
The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes in our mentioned Mrs. Tivy, Mrs.
Castle Jos. Anderson, MULLER tie to Wri WAS us in the face JUST RECEIVED oteer dat Indians are Royal Infant Central Drug Store THE WOMAN EXCHANGE ceremony Wedding Bells very pretty little wedding took place on the evening of Tuesday, SepWed not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas tember 23rd 1919, at St. Mary Roman the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Catholic Chureh, Balboa, when the Rev. Father McDonald, CM joined in LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
THE HOME OF holy matrimony Gladys Crocket. daughter of Mr and Mrs Crucker. and Mr. Luke Gillette, of this city.
The Negroes Age is Com will establish general love, which reThe following comprised the guests cord we should never forget. Omnia present at the church. Mr.
mencing to Dawn Go it Vincit Amor or love overcomes all things Crorker. bride fatlost mr. Malo Or Die.
colm. bestman. Miss Ceceline Croeker (sister of the bride) chief bridesmaid, Dear Sir: In your correspon.
the Mieses Bravo and Master Buster Dear Sir. Kindly allow me space dents report of the special proable and widely read gramme by the La Boca Liter.
High and Low Cut Bravo, little Miss Beryle Crocker, following ary Club on Thursday, 18th inst; youngest sister of the bride) MiB Hall As a negro of present the day, find that only two names of Miss Clarke Smiekle, Miss and of the Brotherhood, those who contributed to the in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Fraser, Miss Scott, Miss Jante and one interested in all Coloured programme were Miss Dillon and niece. Messrs. Jos.
Chich tend to improve the why, Sir, the little company did the Pocket of All Waite, Charles, Cruickshank, race of which am so proud to be very good work on the whole Mr Crocker, brother of the bride wishwa vial attention to a nat. Miss Saint solo just wait and a and Mr. Brown. As the bride entered ter seemed to have been se as well as that of Mrs.
the church resting on the arm of her overlooked, OF IN scarcely lukewarm King and Miss Bell respectively, father the organ pealed with us on sthmus. Most Negrees was well received by the audien. forth strains of musie ce. Mrs. Smith Mary Stew.
After the ceremony and before emed to be putting in ac leaving the altar a duet entitled to nothing seemed to have put art upheld her reputation as a Sole Agent fold, Valold ye Golden Gates of Hen in action, a great change in the Necro reciter and Mrs. Williams was rendered by Mrs. Smiekle and day.
me Ballad of War held the audien It appears a Hall. Mr. Charles presided at the that Negroes the world over, are hav. ce spell bound and proved her ing the same dream, and getting the reciter of marked ability. Then 37 CENTRAL AVENUE organ, after which all present motogod PANAMA to the resident of the parents of the pirit today the spirit of hope and there was Mr. Millingtons The bride were justice wwe done to wee nie liberty, even though dificulties stare Twins which contributed much and dainty things provided.
Those who cannot and to the humour of the evening After fow eloquent address dedo not see it are dead with their eyes am not saying that these livered and the health of the newly rede spen. In every direction today, comes were intentionally omitted (pro was drunk das was indulged inntil the cry of the Warning the Negro from every part bably the Writer was not pre.
the ww hours of Wednesday morning of the globe of his mean treatment sent all the time) but it is only and hard existenen with his Civilized right that we encourage by our As there have been numerous when all departed wishing both and bride a most happy and prosperotte White Lord. He can no longer keep appreciation, and that impartial complaints of exploitation of life his mouth shut, he is willing to lose ly, all our amateur performers large and Fresh Shipment of West Indians in the courts of his life so long as his voice of amie who help to entertain as in these In addition to those mentioned above, Panama end Color by shysters tion may be heard by some of his strenous times.
CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE end professional crooks, all Westbare were present at the residence of raee. He will no longer drink vall are hereby warned the bride parents: Miss McClyty, Rot to Yours very truly, Mrs. Jos. Anderson and four tous, engage the services of and say it is honey, to please the of these para Miss REYNOLDS Civilized white Lord. because may Preservative sites, but rather to seek information from representative Meets Slag, Lawrence, Bailey, Har seek reliable in Jacobs, Miss Anderson, Mrs.
Bravo, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Coopers be. he may receive a reward, and AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
West Indians who will be in a knowing his brethren must pay back Payback position to advise our peo how Barnett, MeSween, Bragg, The the cost of his reward to Mr. Civilized people how Panama, Sopt. 26, 1019 White Lord. No, not now. The time to act in matters of litigation be MoClashy, Paul and several speelatus fore the courte. In cases of arIo was certainly a fine time. Mr Jos.
has changed. This is the age of evol The Editor:rest it would As a member of the Commit.
be ution. Before the formation of the better to use the Anderson acted as toastmaster and did Brotherhood on the Isthmus, who tee of Arrangements for the re.
