
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919 PAGE FIVE WANTED AT ONCE Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Lodge No. 2301.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Canal Zone Notes capacity Guiding at the.
raining this Pin at the Gravel Panama Optical Co.
were wrecking crew is busy cleaning Hearts of Oak away the wreck of the Gravel Plant.
Hand Ironers Now that the rainy season is again WANTED with us, the folks are finding it hard to TWO COMPETENT mech the railway Station or Commissary on account of our inadequate roade.
The Order of Druids. at La Esperanza ECOMPOSITORS Those fellows wao have time LAUNDRY Cood men will find good enough to teddle in oher peoples wages.
business will find that our section is Celebrates 8th Anniversary, now in the worst condition there FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Only First Class Need Apply)
Apply at ever was a Quarter Master Dept: if they would only mind their own business SALVADOR The end of the eight and the PAY EVERY QUINCENA. The Work nan Printery beginning of the ninth anniver There will be lot of children from WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL, A. WILL LEAVE BALBOA NOON Central Ave. Corner here going to the neighbouring sehools TUESDAY, 7th OCTOBER, 1919, for Lodge No. 2301, was cetebrated Coming! Coming. Coming. Street, No. PUNTARENAS, CORINTO, ANAPALA, LA UNION, LA LIBERTAD. Friends of Ben Jones who served ACAJUTLA, SAN JOSE de GUATEMALA and CHAMPERICO. Street, Colon, on Saturday Sep THE COLON tember 20th, 1919, and termice for many years with th Canal will be CHILE ated a huge succes.
proud to hear that he is done well at Colored Comedy Co.
Tela, Spanish Honduras He is now WILL SAIL FROM BALBOA From p crowds were seen to take you on a trip to Commissary Manager with the United WEDNESDAY, 8th OCTOBER, 1919, for Wending their way towards Court Laughland with an Fruit Co. Mr. Jones is native of WestBrock which was tastefully de moreland WI.
GUAYAQUIL, PAYTA, ETEN, PACASMAYO, SALAVERRY, CALLAO, corated for the occasion. The UP TO THE MINUTE MOLLENDO. ARICA, IQUIQUE, ANTOFAGASTA, CHANAKAL spacious hall was packed to its Comedy and Minstrel Show LA BOCA Gamboa hit by a 50 mile pe COQUIMBO and VALPARAISO Representatives from the hr. Storm. MEXICO Perseverence Star. Britains Pride Lodges Saturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 The Empire Star Lodg. No. 2, AI Friday the 26th Sept at about 12. 50 of the Order of Druids; and will meet at their Temple WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL AM WILL LEAVE BALBOA NOON Gambas witnessed a short but for. La Bora CZ tonight Court Brock No. 6725 Ancient costly storm. The day opened exceedMONDAY, 6th OCTOBER 1919 for Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal.
Order of Foresters as well as finiciating four candidates ingly hot, when after a few clape of CALLAO, MOLLES DO. ARICA IQUIQUE. ANTOFOGANTA, CO.
other notable houses were presteries of the order and in thunder the clouds began to blocken in QUIMBO and VALPARAISO. sent. number of the Colon ADMISSION of officers for the ensuing the North East. It then began are asked to be pune with a slight breeze which kept up until Reserved Seats Colored Comedians were also Genl. Admission 50e. S. ACJUTLA present and took part.
25e le attendance. Visiting Sirs 10 at the above hour it had all the force of Lule wewe.
WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL AM WILL LEAVE BALBOA NOON Despite the fact that several Purchase tickets early to avoid the rush. stor. The storm lasted about Wintea Rondly number of residents of minues and blew at 30 miles an hour TUESDAY, 7th OCTOBER, 1919 for representatives Fraternai Or.
rinkled with a few residents It did great damage to property and TUMACO, ESMRERALDAS, BAHIA, MANTA and GUAYAQUIL ganizations who were expected to WE LOVE THE LADIES from the prighboring sections turned cultivation but no loss of life, but had be present at the opening of the Prof. E, DEANE, out at the to greet Mr. it lasted five minutes more there would JAMAICA august occasion, came in late Manager and Mrs.
