p. 8


which The Mystery Ship THE RED ACE ere bad utes, and of the runa uns for the loss of not out.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
United Brotherhood Notice.
PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Surrey defeats Pickwicks. Continued from page 1) the undersigned begs to in.
Last Sunday at the Standard Oval, PANAMA COLON retarded this meeting to a late form the puble, that will mit the Pickwicks made a plucky stand hour, and for further reasons be responsible for any debt oonagninet the Champions, and won the TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th.
hearts of all the spectators. There had were elucidated to the tracted by my wife Julia Tratbeen much rain the day before, and the To night, Saturday onder, this portion of the man, she having left my house was deferred to the first and protection since August 4th, wicket therefore, was not all that could meeting in October. As already 1919, without my knowledge.
be desired. Nevertheless, winning the known, our regular (Signed)
tos, Pickwicks decided to bat, and from nights fall on the first and third EMANUEL CHAS. TROTMAN, the first showed that they intended to Mondays of each month.
giye trouble. The attack was entrusted In respect of our deceased to John Tudor and Holder, and 80 18 EPISODES Brother Wm. Dowers, who de Howard Severs Lodge well did Pickwicko play, that both bowl.
parted this life on the 30th day Featuring BEN Wilson and Neva Gerber No. 2515 to be relieved whep only of August, 1919, the following rewickets had fallen for over 20 runs o.
9th and 10th Episodes.
solution was passed :Brathwaite played a good innings for The Cristobal Chaudeurs of the Wherons, the Almighty has setofabove named lo lge, held meir Pickwicks and materially helped to swell the score.
Twice be succeeded in remove from our midst to higher realms regular meeting at Fourth be det SUNDAY Two Episodes Each Show hitting Holder out of the grounds, our Dearly Beloved Brother, Wu. Dow and Broodway, Colon, on the 17th and won thunderous applause, His con11th and 12th Episodes of ers, on the 30th day of August, 1010, inst. The house was Alled wits and, Whereas we feel that we have lost utmost capacity. At pm. the tribution was 19 and was made by clean hard. sealous co worker and Brother, bereft presid nt Brother Mclean. THE MYSTERY SHIP Night the Coming Week.
hitting. Pinder made 17 and Beckles 13 and when the last wicket of him, took the chair and delivered a was down the score board showed a GIB 05 OKOOKOOKOSMOS SEXO Doroooo BE RESOLVLD. That this meeting very interesting address and im total. f78e very creditable perfor be suspended for a period of two min pressed upon the members the ce for Pink wicks, and if we mistake of standing by importance the DOL, big core made by any club club Mrs. McLaine Goes to Parents Attention!
DR. EDWARD STARTS BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: orga iz ti The presi lent then as yet for this season against the bowling That the Charter of this fudge be draped went into the business Jamaica.
of Surrey It might here be remarked PRACTICE AGAIN for a period of thirty days, and that evening and shortly after obilthat the fielding of Surrey was rather The Health Officer desires to copy of this resolution be published in wated 41 cand dates, and again disappointing, catches being dropped On the boat which sailed for call the attention of parents to each of our local news ad a copy impressed on the newly ma e and many tisfields made. Pickwicks Jamaica last Thursday was Mrs.
Dr. CLARENCE EDWARD s, forwarded to tin took the field full of confidence, but, Cyril McLaine who goes on her the extremely dangerous prac Vance Guide, our members the requirements of the official organ, for publication. Brotherhood. The regular busialas! if Surreys fielding was bad we first visit to the home of her tice of children playing in the wishes to inform the public, that an info e Swahine to calling on the picke husband. Mrs. McLaine is well drains alongside the street dur war Street, next to the American going, and the immediate carry: to a close. Meeting will be held he has opened offices at 114 Boliness of the evening having ben In conformity with the fore gone through the meeting came sicks C, C; Stoute bowled excep. known in this city as a talented ing heavy rains.
