
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919 PAGE FIVE therly Love. La Esperanza LAUNDRY Canal Zone Notes and reform.
names, makes and by his food behaviour the him to bear Panama Optical Co.
whea on of the most interneting caree Hand Ironers The Hero for Broof cricket posto an end Jupiter WANTED AT ONCE Pluvis just as the last wicket of Opera WANTED tone C. fell for si rane Operators winning the to TWO COMPETENT ezellent bowling povete od Nasooli and at La Esperanza Just as the lava from a burning voles COMPOSIT RS Rudder, they maanged to bowl down the LAUNDRY no escapes after a certain time so is the Good men will id good Lock boys for the meagre score of 17 live energy in the Negroes of to day running out of the showers no one could wages.
to Clean and fomenting and it appears to have some We are prepared Only First Class Need Apply amount of power, but having to travel as the sporto have never tasted the bs.
euch great distance looses part of his Apply atPress all kinds of Suits. con which was on the Oparators red PAY EVERY QUINCENA.
power. But as might be expected of a The Work Bar Printery ball.
a person who lives and moves and has Some say could wipe the beniga Centra Av. Corner Prices Moderate. while others say Operatora would Coming! Coming. Coming. induence with which the Golden Drama not allow that to happre, but the strong is appajaching with appearing sweetness; Street, No. Expert Operator and First Class Work. est club will tell in the near future.
THE COLON doma huel Curses over his head at This game will be played in the city of his brother man and condemn him to coles when all Getun vill journey to Colored Comedy Co. well deserved perdition. He speaks SUITS CAN BE SENT TO OUR SUB OFFICES AT with content more in sorrow than in anger and his one to take you on a trip to hope wem to be that the wayward indiChorillo Street or Calidonia.
Born to Mr. and Mico. Clifford Hiade Laughland with an vidual may be led to me the stor of. Wednesday, 13tb irat, bouncing UP TO THE MINUTE NU Office open every day from 30 a. to p. baby boy; mother and baby the contine Comedy and Minstrel Shower From current happenings of a more LA BOCA. Clifford wearing low ignorant CALL UP PHONE 781 broad staile for his first bora, and to write and if the thoughtful reader would wiving congratulations from bis Saturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 realize his brothers position, Help Third Anniversary of the workers of the Loek Department. Not at the.
rould be tne watchword, but in many to be out done be maded round two Silver Clubhouse, Gristobal.
Ces it is dam him.
boxes of cigars which brought greater Now Folks, don fly off in a passion On Sunda 216 at 30 the GAMBOA expects to hold special meeting Friday congratulations from the colored em and call this poor fellow ADMISSION 3rd Anniversay of the Women Life night the 26th.
ployous of his department. Bravu! bra.
Reserved Seats. 50c, bisa Charity and if the all embracing Tiustead, let us enfold him in our Chris.
Problem Club was held in the La Boca Mr. Scott who saw service in vo! Clifford, you re some dady Genl. Admission 25e.
Club House. The hall was crowded: Sketch From Gambɔa District Brance with the AEF. is back at his Son of the Republic could not warm floating in front of the stage was a The spacious clubhouse at this town old job at the Gravel Plant.
him, ther, we should warm him in our beautiful banner, bearing the initials of Prisoner Jeremiah Wayland who was Our meetion will soon be a forest, we will be staging a grand dance tonight, Purebase tickets early to avoid the rush pity.
the Club C, and the motto of sent to the Culebra Penitentiary on the would like the M to know that there when the well known Silver City Band WE LOVE THE LADIES The era for brotherly love is trying the Club. Lifting as we elimb. On from La Boes will render the musie All 031 of Amgust 1911 for twenty one years, are other folks bere besides Foresters Prof. E, DEANE, hard to spread over the whole world now.
Admission: genthe stage were the following gentlemen for killing Greek main on Cristobal Those who were blaming the War for are cordially invited, An effort is being made to reclaim alt Ladies free Manager.
Mr. Hunter (acting as chairman dock in 1911 was pardonod by His Ex the High Cost of Living has uw found tlemen, 50 ets. Cy.
whose minds and hearts are diverted M: Neely, Mr. Manning cellency, the Governor of the Canal Zone their mistake; even bral has become Dance cornmences at Sp.
from truth and distorted with venemous Mr. Reynolds, and Mr. Waller. The pro on the 18th innt. It is said that Wayland jealous and start to climb.
thoughts. The slogan Parcel Post to Jamaica. engles gramme which was very interesting con: was always obedient, civil and respectful to go out Quile a heavy downpour of rain visitand get the lost sheep. It is true man tained 23 items; namely: addressed by Jed this town on Monday, 22nd inst.
tramples on his brother man, but let xentlemen on the stage, and the Press to all of the officers of tho prison white GATUN caused many to run for shelter all over that be a past record and not an exhibit dent of the Mr and colored, he is very useful man in the district. This beavy downpour shows be all of the prisoner The Panama Canal. of today. Why tet Die Vanz be an Sealy; antheme by the Club, Duets, the prison that clothing eto.
