
Published on Saturdays by nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited as as terated justice, with make not tion but a faith One Year Six Months Three One 20 80e.
ances The PAGE TOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOB 11, 1910 Editorialettes. is concerned, and so far as the gether as intelligent poople. Lest We Forget leaders of the colored people Both people bave similar exTHE WORKMAN Wild Agitators.
here are concerned, where is periences, and they know in It is fast going the rounds the public excitement? Where trigue when they see it. Alex. While honest people are agreed is the disturbance? Where is ander Victor, a Panamanian, ployees are real, and should be that the grievances of silver emamong the swivel chair sages the rebellion? Where is the is said to have been fired given unprejudiced, consideraRates for Advertisement on applies that the Organizers and lead revolution? The Labor Day from the services of a local con by the officials of the Palace WALROND, at the office Central Mon. Correspondence on all matters ers of the United Brother demonstrations answer the company because he has call ma Canal, we find those who de hood, well the All copy for publication must be leaders Box 74, Panama of the questions; the orderly be ed together in a bond of unity glory in the dispensation of adul of various striving havior of the silver employees independent labor; William might and must be accompanied by the name of colored institutions in this and the reduction of cases be Stoute has been denied re ap only the honest whites, but even RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION main to make 82. 40 03. the writer, not necessarlig for publica country are stirring up and fore the courts give the reply. pointment in the Canal Zone the silver employees themselves we do not undertako to return smaong the colored people on Canan ple repudiatetibe charge the eyes of his afflicted poople Wigerefore also not be negli agitating dissatisfaction As employees of the Panama Schools because he has opened beliere til at bebis ir marinary!
we speak is.
rejected correspondence.
the Zone. If we knew exactly the man who is responsible for and we say further, prove but the cause of justice will went to put you always in re The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS the invented lie. we woulu You can t, therefore we are now tie a poose of green though yo know them; are that we are wild agitators. triumph, and all who would membrance of these grievances touch him up a little and let SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919 him appear in his true colors. not. Go slow, on your accusa. withes around our necks will view of which is given to stir up greater misconception of tions, please!
one day surrender to the your pure minds by the way of The Trial By Jury the activities of the colored pangs of awakened consciences and seek forgiveness from ployees are not commensurate The Wages of Silver em people than that which speaks Vile intrigue: of them as wild agitators can The members of the varius, Tell it to them!
with the services rendered. Instead of thinking of the ser.
The trial for crime by a jury is co existent with scarcely be imagined. The ous labor organizations are vices rendered, and the cost of civilization, having had its rise and introduction somewhere leaders of the colored people having a hearty laugh at the What is This?
Living, the attention of those among the nations of Northern Europe where the desire are not wild agitators, and intrigue of their enemies who There is a very strong and por who fix wages is centered upon to give men their proper share of justice prompted the es those parties who say that are telling the West Indianssistent ruinor going around this the individual who is to receive tablishment of the system; and like, all other matters of they are have no knowledge not to mix with the Panama week that a man (perhaps the the little they dole out.
practical development, its history is one of evolution in pof what the words wild agi nians because they are indo same mao we heard about last dirt; dampness, darkeness, lack We have been taught that which, after centuries of varying experiments, it has reach tator mean, for the in lent and lazy, while almost in week) tries to mix in with busi of good food and pure air are not ed a stage that offers justice to one and all seeking their formation of all those treach the same breath, a moment ness of every department of the conducive to longevity; and that rights before the bar of equity.
Lerous Negroes who fawn at later, they duck away in an Canal work between Pawawa and we should clean our teeth, change Any country in which the system is practised and used the feet of their white over other corner and tell the Pa Gambon. Reports from along the our garments and bathe regularwrites her own name in the directory of civilized and pro lords and all those other fools namanians that the West In line state that not only do some whereby we may satisły the need gressive nations in which the rights of men are respected who categorize us as wild agi dians are chombos and they men catch the devil from him, although we give our labour, and safe guarded, irrespective of class, creed or COLOR. tators it might be defined what should not mix with them. but that he pays periodical visits skilled and otherwise.
The application of the system, however, depends on the the term gnifies. wild agi The transparency of the chi to other bosses with a view to in The price of the necessaries sense of justice as conceived in the minds of the men se tator is one who creates pub canery is making the schemers citing them to make it rough for of life has advanced more than lected to act as jurors. If the men, so chosen, are intelli lic excitement, or one who look as cheap as stale dough their men. It is further said that 100 while wages have remained gent and honorable qualifications which should be indis causes disturbances or one who nuts on the counter of an one day this week he visited alopet stationary Silver em ployees. exist pensable to a juryman their sense of justice will ensure starts the fire of rebellion, a over stocked cake shop. No, the locks at Miguel and attempt. Once is a miserable one.
verdicts and decisions that will satisfy the bench, the port of revolutionist. Now so the Panamanians and the led to butt in on the operations statements from the lips of the public and the litigants.
far as the United Brotherhood West Indians have come to when he mot a cold rebuff from Governor of the Panama Canal. one of the bosses with a view that and which may be found in the This system functions with the greatest satisfaction in his ad vice was not required.
