
PAGE IWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1010 interesting News from The West Indian Islands ter came the heat.
into The Calidonia Jewelry Store is returned gentleman soon begin here.
collapsed on lowering only the Hon.
before appears to be United States Pharmacy SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR me day.
Jamaica The Myrtle Bank Hotel in also preparing, while the South Camp Road Hotel is having various in From Town of Sav: Porovements carried out in tine have share in the big rash of visitors anticipated.
la mar It is also expected that among the excursionists will be a num ber of business men who will be Report thoat Oil has Beon weeking o develop trade between Discovered near the Town. this island and the United States Likely Test Borings. years ago, it will be remera red, they came down together HEAT WAVE PREVAILS on a cruise, but it is not definite ly known whether on this occa.
Schorpio Brest Picture Thorbe nude, but it can be awerted sion similar arrangements will tre and Soda Fountain that everything points to a bright Is Materializing and prosperous season this winSav. la mar, Sept. The weather here is again wly dry and the heat is great. For the past 24 Barbados hours a strong breeze has been blowing, but it does not temper Every now and then something Big Sugar Prices new springs up in Sav la mar Offers have been made to our Athenians in this respect. The planters to sell their next year crops at the rate of 20 per 100 latest thing is the oil boom that lbs. for dark crystals. They are the talk here. It is report. however very nervous over the ed that a a scientific, geological matter and are hesitating to close who has visited these with the offer, as they hope to parts has on many plots of land here, and get much more. This price re.
and minds us of a far distant past in backs up his talk with money. It the history of the island when is said there is every indication sus sugar was sold at 10 00 per 100 of petroleum being discovered in Is history repeating It and around Sav la mar and it is quite likely that test borings will was also some time after this far distant period that sugar dropped to 00 and planters writing to meeting of gentlemen interin England said they their friends in ested in the picture palace for were ruined as sugar was only held recently here. More than half tie neces. day planters to whom the above at the Parochial Board office selein goat a paltry 00 a hun.
sary amount of shares were taken offer of 20 has been made shook theatre will be erected on the tine ed his hard luck that he had a polot of ground at the top of Great shorts George Street in Vickers and Ammonia. He thought the plant of short crop and would have to pay a price for Sulphate of known as Prospect connec. ers would want every cent of the tion with the Picture Palace, 20 to ineet these adverse cirli there will also be Ice Cream cumstances. Poor fellows!
palace and Soda Fountain There no doubt that the Music College Op ned project will be a very paying one.
Mr. Albert Hylton of Messrs. We are glad to learn that the Cooper and Hylton, it is expected proposed local branch of the Vic.
will be the general manager of toria College of Music has at last!
the concern.
been opened, with the following as Superintendents and visārs. Revds. Murray, Super Prospect of Tourist Ellis, Haynes. and Mr. is Trade vested with power by the Gore ernment to to hold examinations and confer certificates and diplc.
Large Number of Visitors mas.
The College offers free Are expected to come here afth standard teaching to thirty four with credentials who During the Winter.
of various schools. Po Pu rents who would avail themselves PLAN SPECIAL CRUISES. College of Music for their chita, of the advantages of the Victoria ren should apply to the Local Shipping Companies and Representative, Mr. Charles Hotels are making prepar. Wem full particulars.
Daisley, who will give ations for Coming Season Railway Operations SusTHE OUTLOOK BRIGHT pended We understand that the pros The Barbados Government pects of the comiug tourist sea. Railway have considered it inad.
son promise to be very bright visable, owing to the damage and arrangements are being done to their permanent way, to made to cope with the traffic. continue either the passenger From what a representative of Goods Train service and have the Gleaner has been able to accordidgly decided to gather, several special cruises the service until the damage can suspend have ter by Thomas Cook and Sons, age done is to Nos. and bridrepaired. The principal damas well as the Raymond Whit ges, one by the River Road and comb Co.
the other above the workshop, The United Fruit Company the stone abuttments of which will be having special cruises have been damaged and a few and their big steamers Pastores piles forced out of their position and Calamares, which have been by the rush of water, released by the United States Government, will be put on the Cricket.
route other Sheet.
of the White Just about that time the new cricket match was played at service to be started by the Pa Kensington on Saturday last beSiro cific Steam Navigation Company, between the Pickwick and Spar.
an ally of the Royal Mail Steam tan. The former, who played one Packet Co. from New York to man short, entering tirst raised a South American ports, with a total of 47 for wickets. Spartan call at Kingston, going and com. then entered and in spite ing, will no doubt be in full wet wicket, quickly hit up a total swing, and with such fine boats of 124. Pickwick entered on their as they contemplate putting on second innings and only realised the.
ors, both from North, as well as game thus ended in a victory for South America, can be expected. Spartan on the first innings.
The war played havoc with the tourist traffic to this island, and Chauffeur Commits Suithe leading hotels had no easy task to keep going until now cide.
However, they have struggled through those trying times and HANGS HIMSELF BY SHEET are now looking forward to a TO RAFTERS.
very bright and prosperous season.
