
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands him. Sgt. Major ago, 200 will S000 The Calidonia Jewelry Store Board of men were Wiles, cretary Bugar Order United States Pharmacy ccasions quality, there passed several been in some Barbados English Cricket Team Arrival of Another The Barbados Draft. following information which we glean from a Trinidad print will be read with interThe troopship Pannonia came est:to anchor on Tuesday afternoon In view of the statement made with about 2, 000 men for the exclusively by the Trinidad various West Indian Islands. Guardian to the effect that it is The Barbados draft totalled 108, probable that an English or Ausand was under the command of tralian team will visit the West Lt. Toose of Antigua, who landed with them on Wedne Clairmonte about Indies next year, the following extract from the Times of a.
July 22, furnished by its Jamaiwho left here about three years can correspondent will be read with interest: It was announced also arrived with the draft. with of the 108 men, there were recents Xenint Jamaica to invite that steps seven to be ashore the previous night and an English Cricket team to visit taken to the Military Hospital. the West Indies towards the The arrangements made for close of 1920. As a team of Engthe reception of the men were lish players will visit Philadephia siu ilar to those of previous oc in September next, the Jamaica casions of a like nature. Broad Cricket Council has decided to Street was ºbeflagged and the ask the West Indian Club in usual decorations were in evi: London to get in touch with the dence at the Public promoters of the tour with a gate and in Trafalgar view of the visit being extended The Contingent, on landing, to Jamaica.
marched along the fixed route The Standard of the 23rd ulto. with the Volunteer and Police in reporting the proceedings of Bands playing lively airs to the the Assembly says: Garrison Savannah where the The final meeting of the House ere received by His Excel of Assembly for the current lency the Governor accompanied Legislative session took place at by his O, the Colonial Se noon on Tuesday. The report of the Acting Staff Officer the select Committee appointed and members of the Reception to prepare an Address in reply Committee. The Volunteers did to His Excellency the Governor not turn out and the crowd was Message of the 31st July with not large.
reference to the financial condiThe Service was conducted by tion of the colony was handed in His Lordship the Bishop and the by Mr. Williams and was Very Rev. Dean Shankland. This adopted by the House.
over. His Excellency read the Mr. Austin, with Address and then added a few leave, withdrew his question personal words of welcome you the West India and Panama me. He with respect to the increase of said: am not going to long as know that the heat is Telegraph Company charges great and you desire to get away for the transmission of messages to your loved ones, want to say in view of the termination of a few wo ds to you both as a Gov. the session. As the first and a old soidier, and those of the Day a Bill was passed to are that trust that these years authorize a Henry Jason Jones which you have passed under dis to extend and enlarge a piece of cipline and the experience which land lying between Marshall you have thereby gained as sol. Hall and the sea and to drive diers of His Majesty the King piles and erect a jetty running may incite you in future on your from the said parcel of land into return to civil life to try on all the sea. The house then went to be absolutely mark. into Committee of Snpply and ed men so that whether on Resolutions.
plantation or in the store your The business of the day having employers poilla be able to point been concluded, Mr. Reece, on of you and say that good fellow he is one of Speaker a pleasa a pleasant vacation, exthe King men. That is the repressing the hope that he would ion after which would like you to strive.
rive. wish you a hapo be present when the House met py reunion with your families animing to preside over its deliber: fellows (Cheere 7ooking batch of which he always His Honour suitably replied, thank the National. member Anthem terminated the proceed kind wishes and said he hoped ings His Excellency and party they should all meet again at the left and the men were marched opening of the next session. He to the Volunteer Drill Hall, farther exp expressed the hope that where they were entertained the vacation would be a real one and subsequently sent home and would not be curtailed as had been the case during the last few Foul Murder.
years. The House then ad journed sine die.
