
Poblished on Saturdays by HN de O Box 74. Panama 1. 30 One Year Six Months Three Ons 25.
are confronted nates PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919 Editorialettes. tives. Yp to the present the would swing back to a farther Cuss Words matter has not really received point than it did over five THE WORKMAN serious thought from the years ago when Germany dis Get to heil out of here, God Cede the West Indies: higher class of West Indans entombed dark savagery and damn you. and many other exThe incongruous hash at home or abroad, but as sent the carnage of death pressions of similar nature are Rates for Advertisement on applica about the cession of the West there are many who seem to on its sweeping mission frequently used by foremen and nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
WALROND, at the office Central tion. Correspondence on all matters Indies to the United States, as be disturbed over the rumors through the most civilized others whose mental equipment payment for the war debt of it is well that we say a word countries in the world. The person whom they would assiga is generally inferior to that of the All copy for publication must be Great Britain to that country, in this connection. If, by the Waco Horrors and other to eternal damnation. The silver written on one side of paper only and sounds nauseating to every most unimaginable tragedy of similar lynchings would be at emplovee, underled and worked RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of 82. 40 the writer, not necessarily for publica West Indian who knows the fortune, Great Britain should tempted by the blue eyed saw the limit, has been subjected tion but as a mark of good faith. colonial policy of the Mother really decide to cede some of vages of the South who stil to a volley of vile names and we do not undertake to return Country, and the extra terri the islands to the United out do the Germans in their borne it all with the hope that. rejected correspondence torial tendencies of the men States, and if no cireninstance atrocious practices of barbar. those holding the superior posi whom the United States Gov arises in the islands to make ism.
tions would some day exhibit The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS fernment generally succeeds in the cession impossible, the Butsbould such a day some, that high behavior which char.
sending abroad as representa pendulum of the world clock the thousands of self respect This hope has not yet been realtrue gentleman SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919 ing Negroes who inhabit the ized. buss may purchase an West Indian Islands would automobile, but he can buy of his out spoken truths in vindication of the claims of his The Małrydom of William Stoute fellowmen is correct, a conclusion which every intelligent vindicate their own cause and character.
rise to a man in their resis We, the victims of this torrent man here is adhering to then the sympathy and support tance against any attempt to or abuse are tired of such treate of the whole Union in this country and in the States will Just a month ago the avowed antagonitsts of the be extended to him in recognition of his dauntless defence exploit, purloin, or oppress means to lessen the numerous to United Brotherhood of maintenance of Way Employees of his people.
tests to which our patience is and Railway Shop Laborers attempted to misrepresent the subjected, we intentions and activities of the Unionists on Labor Day, out any notice, such hot headed autocracy should be disIt looks like a heavy touch of vindictiveness that with Who is. This Pete?
with three courses, one of which and an array of slanderous fabrications were circulated to Between Panama and Gambna we must adopt. 1) We can make the impact of the intended detriment of the Union. In this iniquitous played towards a faithful and faultless employee of the the silver employees can be heard a tist against the offender mouth and almost unbelievable attitude white men mixed with Panama Canal; it savors of a high browed disregard for expressing resentment the violent will Negroes in collusion against the Brotherhood, and tried to justice and equity; it flaunts as an act of intimidation; it treatment meted or several not only the words but wailson describe its members as lawless and factic us agitators assumes the aspect of a direct attack at the whole of them by one Pete, a Bajan few teeth, and bord the time that Brotherhood, and it appears under the form of a don who talks Yank sometimes, his mouth is again in a condition against the Canal Government.
The atrocious efforts of the unscrupulous liars made give a defiance for the organization of labor, as a and, when taken off his guard will have learnt that it is not wise to accommodate beefsteak he the Government view the movements of the Brotherhood factor to be reckoned with in this day of universal demo falls flat down into the real Scot to use cuss words to a man and Johnie Bim. According who can hit hard and straight; with no little degree of disfavor, and great precautions cracy.
were observed in order to suppress what was reported to Mr. Stoute has vindicated the cause of all the silver to ramor, this man must be and as he does not know which be an intended riot. Policemen were held in reserve and employees on the Isthmus and they are not going to sit something of a tyrant to all of bis subordinates can perform several bosses and high officials are reported to have kept down in fear and let outrage supplant justice.
