p. 1


Stores Assailed. Whites Beaten MEN SENT HOME FROM ENG WEST INDIAN BETTS COMIMPORTAN HAPPENINGS OF LAND STARTED THE FRAY LOCALS OF for some other office beaten and times was un hours (reelected)
at oor and or Stores their Me pas ne proner Sentinel.
the Princess Street sho shops, the was Cross RED CROSS PENSATED New Home Is Opened in For Injuries Sustained Presence of Big Crowd. While Employed.
Tbe home of the West Richard Betis, a colored. Claim bad treatment and dissatis tabo Brancher the canal Zone Antiguar mbetet e ridonan; Unveiling of Charters Elections of Chapter of American Red the ciày of Panama, sustained fied over money Officers and other business Cross was inaugurated on Sun. injuries during the month of day afternoon, the 12th inst, in January 1917, while in the emthe presence of one of the largest ployment of the United States gatherings of West Indians ever Army at Culebra, Canal Zone.
Victor Collins Lodge dates were obligated, oficers The Jamaica Gleaner of and a reinforcement of police witnessed on a similar occasion. He was confined in the Ancon No. 2503 were balloted for and elected the 10th inst. just to hand, under sub Inspector Magee arHospital for The function was presided over hos time, when Cox was re elected and on as.
his claim president xeporting a riot which took rived on the scene.
Several The Deputy Inspector Gene by Commandant Morris of the becoming convalescent, of place at Kingston says: ral (Mr. Toole) we also on the Salvation Army, who, in opening or compensation was taken up meeting of the above named lodge thick set dark skinned young scene and about 20 a big the proceedings for the evening, Bouno, now deceased, and he tion of general business, election Nov. 5th. The meeting came tos attorney, VE was held, and after the transae were elected, but will not be inte until man about medium height, arm stampede started up Matthews cave a very stirring address. Da given year pay. It is of officers took place. The nom Wednesday night ed with a heavy rough hewn Lane. sailor was chased and The occasion was cruced by a close at 11. 30. cordial invitasaid that the Army Department inations and voting were keen and tion is extended to our friends hardwood stick three or four bea Vibe Inen came the presence of Mossins Sam niso puid die hospital tees to the spirited, and the following officers and brothers of other lodges to feet long, scandalised the com along Harbour Street followed Heald and JA McClean, Chair: Panana Canal Both heat. Were elected Collins, Presio attend on the night of the 5th mercial area of Kingston for by crowd some of whoin, while and Treasurer respectively, of Mertitt, Vice November close on two hoursuriy yester. they didn strike any one, aided the Canal Zone Chapter able to secure any further com President, Pruid homme, spoke A, KING, a white man there and sympathetically of the Red Cross learn, that the Henry Spencer, Secre cessation of businessas a white medical officers stores promptly putting up their Lick bim In front of the work in connoction with West at Ancon hospital stated that Journal;Agent. Carrington. Journal Agent tary shutters, to Election of officers life, and. Webster, was thanks to Betts and prevent attack on Gleaner ottice Mrvalisuster a Indians, and sounded an vote of there was nothing wrong with Conductor, Robinson, Inner assaulted were at the Army and the indomitable worker s, Mr. work.
Sentinel. and Wallcott, Chap Oficers of the ensuing year wire On. the Themes. following the desperate Navy Storeb. me Betts recently secured the lain.
Beacler, fate ording to most of lunding waiter of Customs, Chairman and Vice ChairmanBrolese iprast, serviceordnet op The Installation Ceremony was ditable way. when the following duly elected in a (I the eye witnesses to the affair. was struck on the back bs one respectively, of the West Indian Ernest Best, an u torney resis ably performed by Bro. Cars were chosen to direct the destibe stood head and shoulders of the men. Mr. Fred Abrahams Branch at. who practices in above all in the lawless display who was also at the doors of the hitting wib bis club half a dozen store, was also a su presented them with wined as those of the Panama Canal indefatigable Bro. Colline congr Mr. Hold at the same time the Panamanian Courts, as well rington, ceticing Past President, pies of the Lodge: the at the conclusion of assaulted Wm. Stoate, President.
