
British Empire Won War Echoes General Botha LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes tained peoples of the Played a MULLER tation, less than JUST RECEIVED iris hamong the nations of the rather than by para to contest Royal Infant Preservative Central Drug COLON NEWS.
Drug Store to the Colon TITLE BOCA class Druges at all rst cycle champions took part, publishes DeWitt Pills sell imitations which you are refuse. pleasant Sunday afternoon was held on the evening of Sept.
14th, which stands on recordin the history of the Universal Nex FANS FLAMES OF CONTRO Prussianism and the saving of ro Improvement Association and African Communities League, on VERSY JAKING SAME STAND the world, and she has come out of the terrible ordeal of sacrifice THE HOME OF the Isthmus of Panama.
which she has suffered with her Under the distinguished leader prestige higher than ever it has ship of Mr. S, Ricketts PresiSaved Civilization From Huns, bzen.
dent Elect. This association wel.
He Sayr.
comed at the National Baptist As Great Britain led the war, so she has led the peace, and we Church, 7th Street Colon, enterLondon, August 10th. In view look to her sccure its just fula good gathering on the of the hubbub raised by General filment. do not pretend to agree ab we date. At about 30 Sir Douglas Haig when he told with all the peace terms. Who High and Low Cut the function commenced with his soldiers that the war had been does? But would say to the the Rev. Hobson, pastor of won by the British Empire Germans: Show by your conduct the church as chairman, After statement to the same effect from that you intend to carry out the his delight of being General Louis Botha has served terms in the spirit and in the letin all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet expressing present, the evening Programme to fan the flame of controversy. ter, and you will find salvation.
under the auspin the Pocket of All Choral Com Des of the Colon carry with me, said Gener. Evasion and shiftiness will not be which is indeed showing value spany was a great one al Botha spiaking on the occasion tolerated, but in honesty of pure for local talent.
of his having England to return pose and fulfilment may repose home to South Africa, the con for your relief.
Special mention must be macie viction that of all the people in While we all lift up our hearts of the Quartet One Sweetly Sol.
the aliance, the emn Thought by the Misses British Empie has have a in thankfulness that the night Applewhite, Allen, Forbes, and Sarger part than any. This war mare of the last tive years is past Sole Agent Robinson, Bass Solo Out of the was, in my judgment, primarily let us remember that with the a French war. It was not a Bri victors rests the supreme gift of Depths by Mr. C, BOer Liberty with tish war essentially, Neverthe mercy. Should Germany in the 37 CENTRAL AVENUE the British people inade the near future produce evidence of PANAMA by Mr. Gowdy, and The by Mr. Ricketts. Addresses war their own and so saved not a changed heart and a contrite made by George. First only France but also civilization spirit it should be the privilega of Great Britain, just as she has Vice President, and H, Willis its. If led in the war also to lead in the ex president and McCarty. To me, as an observer coming were listened to with great intom a great way off, and forcer mercy of peace. The peace must not be marred by vengeance.
Weight in Gold terest as they spoke empaasizing ain reasons perhaps able to sur.
the need of the stronger co operavey and estimate the varied and Vengeance is mine, saith the tion of the opposite sex especial.
conflicting elements in this last Lord: will repay. Let us be struggle with more detachmen: content to leave vengeance where My dear Sir, you have some pills ly mothers for the sake of their here by the name of De Witt, dem children was in demand.
than some of my fellow delegates it belongs, in a Higher Hand, and large and Fresh Shipment of worth dem weight in gold shouted out a very tall man as he came up to for its aim and object the better.
This Negro Association having at the peace conference, the part let it be our great privilege to the doors of the City Fharmacy.
played by Great Britain from the show mercy to a Vanquished CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE ve just called to let you know ment of the Race as a whole and day war was declared until enemy if he in turn shows him the wonders DeWitt pills have for a cemented unitedness has this hour is one that places self truly prepared by deed done for me and to thank you. adopted this measure of showing Inquiry soon disclosed this person its people of to day that we are earthWe have her primarly to his faults and to bring forth Thank for the overthrown of fruits meet for repentance.
AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES. from St. Kitts, where he was born At this junction the programme to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails alive and that much we know.
1811, over 78 years ago. For quite a can numbee of years he took up residence came to its close and the Chair.
in Panama and now lives on the Call man in his closing remarks donia Road.
ed a voto of thanks to Our grateful informant further gave Choral Company for their inval FOUNDED IN 1881 out that for many years up to the uable services rendered as also, time of his cure, he suffered from the Rev. Hobson and other The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
ailments his body The terrific pains in the friends who had contributed to Public Meeting spoke on the good work done in MANUEL ESPINOSA u inary organs, at times unbearable. the evening success. The sing the past by West Indians in a dieCentral Avenue, 33 diments in urine over an inching of the Doxology brought the thick, but due to the magie cure of this organized way, helping in cases Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
medicine, he was completely rid of his function to a close.