Company, and at the tionally well for Pickwicks, and indeed. pianist who has appeared before especially called to the danger English Drungstore min Frone in silentos pela bretailah seorauite every third Wednesday of cach before for the trowlero, he was well nigh unplayable. We wish Mrs. McLaine and ber of bathing on the beach any of the Masonic Temple on Boli stipulated period. when all heade month. It is hoped that at ayr ado next meeting all slackers will Before the rain he had eaptured three little ones bon voyage and a pleas where within the limits of the Var Street, and is prepared to were bert, as if in silent prayer come together and unite with us All Abe patine Surrey ant and enjoyable time in ihe City of Panama. Typhoid fever treatments in diseases of the from our midst. The further give the best and most approved for the one who has been torn weket for J, WASON, Springs made a splendid uphill fight, and des Isle can be contracted in this way. chest and stomach of lodge was Journal Agent pite the worthless felding of Pickwicks He has also done special stud sued, after which the meeting they derved their victory. The game ies in in Serum and Vaccine thero came to a close at 10:45 was stopped when surrey had made 82 Victory Lodge No. 2509 py and diseases of children, dur. CEC. BOTHARY, wickets, thus win ning by runs and wickets; o. fMoore ing his nine months stay in New York City.
Journal Agent. special meeting of this lodge made 24 not out, Holder 19 not was called on the 22nd insb. cor and DeSousa 13. Bowling for SurCourt John Wallace Lily of the Isthmus Local the purpose of considering the rey E, Holder captured wicksts for 21 No 2508.
recommendations, submitted by runs and Beekjes for 28. For WIII Celebrate Anniversary one of its committees on a sub. ickwicks Stoute captured wickets ject of great concern to the memfor 10 runs What promises to be a red letColon bership, ter day iu the history of Friend. All members of Local No. 2508 In consideration of the inelePedro Miguel Whips ly Societies on the Isthmus of are requested to pay their quar ment weather of that evening, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Panama, will be the celebration terly dues for the term ending the attendance was fair, and the went over to Paraiso to try con to morrow, Sunday, the 28th September 30th not later than Committee work was presented cusions with the Pedro Miguel inst. of the 14th anniversary of the 15th of October. Those not it by item, and wholly adont.
last Sunday, and was badly breaten by SALVADOR by them. We must bere state that AOF. The officers and mem and therefore will not be consi commended the Committee for had on men, so that when Pedro will leave Cristobal, a m; will leave Balbea, Noon bers are taking this medium of dered as members; also those the careful study of the task im Miguel was sent to the bat, they played until they had made 50 runs for the loss SUNDAY, 5th OCTOBER, 1919, for inviting all Foresters from sister holding part payment receipts posed on them, as was evidenced courts, to attend in the proces from Mr. Allen will please by the ready approval and satis of wickets and declared thier innings closed. Blackman was top secrer Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Lision which will leave their Court forward same before the 15th or faction exhibited by the memroom, 24th Street, Guachapali, at hereafter they will not be hon bers.
with 23; went to the bat and bertad, Aea jutla, San Jose de Guatemala, and 30 could only put up 42, Pollard being by a band of oured.
music. The procession will march Champerico WILLIAMS after a short course of intop souter with 18 to his credit. Pedro through Central Avenue to the Seot Treas structions by the President, the Miguel thus won the match with runs Wesleyan Church, where a sermeeting was closed and wickets.
mon will be preached by the Rev.
All members of the Victory CHILE Evers, and, after returning in Eureka Lodge No. 2510 Lodge No. 2509 are again reinind.
La Boca Chastises Red Tank.
the same direction. We trust ed that there will be a special Because La Boca bad defeated Pedro will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon that Don Junius Pluvius will not intervene, so as to mar the day Lodge No. 2510 of the 2nd, for the purpose of electing Saturday night flast Eureka meeting of the Lodge called at 30 Miguel a week before, the Red Tank on Thursday, October Sunday, 5th October, 1919, for fur. ction.
boys had been boasting that they meant of this district Officers for the ensuing term, to revenge the country brothers defent, Guayaquil, Payta, Eten, Pocasmayo, Salaverry, held a special meeting, when 1919 to 1920. Every membris and if they should be able to beat no OBITUARY. Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, chair. The meeting opened at sent and to be in time.
other elub, they meant to put one over President Cox occupied the respectfully requested to be pre.