Zone Me.
more peaceable citizens solely men rushed on Harbour Mivelrel. Vhou President Best had an examinares around the tulated members on the satison account of their color. At Palmer, Past President to draw had quarters of the Red Cross intion made of Betts foot by Drs, factory state or bursa down sers one period the situation appear accounts, 118 Milliard Headly. Sac. Treasurare. a token of business was temporarily sus esteem by that body for the also of reported by the auditors. He Jos, Gabriel, Journal Agents ed ugly as the rabble always on the lookout for plunder. were pended. Mr. Davidson of Messrs good they have done in establish shewnIth resolt that it was further reminded that we are still Wallace, Conductor and share the foot had tide wake of the small attacking band but not seriously and Mr. Cush union battlefield, fighting for decent Jamaica was a faulty and there were chances to rob in man at Messrs Daniel Finzi Mr. Elliot suitably replica Betis could not perform any tempted at times to give up, as Sealy, Outer Sentinel.
was assaulted. Subsequently the work at least as involved thus informed of. crowd down King Street and two of them struck down to Willia uson store and then which he said he would prize as stunding posture. certificate Was shorta see sometime ago, but the activities of their name and the effect having been to we should keep fighting for our outside brethen are askel to issued righteous cause by these medical men. Mr.
Best But as far as could be gathered, back on Port Royal Street to the much as if it were a Victoria bear in mind that on the 6th of wegt.
there was little if any looting.
the of took The function was interspersed Walsh lupe both a charteres mesh the the new officers would be to begin Officers and they ure all asked to Yesterday trouble in the city After the rowdies had left the early, so as to close make it possible to attend, Tourswas regarded by some persons lower section of the city they with some verso appropriate disa in a cheque for one and a earnest co opera. day, Nov. 6th. Thanking you for space in anof a few months back in England hurling bricks and stones into a demonstration of the Cap Betts, and instructions being good lot has been accounticipation, so beg to remain very truly ernment found it necessary to Factory, breaking a few panes executed, that it called for the further compensation.
to do more. Our slogan is 100 yours, co operation or bust. HEADLEY At Beckford Street they, ence.
werel Rev. Thorbourne HUSBANDS, seamen who had made their home made an attack on the store ot Several other addresses were Returns Journal Agent.
United Brotherhood Openg in Great Britain. few scores Messrs Taylor Bros. sons of Mr. delivered by well known West of these had their passages paia Robert Taylor, the well known Indiad gentlemen.
The Rev. Thorbourne, SuperinHead Office in Panama out to Jamaica, and a handful of merchant of this city.
The entire proceedings were tendent of missions for the National Bas Perseverance Lodge 2501.
them decided to try to get re Mr. Robert Taylor (senior) kept lively by two bands of tist Convention of America, on the IsthGatun, Canal Zone. On the ground floor of the Druids Hall ment they allege they ad receiv. three times by the hooligans. La Boca, uuder the director four and hail months attending the venge yesterday foueat who was in the vicinity was hit music tho Silver City Band of mus. has returned after having spent The next general meeting for situated in 20th Street, Ceutral, the ed in England. They terrorised at this stage Ribert Taylor ship of Mr. Rouget and Mr. Sunday School convention, which met the transaction of business will be head office of the United Brotherhood a section of the city for about (Junior) had to be taken to the Nilson popular Band of this in Norfolk, Va. The Rev. Thorbourne ar held on Monday night, October, bas been opened by the General Owait two hours. When the small band Public Hospital where he was City.
rived on the Heredia, early this 20th. All man, Mr. Nicholas Carter.
All members are urged to Every convenience has been installed of men had done all the lawless treated by Dr. week looking fit. He will resume his du put in an appearance. Members acts that could be compassed in He was sutiering from a con: Meh oongratulations are due ties as pastor and Superintendent, a posi in arrears will tiad the Sec Treas for work, and during the night, the little Barnes Elliot and Mrs. Hillier for quite willing to straighten out Union who call to see the Chairman on is the time, and with the means at bused wound on his forehead, the nsiduous way they have tion ho has held for quite a while.
packed with members of the their disposal, they went back to and contusions on the left fore worked in keeping the Red their dues.
the Queen Hotel, where they arm.
We would urge every mem ber business connected with the organization.
Cross floating until help eventu Sacred Cantata.
of the lodge to attend each mest tion of the work, and greater expeditious This had been residing, and here, the made office is the means of confirm Mr. Bernard Taylor. the ally came which has placed it on purpose in about an hour later, the majesty of the law re asserted itself. younger son, had to be taken the financial pedestal where it Patrons of good music are reminded that view. The floor of the lodge is ness is expected in matters that concert now under de stands today.