Coins on their re be a different tale to tell as the the meeting started promptly quarters WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL A WILL LEAVE BALBOA NOON turn from. The Silver City are built after the get rich quick TUESDAY, 7th OCTOBER, 1919, for at p. and lasted until 15 Band was on the job to enliven the pro style. The two Loaders at am. with Mr. James Artherton, Buenaventura and Tumaco coedings. Mr Hunder the Aeting Plant are a total wreck, the roof of of in the chair Secretary paid. glowing tribute to the the quarters at the Stockade CAUCA The members of the Lodge work of Mr. Collins and for his interest in blown off also part of that of the Signal were dressed in white. Officers the community in a few well chosen re Station and one of the roofs of the WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL, A. WILL LEAVE BALBOA, NOON wearing in addition a red, and marks, which were responded to by bim: Hydrographic Dept. The ocecupants of THURSDAY, 9th OCTOBER; 1919, for members blue rosette; color the ball was then cleared and dancing to the damaged colored, quarters were reGuayaquil, direct.
according to their offices.
the strains of the Band was in moved to Houses No. 28 and 30.
The entire membership formed EYES EXAMINED dulged in until the midnight hour arrived TEVIOT a circle around the ball and GLASSES PRESCRIBED during the course of the evening re.
opened by singing the ode: Perfect fair and near vision in freshments were served GATUN WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY, 22nd OCTOBER, 1919, FOR Hail Brother, Hail, We Meet The Silver City Band goes to Cristo Havre and London Again, followed by prayer from one pair of glasses.
bal on Saturday the 18th. instiu enter Saturday Night Dance proved the Chairman If you do not need glasses we tain the residents of that City at a Successful. For Further ParticularsThe Secretary next read a re will tell you so frankly.
Dance to be given at the YMCA The spacious Clubhouse of this town and on the following week, Saturday was packed to its overflowing capacity Apply at the Offices of the Company at port of the working of the lodge. We offer best Optical Service.
for the past year.
This was 25th, will entertain at the Gatun on Studay night last, when one of the CRISTOBAL The Band is in possession of very touching Accounts of the quite a few of the latest hits and will crowds ever seen on the Zone, or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, tinances and administration were Office. 182 Bolivar Street, ttended tue first dance given by the place same before their patrons on dates management since the opening of this COLON up to date, whilst 17 new and PANAMA worthy members were add a (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEXTLE)
mentioned above.
new Club house When we Pay there for the year LECTURE ON THE GREAT left for those who were not there to en were thousands in attendance its just It is indeed gratifying to note Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge.
quire from their many friends around Charles Clarke, formerly employed Cristobal Silver Clubhouse this lodge shows that its mem La Boca, Paraiso, and Red Tank; and the Railroad Station as Baggage bers are all worthy and sincere Waterproof BIBLE IN STONE.
last but not least that popular town Clerk and Porter, is now an employee What promises to be very in ligations Avancially and other. Colon. When we, the residents, at the light house department of this town.
there were over 50 Automobiles at Rain Coats!
On Sunday Sept. 28th at 30 district, is sufficient to conclude that those who remember the old timer and teresting in Athletic activities of endeavours, the lodge shows that and the Great Pyramid. was given by ted danced and placed smiling during his length of years, feel glad to indoor Athletic games, such as the Order of Druids is truly a a public lecture on the Bible in Stonestly the whole of Colon dancing ladies his past good work which he performed the Atlantic City, is a series of Wise, without a hitch. In all its Give me your order for your Mr Dale in La Boca Clubhouse.
countenance on our worthy secretary that WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, Mr. Dale produced a map containing and his charming wife whom be brought insobordinatign to b! boss well got up programme including RAIN CAPS (AND APRONS for be started at an early date at a picture of the Pyramid of Gixen to be over with him from the States lately the coloured The most in ost in. Speeches, Songs, Recitation etc. was found in Egypt. few of his remarks Gentlemen, Ladies and ChilA large wild cat resembling Tiger, teresting of these games will be ably rendered Before closing let us remember to give are as follows. The Pyramid was During the course of the programme dren.
