p. 8


Sunday, the Pickwick e crossed Owing to for the that among Wihod the y Doth ME.
delivered Bottling Chorrillo Drug Store.
ly presiding at Mr. Morales PAGE EIGIT TIE WORKMAN, SATURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919.
Court John Wallace Notice.
PACIFIC THEATRE Standard Defeats Pickwick UNION HALL Continued frow page the undersigned bag to in.
Elated over the brilliant display they PANAMA COLON had made against Surrey the previous in the sponge and give up the form the public, that will not struggle which he was unsel be respinsible for any debs TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCT. 4th. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th fishly carrying on for the race tracted by my wife Julia Tron bals with the Standard at the Standard Oval last Sunday The wicket owing, to the meagre sapport man, she having left my house Last two Episodes, 17th 18th of was in a frilly good condition, so it was and appreciation which the and protection since August Aun. THE BLACK BOX THE MYSTERY SHIP.
no surprise when Standard elected to bat paper Rot, but by dint of cour. 1919, without my knowledge.
after having won the toes. EPISODES age and patience he kept up the showing Pickwlck had made agbinst until he had the satisfaction to Joseph Federick Thorpe SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th see today a new negro on the Surry the Sunday before, and the pocr SUNDAY AND MONDAY Isthmus new negro awakenIs Nɔt Dead way in which Standard has been playing Commencing with the 1st 2nd Episodes of ed to the realisation of his rights season, Pickwick was heavily backed to defeat Standard, especially CHINESE ACROBATS Through this formation received at and whe was determined to see The VAMPIRE when it was seen what sort of team he gets it. He the speaker this office last week a pubiication anStandard was meeting them with Jor Another Exciting Serial of 10 Episodes, Tuesday and Wednesday last Episodes of was Bratitied to see that the nouncing the death of F. Thorpe apa peared in our issue of Saturday Inst, dan and Stoute opened the attack for had been cause for which he Pickwick while Teach Thomas and The Black Box We regret this error although the res fighting these many years, hood Drayton, were the defenders. The game MONDAY TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY at last come to pass, vis: Unity ponability for the mistake is attributed West Indians on the Isth to one of the attendants at at the land opened rather suspiciously for Standard.
Each Night Two Episodes of Thursday, October 9th as Thomas hit the first ball bowled to mus of Panama and he begged who evidently did not know Thorpe.
leave to emphasize the statement The WORKMAN takes pleure in him for six.
Pickwick started to held The VAMPIRE The VAMPIRE that this in itself was sufficient correcting the mistake and exprefairly good, but as they saw the batsmen stimulus propel him on to Cou pinea at the knowledge that it este one by ole, trying to make a stand they EX56 S00 Sasosxsexsex. co:68xSESEXSXC53:00:se:se:33:53 tinue the struggle with renewed friend is alive and doing niwly on the radually got discouraged and relaxed into their old sloven way of Melding. vigour.
Nr. Walrond concluded his reyrs of Standard men showed fine for United Brotherhood Meeting of Women Mem Isthmian District Grand marks by thanking the officers and if they continue so, we predict that bers.
Lodge during the latter half of the season, and members of the Court John Mrs. Homos Gibson (Continued from page 1)
which begins to morrow, they are going The Haf yearly session of the Wallace for their kind in vita Winner of Elocution мно лег to prove a thorn in the Nesh to a good place Wednesday night, Oct. 1st. There will be a meeting of all No. will be held at the Layal had enjoyed and Isthmian District Grand Lodge tion and the pleasant evening he Contest many of the leading clubs. They were The following visitors were pre: women members of the United Nelson Luige No, 19 Guachapali lodge continued all of there at last disposed of for 106 sent: Organizer Stoute, V. Brotherhoed at the St. Anthony on Saturday 11th Oct. 1919 com runs. The principal scores were Burton Morales, Tavernier and Mr. Hall on Thursday October 9th, mencing at p.
financially a americally The entertainment at the Cho.
rillo Baptist Churen of Tuesday 32, Thomas 26, Smith 22 not out, and Smith, vice president of Local to nominate and elect officers The Chairman next called on evening was a thorough success, John 12.
No. 2507 Lodges working in this Dis sister Harnes who in a few briel and will long be roinembered by and to discuss a name for said trict are requested to settle their words related the benefits she those who were present. Mr.
