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PRICE Cts. Cr.
EXTENSIVE DAMAGE TO BRIDGETOWN CAUSED BY HEAVY COURT JOHN WALLACE FITTINGLY CELEBRATES the match babe for the Guachapa red men li wended its engaging willl be all descrip bration country UA should Let member that their duas coust be enterede schouden we in de published atop achter en store barn er eines Promote yo man die dood bento Victor Lodge BARBADOS IF YOU ARE CRICKETERS NEGRO DOWNPOUR OF RAIN Hope to Meet Jamaica Be a True and Loyal Cricketers on November Negro to the 2nd and 3rd.
Race Many Houses Washed Away From Fourteenth Anniversary With On Tuesday night last the Bar (EDUARDO MORALES. Vicinity of Hall Road bados cricketers represented by Thanksgiving Service Dr. Carrington and the Ja If you are a Negro, be a true maica cricketers, represented by and loyal Negro. We have copied Mr. Cain, and the Isthmiany all the weak points of other races; Last Sunday the 28th Septem the teachinxs set out ie order downpour, the like o! which was drowned and whose body Park Association, represented them and improved on them: am one of the biggest days for For that come up from time to time by we have indulged and practiced ber will go down in history as much of the mis understandings has not been experienced for en discovered in the Constien: its president, Mr. McCleod, met them several years, occurred on Mondon River next morning en and made final arrangemene tor now calling upon you to their It was a estry on the Isthmus of Panama would never arise. He concluded practice and indulge in day, doing extensive damage so tangled in a portion of the iron the meeting of the two teams celebration of the 14th his address by exhorting the far as Bridgetown is concerned railing torn away from Queon November 2nd and 3rd on the strong points. Let us copy and Anniversary of Cours John Wal members to continue to be loyal to property chiefly in Hall Park. The body was removed grounds of the Isthmian Park practice the better side of the lace, and it must be stated riga and true to the order as by 80 to John Wallace Lodge pects white man for a while. Let Road, Delamere Land and Con to the Public Mortuary where here that it was stitution. One or two houses in an inquest was held and a vired and the two teams will meet coloured girls and women keep by the members.
tour fittingly observed a doing they could easily help each other parts of St. Michael also dict of accidental death reled in mortal combat the supre away from the white men, even other in times of adversity or most imposing procession of cricket on the Isthmus.
suffered but the greatest dam turned.
as the white and women was formed at about p. at the distress. He then took his soat age seems to have been done in The number of persons in and it is expected that each island keep themselves from the colored lodge room at 24th St. the districts mentioned, by the around the Hall Road district will produce its very best repre men. Let our coloured At the conclusion of his ad tremendous rush of the water who suffered by Monday down sentatives and it is rincerely lo, and protect our coloured girl and headed by a band of music Central dress Dr. Carrington called the scretary of the carte and cut up by the water causing swept away and destroyed and their respective islands on dates women. Let us begin to boyducted by the Rev. Evers. made during her fourteen years Several flooded highways were whom have had their houses the men elected do buttle for protect their white girls and where the Thanksgiving service Sanchez, to read the report of the was held for the occasion, con progress Court Wallace had a suspension of traffic About the remainder have lost out mentioned, from appearing and all coloured girls and women wito tifteen to twenty houses were ottices, palings, palisades, etc.
in the sport It is disgrace themselves with white who preached a very appropriate existence which was promptly washed away from Reports from all out dis known that each island will be men; and let every coloured girl and impressive sermon suitable done and which revealed the fact of Halle Rond and Dels mere tricts with the exception of St. selecting the best men from Co and woman boycott every man to the oecasion. At the conclu that the Court stood in a very Land and many others damned, Thomas which had not come to lon to come over and assist in the who disg races himself with a sion of the sermon the procession financial pasition.
in Bridge Road a house was hand at the time of writing, battle and there is no doubt but white woman. Let us all gt reformed and wended its way At the conclusion of the Seereswept away with a woman show that only in one parish that a record crowd will be pre down to business even as the back to the lodge room via tary report the representatives zamed Keziah Brewster who fra heuse Slightly damaged. sent. The 3rd, whicb will be dependence Day, will be Rentenen and worden, Chinese drenge of the various lodges present and Japanese get down to basi Arriving at the lodge roog the were called upon in twee to carry eral holiday and as a special Let us build merchant ness.
