
what Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Plain Ti luus SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE WATCH lines or the which remes the beste foreningen mber of Com WATCHES and JEWELRY bomberos aparel de pa ang hot ball, etc Cannon 122 CENTRAL AVENUE San Phone 939 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1910 PAGE SEVEN some good. It certainly can do 15 Interesting News From.
any harm, do not know that the efforts of the deputation will alone Continued frow prije be successful in bringing colonists into the colony, but it is cerin on the light with he next tion. Most of the people at home tainly a step in the right direcW or so.
and in India do not know where The Catholic Fidly Society manner per of a plac. Bra al Po of Spain ce brated its ish Guiana is or under what con dition its people live. nd the dep on last Monday AND h anniversary mors in there was utation has been doing Tinksgiving Mass at the Cathe. amount of educational work Most of the East ladian lead clof the Immaculate Concep ers, continued Mr. Sherlock, after members wire served at the Society han after a pause, were under the with light reakfast. In the even impression that in Demerara no ing there was a well attended re: East Indian was allowed to own union, there being included in and or to vote, and that errone.
Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
the assibly, legal advisered understanding was correct.
CM The members seemed to McCarthy, Solicitor as him to be in optimistic mood and They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as We so spral returned soldiers to be quite satisfied with the proAller the President had read a gross of their mission.
with the man who earns 25, 00 per month.
nost interesting and illuminating fred Collet, the Governor, was port on the work during the past year and also its present with the deputation in rk during the war, several every instance and was taking or wildresses were given by a great interest in the worn.
mantri Mr. Sherlock ended by saying that the deputation had been en Un to yesterday afternoon, tertamed by Mr.
Montgomery 478 sports were issued ai Parker, Mr. J. McConnell and the colonial Secretary Office. the West India Committee. The Sokosos EXKOCKASS SSSSS 5:50 90 30 OXOCHE Por issued by the Constabu deputation were very much inlary Department, have run farir, debted to Mr. Aspinall, Sec retat of the West India Com to the tens of thousands. for the trouble taken on 1916, and proceeded to Egypt in until at length it disappeared.
returned to the Our boys of the Egyptian Ex their behalt with regard to the July of that year, sveing servies The steamers MA NEED Cycle Club.
finding of accommodation for with the 5th Reserve Batt. stelling at about 12. 30 o clock.
peditionary Force who returned them movement is on foot in Demhere on last Friday were, before them and arranging a program leaving ismailia on May 23rd pre mer in fact he did not know erara, to start a cycle club in the sented with certificates signed what the deputation would have The Late Mr. Beckwith Cable Communicanear future. The object of the by Brigadier General Bayn done had it not been for the ser.
club, primarily, wili be to improve vice rendered by Mr. Aspinall.
the officer commanding DEMERARA PLANTEB REQUESTED We Always have in Handa Com cycle racing in the colony, but of communicationsare your de plete line at Reliable Low Prices its activities will not be confined TO BE BURIED AT SEA At meeting of as follows: Rice Surplus in to cycle parture from the Egyptian Expe.
racing only, it being con templated to include ches ditionary Force and your re en Demerara The death took place on Wed. merce which took place on the 22nd instant, the President in.
try into civil life, wish to thank nesday, the 13th instant, in the form etc. Membership will be you for the valuable services you Public Hospital, Georgetown, of formed the Council that is cor. Give us a call Before Going Else ball have rendered to the army and Possibility of Supplying nos, Beckwithe meetagen of nection with the defects in the where were not sure to be on time open to persons other than ama P. Telegraph Service, he WATCH was by is understood Pln. Haags Boscha, East Bank had seen His Excellency the oftio that the Hon. Nelson Neighbouring Colonies has Demerara, after two weeks ill bad seen been approached with the object The Demerara Argosy of the ness. Born 66 years ugo, Mr. cero administering the Govern: Remember We Make Wed of getting him to identify himself Tobago 14th inst. referring to the failure Beckwith took a keen interest in ment about the matter, who stat.