Congressional Record, verify the communities where the voice of conscience and the can never forget; he might glut over the perversion of There are bosses at Pedro Miguel Our employer agreed to pay fact that we are underted.
equitable applications of the principles of right are justice which has been demonstrated at the Cristobal who know how to treat their sil some of us 30. 00 a month, Hand qowed to exercise their proper influence over the Court last week, but he will some time wake up in an ver employees, and who have no ed out 75. 00 without giving a actions of men. The significance of a trial by jury, is inferno where relentless demons will glut over his kick against their men, and it promissory note for the balance.
universally emphasized by careful, cautious and discrim horrors.
inate selection of men for the panel, who, in turn, being looks beastly dirty to see any un In fixing the rental of quarplaced under the ray of legal scrutiny must be declared ties to safe guard tbe interests of all residents in Canal for him attempting to set the fire to govern the fixing or It is wondered if it will not be possible for the authori, finished man whose job is too big No. 627 which was drawn up ters, the provision of Circular free from possession, or suspicion, of partiality. The chief rent, were. of of men who will hear, with open minds, matters of fact be true that all white men in this country are Negro haters. fers and employees where the ployees were concerned.
fore the court, and decide according to the evidence pro men are known to be friendly and well intentioned to tion have always been obtained. Lay off men. especially those though most of them are; very many conscientious white most perfect order, and satisfac Foremen still continue to duced.
Residents in places other than the Canal Zone would, the jury in cases where they would have an opportunity to colored people, but unfortunately, these men do not get on drawing the maximum salary. claiming reduction of force as most likely, include this area of activity in the list of civil demonstrate their interests in the cause of right and Sir Claude and the cause, and then eun ploy other men the next day.
ized centers where the jury system is instituted with the justice.
right conception of justice to everybody, of every color, The colored people are not asking for any favors, Lady Mallet. When the has cheap shoes for sale, we who draw and every nationality. But this idea is as far from the truth small salaries are given the last as the East is from the West. True it is that the system is either legal or economic; they are not begging that they of chance to purchase at a bargain.
practised in the Canal Zone, but that is all the truth that be petted and pitch forked; they are not expecting that the Capturing Affections rights of the white man be sold to them, but they are People of Montevideo. Mauy sitver employees work is in it, so far as this strip of land is concerned.
more than eight (8) hours a day The recent case of manslaughter in which a white demanding that they be given their own rights; they are The Montevidio correspon the extra time.
appealing to the conscience, and not the sentiment of the without being compensated for American was indicted for killing a colored Columbian, and white people; they are talking out for justice, not mercy. dent of the Buenos Aires Stan.
whose case was heard in the Cristobal District Court last they are claiming fair play, not fondling of a Negro to the high esteem in walch Sir Shining shoes when they ought to that paper refers playing Many of our children are week before a jury summoned for the purpose of rendering wilfully kills a white man we expect that that Negro will Claude and Lady Mallet are to be in school.
justice is one of the instances in which justice is openly be condemned by a jury, whether that jury be black, held by the people of Monteperverted in the Canal Zone. The jury comprised, of brown, yellow or white; and if a white man deliberatelyvideo, in the following terms: 10. The low wagos and the high course, of all white men listened to the case which was as kills a Negro we are looking for the same justice before The British Minister, Sir cost of living are making thieves clear as daylight, and which offered no chance of acquital the courts.
Claude Mallet, is leaving to of our men, and unfitting our to the accused; and with uncovered farcicality returned women for marriage.
a verdict of not guilty. despite the instructions of the people should remember that if they had to be tried by Shortly, to attend the Extraordi. these tenen dimany a ther grievi The Negro people are human beings and the white Balance Taine dan do for your city.
he will We have organized to adjust Judge, and the promptings of conscience.
