
P. Box 74. Panama RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months 120 600 Ope 25e.
in you. from.
Ву farms have been long awaiting and futuro es also economy. If.
PAGE POUR PKS VORKMAN, SACJRDAY, SEPTEMBER 1919 Editorialettes. the evening, somewhere more the same time. The men at Awake Ye Sons and to THE WORKMAN Where is My be found for them where they Miguel and Red Tank had no Daughters of Boy to night?
could be given an opportnity sooner obtained their clear Ethiopia.
to learn some of the right ances than the hand.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the office Central av tion. Correspondence on all matters thefts and depredations are no bers abandon their boys note.
The reports of jutenile things of life. In cases where ed them the quit quarters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
This might not look By EDUARDO MORALES de becoming too frequent to es to roam about the streets at like anything strange to Awake. Awake from thy luns All copy for publication must be cape general notice. The night, the authorities ought one unfamiliar with the re ber ye sons and daughters oL written on one sido of paper only, and that nearly half a dozen to hold the parents respon cent commissary case at the Ethiopia: Awalte and put away must be accompanied by the name of minors none yet in his teens sille and inflict adequate places mentioned, but the al fears and lack of sell confi. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicadence: Gird thysell with the tion but as a mark of good faith. are now in the Colon jail, is pu nisbment on such careless fact that the manager so sud girdle of sell determination and Three wo do not undertake to return something that should make parents as may be found denly retracted his apology the helmet of progress with thine rejected parents and authorities think guilty of such neglect of their makes thinking men regard it eyes fixed on the city of our fua little. It is difficult to unch dr:n. Not many weeks as the influence of a shadow Sunber; the sun of racin tura success: Awake; awake from The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS derstand how these young ago, little youngster about behind the screen. Some time they SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEP 27, 1919 sters can be permitted by the ag of nine years, rau upago the men in the Quarter progress is now shining bright their parents to be out on the to a wiite soldier one night master Department at Pedro will. you allow it to shine in streets until late at night, and as :ed in the most audible Miguel had their commissary it not, why not? Your brother Quod rał Demonstrandum when they themselves are in tones; Do you want a wo books held up unduly, and across the deep have begun their bed; and one is bound to man? Not being keen the their families suffered in conmarch in the road of self deter(Which Was To Be Proved)
question the character and mani khaki told him to sequence. The men are de boldly toward the goal of succes misation and are now marchio life of mothers who could beat it. The bour was about termined to take the proper They have built and launcheu nent. captured, sold and enslaved, had transmigrated into wander about the streets and if he had one? If not, where This is no country for auto Lines the deliverance of our face If the Negro race, the aborigines of the Dark Conti think of having their children 10. 30. Woere was the mother, steps next time it happens, their first ship (The Black Star which is the first step to conditions more foreign to the physique; and if this race when common propriety and one? If not, where was the ness, and the silver employees ergo It is the first scopo and the physical com police, if was a the towards restoration of our mother human family; and further, if the Negro race produces, pel that they be at home and whenever it breaks, out, re country Africa. Shall we allow it of itself, men of literary commercial and political fame, in bed. If these youngsters gardless of the place. The to be a failure? No; emphatically is no all important cess. How will you inake it a. be an absolute sac prove (1) that the Negro is a human being, and (2) that he have no mothers to protect How Me ng Bosses. is capable of attaining the same heights of civilization as wards of women who use ployees, et cially silver men the men privileges ut will, mercial Some of the Canal Em figure that he can hold back success? By entering into comany other race.
This is a proposition for all men and women whose them as messengers during are in a an lary as to how and the sooner those who are several cooperations in the air intellectual culture and experimental knowledge are of the the day and abandon them in many bost ez they have at afflicted with the high stomach ferent cities of the country: By class that can recommend them to the enlightened world.
disease get themselves righted derende bas in from mother earth as intelligent individuals, and whose associations with have sat side by side not only in church, but in schools and Sam work on the Isthmus. farme: By establishing cattle the order of creatures known as learned and sage. colleges, the colored boy has shown his white brother that The Pedro Miguel blunder Enebesrandbok have so that and vegetabie in all parts of the civilized world. Persons suffering from or intelligence. Colored boys have competed with white the next time the silver en the a on repeated, and intellectnal myopia and figurative concussion of the boys for island scholarships and have most frequently beatbrains need not worry themselves with the proposition, for if they work on it until a fortnight after Looms day. en them. The same colored boys have gone to England, ployees, get ia good case in sat by the side of their white class mates, studied with keep on the right side and sess by buying as many shares their hands they are going to make oor a complete kuethey will not get any further than the beginning.