NE ined that he with the movement and to behe had communicated of ding Rings and Other come the president of the club.
the of This colony is very likely to ben charge of Haags Bosche, a branch cards imposing the penalties un Jewelry to Order company has been floated by edit as the result of the embargo of Pin. Diamond. He was not a few gentlemen here under the if the Government would as far the best of health for soule tinh der their contract for the nonST. VINCENT name of the Tobago Fisheries. as possible assist in the exporta and two weeks ago be entered Excellency also told him that FULLER is the MAN You Want to See perfermance of the service. His We hope this company will suction of rice to the West Indies. the hospital where the end came proposed that wireless conmu(From the Sentry.
ceed, which they will if the Man. It will be recollected that the co as stated.
agement is in the hends of an nication should take place direct experienced man. Our ti bing markets in consequence of an long lost its hold on the island THE FUNERAL with Bermuda instead of through Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Action for Libel banks contain a good supply of embargo placed Trinidad upon the expor. At his request the burial took tish, and we are certain a profit tation of rice by the local Govern place at sea next morning the We regret to learn that our able trade should be the resul ment with the result that Trini cortége leaving the hospital shortlocal contemporary is to be the We wish the industry a long life dad, our largest customer during ly before o clock and proceed 23, 882 defendant in an action for libel filed in the local Courts by Mr.
The Tobago Theatre bas come Barbados, had to turn their at stelling where the Arapima the earlier days of the war, and ing to the Government steamer Alexander Smith, a large land owner, of this colony.
to stay, we are glad to say. The tention to India for supplies. was in readiness. The Rev. Hay.
whole building has been renovat. Such large stocks were secured dock Wilson officiated: The Times of the 22nd of May ed and the management is now in that the markets were glutted steamer 1919, cleared off from the stellincreases one interest in appeared advocating the hands of a trained and capa with the result that local mer. ing at about 15 o clock and an extension of Land Settlement ble man chants who had accumulated wended its way to sea. Upon and deprecating the existence stocks lost heavily. Following passing the lightship for about a PHOTOGRAPHY of considerable areas of cultivable this.
land which Demerara the merchants decline to mile, the engines were stopped are uncultivated.
advance moneys on rice crops as and the last rite begun. the body In the course of the article cerhad done in the in the past and the being subsequently committed to tain remarks relating to Mr.
industry was deprived of a filip the ocean. Gradually it sank be CALL IN AT THE Smith are regarded by him as Demerara Peti of half million dollars during the low the surface of the water libelous and injurous to his in.
last season. Added to this, the terests, and upon this he protion. farmers refrained from milling a COMMENDABLE RACE poses to claim damages. Mr. Amaelius Richards is retained portion of the paddy RE THE COLONIZATION produced in the colon y during the by Mr. Bonadie the Editor ENTERPRISE.
last season, with the of the Times.
68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 result that a SCHEME.
good quantity of the the crop is still THE EVELYN HORTON MANU.
The Port of Spaia Gazette stored up in barns in the FACTURING CO, Mr. Sardine, manager states it has received from the country. But there were other And you are sure to be interested in having of the Kingston Electric Theatre, Secretary of the British Guiana circumstauces that made them St. Louis, Mo.
your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor has been served with a writ of Labour Union, the text of a peti selves felt, such for instance, as MADAM EVELYN HORTON is the summons in connection with an tion to the Secretary of States for the failure of planters to meet enterprising colored woman who doC. McKENZIE action for slander which is being the colonies, setting out inter alia loans taken from district loan. voted herself with great success to the filed against him. This suit that the Colonization movement banks and from resident money study of producing high class toilet (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
the result of a dispute which which originated with the Plant lenders, the congestion of trade preparatipns suitable to the people occurred at the theatre, on the ers Association, only takes into due to the impossiti ex night of the 9th July last, beaccount the interests of These preparations were plachd on the changing crops and tiam comi the narket 10 years ago, and by talists tween the manager and Mr.
Printing, exclusion of the tant forleiture of securities upon scientific improvements the wonderful Developing and Enlarging Eric Beach, who presented at workers of the colony; and pray loans.