To say the least of it, the decision of the jury must favor. It is therefore a manifestation of the blindest pre Cemetery Society, which should not permit us to mention at this Negro jurymen they would wish for fair play, if not nary Meeting of the British ances which time and space will have been most heart rending to the Judge whose sense of judice that a portion of a white community should coalesce have been held this afternoon, siting biete care in new people.
painful to the District Attorney through whose prosecution before the courts, any white man or woman who may week when it will be held with ing: The Old Silver Employee justice keeps prejudice under his feet; it must have been on an unjust determination to save from condemnation, but owing to the lack of a quo our abiect crawling and plead ing have accused; and without, doubt or speculation, it has been people who can do this must indeed be void people liet remains Here til atter the Too New Silver Employee, imbib happen to commit injury on. present Whole colored population on the Isthmus of Panama, and terrible criminals themselves or possess hearts of adamant; Buenos Aires. The British of the Cause, yea, even decidedly unsatisfactory, irritating, and vexatious to the most atomical sense of what is right; they must either be meeting when she will accoming the spirit of fairplay is willing pany Sir Claude on his return to sacrifice for the advancement other fair minded Americans on the Canal Zone. It and they present themselves to refined people as soulless jail or might have been as well to have chosen a dozen pieces of and onesided men with unveiled and undisguised shame lose Sir Claude Mallet and Lady those who would stand in the paste board with the face of man drawn on each, and the lessness.
Mallet even for the time ther, the New Silver Employee is path of words not guilty written under the chin, and to have de.
have to Sir placed them as pictures on the wall of the court, and, at The real reason for the appointment of jurymen on Reginald Tower, for they have termined to march, we say that the conclusion of the case, to have pointed to them as the intermingling in the trial. JUSTICE is the one big idea of all, and Sir Claude had shown existence by the antics of puny a trial is to prevent the idea of party or faction from already captured the afoutions ideas cannot be driven out of deciding factors on the trial.
on which the position of a juryman is postulated, and himself a tower of strength in man; and we refer them to the vilest advertisements for the Zone that could ever be sent farce, as it is on the canan Zone. It stands indisputable benefit to the British commu the illustrious Fresidente Wilsom: This flagrant and outrageous decision is one of the when that quality is absent the jury system becomes a backing up all matters of real elasingel which the testaroda Herald us from out. Fearless of contradiction, it can be asserted that that the Constitution of the United States concludes all. The only way to keep agitatthere is a determination on the part of a great number men equal. equal as to the sacredness of their rights, Star of Eden Lodge Rally imesemainet grievances, isang mas of white men on the Zone, that a white man shall not be and their claims on all questions.
more convicted for crime against a colored man; that a white long as things are wrong do The white woman at Pedro Miguel who said the The officers and members of the not intend to ask to stop avitat man can kick and kill a colored thing and feel guiltless Negroes are trying to make themselves equal to us is above Lodge beg to remind the ing, intend to be that they of assault or murder; that a white man has ar undebatable lien on the persons of colored folks, and can therefore wrong. Negroes were made equal to her race by a creative public as well as all friendly So will agitate in an orderly fashion use and abuse them at his own pleasure.
fiat, and as Abraham Lincoln taught his country, it is an cieties and the Lodges of the va but as long as there is someequality that neither ignorance nor arrogance can deny rious Brotherhoods, that, the the men who are trying to corUnder such conditions as these there seems no hope of what therefore the laws of nature and the laws of the night will be the Special Feature rect it.
the colored people getting justice before the courts when civilized world, as found in the constitutions of civilized of the evening, at No. 73, Calido STOUTE, jurymen are the deciding element in a case. This fact is nations prescribe, the Negro demands with a voice that nia Road.
Cristobal, most lamentable because, according to the law, only citizens is as loud andfunfaltering as President Wilson when his Come and see your Island re.
of the United States can be chosen as jurymen, and there country was entering the Great World War in order to presented and help your represeems to be an unwritten understanding that no colored make the world safe for democracy.
sentative to bag the Prize, have a Lodge Meeting, American can serve on the jury here. In view of these good time, satisfy yourself and Something will have to be done down here to end the go well pleased.
The next regular meeting of the Prefacts, bewilderment runs wild, and all colored aliens on the injustice as practised by the blustering apologies for men Zone feel that their liberty and jutstice are consigned to who are put to act as jurymen. The colored people are will be held at their Lodge Hall oblivion.
BIRTH in San Miguel, on Wedneeday Oct 15, not satisfied, nor are they prepared to submit to this The jury who acquitted the white American last week Kuklux federation of some whites against the rights of the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ham will be lnitiated into the mysteries of might feel satisfied that they have done the bidding of an black race. If a change of this state of affairs cannot blin on Wednesday morning, Oct. Oddfellowship.
unjust and unfair white public, but he is still a criminal be hoped for by local rectification, the people shall seek sth, a bouncing baby boy, mother Members and visiting brothers, are to in the sight of justice; the accused may be at liberty, so the fountain of justice in the Congressional Halls of the father ce Hamblin. cold reliable, quested to be on time.
are doing. The far as his person is concerned, but his conscience is en United States, or wherever else that fountain of jus Captain of the Jokers is ali shackled by the memory of a crime whose bitterness he tice be. Secretary methods 3 mier Union Lodgn No, 10110, o.
at p. when about five Candidates DAVID LEON in smiles.

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