
The Open Forum :BUSINESS MEN ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
into 189)
at the Suel any All English paper printed in the Republic of honour adorned say this. and say it with a.
and Street is a paying Advertising Medium.
ADVERTISE TO DAY engaged looking after a al Was Lee Chong Co.
mill be the Beat Holidays. be achieved notion hear the coher Captains, a back to PAGE SIX WORKMAN, SATURDAY, 11 SEPASSAROSESSICS The Death of Scippio Po lard Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion ax proceed in this columnas (Gontinue from page the sentiments are purely wow of who corresponderats directly after this is finished.
The Bar Alléction.
Get Alive to Your Interest Mr. BlachWilson, :May it please Your Honoar. The Bar of Trinidad, through me THE LADIES DIVISION obtained and are obtaining yet are far from encouraging. In fact, it is quite as the senior meinber present, easy for those who will take the pains to wish to associat. onrselves en of the Universal Negro Improve investigate to find out that things in tirely with you in the re narks that you have mute. feel that ment Association and African this particular direction are on the retro Communities Leaguo, grade.
it is very difficult for me to any It is far from bing the fault any thing much because feel ex.
of trained oplored teachers, men and Colon Branch.
ceedingly affected. do not know women, of good morals, that things the day that death of any manstand as they are. It is up to the work ber of the Bar has had sich an Colon October, Ist, 1919. ing wide awake parents to come foreffect on me as our friend Dear Mr. Editor. Permit us space in ward at once and see to it that proper lard death.
schools May it pleas return you existence your widely read columns to Your Honour The circulation of The Workman is the largest of in sincere thanks for the way you have the Isthmus withe qualified teachers when came to practice an accomplishment deserves the Teinid helped us during the past weeks in the Bar, or should perhaps say at achievement of success in sin gathering mem potice and support of the Brotherhood bers. It is a real harvest with us as be organization as well as suitable avocabeginning of 1891, hati Panama.
of rubbing shoulders tween Sunday and Monday the 20th ulto. tions as much as the suhaisterice probalem.
with we have had Every available lodge ball should be or sitting at the feet of nambar bad over 109 more members to the our division. Our Division is divided into turned into the necessary kind of day of great men who ador Trinidad Bar. would like to Nieans. Ways and Seats Literary, Industrial. schoole. Thill should be done at once un Therefore THE WORKMANArt and Craft, Sick and Funeral, Juvenil der the direetions of a capable board con Committees, which will work tributing or making provision for a neces disparagement. that, to my mind after the great Vincent Brown, srperate nights during each woek. sary grant to assist in the schools upand our present leader, Sir Henry Each Committee will consist of not less keep. Uudenominational schools is the Alcazar, there was no greater than fifty members with a Chairman and urgent need of the hour preceding or acbrain at thel Bir than that of Secretary, who will møke monthly re companying supplies euterprises ete.
Scipio Pollard.
ports to the General Body of their work Thanking you in davanoe, The Funeral ings. According to the prophecy of Dr. romain wincerely yours.
Radway the Lady Organizer, we hope which took PILGRIM WILKINS, place in the to sbow what we are able to do by the ternoon from his late resi.
end of the present month, by way of Our RATES are Reasonable.
dence, Queen Park East to the making of shirts, ties, pillow slips, handCathedral of the Holy Trinity. pickles, other was largely attended. The cere things to the satisfaction of the public. What Is Union Without Unity.
mony was choral; the Dean per The Ways and Mords Committee is busily formed the rites and also prea spacious place for from slumber and receive the glad new, sided at the organ. The funerthe Work Room. Sister Hunt one of the Mr. Editor. Please allow me space in open your hoarte to receive it or warming crowds which witnessed by large members of the Ways and Means Com, your valuable paper to make a statement across with your 85. 75. Brethren of assembled at van mittee has launched out a scheme that in connection with an article which apthe race be proud of your color for the the tage points along the route. All for the lidayspeared in your issue of 27th ulto. entiGreat God hath mid Ethiopia shall from near the residence to it is the Rally of the Black Star Line, tled Daily Thought bý a Silver Roll stretch forth her hands and her Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, ories Lapeyrouse Cemetery, where this shall compose of 12 ships mander employes, shall be heard, oven to the uttermost the remains were interred. It by 12 Indies of the Division and the car pray that his statement in connec Exporters and Commission Merchants. arts of the earth and her cause she was one of the most largely to tain that brings in the largest amount therewith regardless of nationality is rod, then arise fall in with your attended funerals seen in Port passengers (money) will be granted five firm. hope that the same fellow when winour march around for soon yo shat ol Spain for some time, many Shares in the Black Star Line Inc. other cornered will stick to his example put Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: the trumpet sounding and our op persons attended have travelled from San Fernando and consolation prizes will be given to the forth to the public. must say, we are pressors shall fall and we shall PASS ains, a band of music will es certainly the gasolene that runs the Pa ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
through. Have ye not read in the Star country districts to pay the Dit last tribute.
