
IN WORKWAN SATURDAY, OKOBR 11, 103 PAGE THREE The Death of Scippio Pollard LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes inte which of an Jio MULLER be kreat nen, and the sur.
ho occupied with a as clients and junior counce to Abouteistythe o constecipato nc FITZ BOWEN Also Cleaning Pressing even chant of shall. AC were Messrs Panama Furniture Company heart that was as sincere and genuine in the friendships it made as it was true ad tender in the performance by stealth, of many good and kindly acts which he certainly blushed Higl est tribute paid to Decease by And fame. Rather thua depart to from the noble traditions of a Bench, Bar and Press learned profession by accepting THE HOME OF hall or reduced to have appeared without fees, he is known Lees whatever in what he consiany Every Section of Trinidad Community Affected dered cases deserving of assisby Death.
During the past three weeks, he had been confined to The ortof pain Gazette of his time onward Mr. Pollard rose bed at his residence in Queen the wts the passing in public estimation as a skillful Park east. He was medically way of the famous Trinidad advocate and his faithful adher.
High and Low Cut attended by Dr. L Pollonais nuel Scipio Polence to the high principles of an with Dr. Boucand and Dr, udk in the following honorable profession quickly Lassalle as consultant, and earned his own reward of a lunursed in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet by nurses Williams and.
rying age of modern crative practice. The whole.
Gittens. His ailment however, tincs. Urformance of many heartedi zeal he invariably was beyond the wit of man to painful luis falls to the lot of brought to bear in the conduer the Pocket of All relieve, and he passed away the dooss. But seldom has of all his cases small or great, after much suffering during the its clien as solemn or its coupled with his high conception early hours of the day.
sorrow so poignant as in chronic of the responsibilities and duties His Family, Jing the demise of Emmanuel El an advocate, often brought Pollard, For, the him in personal conflict with the Mr. Pollard was twice married.
Colons looses one of its leading Bench. But it must his first wife was a Miss Hanni admit Bar a great ted that on these occasions iall, an English lady, who died mind that always illumined our whatever may have been blame Sole Agent 1913. By that inarriage there trles worthy in his advocacy, was al.
forensic tirmament. Like Charles Wor are six children all of wboa Maxwell Phillip and ways actuated by the purest vive. They are Misses StephaA Brown among others motives of heart.
37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA nie, Ruby, Dorothy and Prim de the Trinidad Bar Law and Practice.
rose Scipio Pollard, and Messrs.
powerful. Mr. Pollard Clare Noel and Denis Clement As a lawyer he had risen to in our legal economy a recognized the top of his profession, he bore Scipio Pollard. Mr. Scipio Pollard is now concluding his place of his own whose void tine his laurels with becoining is unable adequately to All or P, ALLMAN in of modesty clever and astute, both gland legal studies and will Panama Hats Hand Ironers memory effectively efface.
soon be called to the Bar. few Certainly. if contemporary continue his peculiar role was rather that CLEANED and BLOCKED LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR. years back, Mr. Pollard wed ion is too lavished or reserved in of defending counsel; and it may WANTED Mrs. Nanco (nee Cumming) the and TRIMMED to Order Between 10th and 11th Sts.
widow of a former barrister.
its praise owing to our propin of this union, there is no issue.
quity to his time, posterity bless justly be said of him as he him Bottle Alley. Colon, at La Esperanza Surviving him also are a brother ALSOself once twitted an opposing a due regard for precea colleague, that the robes of pro MILLINERY DRESSMAKING dent principle can not withhola code MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LAUNDRY and and a sister: Mr. Gilbert its unbiased verdict that there secutor hung but loosely about Pollard and Miss Auna Pollard.
died a masterIn professional no less LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Tributes in Supreme Court.
min known as Scippio Polled than in civ:l life, he may aptly be HOUSE No. 965, La Boca as a rough diainond Latest English and American Fashions. Only First Class Need Apply In the Supreme Court yesterBirth and Education.