Il be run from Colon to Pana ships even as the other races of beer per weer met baba bent out the charge and it is indeed UNITED BROTHERHOOD ma on that date all the fans and the world build and own them. bitte af personic whe had been a pleasing to state that each did have farms of them. vited to particip ute in the celo did justice to the mother lodge avail themselves of the special tions even as the other races have Carrington, Attorny at cluded Jarvis representing Among those were Dar from which he he hailed. These in Atlantic Pacific Lodge tend, meeting opens at 30 rates and come over to see the thom Let us be less frivolous Law who had been specially in. Court Land A, Merrik, sharp gladiators detend themselves, and become serious even as the vited to take the chair for the Court Mizpali, 0. Wor No. 2505.
All brothers be sure and re. The names of the representatives other races are serious. Let us evening. Mr. N Walrond, rell, Court Paradise, O.
On Friday night 27th of Sept. paid quarterly in advance. in later. and dollars and become more eco Printery, invited on behalf of the Lindsay, nomic even as the other races are Press and several others.
SA HALL a regular meeting of the above celsior Lodge, economic. Let us be one hundred Journal Agent məntioned Lodge was held at the Warning.
In opening the proceedings per cent Negro as the white race St. Atohny Hall for the purpose Lewis, King George the Fifti is one hundred per cent white, at the Court Hall the Chief Lodge E, Green of transacting general business.
The Local No. 2514.
Lodge was called to order the Chinese are one hundred per Ranger Bto. Lindon Clarke af. Energetic Lodge, few. All members of the above Lo Brotherhood who desire to take and Indians araromethandrean pe introduced the Chairman Dr. O All these brothers at o clock in the usual mannel will please remember that on part in the Manifestation to be cent Japanese and Indians. Let Carrington, whom he said had were lustily cheered at the conby our worphy President Bro.
Humphrey. The minutes of the Wednesday the sth of October at staged to morrow by The Na uss last meeting were read and con 30, our doors will be thrown tional Association for the Adthat when the right hand aches, meeting for the evening.
together as one body, so consented to preside over the clusion of each address.
Mr. Walrond was next of Labourers firmed in the usual manner. open for nomination and election vancenational Association for as the other races stick together amid loud cheers from the mem of the Workman Newspaper, and the left feels the pain also even Several communications were of officers for the coming term The Dr. Carrington took the chair called upon to speak on behalf of Server width and satisfactorily de. Be on time as such business will the Defense of Negroes with and have become one solid body. bers present. After the cheer which the chairman remarked necessitate many hours.
the object protesting the had for past The spirits of the brethren JOS. SKEETE, high cost of living before Presi. or the mutual benefit of their 10 ng had subsided the chairman championed the cause of the dividual race. If we are to have rose and thanked the oficers and seemed to move in harmony with Secary dent Porras, must do so as free leaders. whether in the church, members for the invitation sent colored people on the Isthmus each other. Eleven new memof the W. een beschoolorganizations etc etc. let him and told them how much and is still doing so.
hers were sdded to the links of those of our our Brotherhood, after which the INVINCIBLE CONCERT While our organization recog race even as the other races have sent with them and share in the tribute to the financial success Blessing of God was invoked and COMING SOON of joys not without its profiteers, it also endeavour to be more indepén Dr. Carrington in addressing the teen years existence andstated the meeting was brought to a On the night of the 18th Octo knows that the hardships suf daut and less dependant. Let us members referred to them as that this society had achieved close in perfect peace and conword at 11 ber, all roads lead to No. 73, Callered by silver employees is due do away with quarrels, envy and brethren and from the onguir a We also beg to announce that donia roail, Iron Gate where this mainly to low wages. strife once for all, because such ing look on the faces of many the orders on the Isthmus, while our general meetings are held on concert is going to take place, WILLIAM STOUTE only tends to degrade us and re present it could be seen that at the same time it had set an the 2nd and 4th Fridays in each under the auspices of the st!
First Vice Chairman and tard our progress.
month, and the 17th of Oct, be Jade Lodge, No. 59, a bhe 0.
