
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1910 PAGE SEVEN British Westili dies Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE Serious WATCH WATCHES and JEWELRY Agency, occupied by Phone 939 Islands after Good Picture Police leadquarters and suburban station Interesting N3N; from giving a description of the woman Next SOS morning about o clock the daughter was informed by a corporal that she hd been found the same morning at Tunapuna Taking the first available train she went to the country where she found the Continued frow page mother at the Police Station all tattered and torn, and plistered in mod an adequate wage, which we The victim Stary readily admit is a sine qua non. AND and should be en reed by legis Maynard is now at home. As to what lation if need Trinidad is in or who is responsible for her uncalculated want of increased supplies of visit to the oquntry, remains a mystery.
field labour in the country dis There has been no suggestion that she is triels, and while we admit oar delirous subject. She remembere aeselves unable to suggest any cording to her own statement, trying to thing detin te as a remedy, we feel her way out in the vicinity of Viethink it ought to engage the at toris Square and asking someone to put vention o he authorities to try her on the track home, when the person and mal some provision for pointed out the direction and continued meeting this need in the best in but what she really needed was a guide, terest of le community says she.
Among Brambles.
with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
Fire at Belmont OrThe event next in sequence of which she has any recollection is the act of a phanage.
coolieman lifting her from among brambles in a swamp at Tunapuns the follow.
ing morning. He took her to a track and rt of Spain Gazette re deposited her there until a Barbadian ports that a fire occurred at the woman came across her and took her to Belmont Orphanage on the 22nd. her own home where she was provided ulto at 12. 45 which fortun with tea which tended to restore some Ooxoxoolo exco Soos atly was not attended with very heat to her chilled body. From there the BOXOXOSSOSSESSO consequences. The Barbadian woman took her to the Police mont Out Station, in charge of Station where she was received.
Lance corporal Lowe, was in The Consequences were conveyed to the Colonial WANTED formed of the occurence, and ar.
Hospital, shortly after landing, NEED FITZ BOWEN rived on the scene at 12, 47 As result of this seemingly hard blow They were given cigarettes and THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR and got into action. The Central of faté, she is now suffering from a com other gifts by the Reception Com To purchase at once 300 Station was also on the scene bination of ailments. Her features are mittee. The following are the second hand Folding Chairs, 28 November Street, San Miguel reels, with the Ford and Buick parti by disfigu osquito attacks names: in good condition; similar to House 20.
under Sub Inspectors Fraser and the swamp, while the brambles have Sergt.
Supt. Ser played havoc generally. Both legs are Carrington suffering those used in Theatres and Ince, respectively. Supt. Ser from Broncho Pneumonia.
Lodge Halls. Will not con We Always have in Hand a Com.
geant Dash was also there with enormously infamed and swollen and all Lessons Given Pte. Hinds, suffering from plete line at Reliable Low Prices a posse of men. The origin of the ber jointe stiff and unyielding. Up to sider quotations on lots less Broncho Pneumonia fire is still unascertained. From yesterday prickles were extracted from Pte. Antoine suffering from than ten.
on the Clarinet, the leading what we are able to gather, how the foot by her medical attendant, Dr.
Bronchitis Apply to Band Instrument. Band or ever, there is a three room tuila Hartley.
Pte. Parris suffering arris from JAMES VANTERPOOL, Give Us a Call Before Go. ng Else Orchestra furnished for all ing in the yard on Norfolk Street Brouchitis.
near the Catholic News kinds of engagements.
We learn that although going at full Pte. Raiker suffering from Gatun Locks, Gatun, where you are sure to be on Time if Your WATCH was Repairad by US servants named speed, the local brewery is not able to Bronchitis. NEILSON Coombs, Andrews and an East keep up with orders for beer and stout Pte. McLeod suffering from a Clarinetist Republican Band Indian named Ramsammy. They fractured leg. WILKINSON Remember We Make Wed Ancon Phone 1063 all slept there the night before. Not only is the local market largely supplied, but the beer and stout is regularly 17 St. West. House 37. Parma and yesterday morning, locked uported te the neighbouring colonica ding Rings and Other CONTRACTOR BUILDER their respective doors and went Martinique being one of the best customA New Line of Steamers.
about their various duties. Later ers. In fact, it appears that Martinique Jewelry to Order Tobago in the day, smoke was observed in now more than ever, favourably dis The Gazette announces the First Class Workmanship issuing from Room No occu posed to malt beverages.