cort the several ships into harbor and hope that printers, tnil.
barbor and hams Can and Herald that the Jews are returning Provisions and Canned Goods.
will talk music for the balance of the ors, shoen akors, coach trimmers, barbers to Jerusalem, have ye not heard evening when dancing will be indulged in and others inay be viewed as the same South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour. that one of our ships The Black Star RIGHT ABOUT TURN The names of the ships are: Colon, kas to those of the name Silver Rolland Line will be making her maiden voyP. Tomson Co.
SS Garvey, Ponama, Jamaica, consider that they are meeting out the Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
age on October 31st 1919. say as our. St. Lucia, Barbados, SS. Costa same high cost of living, or even more Man comes into this world without his Colgate Co. Octagon Soaps worthy Bruther V. Moral said over Rica, Will erforce, S. Cristobal. so because we are debarred the Commisand over, that every pegro should be content and leaves it against bis will.
Providence, Liberia, ss. Nigeria wary priviledges, and in our business we Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Baleam etc.
proud of his colour and think more, use During his stay on earth his time is Dr. Radway and his colleagues are spar. have to uy trimmings four (4) times as spent in one continuous round of conhis six senses speak less and act most, for traries and misunderstandings by his felHair Pins.
The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
ing no brain to make this a mammoth dare. So when one gives a job to his your superior officers are watching you low beings. In success. Excursion will be infancy he an angel; trains run to brother, he should expect to pay more with the eyes of scrutiny they are won in his boyhood he a devil; in his mat Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste bring down the Panama friends, look out to meet conditions, and when he gets be dering. Cheer up boys and be united hood he everything from a Ingersoll Watches, etc.
for other announcements. Mr Graham paid off should see him and settle before so that we shall say our father father lizard of Panama will he communicated with to seeing the Chinaman, and let charity fought and failed, boat we have fought In his duties he a fool; he raises help boost the Scbeme.
he a chump; if he raises ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc.
us brothers.
and have conquered.
Union without Unity check he a thieſt and the law raises What is a Thanking you Mr, Editor, We are the Yours for the up liftment of the race. hell with him; if he is poor he is no manLadies Division Church without love. What is a home For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. HARDING without charity. Now let our foundaager and has no sense. If he is DORIS FRANCIS, dishonest, but coneidered snart; if he is on charity begin at our Member of 2500.
politician you can place him as he Secretary homes: if our brothers have a business of HEAD OFFICE selling the same thing as an undesirable sitien. If he goes to BRANCH OFFICE the he stays he is a hypocrite, and if he temas or the Chinese, let us se 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave. Personal and General.
brothers away he is a sinner and is dammed if Word is Enough for first in our homes what he Colon, R, Panama, R, he donates to foreign missions he does it is selling downstairs, and the children the Wise for a show, and if he don he is sting Box 585, Ancon, Box 152. Phone will see and learn to love this fellow Show Don Phone 09. The many friends of Mr. Harold and is a tight wad.
brother or sister, that charity Don Stevenson will be glad to know that his Dear Sir, Kinilly allow me smal and buy from the Chinese and returning wait until you have gone a block or 80 When he comes into the world every brother and others received cards from one waats to kiss him but before he.
space in the columns of your widely read kay Mr. or Mrs. so and so had forgot um stating that he had arrived safely is out they all want to kick him if he Journal, to give a word of advice to the ten that you sell the same thing; the Trinidad and would leave the next day dies young, there was a great future beperson who sent in the notice of for Grenade. He stated that the voyage fore him, if he Ilves to a ripe old age, he coming concert, headed, Invincible perto time, sends the child or any other over was very unpleasant owing to the way and living to save funeral Concert Coming Soon. Now my good that Chinie at the corner for me what person on the building buy this from PHILIPS great number of passengers and the lack expenses. This life is af unny road, but friend, whoever you may be, of comfortable accommodation on the we all like to travel it just the same, se am not taking you to task for any elaborate yon call that is it not prejudice feelings Italian line steamer.
join in the line of the cheerful and call at style you may choose to adopt in adver. WORKMAN PRINTERY and gone to against your brother again passes the It was noted in your issue of lad TOPPIN SALOON (186 Cash street, tising your concert. Why no. fully Saturday that another Italian line will the Old Place) and split the difference, the Star Herald with agree with any one, when he is his job be plying between West Indion porta; but get your just due and be satisfied, AND ing anything of the sort, to make it a returning hello Mr. Walie had a job Guarantees Satisfaction in the it is to be hoped that their policy will REMEMRER that Toppin is alright catchy as he eau; but in the name of all have given it out already. That just cake but never remember you until now cutting and manipulation of be somewhat better than present for any service you may need.