Colon West Indian Branch of dire necessities, such as the troubles.
the Great Fi e, subscribing room are suffering as Phipps Chap er, American in the Star Garter Hospital in lid, bot neglect to seize the golden Jamaican Cyclist in Red Cross England, as well as any great ca portunity to be cured.
lamity that befalls mankind, and It is true to day as ever. Delay is pointed out how much more pler. MIL Park on the 4th at which many hotel Throweb ukindness of the suurues th No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
a systematic way. He appealed Weir as winner of the 11 mile handinal Zone Chapter, American Red to the contidence of the people in De Witt Co. Ltd. London on each cup, the result of the race being: Closs held a meeting in the the society and congratulated sheet church on Thursday, 18th inst. Weir, organization in their seleco GOOD DRESSMAKING THE CITY PHARMACY, Darber The meeting begon with an ortion of officers.
139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
gan selection by Mr. Rodney, INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP McDonald The chairman, Mr Bynoe, folafter which the chairman, Mr. lowed the Rev. Parker and Time: 28 5 spoke Agents for Republic of Panama Clifford Bynoe, and other oftion the working DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY.
of the and Canal Zone.
The same paper in another issue. cers of the organization were introduc by the Rev. Par which he pointed out the good to course, o states that John Weir came second in Par: organization, in the the 4 mile Ainateur Handicap, the reiter. In response, Mr. Bynoe, be gained by the advisory board Singer, Millionnaire, cult being: the chairamn, expressed his grat appointed, and that the ladies of Mrs. ANN THOMAS, itude on behalf of the organiza: the philantrophy section Weds French Poet Widow Frank Logan of tion to Tarker and the offi Gilbert House had kindly volun the DRESSMAKER John Weir Proprietress.
permitting the use of the church the Colon West Indian Branch eting, thanked the la SUSREERS FORTUNE FROM SEWING It will thus be seen that Weir is riding time as the organiza MACHINE al.
in big company in America and worthily whom there were quite a number. tion was in a position to look a half of the Black Star Line at an rendered by all concerned in ter same themselves.
Fought in Foreign Legion.
for their presence and called on upholding the eyele fame of his island home. Port of Spaiu Gazette the Secretary, The singing of a solo by Mr. early date: Preparations will making the Band Concert a suc.
who read the let Jones and a duet by the Misses begin early in the coming week. cess.
WINNING CROIX DE GUERRE ver of authority to the Colon Lebatt and Harris brought the West Indian Branch; Chap, meeting to a close. when 14 AND WAS CITED TWICE FOR DAILY THOUGHT ter, Amefican Red Cross, signed bars were enrolled and donations SUCCESSFUL BAND CONBRAVERY Some Famous Jamaicans by Messrs. Heald and received as follows: McLean, president and treasCERT.
Paris, August 14th Frederick Turfites in Jameics always rank Best 00 urer respectively of the Canal Mrs. Olivia Ferguson feel sure that it all parties Singer, grandson of the first manufacturer and Bravest and Chanticleer as among Zone Chapter, American Nation Clara McCartney Mr. Wilkinson 0:28 In ald of Colon West Indian concerned will forget that they would be more achine, and Mme Simone the six best horses bred in the colony.
Friend 0:50 Branch, Canal Zone Chapter Barbadians or Jamaicans. Podem Widow of Andrew Puget. a French It will be remembered that the former Baptists or Catholics even whe poet who was killed in action in 1916 was purchased by Messrs. Borde Bros. Solo nicely rendered by Mrs.
American Red Cross. ther they are men or women and have been married here. The ceremony for 2, 000 and carried the noted red.
Richardson followed.
Total 76 Mr. Lawrence was the remember only that they are the was simple.
Pierre first speaker. He spoke along and blue livery in Trinidad. He The next meeting of the Colon As per arrangements, a band gasoline which runs the Panama Raunay, a brother, and Prin. unfortunately went wrong after winning general lines, pointed out the West Indian Dranch, Charr concert in aid of the Colon West Canal. no one could ever dare to ceas Demetri Qhika, for the Bride, and his first race and was retired to the many reasons why one should be ter, Am«rican Red Cross, will be Indian Branch, Canal Zone Chap: keep back what is theirs by Mos Blanche Marcellio Singer. a brother stud. Chanticleer came to Trinidad as a member of the Red Cross Su held at the Cristobal Silver Club ter, American Red Cross, was right and justice, for in UNION And Count Vladimir Czaikowski, for the the The the property of the late Leon Centeno ciety and urged all West Indians house Saturday evening. 27th held in Slifer Park, Colon, on there is strength. In God we bridgeroom, were the witnesses. and won several races for that sportsman.
join the Colon Branch. inst. when the entire community Sunday evening, 21st. inst. the trust, but He only help those religious ceremony was performed in the Neither horse had a Mr. Cyril Lawrence in his usual is invited.
