
American Bazaar Walk Overig The Shoe for ou ber for the fore, can word were des with their early in the gueMary made was a failure.
attention back draw your of can.
PAD WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBK 11, 1919 PAGE HIVE Canal Zone Notes USCASOS Few Words of West Indian TradConsolation to Wil10 ing Co. Ltd.
LA BOCA liam Stoute. Coloured Commercial House to Activities at the La Bcca Club. RELIABLE HABERDASHERS Start Business Soon.
On Saturday 11th the Black Star Line EDUARDO MORALES will play the La Boca The The time is very near when we will Red Touk indoor Baseball Team will have in our midst as up to date West play the La Boca indoor Baseball team, Dear friend and fellow worker Indian Corporation.
also the Paraiso Bowling team will in the fight for racial equality, be The authorized Capital of the Comply the la Bowling tram.
of good courage. Do not allowpany is 10, 000. 00 divided in On the evening of the 14th October any cowardly act to binder the 10, 000 shares of the par value of 00 grand oppereita play entitled the good and righteous work of ra cach, no one can buy loss than five Merry milk muide will be given in the cial uplift you have begun. It shares or more than a thousand pay.
La Boca Clubhone under the auspices must be remembered, that you able Sø per cent on application and of the Girls Friendly Society of St.
the work from a selfish point of view the remaining 50 per ceas in coat in two pay.
Petra Church Remember, we are not fighting the Company is to trade in general fichiewende sixty days apart. The object of Don fail to see this highly interested for luy the race, and the race only. This dian and Native produce of all class, all kinds, musical und dramatic concert will QUALITY, being our only object, let us joines, in acquir shoulders together as never be ownership of every kind to trade, the los in acquiring shares, rights and be given by the Siiver City Band and be comial entertainer Mr. Edward tore, knowing no retreat until exploitation and establishment, of Dudly on the evening of the 17th Octowe land our race safe on the agricultural farms, mortgages, buyAPPEARANCE, shores of racial eqality. It must ing and selling of real ostalo and all be constantly borne in mind, that other lawful business, to be Special Moving Picture Films a leader of our race, it is no small undertaking. It is not wide future anead Enough can be seen that there is a La Ecca Club house.
DIVERSITY OF STYLES, this laudable en la sweet thing the oppressors On Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th Ito let loose the oppressed; there terprise and with the whole hearted support of the people the result will special moving picture films were shown at it means, that it we th: La Boes Club house. On Monday pieAND DURABILITY ARE deliver thein, we must meet with spell SUCCESS, tures for men and on Tuesday for worebuts etc. etc. but, there Already nearly 8, 000 shares have on. Not less than two hundred perbe no retreat now; now that we been subscribed, and in a few more ons were present on these oecasions, to BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN have entered tho road of self dadays the remaining portion will be witness one of the most interesting subscribed must be Forway pass termination, our pietures bearing chiefly on the sienee March If you can buy 1, 000 shares buy of Hygiene.
MARK OF through thick or thin, succeed 10 or even 5, every fvo sharos sold is On Wednesday night the show was or die. We cannot give up; we five more dollars assisting this entermust not give up; we sball never prise to success, you can pay for your that of a story entitled the End of the give up until the battle is won. shares in installment Road. The main characters 50 per cont down WALK OVER Mary and Vera two girls who a The cowardly act meted out to and the remaining 50 per cent in four early childhood are asked questions of you, only helps to strengthen us, months. If we can establish our own.
their respective mothers regarding er and gives us a stronger spirit of stores why go to other people stores; tain mysteries of Life. Mary mother Let determination to push forward buy from ourselvas and make our your next pair of Shoes be of asme.
a greater hope of success, profits, every cont saved will assist gave her frank and proper Their attitude and Conduct a they can assure you dear friend; in bringing our poor race in light.
advanced in life depended largely on you are not the only one who Our brothers in other parts of the has received a dirty WALK OVERS instruetions.
we the world are all determined to make a cies of her life while Vera Panamanians, emplow the stand in commerce for the race. We pune This is an extraordinary picture prepared Canal Zone and the are too are grown up men and must assist hy the War Department, commission on being treated yet you by the Hun who claim to MERCE. Is there any reason why worse than this great call NEGROES IN COM.
