
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919 Fearless Talk by Panamanian BUSINESS MEN ADVERTISE The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of lastly that ADVERTISE TO DAY man?
we ed.
Secretary of the Treasury Speaks as Free Citizen.
Get Alive to Your Interest FINED FOR OBSCENE LANGUAGE carter named Charles Lynch One of the most unbridled It is an American problem was yesterday at the city Magis.
and truthful statements that because it is the American Army and trate Court charged by Har.
bour Constable Loman with came forth from an unfetter Navy who have come to be a deciding ed tongue was made last visit our cities and come into our terri factor in the aggravation thereaf. They In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West making use of obscene language on Thursday last at Broadway.
Saturday night at the Na tory in search of bad women to satisfy Sub Inspector Ince prose tional Institute when the their sexual desires which they cannot do Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone. cuted, and defendant, who was Hon. Santiago de la Guardia. in the Canal Zone by reason of the un represented, pleaded not Secretary of the Treasury of severe laws and regulations which exist guilty.
After complainant had eon.
the Republic of Panama, de there For the solution of the problem there livered a caustic address on exist, so far as am aware, two different cluded his evidence, His Wor ship asked defendant whether the question of finding ways theories: Some wish that there should be he had any questions to put to and means for the suppres in Panama and Colon special quarters complainant sion of venereal diseases and devoted to the ends of prostitution, Panama.
Defendant: Your Warship, but hear he, how he lie. does trust prostitution in the cities of generally known as Red Light Dis: triets; they desire that absolute order from de woman and we had a Panama and Colon. Other should be maintained therein, that no Therefore THE WORKMANlittle quarrel and ah gie she a speakers had preceded Gen. liquours should be sold, that special couple words, but that police Guardia with impressive de police protection be maintained, and aint speak it true. He lie, Mau scriptions of the evils, among that medical treatment while in is a paying Advertising Medium. you lying so? He lie like bm that box for you, sir.
whom were certain United very expensive by the way should be To complainant: States Army surgeons who extended in our hospitale to prove the top eny know what dey make you Dust be order to prevent the patrons of such made appalling word pictures women from becoming infected. But to lie on paople, you should be a dead man of the demoralizing and dis let me ask from those who maintain this His Worship: What are you astrous effects of the White theory why is it that they do not es tablish Red Light Distrist in the Conal Slave Plague.
saune Zone, why do they not regulate it, why Our RATES are Reasonable. By way of adding emphasis The General speech ex do they not police it and pay its enorto his statements and to impress the Court as to their veracity, pressed the sentiment of nous conta?
every true Panamanian, and If that is an actual necessity for samo floor and stretching his body to his country ought to be grate of the men in the Army and Nevy why full length kissed it saying, Your ful to him for the plain and it that their mon of eiene do 100 femou order preventing the soldiers and Worship, tell me if talking lie: Sad sailors from coming into Panama there You think would sh ose bad out spoken way he has were rumors as to 04 handled a question that a way of solving the difficulties words and see a police next to The Very Grave Consequences me merited the sledge hammer in view of the fact that among many that such order brought in the Canal His Worship: dont know.
treatment it received. For other abilities they are ominently precManufacturers Agents, General Importers, Zone, in spite of the military regime Defendant: Take it from me, several years the Republic tical? Why is that thoy do not use in their experimeots some of the immense Exporters and Commission Merchants. then prevailing and the severe punish dat man lying too much; aint has been advertised as a wealth of their country which has per.
ment inflicted on wrongdoers.
know why all you take him in charnal house of prostitu mitted them to astonish the world with Without Red Light Districts in Panthe police for Samuel Wood was called by tion and the out side world their generosity never equalled in his Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: ama and Coles and with laws which prof the prosecution and gave evi.
bibit prostitution in the Republic, the dence in support not being familiar with con tory as is shown by the millions of dol.
only recourse left to us would be to ditions and facts has always lars donated in different forms to Belask that the soldiers and sailors should Any questions to ask His Worship (to defendant. looked upon the little govern etc. etc. gium, to China, to the Balkan Statés, Provisions and Canned Goods.