Applegrove Tenantry, situated We understand that writs are near Warners Plantation, Christ to be issued for the election of Church, was the scene of a foul members of the House of Assemmurder on Sunday last about bly ensuring the re assembling The victim was Anna Beck of that Body in three weeks les, about 70 years old, wife of from the adjournment of the Jeremiah Beckles, a peasant pro House sine die on Tuesday last.
prietor. She was sitting The House will after the Arst stairs at her house or feet meeting of the new session take from a jalousie door which opens twelve weeks.
a long vacation, probably for into the conversing with her daughter and husband.
she thought of re gested it to her daughter, the discharge of a shot gun was heard, the contents of the gun en.
tering just over the left breast Owing to the scarcity of labour and tearing away about two in Trinidad, the Windward Isthirds of the heart causing instan lands, the Leeward Islands, Jateneous death. The matter was maica and the Bahamas, the reported to the Police and an in.
Governments of those places quest was begun by the Coroner have refused to permit recruitof District and adjourned until ing of labourers for British Monday next. The evidence dis Guiana as requested by the Execlosed that the assassin fired up: cutive of the latter colony. Only on the victim through the jalou Bar aloe Barbados has replied favourably sies and disappeared before he the solicitation of Sir. Wilfred was observed by any of the par. Collet. Our Executive, however, ties in the house.
an Emigration neighbours were on friendly Agent, but leaves it to the Gov.
terms with her, but ber son ernment of British Guiana to George Beckles, against whom select its own agent and make she brought an action some any arrangements it may think months ago, threatened on the proper for recruiting in this is way from the station to take her land good many artisans and life. Deceased was the mother of others from Barbados and other twelve children, six of whom are West India Islands have recent.
ly failed to obtain work in British Guiana and haye had to leave Fr. JOHNSON however, that under a Govern that colony; have no doubt, SURGEON DENTIST ment scheme agricultural labourers imported into British Guiana would be given remunerative Phone 1003 Address employment. It is for the Executive of Barbados, to see that Ancon, C, 852 our labourers are well treated.
The Barbados Contribution nial of the fact that the labbar THE HIGHEST COMPACT The total number of soldiers question presents some very real contributed by Bardados to the and serious difficulties in TriniB Regiment is set down at dad difficulties which seem to WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. 913, and up to the present, 700, be increasing rather than dimin. Let there be truth between including invalids, have returned. ishing, and which are not likely After making allowances for ca. policy of hiding one head in the to be solved by the adoption of a us two for evermore.
sualties, it will be seen that the last batch will number less than dance of labourers of certain sand. That there is a superabuna hundred. In fact it is believed classes in the com munity, and PRICE QUALITY SERVICE that only 60 or 70 are now to arrive.
especially in Port of Spain. we do not deny though in in many cases Gasoline. Oil. this is because men who are Accessories.
Repair Parts. The Western Telegraph) Co.
really not fitted by training for pany seem to mean business so to fill posts of a higher standard, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. far as Barbados is concerned and refuse to accept lab burers We learn that this Company has work, as beneath their dignity.
GRAVES JOHNSON purchased an acre of land near It is also due to the fact that it in Calais above the St. Lawrence Port of Spain, as in every large 7th Street Ancon Avenue. Phone Corp. 85. coast, be erecting city, and especially every seaport their cable station and Manag town, throughout the world, er house on the spot. The new there is a constant floating popu lines to be laid by the Western lation of idlers who contrive to Telegraph Company will be live by stray jobs, supplemented tween Birbadosand Bi zil. expedients best known to themthence to New Yoric selves. At the same time, it is urTue West India and Panama deniable that many a man is out Telegraph Company had better of work through no fault of his ir their stumus if they don own. But in the country districts want to get left, and particularly on the estates, the position is a more acute one.
Obarrio Building.