Of course, it is well known that in order to be consid. for the Indian Civil Service.
them and finally beaten them in competitive examinations WIN. It is easier to get rid wo desire in the Black Star Line ered of intellectual repute many nincompoops will attempt to work the proposition which is more scientific than ma bars were let down on us, and if they ever raise them we We have done the same thing in Canada before the sabe?
of shadows than real men, Iso that in the near future hope it will not be one launched, but one hundred and one: thematical, and more a question of real importance than We need a thousand and one it is a matter of intellectual gymnastics. The current dis will do it again. We don know what we could have done things that we must have. We cussions of race questions from economic and political in the States, but we have Du Bois and Kelly Miller who Don rock the boat need them points of view force the question of the colored man sta have been teaching most of their white compatriots bow The members of the United have them urgently, and must But how tus among the races into the front rank of serious delibera to write good English, and how to think. There has been Brotherhood of Maintenance are we going to get them? Only tion, and make it impossible to overlook it as a vital and a Lewis who has filled the office of Assistant Attorney of Ways and Railway Shop we are to succeed, we must imthrough thrift and sun of equity shone over mission. customs become more the these days of post bellu resuscitation.
race that the colored Congressmen. Booker Washington has taught the members, themselves should ows. We must stop from giving and instinct, closely approximating that of man. Erather gaven he was last to cultivate the soiles while talking be careful toas observe the way our hardt een alime nina dallar to those who are in a better This (apart from the school of Darwin) was not widened that it ever got, and returned with a modesty that was has many enemies are the gala members should exercise the a gift, therefore we must cultivate out to include any race other than the Negro, and even to surpassingly exemplary.
Looking back to the West Indies, there are colored greatest care in their move it, and the time to begin is today there are some who in this country assert that every men there occupying the highest positions that the coun ments. They are bound to day for seldishness is the root ard body of of animals. This makes us a new tribe of animals superior tries can offer. There has has been in Barbados. and in the succeed, but it will depend on branches of our provincia wier must to a remote ancestry and much inferior to the race that near future, very likely to be again, a colored Chief Jus themselves altogether. The also learn to caur divate continense tice; and there are magistrates and lawyers of our race who landing looks good, but there in the heart of one another: for has invented the theory of the black man evolution.
Now, the black man has intermixed with the white would make some of the Isthmian gods forget their cuss may be a few mines here and Confidence begets Confidence and words and wash their snappers, as not a few of their race there in the channel.
Success, Success. We must and other races, and the results of trans racial relations in have learnt who tried to get fresh in these islands, thinkbeing tools and convenience of Steer clear, and above all other fully developed off springs leads to the conclusion that must consider things, don rock the boat! our duty to help our Negro felthe contracting factors of the new creature were equal ing that they were at home.
The late ex President Roosevelt paid a flattering triin their ef.
and fully developed human beings. The Negro partner, in forts both financially and morally linguistic and sentimental response, and exhititing all the bute to the advancement and intelligence of the Negro in Why go to a Japanese barber characteristics of man reproduced in co operation with the West Indies, in a brilliant article from his pen, in the Erington Kerr at ine De Witt Clinton High shop, when Negro barbers can another a creature by no means inferior or superior to Out look, soon after his return from visiting these islands, do the job as good as they if not and Mr. Roosevelt was no mean perso age as an authority School New York. better? Why continue to potre himself.
your money in the coffers of ChiThe world to day is as much colored as it is white on racial and political questions. Other globe trotters have (if not more so. and if the colored man ancestry was that corroborated the observations of the impartial writer and We pleased to give folestablish your shops nese and white men, when you of the aperthen, with all the progress of the almost six their testimony has done much to henlighten the educas lowing informacions de the many and stored by human you can loung thousand years of human history, we are now living in a tion of their country who did not know, that there was friends of the little Erington from yourself and sell to your ser sphere in which one half of the intelligent inhabitants are water between Demerara and Barbados or that bana Ker son of Mr. and Mrs Awake from thy fears and put Kerr teachers of the St. Joseph on the robe of self contidence so men, and the other half articulate beast. And we have to nas were not made in a factory.