Hortona Toilet Preparations It is stated, hìwever, the door of the Circle an adthat His not the expected SPECIAL FEATURE promises have been produced mission ticket which is alleged su enter their hardship to be in to be one The Hortona Toilet Preparato have been sold on the night creased by allowing the intro the colony for several years past tions which have stood the test of of the 30th June. Mr. Beach asof serted that he bought the ticket under present conditions in the the colony succeeding in recap. the United States, and have just been from the seller at the box that colony, without any definite turing the market lost no it in introduced in the Republic of Panama, United Brotherhood Directory night (9th July) and paid 8d. for scheme of colonization which will consequence of precautions made stand to day without equal for growas a circle ticket, and Mr.
preserve the health of the inhabi necessary on account of war, ting facial blemishes, and improving Sardine tants and enabe them to acquire with a very large expected crop the skin generails it was in whilst for the seller independence as a result of earn and the surplus from last season.
up in Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, to sell a ticket from a roll she ing suitable wages; and without the coluny should be able to rise simple but secure contains to avoid Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. E, Bridge, President; Wil did not have that night is alleged there being in the colony there to the necessity of supplying the high cost in packing and be sold Geo. Henlin, Sceretary Treasurer. liams. Secretary Treasurer, to have made certain remarks quired capital to extend its indus neighbouring colonies with a at the lowest possible prices.
Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, to Mr. Beach which he claims to Austries and further its develop large portion of their require the best recommendation avant de Panamskrity Secoh Woodren, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretary is filing the action.
Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. be slandrous and upon which he ment.
offer for wonderful preparator Shields SecretaryTreasurer.
is the unfailing and high satisfactory results obtained by the many tho. Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, 2510, Gatun. Dr.
Colonization Depu Beloved Sandise herre a ser ingen prove Betalpence President; JonesCox. President; Callender Secretary from Edinburgh, arrived by the Give them trial Secretary Treasurer.
tation Officer.
Mail Steamer to fill an appointfor yourself, what we now claim for Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa cer in this colony. We underment as a District Medical Offi. Forsyth, President; Small, SecreWe take the following from the The Argosy reports the follow The articles are: Dunn, President; Killing stand he received his appoint, tary Treasurer.
ing interview between a repre. Demerara Arvos of the 20th Har ton a Hair Grower. Hartona beck, Secretary Treasurer.
ment direct from the Colonial Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun.
sentative of that paper and the inst Captain. Eccles, Hon. Sherlock, who returna in charge of the returning troops wlio arrived by the Chignecto Beauty Creana.
Liberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank. Office.
Special Hair Grower, Har tary Treasurer.
Rayside, President; Bracey, SecreR. Austin, President; Bannister. Continued on Page 8)
ed to Demerara from England in tona Vanishing Cream.
was one of the most popular recently Secretary Treasurer.
Temple Grower, Hartona Victor Collins Lodge No. 2603, PanaBrown Skin Powder (3 ADVERTISE IN Yes, spent part of my time officers of the British West Indies ma City. Collins, Presldent; Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire.
with the deputation, he answer Regiment, being as much beloved Tetter Cure, Hartona Face Saunders, Secretary Treasurer. Wh, Stoute, President; Headley, The Workman ed, our reporter seeking to allay by men of the island of Trinidad Secretary Treasurer.
the public hunger for news of where he hails froin, as by Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Papama the Pressing Oil, Hartona Hair the Colonization Deputation. men of the various other colonies Remover Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama. WILKINSON went with them to Lord Mine of the West Indies. He enlisted Shampoo, Hartona Deo Day, Secretary Treasurer. Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, Secretary accorated the deptata in February, 1915, and proceeded sold at the Eldorado. Store, ama city. Humphrey. President; of for volo Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan. Secretary Treasurer.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon.
in a sympathetic hearing. This to Gallipoli the following Septem Bolivar Street, Colon, Manley, Secretary Treasurer, Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
about the 28th July. The de ber. He was among those to Between 7th and 8th Streets. Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paeama First Class Workmanship putation had previously had effect a landing on the Peninsula City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, SecreAneon Lodge No. 2516, Panama, Alf. Plans and Specifications Free s, added Mr. Sherlock and remained there for two Agents Wanted, Write at once to. Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
meetings, with the Empire Resources De months, when he was t«ken ill Madam DeWEEVER, tary Treasurer.
nement Committee and the In and invalided to England. He Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon.
15th Street West House 90 o DeWEEVER, al Parliamentary Committi e. was transferred to the British Scott, President; G, Caterson, Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon the deputation will do West Indies Regiment in May, Box 753, Cristobal,, Secretary Treasurer. Gunter, Secretary Treasurer. Box 411, Panama, Good Picture In an article they Scranton Photo Studio very large capito the the known in contending that them.
Bleach dorant.


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