
PAGE TWO TE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands THE HIGHEST COMPACT or more as medically un for fit a month, proposed as an ant by held a The Calidonia Jewelry Store great Blue.
to of the Reid famous they enjoy.
United States Pharmacy aniand thus Jamaica Successful Ja(Prom the Gleaner. maican.
Christiana Happen Mr. Arthur Lee Did Good ings.
Work During War.
The Crystal Palace Advertiser Prolonged Drought was of July 5th publishes the followbroken on Saturday lasting by a Veritable CloudAn old Upper Norwood resident, Mr. Arthur Lee, of 74.
Church road, has received from the War Office a letter conveying NEEDS OF DISTRICT the thanks of the Commander in Chief and a badge to commemo rate work done during the Coffee Crop Might be Smaller Berary service abroad, Then was oxpacted but the Price is Soaring.
Mr. Lee, who served with the Royal Engineers dhe Christiana, Monday. The pro Autumn of 1914, responded 10 longed dronght which had been tember of and was one affecting this section of the tember of that year, of 80 civil engineers chosen parish has been broken copious showers of rain. On take part of the construction of Saturday last there was what the London Defences.
might be termed a regular cloud: position on the defense work as burst. Suddenly the sky be till the forces were disbanded in one of the Emergency Engineers came black, and almost instant vast columns of water including 230 unarmed troops tar December, 1918, having 400 men, were pouring down from the It was the hard miles of defense work, north and est shower ever witnessed here south of the Thames under his for a long time. The cultivators super supervision. An student of are making good use of the open the Crystal Palace Engineering portunity, and are busy putting School, Mr. Lee was in such crops as corn, peas, and engaged for nine years on the construction of potatoes.
During the beavy shower of and has the Admiralty Harbour, Dover, which fell on Saturday three completed 21 years rain donkeys were killed Postanta the service of Viscount Cow of Midhurst, head neously by lightning. They were orla tirm of. owned Ltd from the district of Wild Cane Messrs. Pearson and Son, Lea: Mr. Arthur Lee is a son of Mr.
not many miles from this town Reid who took the donkeys with Henry Lee who was in the Kinghis provision to market to sell, Office some years ago, and a with ston General Commissioners left them tied up under a tree in grandson of Mr. Lee, late Ad.
the market premises where they met their untimely death from ministrator General.
lightning. Much sympathy is felt for the unfortunate owner.
Barbados There is a good deal of dissatisfaction about the Cristiana mar. Froin the Herald)
kut. The market is not provided with a thoroughfare for donkeys and mules which must of neces. The Tourist Season.
be These mals loaded with provisions are simply hauled in by their injudi. The tourist season this year cious owners any where over the should be an exceedingly good the buyers run oue. Letters received from the risk of being bounced down America are couched in most opto their great annoyance. It timistic language and point to the would be money well spent if likelihood of the West Indian the Parochial Board would see Colonies being well favoured.
to it that a proper thoroughfare Most of the success we may obis provided for all animals which tain in this direction will be due are taken to the market.
to the present prohibition law in Many of the District needs Tank seasoned the habit of The district of Devon is badly their whiskies and malt xide. in need of a parish tapk. At pre liquors without interference, sent the only means of water have been much upset by the supply is a stagnant pond called drastic measure which precludes the Duck Pond. Hundreds of the imbibition of any liquid with people take water from this a greater place in the dry from wbat your correspondents As quite a large percentage of in agur puris, have been able to glean, the these have never tasted water mode of dipping water from this they are undergoing no end of pond is fraught with danger. torture at being compulsorily All and sundry have to go in the forced to adopt it as the drink of supply and is drinks. The West Indies will. thus a means of spreading, di therefore, be sought as the stage sease. This pond also receives setting for Bacchanalian orgies higher and importers could do worse grounds. It is hoped that the than put in a good stock of CanaParochial board will come to the dian Club and other brand.
rescue and provide this populous district with a parish tank Influenza.