They will silver men who happen to with any of them. All bosses of this feat, he will not take chances shemselves in close quarters. Many families remained be rise to his defence and assistance in reciprocation for the have relations, in any way with the aforementioned types. after hind closed doors, fearing to show their smellers to the self sacrificing service he has rendered them in telling the him. If the colored employees of learning of what happened to breeze. Yet the conduct of the Brotherhood members in Government the truth about the iniquitous conditions that the Panama Canal would simply their brother, would through the Labor Day parades was better even than that exhibit obtain in this country. His has been an open mouth, such let us know all about this Pete fear of sharing a similar fate, desist from abusing their subordied by many Americans at base ball or basket ball games. as this era will have to respect, and such as the voice of and we would be in a position to spot bim and tell few things and At the end of the demonstrations on that day the vil universal conscience now demands. 2) We can quit the job and lainous plans of the infamous prevaricators became para These are days of freedom, and the liberty of this and to remind bin that he is no It in stay where the boss can get lyzed and the perpetrators of wicked intentions collapsed all truly democratic countries giros every man the right of this country. Privileges are pri at us (3) We can resort to the law in disappointment. Then the members of the Brotherhood free speech. This is no place where a man mouth can vileges and the man, who rumor court of grievlaughed scornfully at the black hearted intrigues and won Þe muzzled when he speaks the trath; no man in Panama says. kicked Wholy. Moses be ances. This will cause the offend dered what would be the next move. Several moves have is going to be shut up by any lord of the Canal Zone cause his merry go round got er to forego the luxury of cuss been made since then, of little or no importance, and noth Government; no West Indian is so great a coward as to doped at Gorgona or Empire near; words, as his continually appear.
ing has been said by the Unionists about them, for the allow the crass idiocy or ireful prejudice of a despicable the Catholic church, and wouldn ing in court on the same charge reason that they were not considered of any importance. Southern crackërism to intimidate him into silence in the budge so that the poor Padre would lead to bankruptcy of tho But a few days ago, the Colored Schools of the Canal face of oppression and injustice; no silver employee was blamed for putting the sentence which may result in his pocket book, and probably a jail Luue re opened and assignments were given to all of last whether he be Panamanian, Spanish, Italian, French or sinks on the machine, ought to being discharged from the job.
session teachers except to Mr. William Stoute, a front British West Indian is likely to surrender his rights to a remember that the poor silver Since each of the three ways will Temployees cannot feel nice lead us to the place were abase rank teacher, and Principal of the Empire Colored School. barbarous domination by swollen headed plutocrats.
The greatest surprise has been felt by all the silver em The hypocritical maneuvering that has already become when they are made to wait on cuss words, and otherwise) by ployees and other persons in Panama and Colon as well as evident in connection with the Stoute case, in the evasive too whims of any phlegmatic dys. it is left for us to decide which in the Canal Zone, and the first question asked was, and inconsitent shifting of responsibility for the outrage, poptic whose highest virtue we shall follow. We will not What has Mr. Stoute done to merit his exclusion from is making the whole Isthmus laugh at a system in is to play the jack daw. He follow the first path because it the appointments of 1919 1920 school year which com which camouflage is more pronounced than frankness and might not have much brains, and is subversive of law and order, menced last Wednesday, October first. duplicity more visible than courage. Mr. Stoute is not the perbaps none at all as we be: drives men to break open prisons, and In vain we have tried to solve the mystery. His failure sort of cheap West Indian that can be silenced by bluft lieve, but he certainly can be carry off a prisoner, and with to obtain re appointment could not have been on reduction and threats, nor are the men he is leading the kind that made to act like a sensible horse a fiendish glee, torture him until of force, because Stout is one of the oldest teachers in the will stampede because one of their number meets injustice and not exhibit himself like an death releases him from pain, Canal Zone Colored Schools in time of service, and in ad and is put out of employment.
egregious ass, as he is. little and puts an end to the devilish orgy dition to this fact the schools have opened up with six The United Brotherhood is going to live and grow until more next time, sabe?
To follow the second way vacancies; nor could the department think of letting out the silver employees are organized one hundred per cent. Keep Together Boys!
would be to admit inability to Mr. Stoute who has been in the service as Principal of va There will be no thinning in its ranks and no weakening solve the problem. This is the Now is the time for all good, path the of enthusiasm among its members. All the outrages that rious colored schools since the year 1910, invertebrate Again, the dismissal of Mr. Stoute from his position injustice can invent will not avail to scare the Unionists, sensible, well intentioned West human being is likely to follow.
Indians and other silver employ The pusilanimous and those of in the schools could not be for insubordination, for it is nor will the threats of a thousand demons stop William Jees to get together and keep to asinine tendencies will argue that it is the line of least resist subordinate to the authorities, and when it is known that noble task of bringing an oppressed people into their own. that the vindicator of their rights, we know that the time of ti east neither the Superintendent nor Supervisor of Schools could Last Saturday night General Guardia spoke at the claims privileges been line of accept responsibility for his dismissal, it can readily be seen National Institute, in the presence of Governor Harding dealla cowardly blow. The Unit greatest development. Thos that no complaints from the Schools Office had been made and other prominent Civil and Military authorities of the od Brotherhood has received who follow this path would against him: to this we might add that the Supervisor of Canal Zone, with an open mouth on a matter which is always schools expressed his bewilderment at the occurence, and worrying the authoritiese of Panama; and while this fresh courage, and from the ef. abusive bosses while their (the said that he knew nothing about the reasons why Mr. gentleman spoke the truth fearlessly, undue criticism has fort to oppress their manhood by victims. families are starving third path, Stoute was not re employed.
