
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1919 Psssxsexs Champion Cricket Match at Barbados Racial Business and Racial Benefit BUSINESS MEN Get Alive to Your Interest ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
a tendance any All English paper printed in the Republic of ly dependent on is a paying Advertising Medium.
ADVERTISE TO DAY tremely Peasy one, Pickwick Althouge game practice 14 IMPORTANT. ed such Panama The Pay Staff of Belgium to Remake What (By DINGWALL)
Again and again the suggestion is made that we establish more begro commer cial enterprises, not only in this country, Wanderers Inflict Crushing Defeat but in every section of the globe where there is a negro population. And when on Pickwicks we use the term commercial we also mean any other branch of industry that will supply the needs of our people by 256 Runs for Wickets our peopwe. Ewry well thinking negre knows that his race is laboring for a fue cure prosperity and be should readily The meeting of the Wanderers beautiful shots. He was caught agree with the Pickwick attracted a good with his score sending at 22.
endesvor to promote or establish a busithe skreation and, himself, at the Bay grounds Ince was also admired for the nese for our commercial independence.
00 Saturday last. The clash of fine manner in which he played.
these teams invariably draws a He was within measurable dis But it must be admitted that cortie nual suggestions and talk are not large attendance, but interest in tance of a century when Wood neither can looking oc with a letharlast Saturday match was height succeeded in getting him caught. The circulation of The Workman is the largest of gie spirit accomplish the expected reened on account of the reappear. His contribution was 93, sults ance on the field of Lt. George Abrams and Hutson indulged There must be ACTION withe Challenor who recently returned in lusty hitting towards the close little delay. On the other hand, we from the Front.
agree that although willingness exist in and the home team eventually Panama.
many cases, the accomplishment is largeBatting first, Pickwick declared concluded their innings for 253 for wickets.
on opportunity or financial at 152 for wickets. Except for possibility. However, by by establishing Wood, who contributed 49, the our own commercial we would Therefore THE WORKMANindividual scorers did not reach Sereial enterprises we be more able to bring a better social beyond 19. Tarilton, the stone An Interesting Game understanding among ourselves and a waller of the Pickwick team, was clearer intellectual and political reasoning.
returned to the Pavilion before he had any time to settle down friendly game of cricket was The training that has been developed since childhood, the conditions under being cleaned bowled for by played at the Bay Grounds on Saturday last between an Over.
which we have to live and the work that George Challenor.
seas team captained by Mr.
is being done by us in the different The task which the home team Austin and a home team spheres of employment; bring us in had to perform proved an ex piloted by Mr. Tarilton.
contact with the various branches of the wicket was not science, art, literature, etc. and parOur RATES are Reasonable.
ticularly, give us sound total at in knowin the of two wickets, Challenor and a merect condition yet a fine resulted and was well en economy. And Mayers opened the innings for joyed by the eager erowd. The 400OXO Wanderers.
the experience acquired under these con first ditions is sufficient proof of our expabil departure after having scored made a total of 160 the principal ity in handling our own affairs if if the opand was succeeded by scores being Wood 28, op LOVING TRIBUTE portunity favorably. For presents itself Ince. who formed an excellent Greaves 24, and Dr. Hutson 18.
instance, we have before us toe Black partnership with Laddie the The home team had, at the call (By DENE)
Star Line Corporation which intends putlatter was the first to fall a vic of time, realised 236 for wickets, ting its first boat in service within a few tim, his score being 51, and in Browne who gave a splenTo my most beloved Brother weeks; and we have right here on the came his brother who received a did display, being responsible and highly esteemed friend Isthmus several other enterprise Altogether he for 103 not out; Gilkes 36 Rodrick Murray, of Buff Bay, and controlled by warm welcome.
the negroes, Portland, Jamaica, who departed Medical Hall, Chemicall Hall, Specialty played a careful innings yet he not out and Challenor 34. CABLE RECEIVED LATELY ADVISES this life on the 20th day of Aug Book Store, Dental Supply Store and occasionally became aggressive The game thus ended in a vic and treated the onlookers to some tory for the home team.
1919. at bio residence at Jewelry stores. But we want more Large Shipments of the well Bocas. del. Toro, Republic of handling different lines.
known Brand of In this connection, we take great pleaBlessed are the dead that die in the sure in Lord: they rest from their labours and an automobile accessory store known as in welcoming the latest addition their works do follow them.
the WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMWHAT IS DEATH Regiment Devastated Farms PANY, operated by Messrs. Greaves is death and why fear wey Death? whose form no one can see Ancon Avenue. This is one of the Johnson, at the corner of Street and Death. the sleep that steals our souls many Sent Out to Square up Government Will Work From this world to fairer goals; enterprises that but few thought would Accounts.
Acres for Owner under Goals where none can ever wake be undertaken by negroes, taking into Til the radiant morn shall break. consideration its natural limited amount Then amid the ransom throng The Barbados Standard of the most Scientific Methods We ll sing Holy to the Lamb.
of trade and the already established gare 23rd ulto is responsible for the for a time.
ages and necessory depots owned by Thus mused but not quite clear; Lleur Water and twenty mem Govt, has undertaken a vast proAh! me the blow has fallen white financiacions 498988 automobila bers of the Pay Staff ject for reclaiming the devastaDeath him from me hath stolen: business in general And hushed is his voice now ever have been sent out to square upted farm lands in the battle Zone.
Yet to God bumbly bow.