Training camp activities, as a part of be our protectors. As a proof those thre those three words should nt be posted the social Hygiene campaign of the shall draw back over the entire World? No, all it United States government. It handler social and sex certain problems to the Treaty of 1903 wherein needs is united support our deterin their the so called relation to women with a frank treatcalled protectors assured mained efforts and unselfish labour.
direct consequence of ment which is The Black Star Line is us by their signatures that we entitled to equal rights on active business our ships will be sailane Canal Zone yet, we finding from one a new attitude engendered by the war.
On a whole the picture contained dioEISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
tinct inspiration towards a fer philoWest Indians being paid dette orkarom one part of the world to the other, we wwlaries rophy of life, a more wholesome attitude Panama and Colon.
Indians having better privileges line and assist in making this enterries than we; we find West and send them away laden. Fall in of mind, and a gher standard of than we. Therefore. encourage prise live for the good it came.
you to continue the fight man Buy all the shares you can and The Silver City Band of La Boca is fully; do not give up; because let us be able to say go to the West Inxpected to entertain at the opening of you are not alone. Though we dian Trading Co. Ltd. and you can the West Indian American Red Cross On Monday, Nov. 3rd, a grand pienie. Organization And but eight hundred strong, we are (the United Panamanians) are buy anything you want.
Hall in Panama at o clock on Sunday well known by the old timers and by the The next meeting will be held at the 13th.
popular boys of houses and 87, there day and night, will be held in the Gatus fore we join in wishing him all success Silver Clubhouse. This is the first picyou Heart Body and Soul. Panama Athletic Association Club Attendance.
nie to be held in the new Clubhouse. may assure you, that and my Rooms corner of 19th street and ConLa Boca Silver Commis his now sphere of employment.
Our agent and reporter is once more be in attendance, the Silver City Band.
The very best musid on the Isthmus will country men who are now united, tral Ave, on Saturday October 18th, are not in the fight for a few commeneing at p. sharp sary.
giving the hard cracks of the shuffling of As was arked by many brothers, we are determined to have equal cents that may be given us, but At the La Boca Silver Commissary cards a knock out blow, notwithstanding Don forget to come and bring your what is the report of the last meeting rights, even as the on Tuesday evening was the scene of the defeat which he handed Mascoll, May friend along, Thanking you for your kindness, Anothor say what is the use of going to calls for it, we shall be no longPanama Minstrel Company.
great crowd of purchasers both of men ers, Thomas and Anderson, for the few Respectfully, all and On Tuesday night, Oct. 15th, the and women. Due to this crowd the Com past weeks, be again defeated Watson from it. Of course you do not know. true and loyal Panamanians to above named Company will give a grand missary was not closed until 66. 16. the tour will soon begin we are looking and Mayers on Saturday night last. As VERNON HARPER.
Neither does the man who bandages his our ace and country.
Concert, at the Red Tank Club house, and even up to that tmie a goodly nun and stuffs his ears full of cotton EMPIRE of the poor people had to ko URL forward to hear when the other crack To be a leader; it demands commencing at p. sharp. Come get any good out of a theatrical performAnco. Neither does the church member very bold and deterained spirit. will be on the stage for the first time and have a fine time, Professor Taylor tended to. There was one thing to be clubs will meet him.
