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read and congets from of West.
CURTIS OF KANSAS OF SOLDIERS Carson Lieut. Walton ar. MR, CARSON: Provides For Investigation Into 9th inst, and will adjust all me by several member rived here on Thursday the Sir: It has been reported to Important Meetings Held And of your Office Bearers Elected the claims of our brave church, that you challenged the Race Riots and Lynchings Boys who went to the front saying that the leaders are United Brotherhood last Sunday, during the war and returned shallow heads and drones, who The United Brotherhood of Past President, Wright; We hope they and all con rike to see their names in the The following highly in Land to investigate lynchteresting communications re ings which have occurred cerned will be abundantly newspapers. That they take Maintenance of Way and Predient, Grant: Vice Pres: Brown; Sec. Treasurer, people money and give ceived by the Isthmian Has been Registered in Panama den, Paris: Conductor, Jones: in different parts of the United satisfied and the British Con ibing in returo. The Union Railway Shop Laborers Fields; Chaplain. Osbourne; Journal Agent, Atweli; War: Branch of the National Asso possible the causes for such race great stress which it has been boycott the church, but they can ciation for the Advancement riots and Information from official sour. Sentinel, King.
Inner Sentinel. Ray: Outer of Colored People of the what remedy or remedies should undergoing recently in an do In reply to the above, want ces has reached this office to the At the conciusion of this cene are published for be einplayed to pee currende veel the prevent the re. swering queries as to these you to clearly understand that ietect that the WE new President thank general information. committee shall have sem solely responsible for all this has been duly registered in ed the Officers and members for to To all Officers of Branches of have meetings in any part of BW. Coming Concert writings against you cunning the Republic of Panama, accord: the confidence they had showit the National Association for we the United States, to call and ex white preachers, and not the this country, the official act taken placing him in his present poAdvancement of Colored amine witnesses to examine leaders of the Brotherhood. In uning sition. He spoke on holding toge papers and to take People:at the Notary Public ther and looking to the way of such shallow Grand preparations are in the heads, it is not the leaders who reference to being action as inay be necessary to making for the coming variety are shallow heads but the No. of this Circuit. resolution is ready to be in.
success, which will ultimately troduced in Congress calling for secure the facts.
concert on the 16th inst, by the bunch of ignorant Negroes who of the United Brotherhood hav, there see the wisdom and fore The Constitution and Bye laws lead us to Victory, and will a nation wide investigation of Happy Four Quartet. The sit and listen to the rubbish you ing been translated by the official sight of those who selected the lynching and mob violence.
ability of this wmpany is too sit number of Senators and Repre Negrces Ask President for well known to snake any neces white parasites preach. You cer. interpreter, and approved with name of our Lodge to be vie.
sentatives have pledged their Representation at Indus, sary comment. They are doing tainly have a nerve to attemot a signed resolution by the Secre make such statements. You tary of the Law and Justice, they. The minutes of the last regular votes for the resolution.
some serious and hard task reci trial Conference.
Support for this resolution tals, so the public is assured of also stated how you fed and passed on to the regular official meeting was ther must come from all order loving ryhoused them, some of whom you channels for registration, which ormed. Candidates were initiat Date September 20 something above Don miss this concert by the obelesed were present, and fit took ploce this week.
Unft. States citizens but es.
ed, financial report read, which pecially from members of the The National Association for means, as it is not often One your braying and barking The officers of the United disclosed the fact that we are 578 A.
the of Colored treat. If you ar: by stating all are the on emphatic letters endorsing the letter to President Wilson call be sorry on the morning of the youtube Cama cool boast of feed efforts in this connection. The subjects brought the evening to Branches are urged to write people to daye made publiced on the bright of the models, yabsent ingen ting te mathesedone to Brotherhood are to be congratu members herong hahantes are ting ing his his or her employer the Senators and Representatives 92 Negroes had been among the stead, and be ready for the 16th employer own money? Whare her har deri partotection or rele operate melding me which time to of the law in all was adjourned.
22 men Thursday next.
nos a pamųhlet in my possession ports as the Republic of Panama, written by white men like your and it is expected that prompt Nomination of Officers and every member of the country invited to meet in WashA. is asked to telegraph or relations between labour and on October 6, to plan new self that says Mr Carson is is steps will be taken to line up the Select Dance write his Senators and Repre Hospital Chaplain for which he large labor force in Bocas del capital.
receives a small Government Toro.
Members of the United Bro.
The letter which by Time. Act at once and The select dance which takes salary. This is not sufficient for THE WORKMAN congratulates therhood will please bear in leaves. Coubt in the minds no John Shilady, asks the am placerat lie Panama Atletic Club his living expenses. He is also the Brotherhood on eluk import mind that nomination de la cele tion of officers for the ensuing the members of Congress that pointment of Negroes to the tc night, promises to be one of rector of St. Paul Church, a ant step.
Indian congregation in term takes place on the fiast retheir constituents want mob vio commission in proportion to the the classiest staged for the sea lence out. The fiirst step percentage that Nexro labour sol. The promoter, Miss Lilia Panama. St. Paul Church con gular meeting in Octobar. Only Foch Lodge members in financial standing need attend this meeting.
which will bring all the facts be labour supply, namely 17 per ed in making preparations fo livelihood.
West Indian congregation for the unique affair and a vede predia St. Luke Church (white) to be your estimable journal for the Sir: Please allow me space in fore the country as they could be cent.
NICHOLAS CARTER, brought in no other way.
The letter reads: a big success for the ardent lady drawing upon its bounty. Hay following: General Chairman.