Parish School Colon.
regard it as very poor dignity and unpleasant reflection Let it be granted that the human family is the highthat in the near future again for the other race to have associated with an order of be. est order of the animal creation. If the Negro is not. It will be remembered, that hope. we shall be able to measure this youngster left the Isthmus our racial standard with the most ings beneath themselves in creation and physical valuation. human, then a beast has intermixed with members of the for New York with his mother progressive race of the worldIn all branches of human experience we have given proof human family and propagated a kind not inferior to man about three months ago. It was of our oneness with all other races in the matters of edu and that man has, in millions of instances, chosen as his becbie testirance to place him in one Brilliant Star Lodge Celecation, industry, art, culture and all else. We have have wife or fianceé a creature far inferior to himself. This of the best schools possible; and brates 9th Anniversary done what others did, and we have gone into the realms inferior creature has learnt how to speak, act and live like after a strenous examination in of adventure and from the risky seenes have taken some man, and has been for centuries competing with man for which he specially distinguished. September 21, lessons that others have sometimes been afraid of. We existence: Reductio ad absurdum. Argument, reduced himself in French and Mathema will not easily be forgotten by tics, he was admitted in the De the Members of the Brilliant have passed from the state of primitive existence inio thə to an absurdity. Therefore the Negro is human.
Witt. Clinton High Since also, the Negro has vied with the other races (white) that was said to be the advanced life of a cultured race when everybody became No. 1241, I, O, and the touched with the wand of the fairies of civilization and and has engaged in successful competition, educationally very best in New York Ering. Kindredio sienares este feries from various representatives sprung into busy commerce and civics.
and otherwise, in the past, it follows that what has hap ton is the only coloured boy to participated in the celebration of Any creature that could do what the Negro people pened already can happen again, and since from his eman enter this school.
the 9th anniversary of the above have done must certainly be equal to all others who have cipation the Negro has caught up with his former owners. He is also undergoing a series named Lodge.
done the same things. This being so, we satisfy the in and has reached their status of civilization, it is axiomatic of Studies in Violin and Piano stirring address appropriate quisitiveness of speculators in ethnology that we are mem that he can attain to any height in the ladder of civili end of the big ditch would readi. Prof Barton, the subjectenosen at this the was given by bers of the human family. We take our place among the zation and culture. Th proposition has therefore been ly remember the artistic manner being sarthe Fearsok elite choren peoples of the earth. We are a people with an ethics, a proved, and the fact remains: that the Negro race is a part in which young Kerr, proved his taken from the box of the prom religion, a society, a conscience, a soul and a life. We of the human family, and lis capable of any progress or musical ability on the Violin and phet Malachi.
are in a world that oves to us a place, an existence, and advancement that any other race can achieve or reach the desired by the many solos y ho Much credit must be given Mr.
Wesleyan all other things that dame nature is pleased to bestow Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
Church. The Emaculate Con Prescott for the able manner in upon the earth. We are MAN.
Now we would like these fussy s. to know ceplerica Theatres and the new the occasion with the rendering Church, Broadway and which his choir contributed to It cannot be contradicted by any who value their his that the Negroes who have to pay their house rent on the torical reputation that the transplanted Negro has arisen Zone, and in advance, to boot, are men who have human Vashington Hotel. Too much of Caleb Simper selections to a state of modern civilization that means real civiliza. blood. When, therefore, a request is made for repairs on father for the fundamental prin Refreshments braise cannot be given to his from the Rolling Seasons.
were served tion. He has not, of course, imbibed of the rotten habits a building that is not rain proof or mosquito proof it is his iples he imparted to him per during the entire length of the and propensities that he has been seeing all around him business to attend to it, and not apply a dose of laudunum onally. We wish the youngster programme, and quite a profuse for the past eighty years. He still shudders in the pres to the order; nor have they any right to walk through all success.
distribution of Mr. McGinniss four bees (BBB B) although, ence of social outrage; he has not yet become insensible to family house without first knocking, as any gentleman British Consulate decency, nor has he forsaken the ethics of those who helped would do; neither have they any right to try to run the seemed to him to obtain his emancipation. The Negro is to day a new Commissary Department in place of the Managers or to affect those of his patronizers The British Consulate of Colon who are regular customers. The man, and although this is true, there is yet to be found hold up the Commissaly Books of the men of his own in him that desire to cling to the religion of the Apostles department while their families are waiting for their pould be glad of information re Management Committee of said and not become an atheist or a free thinker, household supplies. We don have to stand for it, that Jarding one George Forbes, lodge is to be congratulated in native of Turks Island, who the manner in which the entire In British countries where Negroes and white boys all.
came to the Isthmus in 1908. attair was handled, must stop races. We. it lowmen and Women School Star at the absence chus the God Bar slightly


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