observed, and that was the orderly cor Tuesday and Friday will be known as Salvation Army Notice. receive any aid and comfort from his You must be very brave, unsel in this town, you will be duet of the people, usually when rainy days at this town, but Fridays 08fellow member if he stays On Thursday 16th the Salvation Army church and fail to pay his pew rent. prepared to make great sacri: lowing feats, which includes Hypnotism, and greatly. You amused to see him performing the folgreat crowd is is gathered at any place of peeially was the heaviest, this downpour such business there was always some started from 11. 30, and lasted until 1230. will hold its annual Demonstration at the fact is, disgruntled brothers, this is tices. To be a leader of this race Conjuring The minst rel will also The Paraitrouble for the Posice, but on the even What about the road for the occupants the Cirio Baptist Chuc ing in question the police had no trou of houses and 57, let bear as the 80 Branch will march over in the proces a big and buisy world; and while most you must be one hundred perue great Laughter, don miss this least cent tront.
ble. am satisfied that our people, grass surely hides the small path, Mr. sion and meet the Empire Branch at Culebra Depot at 7p. Meeting com o cabe the same or the other complaint they white man. You cannot laugh speak a gracious word, if the opportunity a have reached the stage where they Sanitary Inspector.
can conduct themselves right without way, it is unfortunately true that few be Mortons; we cannot afford to neighbourhood, they purchase and grin with him. We cannot owned by them in a desirable Mrs. James Maloney, wife of Malothe aid of the police. In the faces of men bave the time; even had they the sell some of the poor people were marke of ney, employed at the pumping station at GAMBOA inclination to go out their way to find sell oar birth rights for a pot of property elsewhere and by their dissatisfaction, having spent their five this town, was taken to Ancon Hospital persons upon whom to bestow a gracious cious porridge. To be a leader of this own acts improve that neighbourbook for just a few necessary on Wednesday evening, sth inst. All We are having hard down pours day word, much less kind nota, If you would race, we must become like Tou hood.
And there are lots of color: things which would cont just one fourth her friends and acquaintanin have a sbare of in this life. saint Ouvertue and Antonio ed people who think that now.
in years gove by. Indeed the high cost wishing her speedy recover from the and night for the last few days.
But we have long since changed of living is eating the vitals out of the attack of fover.
Gambon suffers from the late Army you must keep in the swim; be on hand Maceo who knew no retreat until the poor Silver Employees. Every day al Operators will be crossing bata order which prevents civilians flying on aut your bandi kes place. Reach the battle was won. We must our views upon the subject.
with rest, or most surely be like the Honorable Marcus arcu We think differently now. WA Commissary, and sad to say, 10 mine on ground on Sunday (tomorrow) weather perfecting an invention on wings 80. As frote meetings; you lock yourself ise, no surrender, no fear too radical in one opposition to puro away the wages. We hope and trust the permitting operators will show St. Mar to solve our Rond problem. up in your own narrow environment, til the battle is completely won. race hatred, discrimination and something will speedily be done to al tin they are not cricketers for them, as The folks here are praying for one of and throw the key over board, and then the leviate the high cost of living.
The injustice. Certainly no opposition every time these two teams meet the Operators have always given them the things either the Quarter master expect that the world will leave every cowardly manner in which Touthat has failed to accomplish Yours in the interest of the Negro rade. knock out blow.
have the place cleaned or we get a thing else and go fishing for that key in Saint was taken prisoner. Tou forms in this respect can be too reonce a week storm to keep the to release you. SINCLAIRE.
But instead of will remember the inconvenibushen down shutting yourself up in in your own exolu fences Maceo had to undergo: radical, You siveness, suppose you come out of Special Shows for the the may repisrepresentationstion to existing orders of things And after all, what is opposiWe wonder if ihey all that coloured hide bound Polish now and bear a hand trials and GATUN Month carpenter who reblocked house No 12 with the rest of them; my word for it. Marcus Garvey is undergoins poses present conditions but radicalism? Can he who opyou will soon find that there is a great the leaders of the New simply go to show Don forget the Lathmian Dramatic single handed. holper too?
that be than radical? Conservatism is the other Sunday night, 5th inst. our clubhouse Company will be at the Gatun Silver deal in the organization, and before you thill never have a bed of roses to disposition to preserve what is Rumour dans chanteur flere use aware of it, you will bave gotten Weline ver you bring the cunning established maa tisfaction with exwas opened up with a delightful Song Clubhouse on October 20, 1919. This loose our friend the Quarter Master.
