p. 8


OD ain, 5th 6th Episodes of The Mystery Ship The Red Glove This Exciting Picture will hope.
While liberty battle.
Challenged them with Such wing is pect Oval by 12 noon The times.
mere are Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
elected some deal H, Mr. Editor pers.
United Brotherhood An Open Letter PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Owing to the inclemency of the weaContinued or Paye Continued from page 1)
ther last week, all of the games, in conPANAMA COLON nection with the Gittens Cricket League Officers elected to serye for the ſcial blood long enough. You have You have been sucking our finanthat were scheduled for last Sunday had to be postponed. Since then on every ensuing term are: TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCT. 11th.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th Alexander President disgraced us with your cursed hand we have heard the men of the Hall Vice President.
begging long enough. You have rival clubs claiming that the other got Vanterpool Sec. Treasurer, taught seridora and subordi.
off as they were in fine form for Grant Journal Agent Ination, among our people long them, Advice to such in Keep the 4th, BE Brossard, Inner Sentinel.
Lenough. Therefore, we are tired form up.
of you, and you must go at any Bro. Douglas, Outer cost while the church of God will The matches that were scheduled to Catlin, Chaplain. remain. What is it so sweet in the take place tomorrow have all been postThe members of this Lodge, in Negries Soals that you waite poned on account of the Atlan ALLBarbados, Pacific All Creole match that line with kindred Lodges are look. preachers love so much? Why be Screened Each Show ing will take place on the standard Oval.
forward in terms of lively try to civilize the civilized? Why From many standpoints this match preach others are fighting civilization to the members of the Gosp. of should prove to be a bummer, and a Night the Coming Week. Repeated by Special Request)
today for great crowd can always be expected self determination, we are fight your race who burn human bewhen any team comes over from Colon.
until finished.
ing for daily bread. We are not ings alive! Who would rip the Continuing with three Episodes each The All:Barbados XI from the Atlantic looking for help from the outside, abdomen of pregnant woman end bas defeated All Comers from consecutive Night the Coming the unborn we would sooner expect to obtain Atlantic end, and we understand that Week until finished. Don Fail to See it. sugar from a coal sack We are babe with their heels! Why not the All Creoles from the Pacific end has fighting our go and preach civilization to those ta determination to BX0 3DX003 Moose WOO exess Like the miller boy who knows who will take the corpse from a revenge them, and then take on the Allwhy miller hogs were fat, we coffin and disect the head to o play Barbados XI of the Pacific end At all too, know a few things. We have football with it?
Come one to play in Parcow, will be the forefer who are waiting in the pas ner of the street where a group The Voice of Wis philosophy oor German u political think. conscientiously, don you valy Panamaso we treatment, in of hearing you of the secret philoso. wan of this to be among them in order to all roads to be leading to Standard the parlor cannot see the person something being mentioned dom.
world. Mig!
zivilize them Have you ever The Atlantic All who is being treated.
We wish this entire new enterlin and the great songsters who about the Colored Charlie Chap It is inpus in for us to be sat heard or read of such atro. ities Barbados XI contains such stars as Joe Layne, Woodie Elcock, rooner Lynton prise every success and hope will take part in the Saturday isfied with this camuflage of de in the history of the Negro race and others. while the Pacific All Creole that iiiss Bailey and her assist night show. Placards are to be Witts Pilis have won the world great grinding autocracy of industry trying to impress on the mind of The Allies taking their cua frota Democracy, which co exists with a lof which am so proud? Are you bus such stars as John Charles old ants will be kept busy at als seen all around the town. They war for the frvedem of man.
School Hector, Brown and other.
DeWitt Pills have won a greater ties, and our very lives in service them better than you do We have invested our personali the New Negroes that you lo e Committee of the Standard Oval, has past. and we are sure they will victory over human diseases mil, and we are asking for reasonxble own race? Oh, no Mr. Rev. Car been doing extensive repairs to the pavi The Colon Comedy do batter this time. Let us all Roas all over the world have been eured treatment and a reasonable share son that dope won work well lion, and no matter now, what the state Company go and see for ourselves. Re.
being cured. in the profits thereot.
with the New Negroes; it may of Weather, none need fear of getting met Saturday night the WHY NOT YOU?
wet. The ground bas been well cut, power has work with some of the Old. Performance that will take Silver Clubhouse. Tonight boys Do you suffer from depressed and always been in the ranks of labor, groes, and perhaps your colou pitch, prepared, and readinews for the spinning of the coming and place on Saturday night Oct.
