
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919 PAGE SEVEN SONOS Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes on to keep cool. de Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE Chorrillo Drug Store if and tablished on the affair it was JUST RECEIVED hope.
Interesting Nowa Fruim. Cool Head And Skillful Hands. Co tinued from cge 2)
tively. Taking casualtis into Jellow West Indians at Wagnes on account, and the numr of those who have returned by casual op fact that now as the Isthmus we ww be conscious of the port inities there remain rough ever before, we are Ty, ab at 100 inore men still to reput to the standard list, and we must be turn here. of the 600 men who AND: waland it without failure. We aro have returned, 312 bave up to the head and.
skillful hand. Wherever we are empresent time, put their names, ployed we may be ironied at times down for emigration to Cuba tn by grave trials and sometimes over taxes der contract with Mr. 8. by work, or compelled to eke out the Archer. The difficulty of traps unfinching eight bours and be the bearport is causing delay in sending the men off, but efforts being ers of foul expressions or subject to base insults, but we must above all roomber made by the chartering of resolo to be consistent; and exercise patience for the purpose to relieve the situation, and the first batek will They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as so that when we appeal for jus wie our rights will be undisputable. At work probably sail to Cuba early next we must try our very best to piye satismonth. Ayriculture Reporter with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
faction as much as our labour or work manship is concerned so as to avoid as Demerara much as possible frietion with our bosses. Always be obedient in warrying out orders, and then when we are being Town Council wronped, let us seek richt.
in e right way from the right right source.
It would seen as if the majeity of our white foremen bas planned to орро us in every possible way they (wo, so as INCREASED SALARIES ssoost sosis 596900 Sexe to mar our progress for brighter day.
They are quite ready to get us off the FOR EMPLOYEES.
job, handing us clearaneus not worth special meeting of the looking at, or give a five days fax ot for Georgetown Town Council in Loyal Order of any frivilous matter at times, with such Committee was held at the Town COMMENDABLE RACE unreasonable methods they will bry to Hall recent! y. The business was ENTERPRISE.
see if we will get cold footed and loose Shepherds the consideration of the salaries confidence in ourselves and be disorof Council employees with a view THE EVELYN HORTON MANU.
ganized. We must be straight and bo to granting a general increase.
Celebrates 24th Anniver on the alert, in all these circumstances, The meeting was in favour of using our best discretion. so we may the principle of an increase and St. Louis, Mo.
hold our rights without any infallibility a sub Committee was appointed Just received a full stock ofMADAM EVELYN HORTON is the The twenty fourth anniversary of the Remember two wrongs won make one further to go into the question.
Colon District, No. 210, LO. AS right. Let us strive for one right, so that and report to the Council. enterprising, colored woman who do.
voted herself with great success to the SILVER CHAIN GOODS was celebrated in the Shep when justice is meted out we will be on study of producing high class toilet Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES herds Hall, 4th Street and Hudsun the right side always. sympathize with Lane, Colon, on Saturday night, 20th our The Demerara Life Preparatipns suitable to the people fellowmen at times, human of own For overy forin of disease.
September, commeneing at o clock. feelings are alike whether white or black Those preparations were plachd on This function was presided over by and when wronged are apt to protest, it BILL TO ENLARGE POWERS the market 10 years ago, and by scientific improvements the wonderful Bro. Fred. Tomlinson, we dont we will be thought incompreA Bill entitled An Ordinance Hortona Toilet Preparations TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. S, and was a brilliant affair hensive of being wronged. Patience is a from start to finish.
virtue, we must not be hot headed, but to continue the corporate exist have been produced Though the first of its kind to be as when wronged let us be thoughtful and ence of the Demerara Mutual The Hortona Toilet PreparaLife Assurance Society, Limittions which have stood the test of Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
on the Isthmus, the officers seek right, then if fairplay is justice, let ed, and to consolidate and amend 10 years at using by colored people in never con templated any such affair until us have justice in its true sense. We Satisfaction Guaranteed.
two months ago the suggestion was put must win by our best energies, let us the Ordinance. 1915 to 1918, in the United States, and have just been clusive relating to the said introduced in the Republic of Panama, FLOWERS, Proreitor.
forward by the District Secretary, de council our brothers, but help them all cided Society will be considered at a stand to day without equal for grow.
upon and resulted in the brilliant we can, their failures at times, may serve ing and beautifying the hair, eradicaas valuable lessons in the future.
meeting of the Court of Policy. ting facial blemishes, and improving O, Box 36, Panama ty.
Telephone 519.