FOUNDED IN 1881 services of a respectable and duly justice to the occasion.
qualified lawyer than to accept of the Island of Jamaica, Both Mr. and Mrs. Gillette are native would risk a dime if there was a bet ception of the Atlantic side crick.
that a thousand Negroes could move eters, beg to offer the following The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
the services of the numerous tinR in concordy Since the it. What explanation relative to Mr.
terillos who seek to make West the resulty More Negroes found them. Rick Dickson letter which ap.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Indians pay their living expenses St. Marks Tabernacle.
selves united together in short peared in the Star Horald of Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church THE WHST INDIAN COMMITTEE time, than it took the to declare equal date.
No. 21, of Panama.
war against militarism. Whats the Owing to the demand for ex.
cause of it? frankiy say its organi ursion trains on public holiday SKUBRE DET. MERT EZIME ATTENTIONS The Star of Eden Lodge On Monday night Sept 22nd 1919, at the Lodge Room San Miguel, the zation. Even though no great object by the different organizations, Holds Rally. Installation of Offieers for the aboveas yet has been accomplished, still we and the necessity to arrange fixnamed Lodge was performed by Bro.
see the promise of success in the distures well ahead, so as not to be tanec. only through organization superceded, it became necessary RW. Insting The Star of Eden Lodge No. 42 Reginald Mitchell of and begs to Master. The was carried which is strength. The recent war in this case to secure the special No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
would be on now, if it was not for the train service that will be run on announce to the public through through without a bitch, and the followthis medium, that a monstering officers were installed into office vix. of organization etc. do not the 3rd of November at an early power believe that there is a Coloured porve date, and to advertiso the fixture rally will be held on October 11th Bro. Jas. Jolly, son who has the least ambition about somewhat premature.
GOOD DRESSMAKING at the Lodge Hall, under the. Phillips, a thought that the It is not the desire of the comtispicee of the above lodge en Evans, RW.
Coloured or Nogro race, is inferior to mittee to ignore either the Sin INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP West Indian Victory sis. Agnes King.
Other races and would not like to have clair or the Gittens Cricket Lea. DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY.
Rally. Each Island will be re MR. Garrick, RW. Treas.
the same privileges etc. as others. gue in any way. It was only yes.
presented to show how we have. Moss.
Then for a little while, let ask some terday, ous application was mailhelped to bring the great war to Zip. Francis, W. Ad.
questions. What about the Universal ed to the Secretary of the Git.
a close, victoriously. Victory. Mary Lewis, Cond.
Band will blend the air with its Negro Improvement Association and tens League asking for a post. Evans, Mess.
communities Mrs. ANN THOMAS, League?
melodious What ponement of the games schedulAfrican strains. and ad Bro. Jas, Fraser, DK.
are we doing? Are we different Neged for the 2nd und 3rd of Noverdresses will be delivered DRESSMAKER by some of our prominent speakers bers repaired to the banquet room where At the close of the ceremony all memroes from those in the Are ber to accommodate the All Stars After all, perhaps the Kaiser will they did justice to the good things prowe going to remain here If some Fixture.
be there to have a look at us, so vided for them and gave addresses suitone has seen the necessity to be uni. Ms. Bolt, who was approached come and bave a good time. able to the occassion.
versally organized, Are we counted to look after the arrangements Doors open at p. sharp.
Cr we haven no need to bey feel on the Atlantic side, is following, that the A, is presume, the same mode of one of the best and wisest movements procedure.
Premier Union Lodge. Weight in Gold on foot, and all loyal Negroes should public is clamoring for an per the spirit of the New Negro and All Stars fixture to decide the join the the all Negro The Premier Union Lodge No.
Negro organization for cricket supremacy of the two 10110 of the Grand United Order here by the name of De Witt, dem My dear Sir, you have some pills the good and wellfare of our future ties, and a series of ganisa generations. Some where read of a being arranged w! ll certisie LAUNDRY of Odd Fellows holding dispensa worth dem weight in goldl shouted anch in Panama, but have never leye the monotony of Cup tion from the Committee of out a very tall man as he came up to seen it in any local papers here. or es, and will in a measure improve Management in England, was in the doors of the City Fharmacy. Inadvertised by its branch. May res. the gentlemanly sdirit of rivalry ve just called to let you know We are prepared pectfully suggest that the branch here in which the game should be Miguel, on the 24th instant, by done for me and to thank you.
make it publicly known, the office and played, and so sadly lacking in Press all kinds of Suits. the District Master who hails management, also the conditions re most of the cup matches played from Eureka Lodge, Colon. Vis to be Mr. Abraham Phipps who hails Inquiry soon disclosed this person garding the fees etc.
on the Isthmus.
itors from Sister Lodges render. from St. Kitts, where he was born Let every Negro great and small Prices Moderate ed willing and appreciable as 1941, over 18 years ago. Por quite Thanking Mr. Dickson for his Help to roll the Colored ball sistance. The inauguration of the numbee of years he took up residence timely letter, and thanking for Till we reach the goal in view in is the Lodge And declare a victory too.