The former gentleman worked 18 the accounts of the Regi The farms will be taken over sterekeeper for Smallwood Brothers for ment. The staff came down on from their owners and worked Though my spirit quakes and quivers, quite a long time, while Mr. Johngu The Pannoniu which brought under the latest scientific As by mem rys fingers; fain from filial love, as stenographer and file clerk for the Parbados draft during the ples, and then returned in first Would you trace in realm above Call or Write for Quotations the same firm for many years; and later, to Jamaica Class condition proceeded to Owners Gentle soul: Oh Brother mine; worked for the Nicholls Motor Supply will lisb: are to bu paid per cent interest If prayers and tears combine Co. From a recent conversation with ed for the stated. Ten on the pre war valuation of Could but bring you back to me, LEE CHONG COMPANY Your sweet face again to see.
these gentlemen the tons of records, we were was gathered that they intend handling, in addition to operation ed, were brought out by the Pay Government 134 138 Bolivar Street But what can do or say!
62 Central Avenue their regular lines of accessories, a mi Staff whose work will require a ever is obey the land Prepared to purchase the une year time for its completion.
Your noble mission on earth its work stock of repair parts for the various makes event owners complete; of ears here. to figure at do not desire to the faras.
King Albert will fix the limit HAR 1032 San Las 12322323. And cherub angel throngs await your price and to maintain soul to Take beloved Brotbar then take thy that should command the interest of Ping the customer right policy of trente These are The British House of Commons for the operation of the project, rest, has unanimously passed the se which is designed merely to Thou hast done thy very best their patrons. We feel sure that thing cond reading of the Goyernment basten in the national interest And though for you. de, Poace to my Messrs. Greaves de Jobsøn for a prospat: tears do shed: public will endorse our well wishes bill introduced with the purpose the restoration of the vast terri of aiding the Soudan to raise a tory laid waste by shellfire. PHILIPS dead.
Que and successful business career but loan of 6, 000, 000 for irrigation. Exchange) and Bocas del if we wish them success we must also railway construction and the deToro papers please copy give them every possible support to velopment of 30 000 acres of carry on this ANOTHER RACIAL land at the conflux of the White Slackers to be DeBUSINESS FOR OUR RACIAL BENE, and blue Nile Rivers. The Guarantees Satisfaction in the THE NEW YORK HER FIT.
purpose of the bill; whirh is meeting with strong approval in ported.
cutting and manipulation of ALD ON FOUL PRESS. As we have already painted out, we need more of our own commercial enterthe House of Commons is to proVESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE mote cotton cultivation in tbe free prese is one thiug; a foul press is ber is large. We are largely dependent prises there is room for them our numSoudan, and thus render Lan. to Stop Immigration quite a another thing. free press is guar on Chinese, Jews, Syrians and Anglocasbire less dependent on the for two Years.
Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats anteed only on the condition, at least im. Saxons for United States for Cotton.
life. They SPECIALTY plied, that it is a fair press Decent mem cellons for the necessities of bers of the craft are the first to condemn their stores are open to us where we social equal, yet The British Goveri ment is los. late telegram dated London, ing more than 300, 000, 000 a year August 20th, states that a bill to LADIES SKIRTS COATS and deuounce a liberty that is turned into must purchase, by which means, they license. They se respon on operation of the railwaye. The stop all immigration for two years posses uprivalled opportunity to specuincreases in wages have in most and deport all aliens who with 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE tality have no placenes and brulate at 100 per cent profit or more on in the columns cases far outstripped the increase faraw their first papers in columns of the low paid wages we receive.
in the cost of living, high as it is prder to escape military service any patriotic and loyal publication, and the railway men union, as during the war was introduced Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
The one disgrace to the of Why don we operate our own groceone of the Triple Alliance, is mak to day by Mr. Johnson, Chair journalism is the tendency to abuse its ry stores, shoe, hat and cloth stores rights and privilieges. The thinking public The business would be the negroes, the ing more demands. To take a sum man of the House Immigration wants the facts as near as they can be as benefit also the negroes and this is our like that says a contemporary Committee. After the end of a certained and svelcomes a fair and just in meaning of racial busi and reial be out of patriotic taxpayers every two years suspension period, nefit.
terpretation of those facts. Bitter partiyeil, to pay excessive costs of Allens will be to admismanship, wilful misrepresentation, indulgoperation, is indeed a tax on pasion into the United States but ence in unworthy personalites these distriotism.
only under passport, or a written declaration of intention to be gust thinking men everywhere 122 Central Ave. Panama The Great War Veterans As come American citizens and they In the stuggle over the League of Na, ALLMAN tion there are evidences of the presence of sociation of London, Ontario, has would be required to register an vultures who been instructed to secure 100 men until their citizenship was to the low instincts LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment pander of humanity abuses, indecent epithete, Between 10th and 11th Sts.
act as a guard of honour for the the misleading statements and direct falsethe prohibition of immigration and Prompt Attention.
Prince of Wales when he visits for two years are permitted by hoods. The people will only the truh Bottle Alley. Colon, the city on Oct. 22 and 28 next. the bill. Skilled labour may be and are entitled to it. They want the city on the water Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of publientions of the land to present and be ficants are required to state and foreign officials, students, veterans, and imported under the existing laws, PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI discuse principles MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER the names of their ents, the tourists and professional men CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY description of their decorations may come into the country tem Dr. CONNELL Latest English and American Fashions, and whether or not they have porarily under passports.
been wounded in action. The ve We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
SURGEON DENTIST Also Cleaning Pressing terans are already arranging for a mammouth review of returned The Workman Phone 939 O, Box 829, Ancon.
soldiers to be held in honour of Can be found at 175 Your Patronage Solicited Prices Moderate El Princeand it is claimed that FOR BROWNE McALMON Central Avenue the celebration will be the greatPROPRIETORS.
est military event ever staged in Opposite Station MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY Western Ontario. Aguila Tluui thek worked as Week Xud to where an purpose establish as inform pro hver the Property which, how keep reasonable are points TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT main us we we are not entitles The Chemical Hall. inen must regiments, Rubber Stamps


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