al ready been voiced on the Zone against the arrow of unmanly and ill advised retalia Furthermore, it has been thought that, unknown to fact which appears in another column in this issue. Señor tion the members of the Union us to a place where abusive lanminimumend in a the general public, Mr. Stoute had violated some unwritten Guardia has the backing of this whole country and every have breathed a new spirit and wine bom, basses will be nat we are cemented in a still stronger departmental or other regulation, but enquiries from those conscientious foreigner here (except a certain set. and all bond of unity in the cause of jus bosses armed to the teeth, giving culdewe who would have to make the charges have disclosed the that the people of the Zone can do is to grin and bear it.
fact that no such allegations have even been suggested Mr. Stoute has dore nothing more than what the Pana sice and equity, Organizer Stoute some of us days of, issuing bad against him; we are therefore to speculate on what may manion patriot did. He has spoken the truth on behalf of stands firm, and he is prepared clearances of every description, likely be the cause of the fool hardy action of leaving out the silver employees, a truth which Mr. Severs would to lead a down trodden people and doing all in their power to a one of the very best and ablest teach rs, and a principal, have told in stronger language and a truth which even pa to the road of success. Don for the toilers.
at that, on the re opening of schools.
hundreds of conscientious Americans will admit. If there hose faith, boys, the battle has just Each of the three ways has its It is known from Panama to Colon and all over the fore Stoute has lost his employment after nine (9) years of bogun in full force, and we shall good and its bad points. Which United States, by this time, that William Stoute is the the most satisfactory service with the Canal Government, show the opponents of our cause shall we follow? The third, of Vice Chairman of the United Brotherhood on the Isthmus, on account of his fearless and admirable denunciation of that the same Power who helped civerse because it is not subverof law and because and in addition to this office he is the duly qualified Organ evils that exist here, he must be regarded as a living hero the Allies to drive the ex Kaiser we have a judge that cannot be into the back yard will help bought; and because the handful izer for the Atlantic side of the Isthmus which includes the among his own people.
and their towns along the Canal, from Gamboa to Cristobal and The Canal Government would scarcely attempt to use every silver employee to send of angry busses conscientious service to the Brotherhood and vindicated folio, as Secretary of the National Treasury, taken away whether a man is black or white, swept aside by the Grip bam.
Colon. During the vacation days Mr. Stoute performed force or pressure of influence to have Señor Guardia port putrageous oppression into the stack of bad clerances, eur. garbage heap. We don care which cause this way to appear to us as a blind be.
the cause of sixteen thousand silver employees of mixed from him by the President of the Republic, as his blows which organized nationalities. In this connection he has risen to the de on a painful social evil was delivered as by a free citizen every man must have a square mer fence and assistance of his suffering fellowmen and has and not as a fettered diplomat; it is a fact that Mr. Stoute deal. This is our creed, and by it abor is able to deal to the oppo.
done a work that has already merited the recognition of did the very same thing. He spoke as a free man on a we will live or die. Many of the pents of the square deal.
of the Brothe authorities of the United Brotherhood at their Head burning economic question, and not as a school teacher, mere were the posing us down therhood, Stick together; pur quarters in the States.
and his position as principal of the Empire school should here were either chimney sweep together, and if needs be, die to ers or teamsters in the States, gether. Non members, especialIf it is for his activities as one of the organizers not have been obligated because he opened his mouth, of the Brotherhood that Mr. Stoute has been excluded. We are determined to see that Mr. Stoute is properly according to the statement of those who are likely to be from the list of re appointments in the school year which represented to the last, and sixteen thousand silver emphite American who saw, with paine silver employees, join the United. has just begun, the treatment which he has thus received ployees are with us in this decision. If it is a test we shall lor luiste. Like maisheriested u mail. bther genuine Tabor organizma might well be regarded as political matrydom. By this see who will win. Judge Jackson fought plutocracy on the ionaire like mannerisms of these tion. Let us allpool organima: act the whole Isthmus of Panama has been made to bow zone and won with a wide margin. Judge Henry Clay hever see come see on the Isth. sources and fight the common its head in shame at the cowardlyand stupid act of a de ton came to the Canal Zone, and in the trial of Judge Jack mus. They are trying to do us fenemy.
all the harm they can, and to intiW. STOUTE partment which cannot vindicate its action before the bar son case used these remarks Our government is a govEmpire of public investigation.
ernment of men, and not of bureaucracy. Judge Hanan midate us; but we shall let This is purely a case where every sensible man in this came here just in time to save the throne of liberty and them see that all the combined The Workman country can really exclaim: Justice, thou art fled to justice from being throttled and destroyed by autocracy powers of hell will not availąto make sixteen thousand determin.
brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason. for it our and dispotism. We are fighting to destroy Kaiserism on od tighters lose their courage or FOR conclusion that Mr. Stoute has been let out on account the Canal Zone, and we shall win.
their strength.
Rubber Stamps rangements in connection with on weunesuay tuv tasv By us (Continued on pa game are already being made. pending himself to the rafters that this


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