establishment of yet another Plans and Specifications Free pied by Ramsammy. by a lady The cost of eggs and milk rose Steamship Line between Europe FULLER is the MAN You Want to See to a new record this! week The in the office, who gave the alarm snd. from People rushed to the scene to Regarrisoning of Genoa, the steainers will call at 15th Street West House 90 122 CENTRAL AVENUE supplies especially of milk, have render assistance. but on opening Corner 22nd Street, Panama, taken advantage of the 5s. per Marseille, Barcelona, Barbados Box 411, Panama, annum liceuse to increase 2c per the door of Ramsammy room and Trinidad proceeding bottle. Eggs have increased bd was observed that the whole wards to La Guaira and the ports each. An increase is also made buiiding was enveloped in flames on plantains and potatoes. The The fire was quickly put out, al. Commenting editorially on the lof the Western coast of South old time lc avocados are sold at ter which the Brigade returned to rumored intention of the British America, via Panama Canal. re3c, today their stations. Nothing in the Government to regarrison cer turning by the same route to rooms was saved, and the build tain West Indian islands, the Port. Genoa. The Ansaldo San Geor gio. of 12, 000 was scheduled to When it rains in the month of ing was unfortunately not insur. Spain Gazette observes thus sail on the 25th June, but, as yet, August it does rain we have ed.
The reported intention of the home no news has been received from increases one interest in had a good time of heavy showauthorities to station small bodies of her although the local agents ers accompanied by the peals of Imperial troops in certain of the West have sent her an aerogram.
thunder and vivid flashes of Indian islands, is in reality not by any PHOTOGRAPHY lightning: in consequences of means a new thing. Though no public announcement of it was ever made, it ADVERTISE IN Whiola wo have all been attacked with influenza and its How Rebecca Maynard has long been understood in well in.
formed circles, natural febule feelings. We to Reached Tunapuna?
baye been a subject The Workman CALL IN AT THE hope it will soon be over.
which has been engaging the serious sideration of both the naval and the miliWe are glad to say that the deBrambles har Pillow, and tary authorities; and it is to day an COMMENDABLE RACE mand for local made palm hats a Swamp her bed.
open secret that officiel visits of inspecis on the increase but owing to tion, surveys and reports have been made ENTERPRISE.
in this connection. It was at one time the shortage, especially in the 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 Leeward part of the Ward of the BROUGHT HOME GRIEVOUSLY believed that Trinidad had been selected THE EVELYN HORTON MANU.
Thrinay palm leaves our manufacHURT as the future southern West Indian staFACTURING CO, turers have decided tion for the navy; and a recent official And you are sure to be interested in having to turn a them out from the leaves of St. Louis, Mo.
intimation of the Since the sensation created by the of the new forms of address your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor the cockroach grass these, death of Allison Huggins a well to do to be adopted in regards to crews of war MADAM in our opinion look somewhat shop koeper ui Point Fortin whose body ships in these parts certainly lends some enterprising colored woman who do: McKENZIE bétter on the girls heads. We was found in the San Juan River a day color to the idea. Whereas formerly voted herself with great success to the hope to see Tobago soon having tudy of producing high class toilet or two after his marriage in November there was a North Atlantic station, with (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
this industry on her export list.
Last, there has hardly been anything beadquarters at Halifax, they is preparatipns suitable to the people And of her own race.
We are sure these hats will meet equalting it among local records. But once now to a West Indian sion if current rumour be true. thue is. ikely she market 10 years ago, and by These preparations were plachd on a ready market in Port of Spain.
considerable anxiety has been awakened to be a couple of cruisers permanently scientific improvements the wonderful of Rebecca Maynard Printing, Developing and Enlarging by the discovery of We regret to note that the Rev.
of Hortona Toilet Preparations No. Robers Street, Port of Spain, assigned to this station of which Trini Agostini who recently arin a Swamp of Tunapuna, also under dad is supposed to likely to be chosen have been produced. SPECIAL FEATURE rived here to take up the duties peculiar circumstances. Had Huggine is he official confirnuation of this, but it tions which have stood the test of headquarters. Of course, so far, there The Hortona Toilet Prepara of the St. Patrick partsh has been any time no owing to illness, ordered to the after his contact with the river no one is a subject which has long been talked 10 years at using by colored people in District Hospital by Dr. Hamel knows what revelation might have been about though war restrictions hitherto the United States and have just been Smith where he is at prerent a made; but Maynard who has survived prevented its its free of discussion. Similarly; patient.
United Brotherhood Directory her experience anıl is is holding feebly on there has been the reported determines and to day without equal for grow to life has unfolded a story for the bene tion of the authorities to maintain ang and beautifying the hair, eradicaating facial blemishes, and improving long felt want has at last St of all who find an interest therein. regiment of Imperial troops in the West the skin generally.
been done: the vendors of cakes.