After the usual recess Pickwick went Mr. Tavernier spoke on co ope locul also to make application for indebtedness prior to the meet bad derived by being connected Linton who was the Chairman to the bat, but they just crumbled before ration for about ten minutes. the charter; all interested are ing. Officers and delegates are with the order of Forestry, the bowling of Hurton and John. The Mr. Stoute spoke a few words requested to be present and on requested te be punctual in their of the evening opened the meets only two men among who showed up in favor of the ex commissary vime. terse address by ing by making a few brief and attendance sny, were Brathwaite who mado 11 employees of Pedro Miguel and Fletcher. nomber of Court very interesting remarks, they and Jordan who made 12. They were then took his exit.
John Wallace on behalf of his followed by the singing of Hyme Ir. Smith pleaded with the all got out for 53 runs; Standard thus Court was well received for the 25, after which prayers were winning by 88 runs. These two teams members for about a half hour humoroue way in which it was said by Mr. Linton.
had already met early in the season, but to be one. Ho stated that up to of The program consisted owing to some dispute over the the present At this stage the Chairman songs, solos, dialogues and woiwe are only enrolled of time, by the umpire, Piekwick pro members, but not organized. He called on Mr. Jonas Wilson the tations.
tested, elnim log that Standard had beat said not until we get rid of traiold veteran founder of Forestry. Apbysical drill by four bowi on them after the time for drawing of tors and back biters before we and indeed of many secret ordare conducted by Mr. Baily. was The result of the protest was would be stumpe.
be organised on the Isthmus and of South masterlo that the Committee crdered the watch to and Central America, toad. tion contest which South masterly performed. The elocuwas the great be played over, and standard won this strongly on the remarks of the Just received a full stock ofdress the audience. Mr. Wilson est par est part of the program, was time with more than an hour to spare: former speaker first thanked the Chairman After a short Six per intensely interesting comment on the speakers, the SILVER CHAIN GOODS behalf of Court Wallace for kind song competed president elect said am now Miss Defeats Red Tank going to introduce to you as the at the meeting after Gibson, Mrs. Sandifor Mrs.
Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES which he gave a brief synopsis Lynch, Miss Smith, Miss Laste of interest was centered into this next speake of his work in connection with Willocks, and Mr. Dennison.
For every form of disease.
match last Suudsy, bot because the win Orea Speaker, the live wire of the Forestry in general here on the Mrs. Gibson, came off as the jing or losing of it had any bearing what Mr. Morales also commented Isthmus and elsewhere; and con winner. Her eloquent ora ion soever on the ultimate disposition of the very favorably on the remarks of cluded by calling for a hearty was perfect, fron start to tinish, TOILET Cup, but because it would decide who Mr. Smith, and encouraged the ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
vote of thanks for the Chairman which left no doubt in the minds was the champion taile ender. Batting members not to be insolent to and visitors.
of the audience and the Judges, first G, made 52 runs, the double their bosses, but rather work This brought a pleasant even that she was the successful win figure scorers being Knight b12 not out, bard if they wish to achieve their Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
ing function to a happy close. Der.
and Lewis 11, Wiltshire bowled ex aim as organized men.
Abat discoursed sweet music There were three Judges, and The Charter was uncovered by Satisfaction Guaranteed.
while the audience was sump ceedingly well for Red Tank and suewe are sure that they executed FLOWERS, Proreltor. tously treated to light refresh their duty in a very impartial ceeded in capturing wickets for 15 Mr. Morales, and read by Mr.
runs. On going to the wickets Red Smith. O, Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519 Tauk failed comple ely in pegotiating she bowling of Lewis and Alleyne Ancon Lodge No. 2516.
Anniversary Celebration and were all disposed of for the paltry Deciding Factor On Friday night the 26th Sept seore of 19 runs. Not one The Wesleyan Methodist The United Brotherhood has Taok bate came even near of making 1919, our regular meeting took Church in this City will celebrate doul e figures. The bfghest score was place at the San Miguel Lodge Hall, when the house was filled and that was by Mr. Extras. Lewis and to its utmost capacity, as p.
its anniversary on the 12th and now grown to such proportions Alleyne captured, each, four wickets for the 13th inst. Mr. Geo. Goodall, A, as to use its weight as a deciding president Brother Nelson will be the preacher on Sunday factor in any movement AT e runs. Poor Red Tank!
five the 12th at the morning and PLEASURE it decides that The other half of the season starts to took the chair and after usual the house evening services and int it will not buy from a Chinaan, it He for the trophy begins. Surrey is leading, went into the business of the 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA at o clock the beginning.
insolvent. If it decides choir will render the Cantatamis man church or engage the ser it will not go to the wuite closely followed by Pedro Miguel en!
evening, and shortly after 10 Next Door to Cecilia Theatre titled Jesus of Nazareth. This Candidates were choir is well known for the excel. Vices of white counsel to defend on the lence of its renditions and a him.
