one too.
Grand Opa etti dressed the members asking Brotherhood, after which the was anticipated that at this meet. addition to the progressive estab the spirit of self sacrifice, which entitled The Merry Milkmaids It is the high sense of duty, Don miss the Grand Operetta Officers in the performances of officers for their words of encounts for the elections of officers for lishment of the enterprising keeps the teacher at his post to the staged at there willemaids them to co operate and help the President thanked the visiting ing nominations would be Some of the very boys whom he house on the evening of October their duties by observing strict agement and advice, and express the ensuing term but owing to young jeweler Train men and car men, es taught; now earn 75. 00 per month 14th, under the auspices of the decorum during the sessions of ed his determination of perform the torrential downpour which nich pecially, will find this instrument all the year round. Our future Girls Triendly Society tho Lodge. He further admonisling his office to the best of his (Continued on page of incalculable help to them Cob touch to give the Bowen: President men and women

    Workers Movement

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