built in 2170 C, by Melchesidec. Laboca, and their up to date Band Locks on Monday 30th ulto. said beast which will cominence next week two certificates of merit were presented thanks to the Silver City Band of was caught in the upper part of the a Ten Pin Bowling Tournament it was explored in 1850 by Mr Taylor; master, for the brilliant pieces rendered is now for inspection at the Control house. between two local Teams, name to Messrs. Julinn and Samuel SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM it is made of very masive stones, some never had Gatun residents turned out ly, the Aristocrats, Democrats Haynes by the lodge through the ChairTHE BIGGEST VALUE ON weighing 830 tons and 150 feet high, it is on this scare Well, Well, what the latest dope in and Outlaws. This will be the man; Mr. James Artherton, who in doing the as on this occasion, the tripping of the THAT LINE is the greatest masonic work of the light world. Froin the map he showed vari light fantastic toe, by the dancers made town, well the latest dope is this our means of bringing together so, spoke in very commendable terms of ous the Pyramid and the passage everyone look upon them with admira: Agent and Reporter is becoming moment some of the best Athletes of this the servis and enery of the two gentiles SANGUINETTI BROWN, known as the Grant Gallery is said tion and joy. Special mention must be the strongest whist players around this City, and the results of this men with regards to the welfare of the antici: Hearts of Oak Lodge. To this Messrs.
vad made of the Pianist Mr. Mayers, who vicinity, when Maloney and himself Tournament cannot be FURNITURE DEALER to be symbolic of the way to Heaven is well known for his efficiency on this defeated the following Champion Whist pated; as Very keen competition Julian and Haynes fittingly replied. Corner 3rd November and 19th directly above which is a building repte instrument, also to the Navy boys who Cracks for the past few weeks; Messers is expected. There will be senting Heaven Streets, Guachapali.
passage represented as the ten commande justice to the evening, dancing came to a and Thomas.
The first cascendine thronged the hall and certainly did Mayers and Mascoll, Anderson prizes the highest individual Isthmian Dramatic Com Ancon Box 836.
scores, highest aggregate score Mints: and the descending passage the alone at eleven thirty, when the Secreof win Pany.
way to destruction at the bottom of tary thanked the audience and the which is a pit, another passage measur Bandsmen for the pleasant evening We experiencbd another shard down be represented by such well ning team. The Aristocrats will and her name adds the ing thirty three a half feet is symbopour of rain on Monday 30th ulte. it The Isthmiao Dramatic Co. af mark to anything in which she known Bowlers as Ander ter a somewhat prolonged period participates. Mr. Cyril Moran of the age of Jesus Christ. He stated which was enjoyed by everyone Please remember the silver cum appears as it Mondaye are set apart son, Capt. Jean Marie, of rest has again entered the will feature in The Man About Band that in the year 1925 all the nations of institutions and churcher. He described 25th ist. and on the 3rd of November Bacbelors of houses five and fifty seven know as Cripple; D, Savage the world will be obliterated, also all will be here at this Clubbe. e the for heavy dow pours; while the poor Walker, Crichlow better field of dramatic art, and now Town (a playlet. word to the are yet suffer! ng from the muddy track the nature of the second advent and the ladependence Day, when day and which they have to go in and out from and McNeil. The Demo begs to present to the public a wise is enough. Procure your convert and dramatic programme tickets early which may be had reign of a thousand years. The Pyramidnight Picnie will be held.
their work; wbat do you say Mr. Docrats by Prescott, Capt. an of a bigh order to be held at the from any of the members of the is expected to outlive the Bible and is willl we get that road for Xmas? excellent Bowler and also one of Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on the company, and come soon to avoid This company the rush.
symbolic of the Bible. This was a very (Loyal Whist Club Wins Trothe Isthmus, interesting lecture, and Mr. Dale based irrespective of Gatun received on the mail color, Steve Baptiste who is the Colon public. Its reputation of needs hardly any introduction to phy. his arguments on the scriptures except oue occasion when he made allusion very joyful and pleasant evening from England over one dozen bats, they known as baby bowler. D, Wilag a dramatic company is an enJ. Gabriel and Colon Musicians Form to the churches.
took plac at the residence of Mr. and are all Gun. More driving willows so mot, a south paw, and viable one, and the success Mrs. Lewis at this town, on Friday all other Clubs had better look out for Duverney The Outlaws by achieved by it in the rendition of Union Concert by the night, 18th co, when the members of the Lock City boys, when the season Francis Capt, the best such plays as Powder and Patch coloured bowler on the Isthmus, es and Out into the Street the four Whist Clubs met, vix. Vie opens up again. Sterling Through the toria, Blue Bells, Lillies and Loyals to a promising young cannot be over emphasized, the On the evening of the 17th of this celebrate their customary presentation as Bowier, Alexander er popular Commissary Sydney Worrell, Mar.
mopth a grand concert will be given in the years goue bye. 1601, President of the League called on Saturday last, reports received from the latter known as the funny who were that the at the Colon Federal Labor Union Clerk took his wife to Ancou Huspital tin, Bob Smith and Callender, concensus of opinion of those Messrs.