New Cristobal Band supplying who help themselves and only American Church of the Holy Trinity, sire. Best and Bravost died young pleasant manner then rendered the music, and was decidecly at we would drop all insular dit Mr. Singer served through the war Chanticleer was sold to one of the smallà solo accompanied by Mr. Lawferences, and make the United with the French forces and was attached er er colonies. Jubilee, a year old, also Colored Glee Company During the afeernoon it rained Brotherhood our first Idea. God for some time to the Medical Corps purchased by Mr. Centeno along with The Secretary, Mr. Clifford reslightly, and for while those who have been helping He was twice cited for brave Bort, allowed and spoke on the The Color Negro Glee Com thought to haluthie Chanticleer, is regarded as one of the Mr, Singer is a speediest flies ever turned out in the Isle is a son of Mr. Franklin of Springe. After winning her one start general prgte Sø of the Organi tie Singer and sation, covering the period from pany gave a luminoth. centercam: dcounted to failurte battempt wes hemos ver to the greater part of crivel the Croix de Guerrero grandson of the late Isaac in Trinidad this beautiful mare developed SILVER ROLL Springer, founder of the Șinger hoof trouble and never raced again.
the meeting of Miss Smart and went on the 16th September at es are not to himself on the 22nd August to St. Joseph School Room, though the evening was wet thronghout and the clouds threatSewing Machine Company, who passed Frivolity and her good con The, Monk, the latter Yours of his life in Paris and Bronzewing, Sorcerer, Songwier and Ben the present meeting. Pointed which was a success from the Special Offer, died th France in 1876. The engage Battle were among the famous Jamaicans out the very strong backing be attractive gathering. The be lening continously, the inembers Thind the Colon West Indian haviour of clause who listened to juſ the New Cristobai Band were ment of Mune Puget to Mr. Singer wid who served to make history on the Trineedn hesitate to become con be credited, there was is the cisely at 30 o clock the ladies of Branch the is to to their ngouneed in March 1918, in Pasadena nidad turf idem.
chair Mr. Clifford Bolt who the We the members of the Potidie Union Cal, when they were stopping at the Home nected with the organization.
Mus. Jones then sang a solo, spare Us pains to express to the sisted by Service Committee as. 3830 of Panama City, offer our ser Huntingtoe Hotel in that City. She some other ladies and vice to the publie in general.
Audience Llist Cooperation athe members of the Third Coloa pecially tie Lodges of the tem.
followed. who was on a in outlined the work of the Home mong tne Race is the only road Troups in Baden Powell Boy Bones de los anteriore dents such Me Singer returned to France and Scouts being Concerts etc. We this op Puget that WM. LAWRENCE at Service, solicited the corporation portunity to be of service to you and marry him as soon as peace had been of the entire West Indian comSeveral beautiful pieces were gates, the coucert started, and hope you will let us know whenever declared.
Tailor and Outfitter munity, and asked them to and wear a Red Cross button on staged and it would be out off the people, despite the hazards of there is anything that can be done by and the way to make special mention a shower at any moment, poured us. Our charges will be based on Dealer in School Books, be as one with uccon alio of any, as every item on the pro into the park, so that at o clock percentage of the gate receipt. Panama Hats Please take advantage of our offer gramine was well rendered when the Band ceased the pro Two red, red lines that cross and Stationary KING, Secretary. CLEANED and BLOCKED The address delivered by Mr. ceeds were found to be 60. 35 And mark him as the man Morales will last long on and TRIMMED to Order Whose name is still the end of time the memories of those who lis. Through this medium, the Co ADVERTISE No. 11 Street, Panama ALSO The Good Samaritan.
tened, other speakers invited lon West Indian Branch, chains from Central Ave.
Mr. Watson next epiivened the did not attend. The Company Chapter, American Red Cross THE WORKMAN MILLINERY DRESSMAKING The Path to Glory extends its sincere appreciation gathering with a clarionet solo, will stage Address: after which the Rev. Parker leads but to the Grave in be. of and thanks for the services IT PAYS HOUSE No. 965, La Boca Box 805, Ancon Z, botle and ity Pharmacy on each direction the 2 generally 01 2 J. Hurley.
dies and the legentlemen present, of until such em 00 Red Cross.
white and to a fait chance and success, son. obe help caus spoilt, and al years.
Es to.


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