An a med party of police under noise and is though old Jupiter Pluvius chose to wash not primarily intended to be a the welfare of the Union as a whole, and the individual members of the Inspector Sullivan warched to treatment of Dr. Robert out the attendance at the Cantataſ Jesus forum.
the liotel, and about a dizen or son: His condition up to a late hood, in or hour last evening was regarded sbo of the meti, said to be impli as being serious. Graft at the Pacific of Nazareth which was to be rendered Oratory or declamation Sunday last by the Choir of the Wes good thing in itself, but what we Wo congratulate the governing body on cated in the disturbance, were Theatre layan Church in this city, he did not really need is deliberation of a of the Union on this important step, and handcuffed and taken under The üob which was reinforced. 006 manage to wash out the sterling qualities constructive form pertaining to wiada ebom the brightest future dat eenug escort to Sulton Street in Beckford Street then went jail the singers nor the excellence of the things industrial. We are passing could come to any onganization in this up Orange Street and into West For the past several months. numbers to be renderod. So come out through a period of transition, country to It is to be clearly understood that thing Detalle ccount to smash up the store premises have been treated to some of the clock and enjoy a pleasant time the we should bend our endeavours ofice has been established purely for the to to afternoon at The trouble had been simmer of Mr. Jadalla Assaf, a Syrian, most exciting and highly inter: Admission is only 25 centa gold. to meet the new order, preparing transaction of general business of the a ing for days, and a couple days Mr. Assaf was roughly handled enting serial pictures as was pos.
ourselves for what is to be. Brootherhood and not for any individuale ago it became so bad at the Im. by the hooligans and was treat sible to be obtained from the vao local but for the business of all loonis. GRANT, migration office in Port Royal ed at the Public Hospital, sufer rions film corporations in the Trial For Murder, Journal Agent.
Street that a squad of Aurora Lodge No. 2504 to be sent for before orice had ſing from a lacerated wound on United States, and hay that these order was his head.
pictures made hit was evid restored.
on Wednesday the huge crowds that The trial of Santiago Quintero Ureka Lodge No. 2510.
Police Reinforced.
the men were giving trouble, led to the popular down town for the murder of Rev. Father Monday night, October 13th By this time the police had ie theatre each night.
by three or four of the number.
Polo, on July 6, 1918, during the Gatun, Canal Zone.
was one of vital importance, the Yesterday, however, they began ceived reinforcements and one But within the next few days last presidental election, was At a regular meeting held on occasion was the election of offiit again from the foremoon. They were there and Slother under on the non empris enten dhe public, Court of the Republic, before the above named lodge, Pranie hockelow in the wirelesed Mark commened in the Superior Wednesday night 15th inst. by cers for the ensuing term, when werden solicing paid to them me langere che non ero hilo lepog ooreenline the upendothree epid la pantes en furora yesterday den order cert eso e. He when and Video Previdente Davies, meeting BodiloR.
is stated, crowdsodes of serial the wide and to hit any man who Inspector Sullivan with an Gratt and inte Penting drama at pm. The trial was converse of From Greenianas Icy cretary and Treasurer: Greed, was white or whose skin happen armed party from Sutton Street, tic picture in 20 episodes, when tinued up to a late hour last Mountains, was sung. After Journal Agent; Wilson, Chu ed to be fair. Several sailors and the Depot hurried out to the the excitement of Pacific movie night.
which the minutes of tho last plain; Brown, Conductor; Wm.
from the Elders and This murder was committed meeting were read by Secretary Fyffes scene and drove the men along fans will again be kept at boiling Ellis, Warden; Wm. Brown. Instenmer Bayano were beaten the Spanish Town Road until pitch each consecutive night at Palenque, and it is said to be Callender. Other matters of ner Sentinel; John Kane, Outer and others chased. Every few they dispersed. The party came until the entire 20 episodes aer the result of the Priest activi importance were dealt with in the Sentinel.
minutes, there was a stampede Continued on Pa je 8) screened.
ties in politics, usual way. Three more candi. Continued on page 8)
Send way to their native lande a gova many colectie de abortlass, in the windows and ad wiration of the ancire audio respective office The Brother Particular (19th) enced by Again flock


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