Expert Operator and First Class Work consumation of some donia Road.
space, months of arduous toil, and the Our grateful informant further gave Yours for Negroes progress, Believe me, Premier Union Logge will surely out that for many years up to the Yours truly, SUITS CAN BE SENT TO OUR SUB OFFICES AT do its share of good work in com time of his cure, he suffered from mon with the other Friendly so sundry ailments and severe pains over The NI, C. BARRETT, the cieties in the City of Panama. arinary organs, at times unbearable.
Chorillo. Street or Calidonia.
The officers charged with the Sediments in urine over an inch management and proper working thick, but due to the magic cure of this BOCAS NOTES. as they were delivered. The memOffice open every day from 30 a. to p.
for the months are:bers re hoping he will favor medicine, he was completely rid of his troubles.
them with an early visit again CALL UP PHONE 629 Bro. Vanhorn, Sis. Cummings, Many are suffering as Mr. Phipps Warden; Sis. aid, but neglect to seize the golden By the Strolling Scribler. There is a current rumour in Stone, S, to Sis. opportunity to be cured.
this city from reliable sources On Sunday October there that during the past week about Thomas, S. to GraIt is true to day as ever, Delay is will be a memorial Service at the 17th inst, a fowl in Almirante ham, to G: Birch LIS. Wonderful curing power of this remedy Wesleyan Church for the late 19) miles from this city, laid an Special Offer.
Mr. Murray who died on Sis. Stuart, Treas. which is causing екg great DeWitt Pills are sold in two sizes at all first August 20th and up to his duath wondering among those of Almi We the members of the Pacific Union Tailor and Outfitter King, Sec. Bro. Leon, and Drug Storedene Somersell imitations was Local preacher also Supt. rante and Bocas it is said that Band of Panama City. offer our serSec. Bro. A, Lewis, Bro. which you are cautioned to refuse. McHugh, Bro. Wil Joel and Wien Pharmacy bondach direction De Witt Co. Ltd. London each School. The Supt. of the Cir. same egg has a likeness of the vice to the public in general. Es cuit Rev. Surgeon will following: a House, Tiger, BAR. for entertainments such as pecially the Lodges of the Dealer in School Books, liams, preach at said service.
and Stationary.
THE CITY PHARMACY, Woman, also a man with sword Concerts etc. Wo appreciate this op At the close of the ceremeny lin hand portunity to be of service to you and refseshments were served in the 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
Among the Passengers on hope you will let us know whenever No. 11 Street, Panama Banquetiug Hatt where toasts and Agents for Republic of Panama Launch Cbau Guinola on Sathere is anything that can be done by chains from Central Ave.
good wishes were tendered the and Canal Zons.
tarday evening from Alinirane Lessons Given us. Our charges will be based on a new Lodge by visitors and the was James, School poreentage of the gate receipt. Address: District Master, responded to by Please take advantage of our offer.
Teacher at Catarina Farm, and.
David Leon which terminated leader of the Baptist denomina on the Clarinet, the leading KING, Secretary.
Box 805, Ancon, the proceepings.
Panama Hats Band or mission to Bocas was Band Instrument.
CLEANED and BLOCKED for the purpose of Conducting Orchestra furnished for all Services 11 and p. in.
kinds of engagements.
Special mention must be made NEILSON SURGEON DENTIST of the evening service where THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR FOR the gendleman took his text, Clarinetist Republican Band Address MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Com Daniel and kept his Anoon Phone 1053 28 November Street, San Miguel Phone 1003 aliers drafting in the words: 17 St. West, House 37, Panas House 20.
Ancon, 852 him, who cherishes a.
The La Esperanza IS inatchto Clean and Guardian; WM. LAWRENCE SNC stua. Is Ellington Chap pay the directam eos sheet.
tiou; his FITZ BOWEN Dr. JOHNSON The Workman and TRIMMED to Order!
ubber StampsR HOUSE NO. 965, La Boca


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