Service, when Eagleston (Secreta excellent company will present special Hasten the day, too good to be true lots of benefits out of sted Galker as oftea white preachers to the front and isting customs, things conditions.
ay) delivered an interesting address tak features as: We are saving up steam to give a big as possible about Lodge Altar, and white ing for his subject the 5th Chapter The Lady of Lyons, act 3, seene 2, blow off that day.
assist to the extent of your ability to remove the cloak of religion Conservatista is the executioner St. Matthews, Gospel 25th verse. The by Edward, Lord Bulyor sud Lytton.
fan Fraternal fires into a bright c0b whereby the unthinking Negro of progress. It obstracts reforms inspiring way in delivered him Man about. Town act play stant glow that shall warm into friend could see them as they really and retards the spread of civilisel brought forth much satisfaction to lotto by Stanista 1o Stranger in which Wate proof Raincoats ship, loyal and lasting, and which, are, you may be considered an zation.
gradually extending with the growth of the cloak of pretense from the gress. the handmadain of reform, those who were present. He also to that well known actor, Cyril Morated, infidel. If you attempt to remove Radicalism is the herald of proan illustration on the late war and slow. will play Jack Wetherill.
the Oeder, will tend to assist other ed how the colored boys did their very Give me your order for your Fraternities.
oppressor and show him up as a guide to civilization. It forced best for their country. After ru Song GATUN SILVER CLUBHOUSE WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, be really, is, you may lose your from the reluctant hands of King RAIN CAPS (AND APRONS for May the hear of øvery Brother agree job and called a radicat. Allow John at Runnymede the Ma Service, free movies were shown, whieh Magna Although their beads should difer. me to quote the following from Charter; it broke the yoke of places Gatun Colored Clubhouse as the The Crusader of October.
top notch of all other clubhouses The Atlantic City Band will be Gentlemen, Ladies and ChilEngland and gave independence dren.
May no brother make a sword of his in tendance We used to think that certain to the thirteen colonies and to the The Quartermaster colored force at tongue of our leading men who continu world a great republic. It struck this district certainly have a hard time Saturday night, October 2014, the Sil SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM in receiving their commissary books, ver City Band will be in attendance at THE BIGGEST VALUE ON To wound the sensibilities or reputa auxiparbed upon and protested from the limbs of four million hus against THAT LINE discrimination and injus man beings the galling chains of these hard working men very nearly had the regular monthly dance. Ladies will tion of another.
tice were to quit on Tuesday, 7th inst. on neunt be admitted free at this dance. Don J. SANGUINETTI BROWN, wish you all heavy purses and light, that the entirely too radical; slavery and made them the post ought to go and sessors of their own persons, the of the delay of getting something to keep forget the date.
modestly about their own person, directors of their own destiny.
them going on the job.
COMING! COMING! COMING. heart, FURNITURE DEALER al affairs and by the acquisition Radicalism does things. Be George Wellington, formerly employed Tuesday, October 28th, Charlie ChaJ. COCKING of property and education make sure your cause is just and be as at the Gold Clubhouse as chief cook, was plin in Sunnyside. Don miss this Corner 3rd November and 19th Journal Agent, Streets, Guachapall.
themselves worthy of better radical as you can. You cauuod transferred to the Ladies Restaurant at show as this is another of his million dol. treatment; that if they were de. be too radical in a righteous Balboa on Monday, 6th inst. George is lar. 1, 000, 000) pictures, Ancon Box 836, Exoelsier Lodge, No. 2819. nied the right to occupy property cause.
the Treaty ber of gro. You cannot de men will do a kind act, or at one Jollars good things in UD You call to mind your these quietly and


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