Nixon and Pilgrim will to see these kins, the musicians of Colon met the La Boca Clubhouse, by the Silver City Band. In addition to the latest the members to orde precisely a p. m, her say her condition is not a periodo era ing Committee to consist of the aud bistrionic ability. The com the purpose of forming a musicrare talent Hall at 30 Sept. 26th, for and most fascinating pieces to be red in a short but brilliant address, after join in wishing hor a speedy recovery following Gentlemen, Messrs pany has now been re organized, ians union. After discussing the dered by the is a speeial pro which he presented the Trophy to gramme which is being epared by Mr. Watson, Captain of the Lyal Whis.
Secretary, and two representa members are still within the fold let. Morales, president; AlexB. Neely, Chairman, DuSaire and the majority of its former matter, the folling officers were Dadley, the fomous comedian. Glub, reminding him that the action Word of Edgar Thomas.
tives of each team, which wasi in token of his team winuing the EMPIRE follows: Anderson and us while the new acquisitions have other clubs. Mr. Waleen in return thanked the Presid nt bin kind Word has been received from Savage, Aristocrats, and been dircriminately chosen, and ander Ellis, vice president; der re The Empire Colored Association will marko and trusted that his teau wil Mr. Edgar Thomas in the United Prescott and Gabriel, Demo the public in thereby assured that shibald Victor, secretary: SalvaStates that he has entered the crats, Francis and Sydney performances in the future will Wilkins, honorary president.
quality of dor Espinella, treasurer; Pilgrim give a Dance on the 18th inst. the best always rensin on on top.
De Witt Clington High School Worrell. Outlaws. This Com. prevail.
The di.
of the latest Musics will be rendered by plays are one of Panama most popular Bands, during the evening, when the Captains are will remember that Edgar Oct. 2nd 1919. at 30 to make and under auch able tutelaga we Delicious refreshments were served and is studying hard. Our read mittee will meet on Thursday rected by the well kuown and cam. at the pable veteran Mr. Leyburn DIED.
at Gentlemen 75 ete; refreshment on www. in the Loyale all success uncil the open ma Canal press for a period of all necessary arrangements per venture to predict the same suc known member of our race a Dancehal it only comes. to join its public to attend this ing of the next champion whist games, three years left the Isthmus in taining to said tournament. It is cess for the Company in the fu true Negro) died suddenly in his so as not to allow Empire to be forent to a close by the singing of Rule Bri of his relatives and to take up a gensew role or their perspecting the past.
tenas a reusind tania.
to root nesday night at about eight er. The Members of the Empire Star He is also a corporal of the Teams, especially the Fairer sex the date above mentioned, Miss been enjoying perfect health an concert take place on Durant seemed Lodge are invited.
time Gatun has pledged herself to subscribe first regimental corp of Cadet in one fifth of capital of the same school. Much praise Lillian Tait will be the leading hour prior to his death when he GAMBOA WIT. er. Letada. and from orkes. cat in the due to chand mers. Palan school that master Errington (2nd scente. 3rd acts: Wish Yout corner at stands oudson at the lady in The Lady of Lyons was seen laughing joyfully dicasfons, through the efforts of Thomas, the mother and father Kerr and Cecil Cooke both West ability as an amateuy actress is with Mr. Morales Mr. We are at a home to know where were she Local Representative of the Cor of this youth and we hope that Indians from Colon, have just common knowledge to those who Darant was a member of the those mosquitoes during the resen poration, it seems as if this distriet will many other parents will follow entered, and we all join in wish have attended the offerings of the of Local No. 2500 and of wake good their example. This is the same ing them a prosperous career. Isthmian Dramatic Association, several Fraternal Orders in Colon think the deputation will do West Indies Regiment in May, υο τους υπονουαν, να πεισταιγνιτσαντών parts of and dic all of a Manag as being Colored invited storro Uran


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