Member of Executive Board, some were Naavass th Why be example financially whieh be Let us not be ashanged of our should thus would be emulated by an Dan Munnes MWE and his race, for it is is as good as any He very soon cleared this up the other secret societies. He sineerely hope that every finan other race on the face of the globe by smting that the reason why hoped that it he was Was spired to sial mentber will attend for the able he rederred to them if not better. Let us remember, was because he was a member of sary of Court as brethren be present at the Anniver that any race is just what the facing the he would ing officers for the ensuing term. Mayerere program. Wiwument. CTAQON SOAP (Wrap pembers of it make it. If the the ancient order of Foresters hear from the Secretary finan.
together, will deliv the goods to pers) COMPETITION The Atlantic Pacific Lodge also the general public as customary, members thereof are industrione received its charter as he was sources of the lodglo bad al lace cial report that the financial rehad been This competition which been aphurry corne up to known to all broth not as progressive and bes the first mishape her men who were really pose hungelves pembang inimene on sede hacer en meget pole veel also be indeperitables portes made ad Forester since the year enhanced if the bership Brother o Lynch bus a Protes anys, when they tell me veprat e tyre ted on the 30th of Sepse vam appealing to your he let the Island of St. Lucia press he stated that the presso Lodge, Speaking on of the unfortunately four of you fore, toes to the job on the 3rd Septis oor o clock sharp, never do tember with the following result of First Prize of 10 00 Sc. won by us become one solid body. Let us nouncement brought forth lond man lot was unlike many other and is confined at the Ancon Hos: elbow up sometimes until a meter 304 pital Section C, Ward 11, on the len, Mr. Dan means to start his Alfredo bawih u wrappers. Second cultivate the habit of being in and prolonged cheers from the callings, a very bard one. He was affair sharp 8:30 pm. and quit 85 wan by Mr. Etwards of dustrious, progressive, respect. whole house.
expected to know everything.
second floor. We therefore hope say about 11. 30, thus enabling the Calle Mariano Arosemena, San Miguel, able unselfish and non envious.
that all brothers will make their ladies and gents who are church with 290. Third Prize of 00 wen by Let us remember that we are the members present the neces that hane Chairmanfimpressed upon that happened happenemething duty to go and give brother going to have some night rest so Hunte, the Matter, Calidonia, with our brother keepers and pro sity of continuing to pull together press is invariably the source to Lyuch a word of consolation atlas to attend their various church. 281: The Fourth Prize of 00 won by sectors. Therefore, if you are a land stated that the financial con lation, hence it was incumbenton every available opportunity.
es the next day If you happen Samuel Martin with 57. The Fifth Prize Negro, be a true and loyal Negro, dition of the Lodge would never to lose your way just keep fol of 09 won by Powell, Panatan have been in such a healthy con those who connected lowing the large crowd in front Post Office, with 21 wrappers.
Nomination of Oftioers dition it the members had not therewith to be very cautions Aurora Lodge, No. 2504. of you they are coming to see It is to be regretted that although nine continued to dwall together in and careful as to what was Dan and Professor Mayers at the prizes were offered for so popular a comout to the community, esMembers of the United Bro.
petion, only above mentioned Sty is obtained on the such a All members of Aurora Lodge, instrument.
availed themselves of the opportunity to therhood will please bear in Forestry dated back nearly 250 He No. 2504, R. win some easy money, mind that nomination and elec years and it was due to the unity who are in financial standing with tion of officers for the ensuing of the members all over the the above named Local are here: Howard Severs Lodge Local term takes place on the fiast reMr. Walrond here briefly out.
by informed and asked to bear No. 2515 Installed Officers Everybody is Doing It. gular meeting in October. Only to be among the foremost ranks which the Workman passed world that had caused Forestry lined the vicissitudes through mind that our first regular members in financial standing of all meeting will be on Monday night Installation of officers at Howneed attend this meeting, secret societies to. during its seven years exisOetober 18th when there be nomiEverybody is doing it; Doing day. The objects were good and tence stating that on many oenation and election of officers, ard Sever Lodge No. 2515, took what? Getting together for his NICHOLAS CARTER, the teachings were excellent and casions he was tempted to throw al members are notified to at.
Continued on Paye 8) mutual benetit.
General Chairman fall its members would follow (Continued on page 3)
our us hoped disputed will take Hauke Wold of guard Wallace 15th purpose of John 1901 in as Prize of were unity.
cosmopolitan in


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