the officers no he gave Quartettes and Trice by several memthe decupants of houses tive and V. Eiglerton, well known by the nity reven are asking once more about Canal Zone, exception and perish in his own recaleibers of the Club. Mrs. Finn, Mrs. Dupty Warder recommended sold timers of this towa, wb) left the Isth the road which comes inconvenient to Executive Department trouble and by his Chancy? Love is a fortress in itself, but if not known to be may be mistaken Springer, Miss Smith, and Mrs. King Chief of police who took his case up Jmus about the years ago, is amongst them going to and coming from their Bureau of Posts for a bomb.
the annual report of the Secretary, and so do Governor for a pardon. Wayland er en de ondersoek per rebre hem de bom. hard work.
Balboa Heights, In every sphere of life there is some anthems by juvenile.
will be sent to his country St Kitts for his perforia ad at the ored Cludhouse feel proud to day to September 19, 1919. who need to be pitied, who have thought The entire programme was rendered by the first vessel in January 1920 congretulate him on his return.
Mestre Vanterpool, abd Cox, Mr little of what they should have thought have glad from their in the very best manner, and received that is going to that Country, Wayland Engles on volunteered during the lateing wives stating that they are in the CIRCULAR NO. 84. TO ALL most. who have slighted possibly friends the merited applause. The addresses troubles caused his mother death on war.
best of bealth in the Island of Barbados POSTMASTERS: with whom they should have made aewere highly intellectual, instructive andlin the 3rd of May this your. It is said that Saturday, 13th inst. the beautiful quaintances. But now that it is realised teresting fraught with congratulations Gambon is infested with mosquitoes, the that today Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins, of this town, that today is the day, every effort poesi to the It is the unanimous colored night guard have a hard time adorned clubhouse was turned ovir to The following letter from the ble is being made to regain centuries conclusion that this 3rd anniversary has with these insects at night whilst on our old timer, which we can bo istiully received the sad news of the death of Postmater for Jamaica is quoted loat. The organised Negro of today the best of the club The Wo guard. There is a seutry box but it is say he will do his level book as in years Mrs. Wigging another in the blondie for your information and guid should pull his hair and clape his hands Barbados. All join in sympathy with men Life Problem Club of La Boca not screened to protect the Negro police cone by, to get everything in it corca ance.
the family in their sad berensement.
and jump for joy in that forma fout is indeed climbing. Long live the man from mosquitoes and when the place for the use of th patro have the honour to bring to morning is breaking a fair day. In Small is now employed at Bil rain falls it is terribie with these insecto bouse, and it is hoped thit vith his up your notice the frequency with doing let us do the best we can and The popular Silver City Band will do not know how the Negro Polic which parcel post parcels are re. never let it be said sorrow and shame to date recommendation he will sun for appear for the second time in the Gatun stand it ceived from your country with was the result of your doing. Be conhimself and family that which he carried Clubhouse on the evening of the 27th On account of heavy rains there was from the Loek City.
the an incorrect declaration of vinced that life is worthwhile and should Postmasters to impress upon the and something be achieved as the result for the e purpose of was on the sick list for the La Boca, under the lead rship of senders of parcels the necessity of well doing. The Kiss that made me cry.
past weeks, so there was no news.
Rougat, Ban Mister, jo irayed over to for As predicted the Bachelors won at early diwn of the morning the sun was this ta on the 12:30 triin. From the EYES EXAMINED That the Customs declara So full of tears and tumbled dreams Interesting Meeting of the the game of cricket and are still winning GLASSES PRESCRIBED tion take the place of Certified In his hottest at Let echoes rise e en from the tomb, the appointG.
ed hour, 2:30 tions, and should therefore ac.
Justice has been done.
Last Saturday nigh a car bogged in Vened pm, Jupiter Pluvis inter. Perfect fair and near vision invoices in all parcel post transac.
and prevented the large crowd one pair of glasses.
Quite a pleasant time was spent by curately describe the contents of What have done, what more to do, which the girls Friendly Society of St. Peters our vicinity with white Homures out hear In helping out my brothers couse.
will tell you so frankly.
Church at 1:30 on Friday 19th inst, are only sorry they were not the big fish the wonderful strains of the talented LT you do not need glasses we the parcels and state its exact and correct value.
The song is sung, the deed is done.
Chegoodly number of girte curned out; as by this there wonld be a kang out Buning sicions that were prepareWe offer best Optical Service.
Justice has been done.
pouring havily thoswho That overvaluation involves they had for a visitor Mrs. Myster, antixing a much needed rond.
ed yet cam out and spent an enjoyable expense American Lady, who party of young folks spent Sunday evening. The beatiful pr grin render Office. 182 Bolivar Street, leads to the contiscation of the addressees, while undervaluation Waterproof on the vices of intemperance, for exam last at Garaboa and led a typical couned by the band is one to be long reple the habits of smoking and drinking tay life. The only ones that did suffer membered.