at no distant date. little influenza ushered in by Hookworm Campaign the recent rains, and diarrhoea The hookworm campaign has ushered in by varying causes, are been started in the Spalding sec the standard complaints now oc tione poftehe parish of Clarendon en mere autentioner of our Not long ago De Cross well the looking thinner than usual and is. Every man is present giving lectures.
sanitary officer is going conghing sepulchrously. We can raro cond scarcely declare with any degree that proper sanitary con.
veniences are erected. The pit of exactitude whether it is cheapsystem cannot Tork in that secer now to be ill than to be well.
tion of the parishes the soil is Medicines and foodstuffs seem of such a nature that water is about the same, and the price of met with one or two feet down, milk is still up yonder. By the The bucket system will have to way, cow keepers have apparent.
remain in use.
ly not yet heard that corn weat is plentiful and cheap.
The trees planted by the Agri: cultural Society as a means of beautifying this picturesque township (Spalding) are growing Schedule Scale splendidly. Hardly any have died. When these are full grown there will be something for the For Sale of Foodstuffs.
Society to be proud of.
The barvesting of the coffee We see the Governor in Execucrop has commenced. The tive Committee has at last thought drought has had some effect on fit to fix a schedule of prices for the berries, many of them being the sale of foodstuffs. The consuwithered; anyway the good mer has been waiting quite a prices will make up for the while for this. It would seem as shortage of the crop. The price it help has come almost too late.
is Is, and in some parts. 1s 3d per Most of us are so cleaned out fi1b nancially that now a scale hrs Bananas are going at 11 10s been arranged we are almost too per hundred counts. There is a broke to do any pu el asing. We talk of the new Company open Yare already living on next year ing operations in these parts. salary. We suppose, however, we Movements are watched with must be thankful for long deferred mercies, Bread Shortage Jor more parishioners complaining Local bakers are suffering to thereof, that any Clerk in Holy some extent for four supplies. Orders may have been guilty of WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. The grounding of the Canadian negleet of duty; or of abuse of his boat at Bermuda has held up our ministerial authority or of deli Let there be truth between supplies and there has been berate refusal to obey the Canons somewhat of a bread shortage of the Diocese and the Constitu us two for evermore One merchant at least, however, shall be lawful for the Bishop.
although not a very serious one tion and Rules of the Synod, it had a Bank Holiday. He runs his bis own motim, or on the appliePRICE QUALITY SERVICE bustness in Roebuck Street. tion, in writing of wo or largo importation, which he bad parishioners complaining thered on hand, has netted him quite in lieu of action under clauses 52 Gasoline. Oil: Ropeir Parts. Accessories. fancy prices and he is necessarily 60 of the Anglican Church Act, to pleased. He has showed his ap summon such offending Clerk be preciation of the fortunate condi fore him, sitting with the Deau and Chapter as assessors, and tu WESTERN AUTO tions by going on holiday.
hear, determine and adjudge the case, and it shall be lawful for him, GRAVES JOHNSON Nomination Day monish,. censure, or suspend for if the charge be proved, to ad 7th Street Ancon Avenue. Phone Corp. 85.
a month, the offendiog Clerk.
ment All Members Returned Unop. Hutchinson, seconded by the Rev.
the Rev.
posed, that the Synol Council should be the Bishop assessors or Counsellors in suci In the various Halls wherr Vom enquires instead of the Dean and ination Day is an ally observ. Chapter, but the amendment met ed throughout the couny, a hand with little support and was subseful of electors in each case gath quently withdrawn.
ored on Monday to return to the Kouse of Assembly for the 1919 Obarrio Building. No. 2, Cilidonia Road New Cadets Enrolled. 20 session the varions members who had represented them durEight now cadets have been reLET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR ing the previous session. Some cently drafted into the public persons viewed this exhibition of service of the colony.
It is gra.
WATCH REPAIRING aninterest as the hall mark of tifying to find that places have satisfaction with the candidates been made for a few of those VA work, the inajority as menising that course they are only on proba: returned from the front. Of WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. representative Govenment appreciated and that the people tion and must prove their fitness generally are not fullt varitages names of the new cadets, arche permanently enrolled. The Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
At the Parochial Vessrs.