1t savours somewhat of romance, but is Indies as used to be done many years These preparations are put up in Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, sweets, etc. are now conveying thrilling witnal, and ere she yields to a Ago: and the islands said to have been simple but secure containbrs to avoid Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wil these commodities in covered repetition she must need suppress a tear. selected are Trinidad, St. Lucia and Ja high cost in packing and be sold Geo. Henlin, Secretary Treasurer.
liams. Secretary Treasurer, maica. Time was when the honor and at tho lowest possible prices. Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, trays.
Her Mission Out.
Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso.
dignity of being raised to the status of a The be recommeadation we can Reputed to be 55 Maynard left her recognized naval and military station. offer for these wonderful preparatiour Panama City, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretarythome where she resides with her daughter bowever small, would have been mat er results obtained by the many thov.
ST. VINCENT Shields Secretary Treasurer.
is the unfailing and high satisfactory President.
Viola Greenidge about 30 on Tuesday for the keenest joy and satisfaction by Sands who have used them for 10 years Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender, SecretaryAllen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Profiteering Speculators a visit to her son who lives a short dis that general public opinion will be other our Give them a trial and prove Secretary Treasurer.
St. Vincent Times states that tance away, at Ariapita Avene, As the wise to day. From a social, commercial for yourself, what we now claim for Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
the sloop Socrates which left hours flitted by and there was DO and political point of view it it must tend them.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa, that port recently for Trinidad, Forsyth, President; Small, Secre a. Dunn, President; Killing took away 100 bags of sweet poof her return, Mrs Greenidge who by to bring us into greater prominence with The articles are :tary Treasurer.
this time had grown uneasy as to be the outside world, it will mean for so. Har ton a Hair Grower, Hartona Suecese Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
beck, Secretary Treasurer.
tatoes, which article the paper whereabouts called at the brother ciety, greater gaiety; for the commercial Beauty Cream.
Special Hair Grower, Hans Rayside, President; Bracey, Seere Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank. states, is being sold in this colo house, and on enquiry was told that the section of the community, the spending mother had not put in appearance there of more money by men who are proverbR. Austin, President; Bannister, ny at five dollars a bagExpor tona Vanishing Cream tary Treasurer, Secretary Treasurer.
tation of Temple Grower, Hartona foodstuffs to the neighat all that night. The uneasiness soon ially, not mean in their expenditure; and Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PanaBrown Skin Powder (3 bouring colonies, all the Times, developed into fears which were it will assuredly prevent our existence shades)
ma City. Collins, President; Empire Star Lodge No.
2513, Empire. is increasing the cost of food lomore heightened by the rumours afloat being forgotton as it has sometimes in the Tetter Cure, Hartona Face Saunders, Secretary Treasurer. Wm, Stoute, President; Headley, cally. Speculators at present.
at the time, that there were series of past seemed to be, if we are actually Bleach.
fights about, and missles were being small small naval and military station The Pressing Oil, Hartona Hair every other person is a profiteerAurora Lodge No. 2504, Papama Secretary Treasurer.
hurled broadcast. In this frame of presence of Remover regulars in Trinidad would Panama City. Buckley, President; ing speculator are buying everyUnique Lodge No. 2514, Panama, Shampoo, Hartona Deo. Day, Secretary Treasurer.
The mind the daughter returned and with from every point of view be, we thinkexportation, Gee. Toppin. President. Jos. Skeete, of eggs locally is 36 cents a dozen, price dorant.
the aid of friends organised a search a good thing for the colony, and we sinAtlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan. Secretary Treasurer.
and every other article is going party about half a dozen strong who cerely hope the ruimur of their coming Sold at the Eldorado Store, ama City Humphrey, President; patiulled all the streets and byeways of is true.
Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. up. People in St. Vincent, can Bolivar Street, Colon, Manley, Secretary Treasurer, Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
not afiord to compete with the the town, but to no avail. The missing Between 7th and 8th Streets. Evergreen Lodge No, 2506 Paeama better paid inhabitants of party was evidently beyond the range INVALIDED SOLDIERS.
City. Headley, President; Agents Wanted. Write at once to. Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Al. dad, Barbados, Grenada and St.
of their most stentorit call Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Secre Lycia. Except the Government Police Assistance Sought.
Madam DeWEEVER, tary Treasurer.
The invalided soldiers who reintervenes, our people will starve Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon, o DeWEEVER, After a search lasting until after mid turned to Trinidad on the 22nd while the bulk of our products Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon are exported to the more fortuJ. Scott, President; G, Caterson, aight the party in despair telephoned to alto. by the troopship Panonia Box 753, Cristobel, Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer.
nate colonies.
Not Lost But Strayed.
a slight con Scranton Photo Studio And sign 13 says the thing for Trini


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