they both will soon be lookPresident then impressed. The Games for To Morrow.
newly made members, the re: Headquarters for musical treat awaits those who ing around for a job. If it de Jamaica La Boca at Isthmian several important matters were quirements of the Brotheriood, come. The admission is 25c. de cose to be juncrowed by the Public Service Jitney Park High Class Furniture Company Stocks go down with a slump, Pickwick Red Tank at standa;d gone through all business the and if it decides to real nune Sad Accident.
meeting then came to a close.
but a periodical edited and printSurrey Vincentian at B, ed by coloured men, all others Meus bers whose quarterly All New Goods Sold at dues are up for the term ending very sad occurrence took MUST fail. Better be careful 30th September are requested to Reasonable Terms.
place on Thursday last at 15 how you deseriminate against Barbage Can Nuisance pay up not later than the 13th when Joseph Nathaniel this determined 13000!
Oct at our regular meeting of Clarke, years old, fell from the the above named Local. Those WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US second floor of the To the Editor of The WORKMAN. tinancial and will not be consiOrange Flower Lodge not complying will become uning in Chorrillo, and sustained when buying Furniture.
grave injuries he was immediate On Saturday evening 20th Sept. 1919, Please permit me through the dered members.
ly taken to the SantofTomas Hos: The Symbol of Paradise Lost and Paraman WALKER Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock, pital, in an anconscious manner to enquire why it is that the Journal Agent where he died at 10. 30 Our diso Restored was placed within the of the Orange Flower requiring the covering of garbage sympathy goes out to the be Lodge No. 447, British Order of Ancient. strictly observed dur reavud perents Free Gardeners, 20th 8t Central Ave; ing the day and so 40 Vio when mystery tveiled itself.
during the The Slowken Association Amongst its Craftsmen the Ptose of very men who are in the employ Colon.
Panama Lądye, No. 13. The Lily of of the Santory Department? It the limes No.
Organised by Messrs. Samuel the Nile No. 181, and the Rose of indeed annoying to tenants and Passers bym certain sections Haynes and Sylvester is ed the candidates rechtho Ancient Reliespecially West Indian pogressing nicely. Meubings the mysteries of this city the way in which tløse (BRANDON BANK)
are held every Monday night at our Rites, and five received the sacred caps are lined up on sideSylvester Shoe Shop at the more relics of Hope and Consolation, the wallos, hours before the garbage corner of 10th, and sts. Colon. hey of things and the searts of the waggon comes around and open On Monbay night Sept. 29th, the Foundation of Cration were then made to the mercy of hungry dogs that following officers were nomina know by Bro. Callender, pull a good deal of the refuse out ted and elected: Mr. Ernest Bel Master of Ceretuonies, Assisted by of the cans and so poison the sur. FOUNDED 1066. lamy, President, Walter Proutt, Bros. Ward, and Bas rounding atmosphere with repugVice President, Jos. Sylvester com, and his respelert.
Secty. Samuel Haynes Treas Our large Resources and well known Broe. Torte, Pile, want odors. am sure that the Big Ones of the Sanitary De.
Trustees: Rhoderick McGowan Trotman, sw. Gittene partment do not know of this and conservative Management afford unand Murrell, Prescot. Clark, 8, we who, through force of cirquestioned security for every dollar the Worrel. There are at present with the various Past Officers and mom cumstasces, have to live on ground floors adjoining these 64 names enrolled. Officers will with sidewalks beg to bring the mat.
deposited with this bank.
be installed on Monday night bers of the combined lodges.
Iter to their attention in the hope Oct. th.
then retired to the banqueting hal where an excellent repast was provider that they will give us the chance To Whom It May Concern Valbaicen gave eminent and hopeful adwhen proe. Ward, Richards, Graham and of enjoying a little pure air when we sit at our doors in the cool of She evening to enjoy a siesta after General Banking Business Transacted dresses, the latter was most rugational, Mr. Eduardo V, Morales, has closing with joy and freedom.
our fashion. If it is not sanitary been appointed to represent the to have the garbage cans open in ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON West Indian Trading Company the day, the same rule, think, Prooldent.
Vice President.
Limited in the Province of Colon ought to apply at night. Thankand Cristobal.
President IT PAYS manner one of the Panama Furniture Company opening declared the after John goes what discussed and Titanic Build caps is so by the lated of is PANAMA BANKING COMPANY 20171 myo, five of on the SECURITY PANAMA OOLON Soloman Ashmarshall, Thomas Murrell, wm. and togeber


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