esPAY EVERY QUINCENA. day, public notice was taken of years ago, pecially, the death of Mr. Scipio Polutter. As Your Patronage Solicited lard, His Honour Sir Alber, 1956, the subject of this cross examiner to lay juries in. THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR fred Lucie Smith, obituary notice first saw the light appreciative of the subtleties of Prices Moderate of day at St. James Street San the law, he might at times have 28 November Street, San Miguel WANTED AT ONCE presided. In attendance also Fernando, the eldest son (of tive appeared. but he allowed. Were: Mr. Gautea uine Registrar and Marshall. and Pollard of the late Thomas merno criticism House 20 from MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALITY the highMr. Ligoure (Deputy MarSan Fernando, who mi TWO COMPETENT est judicial source to make him At the bar grated here at an early age from compromise what he conceived ESIA COMPOSITORS Blache Wilson, thes sister colony of Barbados, He to be his duty to his client, in Good men will find good Savary, W. Andrew, Julian Isles (barPalma Chizzola dien prided himself or his Bar the discharge of which he left ancestry and his associa no stone unturned.
Hier risters. D tion with the Southern borough His Independence. Connor (Crown where he received bis earlies!
Apply at Brown, Eivor trition at Mr. Proctor schwi One characteristic more than 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Subsequently, he attended like any other that stood out in the The Workman Printery Hamel Smith, Prizgar, abso Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Queen Collegiate School in Port life of Mr. Pollard was Central Ave. Corner Prizgar, Fitz William, of Spain (now Queen Royal lute independence of thought and his Kowland Daniel, Polapparent disregard of conseCollege. in Street, No. lard, Henry. Llewelly Row he was feeed Clerical Life.
Headquarters for any cause or matter, be berts (Solicitors. There were identified also many other persons in the Young Pollard began his life as himself indissolubiy a clerk under the Borough Coun success or failure and es vigour cil of San Fernando where his it with all the resource and The Bench Tribute father held a seat for many years of which he was capable. And The Chief Justice. Mr Wiland his ability was particularly although he eschewed active par All New Goods Sold at THE COLON on and inembers of the Bar. recognized in the matter to tieipation in local municipal poliColored Comedy Co. Berkof the Court, wish to say ance. As years wore on, he threw tics he nevertheless held to his Reasonable Terms.
proceeding the in bats lot with the civil service, death, very strong views about to take you on a trip to with what great sorrow heard entered the General Post Office the Government abolishing the Laughland with an this morning of the passing as a clerk and sabsequently Port of Spain Borough Council in WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US UP TO THE MINUTE transferred to the Customs De 1899 with tho no away of Mr. Scipio Pollard. De partment. In his youth, he was surrender party. On any ques.
when buying Furniture.
course, we all knew he had been Comedy and Minstrel Show very ili for soine little time, but an ardent cricketer and played for tion or cause which absorbed his Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock death as the San Fernando of which whole being. Mr. Pollard never Saturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 by his ability and hard work, shock to every one. Mr. Pollard he was a member scrapled to wourd even friends Legal Studies. in defence of his client aised himself to the top of his wbich he Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal.
But Emmanuel Scipio Pollard profession; he became one of the leaders of the Bar of this colony, was not destined for a civil ser dedicated in fighting the Government ADMISSION and assure you had great Vice career. few years after when and was never happier than joining the Customs. Mr. Pollard when engaging at legal with some of our Reserved Seats. 50c. pleasure in recommending his corporations Genl. Admission.
who from his boyhood had shown aking silk at the time. He has a predilection for the hour, here. He has been the proximare been for a number of years the No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
threw up Government office and say, of more case law brie cause, as his coufreres would Purchase tickets oarly to avoid the rush head of the profession. He was elected to pursue the study WE LOVE THE LADIES man of sterling worth, and of the all his cases were got up with eeeded to law towards which end in this colony than any ote con.