Jealousy and financial embarHotels Preparing rasment are the alleged subtle influences which urged a chaufThe Titchfield Hotel at Port An feur named Cameron Massiah, tonio is going to be re opened in 28 years old, of Culloden Road to January for the season, and ar. commit suicide at his residence rangements in connection with on Wednesday night last by susgame are already being made, pending himself to the rafters with a sheet He was only areal years before our marrie months married, and is stated to From iny position while reading THE HIGHEST COMPACT have incurred 20 debt in der could not observe ihe rafters in fecting the union The economic the bedroom neither did hear WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS 15. pressure worried hiin, and he any unusual Sounds. was under was given to fits of depression sur de impression that my husband Let there be truth between a result. The deceased was also was asl.
allegei to have been very jealous us two for evermore Dr. Martin Johnson who and objected to his wife associa. performed the pusi mortem testi tion with man wonin Tuhod that death was due to as same evening of his death Le phyxia. Continuing the doctor PRICE QUALITY SERVICE quarrelled with her and ovon meid: The absence of any maries struck her.
on the neck pointed to suicide Gasoline: Oil: Repair Parts. Accessories. The evidence taken at the en and dispelled any theory that the quiry was as follows:The Wife Evidence. then hung up to the raſter. There WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co. Mrs. Edith Messiah deposed must bave been some movement aru the wife of deceased, we which would hive been heard by GRAVES JOHNSON anyone in the house.
duad body lies in the adjoini?
house. About 11. 30 on Wednesday Recalled the wite said in an7th Street Ancon Avenus. Phone Corp. 85.
deceased in, and found me swer to Mr. Armstrong, that on reading at a table in the outer un Wednesday after returning from vision of the house. We exchang her husband was looking or her In a neighbour told her that ed no remarks. Deceased to have been slightly intoxica and intending to beat her. She, ed. He took off his blouse, went however, provided his meals and the bedroom but y recame about o clock in the evening!
appeared and it Dutch kiss came in, ate and then a little me. turned wy head away struggle occurred between them.
from him, and he murmured If during which he struck her with you shun me, will not shun you a small leather strap. In the and be thereupon kissed me and scuffle she might have bitten him, to the bedroom. He then At this stage the inquiry was Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road told me to come in when had adjourned until 11 o clock to day utes elapsed, and with the lamp, finished reading. About ten min. at the Town Hall.
LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR was entering the bedroom when Thursday evening at the Westi bim suspended from WATCH REPAIRING the bury Cemetery rool by a sheet which was knotted around his neck and attached to Trinidad WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
the rafter in the roof. screamed (From Port of Spain Gazette Corbis aunt, Nellie Culpeper who came quickly, but immediately Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
neighbour, Gerald Bentham, was Land Settlement. O, CAMPBELL next summoned, and he severed the the body to WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. the around. placed my hand WAR SERVICE FREWARDS over his heart, but failed to de.
Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
rect any sigo of breathing. The There was a meeting yeſterday other that slept in the of the Land Settlement Commi, house with me was a seven year tee of the Discharged Soldiers old cousin of mine named Violet Central Authority Of 20. apoli, the bedroom, the Lynch. When deecased entered cants for land who were invited second time, he to to attend, appeared closed the door, thereby, debar committee and were granted the ing my seeing into the bedroom acres each. Tne succes afal appli We were not on the best terms, cants are men possessing as he appeared to have been a agricultural experience The trifle irritated at my spending lands to be leased are now being su much time in town dur located by the Crown Lands Do ing that All the windows in partment.
THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY the bedroom were closed Del Used successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years. ceased IT IS POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, me and became angry with me Trinidad Schcand a prompt relief for whenever he saw me talking to lar Success, anyone, of either sex. He was Billiousness, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Constipation, Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, however fond of me and proved good husband otherwise. Within News was received on Monday Indigestion, Sick Headache, Malaria, Sallow Complexion.
the last week observed that he that Mr. Laurence of st.
Simmons Liver Regulator is a regulator that extends was a little depressed and melar. Bartholomew Hospital, a Trini a its purifying and exhilarating influence to every part a chauder of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the was employed dad Scholar, had passed his first professional examination, with office and distinction in mental faculties, sweetens the breath, restores vigor, the desire te distinct express debt, about Physics and Bioloactivity, and cheerful spirits.
about 20 85, Mr. Laurence (The Powder form can be sent by mail)
which he had awarded the second scholarship authorities our marriage, three months On one occasion he burst inte a of St. Bartholomew s, for comes SOLD AND REOMMENDED BY Hood of tears over his debt. De petition among first United States Pharmacy dates in Che nistry, Physics ani ceased was of a reticent naterre 149 Central Ave. Panama Opposite El Sol Silk Store, and seldom revealed his thoughts Biology. Mr. Laurence gaine A. LOPEZ, Proprietor, Before our marriage he once in entrance exhibition at St, wished that he was dead, and Bartholomew in October la(reproved him for so saying.
To Mr. Armstrong, Act.
New Immigratio Law.
Advertise in The Workman ing Inspector of Police: My husThe new Immigration band never complained of any Laws are operating very hard on IT PAYS intimacy between myself and those persons who do not take any one. We were friendly about the necessary precautions, es.
p:cially in the case of children not having parents to meet them on arrival in New York. As the result of a mere technicality, Mrs Muriel Sinkia, a a few months or so ago, on reaching New York, by the Matura had to, per force, receive invitation in the reHead Office, National City Bank Building, New York where she had to spend a day pulsive Order of Ellis Island, all because the parent of a she took away, as its guard not turn up on the arrival of Capltal, Surplus, and Undividad Profits Over 3, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
the steamer. When the parent in question at last put in an appear.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
ance the Department of Labor had matters righted, and Mrs. Sink a and her charge re allowed the freedom of the United States.
Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama We may mention that the lady ia question is now well employed, which fact her friends will be Depository of the Panama Canal glad to know.
THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Captured German Gur, IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF One of the Captured German machine guns, which have been The National City Bank of New York given to Trinidad by the War Office, is now at The San FerAND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUnando Constabulary Station. It is intended to be handed over TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES the Borough Council for en placement in a position dee ned OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES most desirable.
Delco Light and St. Paul INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM Good progress is being mad MORRIE, ROBERTSON, in the work of installing a Del Sub Manager Acting Manager.
electric lighting system in Paul Church, so much so there are expectations of sw (Continued on page 7)
in at Mr.
are pupils olvar off swall year candi.


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