not visit our towns because ment with no small amount Defendant: Ask a liar ques.
have no guarantees for the hononrabletion? No man. go tell you meSouth Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
If the existence of a Red Light Dis.
and virtuous part of our women. or reproach. The pronounce trict is immoral in itself why should it be Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
ments of Señor Guardia will desired for us when it is not wanted in sure that interpret the danger and the self what did say. This manInspector Ince: 01 shut up Colgate Co. Octe right which they have of being respect. man.
take away this reproach and the Canal Zone?
Soaps give true information to the which is the one that seems to prevail The commercial or economic adLet us now examine the other theory Defendant: On shut up what! Benjamin Mfg. Ca. Healing Oil, Balsam etc. vantages which we would derive from Dis mean goal to me. You can world as to the conditions at present. It is intended to ablish the what the soldiers expend in Panama are talk so man, Goal in dis way The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins.
prevailing in Panama which, Red Light District, to fight prostitution, not great as they are thought to be. Laughter. Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste And even if such advantages were very for the most part, have been considering it as a crime and penalizing dech. Foreign prostitutes are to be great we would no compensation but addressed as follows: Defendant gave no evidence, created by American soldiers.
Ingersoll Watches, etc. for the connected with our hossailors and civilians of high deported. and these are much more Your Honner, you are a man pitals, international claims, increase of numerous than the native prostitutes; and low degree.
the Panamanian prostitutes are to be police, etc. etc. and lastly must state of conscience and know every Here follows the speech: confred the frontier; those who are that do not consider it fair that you thing. You are judge, Magissick to be segregated in a hospital at an a should desire for your country sound and trate and everything, you aint Mr. President and Gentlemen. expense which would be superior to our For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. good morats and that our little nation those little make up magistrates.
After the statement just made by His resources, in order that they may be should be converted into a hot bed of these police tell all kind a lie to vice make they case big leave the Excellency, the President of the Repub. cured so that they may return to lie, and the other members of the gov: Carry on their inhuman trade HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE natter in your arms.
His Worship: You used very ernment here, should only add that 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Dr Porras and the members of his with perhaps the very same men who The Western Auto Supply bad language man, or thirty Colon, R, Panama, R, days hard labour.
cabinet are all ready to endorse and infected them and who are not subject Company. O, Box 585, Ancon, support every endeavour which signifies to inspection so as to find out whether Box 152. Phone 90 Defendant (badly. Time to get Phone 895, progress, cylization and culture; but in they are in sound health.
the money, sir.
Messrs Greaves and Johnson, dealing with the question One of the most able steps taken by that has been His Worship: No man pay it brought about, and is the subject of this trs, which assured the success of the Huan proprietors, of the Western Auto the American government in this counnow.
meeting, to which have been invited opening of the Canal, consisted in the Supply Company are certainly great hustlers. For the short Defendant: where from. point and in which have been asked now to opening time they have been in business ing to the floor) can get it press my opinion, shall not speak sanitary measures taken in the Canal as a member of the government of Pane Zone, and in the terminal cities of they have built up a creditable here, now, just gie me a few ma, because desire to proceed with Panama and Colon before starting the PHILIPS reputation among the West In days and you gwine get your dian and native automobile own money.
complete freedom and frankness, without gigantic enterprise; General Gorgas, the ers and chayfieurs.
His Worship: No man.
being subjected to the fetters and form eminent physician, was in charge of alities of diplomatic usages. shall these measures; he was given comThese two promising young Defendant: Well, goal then take the liberty then, to speak on my plete control of the His worship: Go down at tirs, gentlemen are courteous and pc.
lite, and have already won the man.