After the opening formalities were the skin generally EXPLANATORY MEMO.
gone through Bro. Tomlinson then These preparations are put up in gave a sketch of the history of the DE WEDDING BELLS RING RANDUM simple but secure containhrs to avoid high cost in packing and be sold triet from its establishment to the preIt has been deemed advisable at tho lowest possible prices.
sent time which was inspiring and full of Miss Hyacinth Birmingham and by the Society, owing to the in The best recommendation we can Mr. Ferdinand Shaw, Concrease of its business that cer offer for these wonderful preparatiour Through all the vicissitudes of the tracting Parties Colon District they are still forging tain ainendments should be made is the unfailing and high satisfacta ry large and Frosh Shipment of ahead, he said, and with God blessing pretty took place on Wedin the Ordinances governing the results obtained by the many thos they will continue their endeavours until nesday evening, Sept 17th, at St. Pe.
Society, the object of such amend Give them a trial and prove CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE ments being chiefly the enlargeultimately crowned with success. ters, Church, La Boca, the contracting the powers of the for yourself, what we now claim for The officers in attendance in addition parties were Ferdinand Shaw of St.
Hyacinth Society. The proposed amend them.
to the Pp. were Bros, Juo, Crea Elizabeth. Jamaica, apd plin The The articles are. Wynter, Jamatea ments specifically enable the Society to carry its objects Har ton a Hair Grower, solu out its Duncan, Dist. Treas. Meeks, AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
at o clock the charming outeide of this colony and further Precived attired in a dress of silk, Harvey, Anthony; bride Beauty Cream.
enabe it to issue policies to any Special Hair Grower, Har.
Bennett, Jackson, Sisters Georgette crepe draped with silver lace snabe of 10, 000, the tona Vanishing Cream.
Maria Price, Baily, and orange blossom, was given away by Temple Grower, Hartona Edith Edwards, P, Seaton, Mr. D. Cooper of Ls Brown Skin Powder (3 risks by re assurance and itself and Bro. Harrison Miss Lena Birmingham, sister of the shades)
enter into contracts of reto Tetter Cure, Hartona Face FOUNDED IN 1881 There are at present five Lodges under bride, as chief bridesmaid, wore a dress assurance of the risks of other Bleach The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
the Jurisdiction of the Colon District of silk crepe de chine draped over satin.
Pressing Oil, Hartona Hair Th vie The companies. As there are at previz The Efforte, Pride of Colon, Cass The ceremony imparted by the plergysent in existence Remover.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Shampoo, Hartona Deo.
willpole, Loyal Princess and the Rose of mau Rev. Mulcare was most solemn and nances relating to the Company, dorant.
Contral Avenue, 33 the isthmus Juvenile Lodge, which were impressive.
namely, 35 of 1915, 11 of 1916 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
represented as follows:Efforts, Sis, After the matrimonial tie, the couple and of 1918, it has been thought sold at the Eldorado Store, Jackson, Pride of Colon, Bro. Jackson, left amid a shower of flowers for their a convenient opportunity to con Bolivar Street, Colon, Casswillpole, Bro. Pessoa and Loyal beme, at No. 25, Fourth of July Avesolidate such Ordinances in one Between 7th and 8th Streets.
Princess, Sis. Seaton, nue, where ah enjoyable time was spent.
New Ordinance introducing the The musical program rendered by the Among those present were Misses Biramendments.
Agents Wanted, Write at once to: SURGEON DENTIST on the Clarinet, the leading Choir gave satisfaction throughout, jude Wilson, Misses Smith, Hutchinson and mingham, Ivy Stevens, Messrs. Dunn, Madam DeWEEVER, Band Instrument. Band or ing from the applause after each rendiNew Providence Trading o DeWEEVER.
Orchestra furnished for all Bro Reynolds.
tion. This was under the leadership of Wilson, Messrs. Hunter and Cooper, Mr.
and Mrs. Lowe.
After scjoying Developing Company Box 753, Cristobal, Can be found at 175 kinds of engagements.
The duet ye love me, keep my the nicety provided all participated in a NEILSON commandments by Sisters Forbes bridal wala, followed by other selections.
Organization is the cry now of Central Avenue and Allen was well rendered, and by every true and loyal Negro, with Clarinetist Republican Band NEED special request, after a few other items Light, Sept. 22nd, The perfect behavior?
Phone 1053 out which, at this present fime, had been gone through, was repeated.
we must fall. From an advertiseMention must also be made of Sisters the unanimity of opinion, the zest with ment appearing in this issue, we Rodgers and Lazzo for the very which they attacked the business in hand notice, that even the West Indians fine style in which they rendered the and the confidence with which they electresiding in that little cosy corner United Brotherhood Directory duet Beautiful Home, and also Sis. ed officers, proved the earnestness known as Pierre for her fine Solo.
of their desires and their determination have come together and formed We Always have in Hand a ComWell done Bro. Tomlinson, may you, to present clean wholesome and profity corporation known as The No. piete line at Reliable Low Prices Providence Trading and Develop Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Grove Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, as Executive of the Distriet; be spared able baseball to the lovers of this bighly ing Corporation.
Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wil many more years to achieve the good interesting and exciting game.
liams. Secretary Treasurer.
you have in heart for the cause of Among the plans for the coming seamere fact that Percy JohoShepherdry.
son, is an up to date diamond and grandIsthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, son is at the head of aflairs, Give Us a Cail Before Going ElseVictory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso.
stand at both terminal terminal cities, clubrooms speaks well for the success of the where you are Sure to be on Time Panama City, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretaryfor the boys, and representative terms adventure, hence all property of Your WATCH wos Repairəd by US Shielde Soeretary Treasurer.
TEN TEAMS from the silver settlements on the Zone.
The officets for this year are Mr. Sidowners living outside the CoAllen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon.
Eureka Lodge No, Gatun. lony. are advised to throw in In Pacol League this Year ney Young, President, elected for the their lot by buying shares. Bravo! Remember We Make Wed Decreta Spence, President; Jones, Cox, President; Callender Secretary Treasurer.
second time; Mr. Egbert Polson, Vices Treasurer.
Colunists. You have the best President, and Mr. Sydney Fuller, our wishes of The Workman.
ding Rings and Other Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun.
Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa.
well known jeweller and sportsman, Forsyth, President; Swall, Seere Dunn, President; KillingSIDNEY YOUNG RE ELECTED Jewelry to Order Treasurer. The Secretary wiilbe. aptary Treasurer.
PRESIDENT Delightful Card Party beck, Secretary Treasurer.
pointed at the next meeting.
Success Lodge No. 2502, Gatun. Baseball fans will welcome the news The teams already enrolled in the Rryside, President; Bracey, SecreLiberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank that the Pacific Colored Baseball Lea League are the Boston, Chicago, Black delightful card party was given by FULLER is the MAN You Want to Set tary Treasurer. Austin, President; Bannister, gue, has risen from its slumber, shaken Star, La Boca and the Cameroons, and Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell in honor 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PanaSecretary Treasurer.
off its lethargy, and has been reorganized probably the former Palais Royal for of their first wedding anniversary on the corner 22nd Street, Penama, ma City. Collins, Preeldent; Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire. rooter ever hoped for. Not only have Chicago and Athletico for Colod Doubt.
on a scale larger than 14 its most optimistic Panama, and the Red Sox, Brooklyn, night of the 22nd ulto. the balcony was Phone 939 Saunders, Secretary Treasurer. Wn, Stoute, President; Headley, the boys in Panama ralied to its eal, les attempts will be made to organiza. beautifully arranged for the occasion and quite an enjoyable time was spent.
Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama Secretary Treasurer.
but applicutions have been coming in a team to represent the Red Tapk ParaiAmong the guests present were the WILKINSON Day, Secretary Treasurer.
Panema City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama, from the Atlantic end thiek and fast. so fans.
following: Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, From all appearances there will be so We trust the officials and businessmen Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Watt, the CONTRACTOR BUILDER Atlantic Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
less than 10 teams represented in this of the Republic and Canal Zone will help Misses Harvey, Nicholis, Ne ama City. Humphrey, President; contest for the Isthmian championship for these deserving young men in the realiHoward Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. the 1919 20 season. With the help of action of their plans. The League as Kay, Messrs Annersor, Thomson; Manley, Secretary Treasurer. Jones, Secretary Treasurer.
Kelly, Burke and English First Class Workmanship the officials of Panama and the Canal contemplated cannot but prove benefiEvergreen Lodge No, 2506, Paeama Plans and Specifications Free City. Headley, President; Nelson, President; Wm. Irving. Secre Baseball League to be proud of.
Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf. the Republic will have an Isthmian Isthmian Colored Baseball League by all Zone and the business men of the cities. cial to the community. Let bave an Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
ADVERTISE IN tary Treasurer.
Communications should be ad15th Street West House 90 Progressive Lodge No. 2507 Colon.
The spirit with which the boys are drhssed to Sidney Young, President or The Workman Box 411, Panama, Seerotary Treasurer. Scott, President; G, Caterson, Colon Advance (New Lodge) Colon imbued was displayed at their initial Egbert Polson, Acting Secretary, AnA. Gunter, Secretary Treasurar.
meeting at the Pacific Club on Monday con, ment of the Royal Infant Preservative Hartons amount instead present limit and to cover large Central Drug Store La Boca 91 three Ordi Dr. G ONNELL Lessons Given WATCH Opposite Station 17 West, Houno 37. Pavama ed their WATCHES and JEWELRY God, Hellion, Secretary Tracter The


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