COLON parcel.
after which the Chaplain, the Rev were white high heeled shoes and white (IN FRONT OF MASONIO TEMPLE Rain Coats. That the contents are liable Mulcare, extensive comments, and stockings.
3port: C. from the Windy City to examination by the Customs gave an interesting talk on the results of intemperate habits. Mrs Myster stso Loepl No. 2511 is still going strong and journeyed over here on Sunday last, Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. Authorities, so that cases of un dervaluation cannot escape notice WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, Give me your order for your preseated a book entitled Happy school That each parcel should RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for and to repeat her visit.
The President thanked have its own declaration which Gentlemon, Ladies and ChilI her in in return; should disclose the contents and next came the beautiful favourite solo the President Mrs. Barnes entitled value, etc. of that parcel only, dren. Eternal Bliss. This was rendered in and no parcel which does not comply with this should be ac SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM ber usual melodious strain as if she were ty wafting the hearers away to Eternal THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Bliss, The meeting then closed with You can turn out You are therefore directed to the doxology.
bring the foregoing information THAT LINE SUD more work in a to all patrons presenting parcela SANGUINETTI BROWN, for mailing to Jamaica, and insist Saint Matthews Day, given time or the that the foregoing regulat:ons te FURNITURE DEALER Sunday 21st inst. St. Matthews day complied with strictly.
Corner 3rd November and 19th was observed at St. Peters Church in same in less time C, RUSSELL.
Streets, Guachapali.
Boca. The services were well attended; Acting Director of Posts.
at 11 am the text was taken from St.
with. Ancon Box 836. Matthews Gospel 9th chapter, 9th verse. He saw a man named Matihew sitThe Colon Coloured LATE LA BOCA NEWS ting at the receipt of custom, and be said unto him: follow me.
Comedy Company At 30 the text was taken from St. motor on each Song Service Lukes Gospel chapter 5, verse 32 The Colon Colored Comedy came not to call the righteous but sin Motor Driven machine or a Company is hard at work pre. The general public Is hereby invited to mers to repentance. The Rev.
paring for their next Comedy attend the Song Service which will be Mulcare was the prencher on both oceaMeat In his preliminary remarks on both group and minstrel show which will be held at the CA tomorrow at 30 sinns.
staged at the Silver Clubhouse, It which the Great Pyramid of Occasions, he expounded very briefly chineş means Cristobal on Saturday October Gizab in the land of Egypt; one of the and fully the call of Matthew the publi11th, 1919 seven wonders will be discussed. Reoler CST 900 ean, illustrating in a most practical manpower economy, In an interview with Profes. ference is made of this onment in Dalton der the secupation of a publican; his ne cumulation of wealth and social ostrasince power need sor R, Deane, the Company Isaiah 19th Manager, he assures me that 89. 20 verses cism; drawing an imginary picture of the this will be one of the best nomically, scientifically and Biblically to ao se astrosa ST individual thus excluded from society.
not be consumed shows ever staged by his Com will be explained.
At the latter service, the burden of the SARGStreed pany, everything new. Real sermon was the object for which Jesus except as need new rapid Court Paradise No 9292 will hold a Fire Gags, new special meeting to night at their Court came, and the magnetism of His call which was beautifully illustrated by His Plays, new Live Wire song hits, Rooms tº transact some very urgent and presence at the feast of Matthew the Company will also be dressed in have been sent to each member. The important business to which the Publican.
attendants ar nece: sury for the care and operation.
their new costumes, while Mr. Secretary requests that every member Sutherland (better better known as make it a point of duty to attend. InFont Dedication Service.
the Colored Charlie Chaplin) will structions will be also given to the mem Phone 602 At o clock on Sunday evening a Phone 150 be made up with the Company bers, and as quite a few of the old Post new Minstrel Supplies from Chief Rangers will be there, it is anticispecial service was held at St. Peters New York to Impersonate Bert paſed that every item apertaining to the church for the dedication of new William the greatest Order will be explained. Light refreshFont. This Font looks beautiful and adds SANTA ANA PLAZA much to the appearance of the Church.
BOLIVAR STREET will be served at the conclusion of The real fact is that the even the meeting (Social advantago.
After the Font dediention, Baptismal Panama.
Colon, ing will be remembered by the Rites were also performed by the Rev.
The Slver City Band goes to Gaten attending lovers of real classy to night to entertain those whose delight Mulenre on three fine baby boys.
is to trip the light fantastic too. CHRG a hall.
Gambo como at every clash.
test pitch, but LU was gave an address made day promised DO IT ELECI RICALLY cepted.
FUENT ELECTRIC MOTORS of maChopper geographically のはあ ed. Controlled by the pressure of a finger, no skilled Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz. Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.
Colored comediworld ments


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