Board of Lunacy Neither is it, as some would say, No. 2, Calidonia Road Lunacy composed a question of wages. It is of Doctors not to be entirely solved by the LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Alleyne, Mr. A. Bartlett, comparatively simple expedient Pilice Magistrate, and Mr. paying higher wages so as to WATCH REPAIRING was held on Thurs: temet men to work. The trouble day to enquire into the mental which lies at the root of it, is the inherent distaste of our people to WE KNOW HOW TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, condition of Claudius cohore work constantly and regularly Cadogan, of Black Rock.
turned here by the troopship on the estates for the long Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. Pannonia on Tuesday evening hours requisite to the successful.
showed signs of insanity and try. Not that the Trinidadian is. O, CAMPBELL was at once taken into custody WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
After some consideration he accusation against him in this connection, though some Board deemed Cadoxana reklic doubtedly deserve it. it is nea; soine of them un Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
detention at the Lunatic Axylum to which he was shortly ply that he trained, afterwards conveyed.
as have have been the people of some other colonies. Barbados, for inRecruiting Laborers for Cuba estate labourer must lead under stance to the life which the sugar existing conditions.
Indentured com Standard, 16th Aug. labor has been plentiful, and reThe recruitment of laborers while, as has often been proved gular; cheap, and reliable; and for agricultural work proceeding favorably. Permis. in detail the cheapness was not SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR slon was granted Mr. in the qderpaying of the man so Arche. Emigration Agent, to re much. iw the value of a reliable THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY cruit 2, 000 men on condition and constant labour supply of Used successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years.
still that preference is tirst given to trained quali IT IS POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, those returned soldiers who inti can be no doubt that the and a prompt relief for mate their willingness to go. Up effect of indentured labour being used to a couple of days ago the numBilliousness, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Constipation, ber of returned soldiers booked as a means of keeping Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, the price of native labour Indigestion, Sick Headache, Malaria, Sallow Complexion. men are to be sent over in batch to a figure of which the Trinifor Cuba had reached 290.
The cle has Simmons Liver Regulator is a regulator that extends es, the first of which is to leave not work. All its purifying and exhilarating influence to every part here during the first second wale would is, however, to day a matter of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the week in next month.
of past history. It is of little use to go over it again, either to mental facuities, sweetens the breath, restores vigor, attribute blame or to excuse past Trinidad activity, and cheerful spirits.
conduct. The fact is that our (The Powder form can be sent by mail)
agriculture The Laboura Ques to be, if the not what it 80 SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY factory. And our duty is vo United States Pharmacy tion.
seek possible remedy. The 149 Central Ave. Panama Opposite El Sol Silk Store.
position is certainly not in. LOPEZ, Proprietor.
Commenting editorially on the proved by the fact that the labour question in that colony tRecial inducements are offered for colo y of Demerara, where spePort of Spa Gazette of the 2nd the pioneer just now, is compelAdvertise in The Workman inst, says:led to send a deputation to Eng.
IT PAYS expressed in some quarters, places, in search of a there cannot be any sincere de ply for her own development. recent reply officially given in the British House of Com.
mous leaves no room for donbt to the futility of depending from hape or form The Indian united Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York if Iudia, has set its face against any sort of emigration to the colonles for the surplus popula.
tion; and. the troubles which famines and Capltal, Surplus, and jUndividad Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Gy.
known conditions of extreine poverty there are creating. On RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
the other hand, we do not think not even tie most bitter opponent of the late Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama system of Indian Immigration, would seriously advucite th: adoption of anything tending to Depository of the Panama Canal destroy our sugar industry.
Had it not been for Sugar in tae last. an industry, which is di rectly responsible THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION for the distribution of thousands of IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF pounds throughout the bulk of all classes of the con The National City Bank of New York munity in wages, where would Trinidad have been? It is true AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUthat cocoa, coconuts, oil, a id other industries have lately con TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES into prominence, and b! faic to make Trinidad prosperous. But OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES they all need the same rerular and constant and reliable INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT 14, PER CENT PER ANNUM supply of labour for their own successful development and maintenance. And their existence MORRICE, ROBERTSON, means. so much diminishing of Sub Manager Acting Manager, the available supply for the sugar industry. There is no doubt that quite apart from the question of (Continued on page)
right a putation able did labour to be is to to other down.
as help India in INTERNATIONAL BANKING COPORATION any road, and Although to bea, and just as the Scarcity of Labor.
too, despite Trinidad anyone in friand Deceased will not appoint yearly


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