11 is the big show. Come one come to rede felices et de contenente at nights, paino but could never be realized for parsons who because of their jub seems to be all the talk in this all. There is a laugh and a halt in the back, sides or joints sometimes lack of officient organisation. may side with you; but with the the Umpires! Play Ball tomorrow. city. You can hardly pass a cor. for all who can laugh.
with aching limbs, in The Brotherhood is strong New Negrues no; absolutely no Tivoll Defeats Jokers.
Groins, scanty urine, too frequent Choose leaders nob men prone Hoping from now onward, you desire to urinate, weak or Inme back, to vague enthusiasms, and follow and the rest of your schemers Last Monday afternoon the Tivoli burning sensation, or irritation of the bladder boys met the Jokers and defeated this GRANT, may see fit, and consider it an 12 absolute in a game of Cricket played on Standard necessity and sacred If you observe any of these discomJournal Agent.
Oval. The Jokers had some good play.
duty to leave the Negroes to forts, start to day to take the only real themselves, and stick to your race ets among them, yet they could only put cure DeWitt Pills, and you will le reup the paltry soure of 49, Victor Croney warded with HEALTH, STRENGTH Chagres Lodge No. 2511 and your race only.
of Britannie making top score of 16 for NT LONG beg to remain AND LONG LIFE. Hundreds on the Tivoli Garvey and Thomson of StanIsthmus have been testifying to the Tathme Last Friday night, the 2nd, at al Your most respectfully, dard did best and were the responsible value of this medicine. Have no doubt, regular meeting night of the ab EDUARDO MORALES parties for the Jokers defest, Wells and now.
named also played a fine game. The bowling One bottle is enough for some, but Brothers Werdere, the following Colon, Rep. Panama Officers of McGregor and Mayers of Tivoli was deep rooted cases need longer treatment for the ensuing term excellent depending on the severity of the ense. Frank Williains, President; Sold in sizes at all first class drug George William, Vice President: Grand Musical Concert.
Panama October 8, 1919, stores.
ores. Beware of imitations Killingbeck, Sec Treas. ers are handing out. DeWitt re elected. Palmer, edo, London Botile with blue creo. Wardeur; Weeks, cang. shoremen Association which Jour. Attention is called to the Musi Sir Please publish in your FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE to by seal. City Pharmacy printed on wrap Geo.
Saturday Edition, the following, so Conductor; Townsend, Inner that the Cricket Fans would know that would like an honest game to be THE CITY PHARMACY, Sentinel; Gunson, Outer Sen will take place to morrow at 30 Parte: tinel; Dunn, Past President in the Strand 139 Con. Avenue, Panama. ex officio.
Colon. An excellent Program lias played on the 2nd and 3rd of November, between the Jamaica and Agents for Republic of Panama Members of this Lodge are going to be some grand time me been prepared and the Barbados and the and Canal Zone, bereby reminded that their quar tlve people would he and the only way the Strand to morrow.
terly dues fall due this month, have a good chance to see gond Cricket play on the above date and they should be prompt in is to select two Umpires who favour no TEVIOT meeting same, as only by so doCantata.
side; and believe Ashby and Burton would be the best for the day.
Important Notice tog can our Lodke be a success. PALMER, Thanking you for space.
Friends, supporters and symWIOL LEAVE WEDNESDAY, 22nd OCTOBER, 1919, FOR Elected Journal Agent.
GEO. ANDERSON All property owners living ont ide pathisers of the Wesleyan Church the Colony Monte Lirio are lereby are reminded of the splendid Opening of Kashimir Havre and London notified that a Corporation has toen Empire Star Lodge No. 2513 Cantata which the Choir of the Church will render to morrow af.
Beauty Parlor MOTOR BOAT ternoon in action with the The Empire Star Lodge will Church Anniversary.
is now being constructed to carry forty hold a ap cial meeting on Sunday. things, they say, come in small Quite an enjoyable tine was spent on Monday night last at known as the NEW PROVIDENCE when all members and friends Vantata Jesus of Nazareth The name of the Corporation to be obe 12th inst. at the Lodge Hall, parcels and the composers of the the informal opening of the TRADING AND DEVELOPING COR are invited to attend.