La Boca. Anyway they were Chañaral, Coquimbo, and Valparaiso Joseph Frederick Thorpe, Passes p. Several matters of imdoomed to disappointment for La Boca GRANT, Away portance were dealt with after kept up their victorious march and gave which five new candidates were Journal Asent.
them a goood drubbing. Batting first CAUCA On Thurday, 18th inst. Joseph obligated into the brotherhood. 14 Boca put up 113 runs for Frederick Thorpe, a St. Lucian will leave Crisrobal, a m, will leave Balboa noon sumptuous banquet was and declared their innings closed.
pre about 45 years of age, died at the pared and the visiting brothers Tailors Meetin2 Innis played a fine game, fine came, and we venture Santo Tomás Hospital, in this and members of the Lodge reto prediet a bright crikket future for THURSDAY, 7th OCTOBER; 1919, for City, and was buried at the Her tired to the banqueting room At Red Cross Hall a Grand him. Red Tank could only reply with Tumaco Esmeraldas, Bahia, Mantà and Guyaquil. rera Cemetery, and did justice to the preparaSuccess.
a feeble 42, thus loosing to La Boca by The deceased was a compositor tions provided for them: after 71 runs and a wicket to spare.
by profession and worked at the which they returned to the hall vivid demonstration of the Mount Hope Printing Plant for when fitting speeches bal cooperative spirit of the New Vincentians Whips Machine were West Indian Negro was manifestFor Further Particulars quite a number of years, alter made by brothers.
many One wards he came to Panama Shop Boys.
ed on Tuesday night the 23rd brother made a very impressing inst, by the gathering of over one He was employed at this office address, when he trusted that hundred West Indian Tailors at In Bishop Hollow last Sunday the Apply to the Office of the Companies at shortly before his serious illness each and every brother would the West Indian Red Cross Hail.
Vincentians met and defeated the boys CRISTOBAL of the machine shop. Batting first Vinwhich caused him to enter the work together, would think of This gathering was a hearty reHospital for treatment.
which the centians put up a total of 89 for wickTHE WORKMAN expresses great will be or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, brotherhood Tho ets and declared their innings closed.
for sponse to the notice of the JourFor Vincentians Bl Lemmon was topIdepathy for the relatives of the them be doing in a short time to neymen Tailor Union of Panama the betterment PANAMA acoper with 44 not out, and Joshua 36 (St. Lucia prpers please copy. and live together in one spirit race, join heart and hand together way she isappeared in last Saturday issue of this Newspaper net out. The boys of the machine shop to o clock could only scrape together a paltry 32.
out Pierre was at his best with the ball school when its not called for the doors of the historic Clock for Vincentians as he secured 10 wickets and especially here at Gatun: were thrown wide open when the Each and every address was re various sections of the city.
Tailors began to gather from the för 16 runs. This game was captained by ceived with Pollard, the genial Vincentian sport, applause. When the meeting came to a close, Chuirman called the meeting to At 30 A. Jones, and it is largely due to his captaincy that the team played up so well.
each and every brother and visi order. The meeting was then tor was beard to say they en.
Now Tivoli it is up to you Mr.
opened by a hearty singing of Pollard would like you to meet him again joyed a grand time. BRANDON BANK)
thNegro National Anthem; Monday to revenge the defeat of the Yours respectfully, Tailors. Come across ECURITY KING tain reanlaid loy Moun.
ERVICE Journal Agent Bro. Gaskin acting Chaplain Games For To morrow then gave a most impressive inPANAMA vocation which was followed by COLON Standard vs. Pickwicks at Standard the roll call of officers and memOral, WEDDING BELLS bers. vs, Red Tank at Our large Resources and well known At this stage of the proceedings Neither por Red Tank has been able as yet to defeat either club, so the conservative Management afford unA quiet little wedding took the Chairman arose and well place on Saturday Septr 20th, comed the visitors who had finust game between the two should be inter questioned security for every dollar at St. Peter Church, La Boca. willingly responded to the call.
esting from that standpoint.
The contracting parties were Mr. After a brief outline of the weet deposited with this bank.
Rufus Cadogan, late of Newing and the objects of the Union Tivoll vs. Pickwick York, and Miss Germaine Wil the privilege was granted to any The above two teams will en.
liams of Panama. The Reverend one who desired 10 voice his Mulcare opinion.
gage in a friendly game of crickMiss Recie Cowan acted as Secretary Hope here announced et to morrow, at the Yorkshire Oval. The Pickwick has General. Banking Business Transacted chief bridesmaid, and Mr. Pres to the audience that the number ton Bell as bestman.
of been re organized, and much is expected of them in this venture.
After the ceremony was per evening alone had reached the ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON formed the party wended their half century mark.
Vice President.
way to the house of the bride The Chairman then thanked ADVERTISE mother where a sumptuous table the brothers for their attendanes was prepared, and partook of and excellent behaviour, and THE WORKMAN the good things provided until the urged them to continue to coIT PAYS wce hours of the morning. Good operate in the good work just beluck.
headed edure e candidates were obligat on 9 wickets the good of the Coloured which Mr.


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