that is holy. leave out mud slinging comfortable am sure that no one would question COLOR.
lino, with respect to providing comfe interest we take in our VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE commodation for West Indians. Al your advertisement, or stop to worry will not always be, let readers pray that this though the La Veloco zidine announeed Special Entertainment.
to develop ower your composition, it wou bad oe racial pride by teaching out wives and Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats extensively to the general publie the out the which reads thus miling dates of their teamship and the The Methodist Episcopal Church, sitas those hurry come up men who gen children in our homes for women are different rates of passage. yet West, lauated in the 12th of October Street, SPECIALTY pose themselves as Professors, the up keep of racial pride, through res.
disus could get no better than third Gunchapali, will be holding special en when they tell you o clock sharp peet, and victory we ll achieve.
LADIES SKIRTS COATS class rates as there was no first or second tertainment on Saturday evening, the never do show up sometimes until class accommodation for them. This is 18th of the present month, commencing Teach them that they are the sole after ten. Italics mine. Now, that they themselves will be better, and they source of their brother betterment and purely discrimination and should not ex at sort of mud slinging belongs to the will never pass their brother or sister 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE ist on a line of steatere plying between at 30 promptly. There will be a speMedieval days, which are buried in door whether he or she has the thing 18th Street, Central. West Indian porte.
cial action scene, taken from that thrillBox 968, Ancen, ing story entitled The Basket of Flowoblivion. We are today in the era It is hoped that within a ſhort time ers. and those who are acquainted with the New Negro. Act then as befits leaving good words behind, so encourage you need before you proceed further the Black Star Line will bave been the story, will without doubt, understand the age.
your brother to hustle and get that in reality, and Negroes will cease paying that the absent ones will be the losers.
Again suppose Mr. Dan, and his able stock exhorbitar prices for pige accommoda There will also be a musical programme in your next call. Brothers and tion.
body guard were to turn up at 830, the sisters give courteous words that will enconnection with it. There will be no hour to start, and to body turns up courage your brother or sister to return.
stipulated entrance fee, but the comers until or later. What will they do?
are expected to bring on a good offering LET THAT BE OUR EVERY DAY Make start and listen to themselves, AND NIGHT THOUGHT.
The Port of Spain Goselle of the with them, as a special collection will be 9th ulto states that in view of taken up. All are cordially invited.
or wait for the public to assemble?
Be careful how you write in future. Signed) AGARD.
122 Central Ave. Panama the great pumber of returned Do so without giving offence to any one soldiers who daily throng the In the above letter there is much for Birthday Party.
office of the Secretary of the DisVerbum Eat. Sapiente.
thought and we give publicity to it in The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment charged Soldiers Central AuthorYours etc.
the same vein, in which it is written and and Prompt Attention.
ority, three of their number were grand birthday party was given by commend it to readers. Ed.
yesterday sworn in as orderlies Miss Burton of Panama City on the RALLEN BUCHNER, WORKMAN. for the maintenance of decorum 22nd of September, when many of her Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of in the outer office.
friends were present. An enjoyable evenNeed of Proper Schools.
PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIing was spent in dancing, which came to Attention.
a close at 30 a.
CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC. The Directors of the Barbados The function was greatly appeeciated Sir shall be glad if you will afford General Hospital are advertising by all who attended.
space for a word on a subject of vital Sir: Awake ye sons and daughters of We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. for a duly qualified medical pracimportance to the young and rising gen Ethiopia, for the great day has come titioner, as Senior Resident Sureration of Panama, of West Indian par when the Lord God of Heaven hath lookgeon, at a salary of skoo per an. Dr. JOHNSON ents, and thir future. It is the ever ed down from His Sanctuary above and Phone 939 Os Box 829, Ancon. num with unfurnished quarters, uying question of a necessary ordinary hath appointed a Moses to lead His Here is a chance for one of our primary school education by trained people out of the hands of the oppremors.
BROWNE McALMON SURGEON DENTIST local medicos who is desirous of Phone 1003 teachers.
Oh how happy do feel when am able PROPRIETORS. Address returning to the West Indies and The conditions, which have hitherto to call the attention of my race to awake, settling down. Ed. WORKMAN. Ancon, 852 ings. In his a up.
a family he exist among What is a he is rich he Fions based the same e kind church he is a our brother in is in the way TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT And on advertio the the how much 16. 0R. Dear The Chemical Hall our


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