PORATION Kashmir beauty parlor in Boliwrote with that aim in Meeting commences at 30 Really it is as short and sweet as var Street between 8th and 9th Shares will be at the par value and add onges wrecitations, solos the proverbial donkey trots For Further Particularswil be the marked Don worry to find a place to band of the Colonial Musiof 1100 feature of the evening spend an enjoyable and instruccal Association after parading At the close of the meetingla tive time, the Wesleyan Methothe principal streets of the city, Apply at the Offices of the Company at For further particulars, Apply to collection will be taken to aid cer dist Church is the place and the while handbills telling all about PERCY JOHNSON, New Providence, tain sufferers, it is hoped that time is in. and the cost only the Parlor and the Kashmir CRISTOBAL or to A. HUNTE, The Hatter every one who can, will make it a quarter.
preparations were distributed on Calidonia Road.
possible to attend.
either side repaired to Where the where the strains of some The Lodge will hold its regular West Indian Red Cross.
pavels or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, eine airs could be meeting on Wednesday, the 15th heard which add PANAMA the enjoyment of the. st. for the purpose of electing atly to officers for the ensuing year, ADVERTISE sening. Much credit is due to The formal opening of the New the isla Brethren are asked to be punc Home of the West Indian Branch tual with their quarte the IN THE WORKMAN dues as of the American Red Cross will Chemical Co. in only those who do the necessary take place to merrow Sunday at supplying a long felt need among IT PAYS thing can take part in the elec in. The New Home which is the people of the isthmus. The tion, so as to meet the Brethren located on the other side of Caliparlor which is divided into the Secretary will remain at the donia Bridge is an ideal spot and three sections is under the man Lodge Hall after Sunday meet at once commends itself to all agement of Madam Iris Bailey ing to receive quarterly dues. passers by of the Kashmir Insti HEADLEY, function is expected to be tute with two competent assist with the presence of Pa.
Secretary is equipped with all manian and Canal Zone dig.
modern appliances and furniture nitaries mark the to real (BRANDON BANK)
Invincible Lodge No. 2518. Commandant Morris of the beauty In the first section there are Salvation Army will take the teh to be seen a fine display of KashChair.
ECURITY general meeting of this local Indian gentlemen will speak and Several well known West mir preparations, women and ERVICE will be held on Wednesday night two bands of music will enliven men fancy varlor or wait The sec next October 15, at St. Anthony the occasion. On a whole, the ond section is PANAMA COLON Hall San Miguel. All members function is expected to be a gala ing room which is neatly and are urgently asked to be present affair.
tastily furnished in real parlor Our large Resources and well known not later than 30, as the quarter style.
for the comfort of those who are ly dues must be paid on that Everything, is provided conservative Management afford unnight, and other important busidailies, magazines, phoness must also be settled. Atten Notice.
nograph etc. The purple drape.
questioned security for every dollar tion is called to the fact that the ries and agreen plants here and Invincible deposited with this bank.
Lodge No. 2518 was there adding magnificently to the general appearance. The the undersigned beg; to inexpressly organized for all inen third section is working in the Utility Gangs the form the public, that will not room where the beauty culturist of Quartermasters Departments be responsible for any debts con work is performed and is quite of Ancon, Balboa, and Balboa tracted by my wife Julia Trot General Banking Business Transacted neat, cosy and private. This is equipped with parlor chairs, Heights. By the term Utility man, she having left my house Gangs we include all gardeners and protection since August 4th, icemen, ete. While it is true that 1919, without my knowledge.
manicuring stands, electric vi ISAAC BRANDON lbrator, laboratory and other NATHANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON many of these men are members of other locals, yet it is desired modern appliances President.
Vice President.
that they transfer as soon as The establishment is so arrange possible over to the Invincible The Workman ed that one can make purchases FOR of the preparations and other MORRIS, fancy articles. without seeing Journal Agent.
Rubber Stamps connect Good Streets The o the added representative of quarterly The ants and PANAMA BANKING COMPANY See (FOUNDED 1868)
waiting: amfi the ope, operating Lodge,


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