Stream of gold was appropriated to that own account, as end, Guarantees Satisfaction in the goed will and est and he proceeded to do away with cutting and manipulation of An independent ard free Citi the yellow fever, thereby insuring the esteem of their Defendant: Man, what the hmany patrons, and they deserve is this thing you can gie a man zen the VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE ultimate success, as health conditions support of all colored All of them who is ready to assume the responsibility prevailed among the Canal employes Messrs. Greaves and Joh. ople. a chance, man.
stand ready to give prompt at nown. All you can gie a man know me. Look them police of his words, not only when he expresses and soldiers, and incidentally, we also right conceptions but also when they derived the benefit thereof. Why was Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats tention to all patrons and we ten days to pay?
predict for them a most prosper: this done? It was so done because it contain involuntary mistakes.
His Worship granted defenwas considered that it was an American SPECIALTY ous career, The problem of venereal diseases, The Workman as dant time, having learnt from wishes them continued success the police that he is a hard workhas been rightly pointed out by Dr. Har problem. In the same manner it should LADIES SKIRTS COATS ing man.
modio Ariab, is as ancient as the history now be considered that the of civilization, that is to say, it is a proVenereal Diseases Constitute blem of every age and of every country Problem 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE.
Dr. CONNELL and it is still unsolvad.
similar to the yellow fever problem.
NEWS ITEMS Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
This problem, in my judgment, con. In this manner their 27, 000 soldiers SURGEON DENTIST tains two distinct clements: One is that and ourselves incidentitly would be By the payment of 35, 176, 123, which is reached by legislation pro freed from the ravages of such diseases, Can be found at 175 Great Poes, has settled hr say the AS per, whereas the other is covered only without throwing the burden upen us, ciated by rules of morality, as indicated in the in as much as the American Army conCentral Avenue obligation to the American Gor.
happy classification made by Jeremy stitutes the factor that aggravates and ernment for munitions negotiatBentham. We ma avail ourselves of makes more complex the small portion Opposite Station ed for during the war, the War education, of religion, of hygiene and of of the problem which really belongs to Department announced. Of the medicine to minimive and check or pre us.
total sum paid, 13, 600, 000 was went the disastrous consequences which If the Red Light Districts are abol 122 Central Ave. Panama ALLMAN for Liberty motors, 13. 274, 000 have been very ably demonstrated, with ished in Panama and Colon, if prostitufor airplane spruce, 2, 887, 000 the help of of abundant and important tionis penalized as a crime in the The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment data, by the Army Surgeons who spoke Republic of Panama, if for wood distillates, 4, 690, 000 for LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR powder, and 651, 900 as the Britin the Canal The picture drawn before us Zone soldiers and sailors cannot satisfy and Prompt Attention.
Between 10th and 11th Sts. ish shares in the cotton liners.
could not be more appalling; but am their sexual instincts when they are not going to take the liberty to make a married, do you not realize the danger Bottle Alley. Colon, statement. that there is for the respectable and Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of proposal which has been this: That in connection with the procent women of our society in the fact PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDImade in the French Chamber of MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER blem of yenereal diseases in our country that these 27, 000 soldiers could not be Deputies to impose the Death at this time, such a problem is rather an ontrolled by a small and weak body of CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC. LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Penalty upon profiteers of food American problem than. Panamanian policemen and a few patrola?
Latest English and American Fashions. by a Commission that has been and clothing is being considered problem. It is evident that we should If you can solve this American pro We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
Be Turdened with that part of the pro lem we would be very pleased to investigating the like situation in Also Cleaning Pressing Great Britain. telegram blem which should fairls correspond to imitate the measures taken by you.
by the Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon. Your Patronage Solicited International News Service has us as in far am going to recall fact, of it that the most drastic control is refers to the actual case now before us, which have no evidence, but which Prices Moderate BROWNE McALMON forecasted by the newspapers in it may be asserted that three fourths of any PROPRIETORS.
their comment upon the continthat problem at least, should correspond aust be brought to mind in attempt to solve this problem. When MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY ued rise in pricus.
to the Canal Zone; that is to say, Brig: General Blatchford issued his have expenses Ito express TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT situation, The Chemical Hall just now.


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