Byer, and Haynes who CAMPBELL Buildings, Cumberland Street, have been attached to the Waterthe candidates for St, Michael works Department, Johnston to WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Messrs. Cave and Williams) the Registrar Office, Cheese Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
gathered, and the the proceedings man and Roach ford to the Colo were presided over by Mr. James nial Secretary Office, Clarett to Sanderson. Mr. Woodbine Forde the Petty Debt Court, Barrow at proposed them and Mr. Bullen the Drill Hall, and Talma. Globe.
seconded. At the Hall the candidates for the City of Tragic Death of Year Bridgetown (Messrs Jones Girl and B, Austin) met. Mr.
Malby Triningham presiding as Sherity and were proposed by SUFFOCATES UNDER FALLEN Harper and seconded by ROOF Mr. Luther Miller.
Mr. Dudley King, a CommerSIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR The candidates for the St. Micon el constituency pledged them cial Traveller in the enploy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY selves to advocate the bringing fered a terrible bereavement on Messrs. Bryden Co. sufUsed successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years. in of an Income Tax in preference IT IS POSITIVE CURE POR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, to all other forms of taxation, and Sunday, 31st ultimo, when his and a prompt relief for some members representing rur nine year old daughter Enid met Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bad Breath, constituencies Constipation, were also favorably her death by suffocation at the Enid and residence of a friend inclined to a Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, to this view. The City here Indigestion, Sick Headache, Malaria, Sallow Complexion.
condidates expressed tarpur for her elder sister Marjorie were Simmons Liver Regulator is a regulator that extends the erection of a Wireless Station spending part of their vacation and also spoke on the necessity Davis, of Brittons Cross Road, its purifying and exhilarating influence to every part for increasing the grant to Second of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the and First Grade Education. In hous upper story of the Davis house appears for St.
mental faculties, sweetens the breath, restores vigor, bet activity, and cheerful spirits.
cies was also favorably consider of the injury was not known.
there was no leal and the extent депо (The Powder form can be sent by mail)
ed and a pledge made to support The Kings arrived on Saturday 30th and occupied an upstairs SOLD AND REOMMENDED BY bedroom On Sunday morning United States Pharmacy DISCIPLINING THE about 30 a heavy crash was 149 Central Ave. Panam Oppoolte El Sol Silk Store.
heard, and when Mr. Davis and CLERGY.
his folks ran to LOPEZ, Proprietor.
see what had At a recent sitting of the JDio happened they found the door of cesan Synod, the question of dis. the room in which the Kings ciplining the Clergy was discus. were sleeping jammed. When an Advertise in The Workman sed, when the following resolu entrance was forced it was found passed that shall have reason, or it be repre room was over six inches in allerede som dust IT PAYS sented to him in writing by two and mortar.
girl Enid was completely buried anden th. de bris and was senseless when extrieated Her sister Marjore, who was awake at the time of the occurrence escaped with slight injuries. Dr. Bannister was quickly summoned, but could do nothing for Enid, who expired about fifteen minutes after her Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York removal from tha room. Advocate Race Programme.
Under the auspices of the Bar.
Capltal, Surplus, and Undividad Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy. bados Tarf Club a provisional programine of Faces for two RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
days races in Febuary next is be Song ing published. There are eight races tixed for each day and the club is doing everything to see Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama that the meeting up to the standard of past years.
Depository of the Panama Canal The Late Bishop Swaby large brass memorial has been let into the Chancel floor THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION over the grave of Bishop Swaby.
IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF On the memorial is engraved a life size figure of our late Diocesan The National City Bank of New York in Cope and Mitre. The brass will be protected from the scratches of choiristers boots by ANBN SONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITEa mat, but it may be seen by any TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES One on application to the Cathedral officers.
The number of men of the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM West Indian Contingent who were recruited in this island and MORRIE, ROBERTSON, sent abroad for service during the war is about 800. Of this number Sub Manager Acting Manager. about 600 have arrived in three drafts of 320, 165 and 115 respec (Continued on page. Thes well who are in rains.
Michael and the City constituen aged hypehes to have been dan.
season, and than intense percentage of alchuhol to be found in water to obtain The.


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