GOOD DRESSMAKING England and entered temporary. And it is wat cord Prof. E, DEANE, meticulous care, one may alGray Inn. In due course he re local laws which legislation that many of the lacunae in our by INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP Manager, most say. Everything that his native land and leaflet or reference within recould be said for his client started on the practice of his procent times has remedied, have was said, and everything that the age of thirty years, being admitted on Septions in court. As all instance of could be was. and his been brought to light by objectember 27, 1887. In 1911 he was only by the bench, but by the independence of admitted to the dignity of His one need only recall his appear Mrs. ANN THOMAS, Bar and the whole community of Prinidad, lam sure, speaking simultaneously with the then At Katepayers Associnion at the Majesty Counsel in this colony. ane ance with other counsel for DRESSMAKER for myself, shall miss the aszorney General (Mr. Gollan) and Riot Enquiry Commission of 1903.
sistance that he always so readithe Commissioner of the District Proprietress.
EYES EXAMINED ly gave in every case he bar The Press.
Court (Mr. David. GLASSES PRESCRIBED before me. He was always well Fighting Pollard, No lawyer of even ordinary at Perfect fair and near vision in spin his law on the point, and certainly miss his great as.
After admission, Mr. Pollard tainments and limited practice one pair of glasses. sistance. He is an example that was no long in earning public can be reasonably expected to If you do not need glasses we Bar should well follow, showI think younger members of the confidence as a clever, painstak pass this way without comingle gally into contact with the press ing and resourceful advocate the country so intimately is will tell you so frankly. ing and as a consequence his profes the press associated with life and what hard work can do We offer best Optical Service. coupled with force and ability: sional services were greatly in law. Pollard has had the If deinand. His was the advantage honour of defending the press as LAUNDRY may be allowed to say so, he of having to rub shoulders with well as the misfortune to prose.
Office; 182 Bolivar Street, was strictly honourable in all his COLON many giants of the profession cute it. The service of the former dealings with the court and his who were his seniors, and as an tion we greatly appreciate, but the We are prepared to Clean and (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE) clients, and the Bench fat least, Press all kinds of Suits. speak for myself) could always brought him palpable imp cover untowardness of the latter we Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. rely on what said ment as he sat at the feet of the brave freely forgiven long ure this sistance that he gave. He was and the as learned Gamaliels of the Bar as we have freely for gutten. Even a hard worker, and now he has Always jealous of the dignity biscott, be it noted, did not affect his high sense of duty where he Prices Moderate WM. LAWRENCE gone to his rest. May be rest in and privileges that attached to held a brief ngainst the Fourth To his sorrowing family.
Pollard brooked no encroach ways regarded him with admirahave al Expert Operator and First Class Work. Tailor and Outfitter venture to tender my heartfelt and sincere sympathy. should ment thereon from whatsoever tior.
like to adjourn the Court Dealer in School Books, now as source; and it was in defice of Private Life.
SUITS CAN BE SENT TO OUR SUB OFFICES AT mark of of respect. But this this principle that the young ad(T dad Leaseholds Ltd. OwnThose who knew him very inand Stationary.
vocate scored his earliest triumph Chorillo. Street or Calidonia.
ers of Sataria. is an urbefore the Judicial Com timately, and they are not many, No. 11 Street, Panama gent matter, and am sure Mr.
mittee of the Privy Council, realised that the peculiar sensiPollard would have been the last where be successfully pleaded tiveness of his temperament was Office open every day from 30 a. to p. chains from Central Ave. man to wish this case should be his own cause in person it appeal largely due to painful malady CALL UP PHONE 629 Address: stopped. shall, however, adjunrn against the decision of the then for many years. His apparently Port of Spain Magistrate. From brusque exterior covered Box 805, Ancon, Continued on Page 6)
quence. When he with his High Class Furniture coming! Coming! Coming. court.
1899 when he at the. he always held sacred. The THE WOMAN EXCHANGE 25c.
19 turned to fession at DRESS MATERIAL OF STANDARD QUALITY. Panama Optical Co. con personne one her His his character. La Esperanza a man of worth.


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