Write! Telegrap! And urge promoter.
every Membsr of the Branch HON. WOODROW WILSON, ing these facts staring you in All French members of the the face, would like to know Brotherhood are notified that the and all others to do likewise. President of the United States. The te y. ery ahip.
SPECIAL MEETING Wasington, where you got the nerve from to first regular meeting of the above For Immediate Release. claim that you fed and housed mentioned Local will be on For all Electrical Workers and Sie. The press of September fail to visit the Union Hall the phlet in my possession, if the at St. Anthony Hall, Colon movie fans should not them. According to the pam. Saturday night, October 1lth.
September 26, 1919.
18 tell of the invitation extended coming week and ee that bighly West Indians stop as a body of the meeting will start at 30 Members of the Excelsior An investigation by the United by you to twenty two men resid dramatic. exciting Lodge, and sensi States Senate into race riots and in mee in Washington, October tionat serial picture me My Church. of which fail to see Also the French workers in a special meeting which will take Negroes from attending Syntesi Senatroughout the United to meet in Washington ancto her which is onww. being You are hereby called to attend next. to forinulate plans for States is provided for in at cosy picture lution introduced by Senator development of a new relntion Charles Curtis of Kansas, it was the dispatch also tell of the Serial picture make such a hit blue shirt and a khaki pants member that we are working to Bridge, Tuesday night, October ship between capital and labour house. Never before did a have to familiarize yourself with meeting, because they must re Cross new House, Calidonia announced today by the Nation selection to be made later of an did this picture during the time big ditch. You also stated. We better our moral and material po 15th.
and attracted such such crowds and go in search of a job along the the Advancement All members around Panama Colored People, 70 Fifth additional and equal number of its it was shown BACON at conferees the Pleide take the people money and give by organized labour Theatre, in this city.
New York City and along the lines are requested nothing. in return. Suppose this Journal Agent.
to attend; as this will be our first The Association unreservedly and organized employers.
The acting by Neva Geber and were true, we are all Negroes May we not call the resolution and meeting in the above district your attention Ben Wilson, the two leading alike; and when they are con Victory Lodge No. 2509 mentioned. Matters of great imurges every colored man and to a fact that apparently was stars in the play, is that in and out, we would help them portance of apertaining to the woman in the country who de overlooked by you in the election be desired and at once commend without throwing it in their teet Installed Officers welfare every Brolber Exsires better relations between of these men and one which we itself to the audience. To miss from the pulpit.
the white and colored rnces to feel should be brought to your seeing is to do one self sin in But when you take their money will be discussed.
write to his or her senator, urg attention and that of the country On Monday night, October 6th, expected ing action on the resolution.
at large comfortable homes, automobiles a regular meeting of the above pay their quarter og derechos de auto рау it reads as follows According to the census of 1910 there were in the United has been changed to emigration with it. you turn it over to the purpose of installing officers for all change. All Electrical ete, etc.
and if you build a church, nained Lodge was held for the night, so prove yourself with 66th CONGRESS.
Ist Session.
Stats at that time 7, 817, 922 Nu, u Europe. The industrial vacu. conterence (a bandful of white the ensuing term and also for the Workers are hereby notified not grees over ten years of age, and um thus created bas, to a large men) but if we build a church, transactioning general business. to pay any quarterly dues to any that number 5, 192, 585, or 71 extent, been filled and will con. they become In the Senate of the meeting was called to order other Lodge but the Excelsior, percent were employed in gain unue to be filled by Negro work, thereor. The pamphlet in myfpos. by President Wright, at 45 also new members will be re United States. ful occupation. According to the men from the South. With his same records there were in Am labor thus COOKING September 22, 1919.
jurica 63, 933, 870 whites ten years erto polecaking on a value hith session states, that St. Luke After the sual opening ceived mes congregation (white folks) win formalities. the President ad Journal Agent.
sincerely believe they right; Mr. Curtis submitted the fol of age and over, of which num more and more a factor in the not give you any support: ayd dressed his Brothers in his usual usual forceful style, reminding lowing resolutions which was re: ber omby 32, 974. 056, or slightly industrial life of the country. In andered there and videogam darenesu them that the night is still on cent, were ployed in gainful ferred to the Committ e tin tbe less than 50 per occupations. the future between capital andlage every Negro member to do and they must continue strops to Perseverance Lodge No.
He said they had made We wish to Resolution.
ty two persons invited by you to not ask if it is at all wise to the fact that no one of the twen of the present unrest, turn for their money? All you a kood beginning, but it is a we have to offer the for their money ending that counts, and Resolved. Tbat the Committee sit The Lodge this commission ato heaven above, paved with Joshua partinge wohen he stalia 2501 is, of the nore in this manner nearly seven gold, diamond and States Senate be, and it is here to the above records one of every erica? May we not, therefore, grab all you can get down here. ous At the close of the Pres. nominating and electing its of. of the. Stoute thanks point representatives of colored churches, buriwe are trying to President, Faller, to install the Committee, investigate the May we not also remind you of labor at least in proportion to get ride or you white parasites new Officers. This worthy Bro to his delicate hanc ling of the af race riots in the cito combining the fact that due to the exigen: the percentage that Negre labor and we are going to get rid of you. Ther in his cool and officient man faissed the evening, the balicting District of Columbia, and sies a result total the off smoothly.
other cities in the United States, war, immigration from Europe supply. Continued on page following order. Continued on page LAST PAGE It is unfair to the a reso screened that we sition.
Association for Avenue, of endorses ce si chesapbuilding on justice to do the end. He in view a good.
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